#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <9p.h> #include "gui.h" #include "cook.h" typedef struct Fent Fent; struct Fent{ Font* font; char* name; }; static char* myaddr; static void xinit(Panel*); static void xterm(Panel*); static long xread(Panel* p, void* buf, long cnt, vlong off); static long xwrite(Panel* p, void* buf, long cnt, vlong off); static void xdraw(Panel* p, int resize); static void xmouse(Panel* p, Cmouse* m, Channel* mc); static void xkeyboard(Panel*, Rune); static void binit(Panel*) { abort(); } static void bterm(Panel*) { abort(); } static int bctl(Panel*, char*) { abort(); return -1; } static long battrs(Panel*, char*, long) { abort(); return -1; } static long bread(Panel*, void*, long , vlong) { abort(); return -1; } static long bwrite(Panel*, void*, long, vlong) { abort(); return -1; } static void bdraw(Panel*, int) { abort(); } static void bmouse(Panel*, Cmouse*, Channel*) { abort(); } static void bkeyboard(Panel*, Rune) { abort(); } Pops nilops = { .pref = "/BUG/", .init = binit, .term = bterm, .ctl = bctl, .attrs= battrs, .read = bread, .write= bwrite, .draw = bdraw, .mouse = bmouse, .keyboard = bkeyboard, }; Pops rowops = { .pref = "row:", .init = xinit, .term = xterm, .ctl = genctl, .attrs= genattrs, .read = xread, .write= xwrite, .draw = xdraw, .mouse = xmouse, .keyboard = xkeyboard, }; Pops colops = { .pref = "col:", .init = xinit, .term = xterm, .ctl = genctl, .attrs= genattrs, .read = xread, .write= xwrite, .draw = xdraw, .mouse = xmouse, .keyboard = xkeyboard, }; static void xdraw(Panel*, int) { } static Font* getfont(char* name) { switch(name[0]){ case 'R': case 'r': return fonts[FR]; case 'B': case 'b': return fonts[FB]; case 'L': case 'l': return fonts[FL]; case 'T': case 't': return fonts[FT]; case 'S': case 's': return fonts[FS]; default: return nil; } } static int paneltype(char* name) { int i; for (i = 0; panels[i] != nil; i++) if (strstr(name, panels[i]->pref) == name) return i; return -1; } long genreadbuf(void* data, long count, vlong off, void *s, long n) { long r; r = count; if(off >= n) return 0; if(off+r > n) r = n - off; memmove(data, (char*)s+off, r); return r; } static long xread(Panel*, void* , long , vlong ) { return 0; } static long xwrite(Panel*, void* , long , vlong ) { return 0; } static void xmouse(Panel* p, Cmouse* m, Channel* mc) { tagmousecmd(p->file, m, mc); } static void xinit(Panel* p) { p->flags |= Ptag; } static void xterm(Panel*) { } static int intagy(Panel* p, Point xy) { return xy.y >= p->rect.min.y && xy.y <= p->rect.min.y + 2 * Taght; } static void xkeyboard(Panel* p, Rune r) { File* f; f = p->file; if (r == Kup || r == Kleft){ if (intagy(p, lastxy)) fullwin(f); else shiftsonsright(f); resize(); } else if (r == Kdown || r == Kright){ if (intagy(p, lastxy)) incwin(f); else shiftsonsleft(f); resize(); } } Panel* newpanel(char* name, Panel* parent) { Panel* p; int id; id = paneltype(name); if (id < 0){ werrstr("bad panel type"); return nil; } p = emalloc9p(sizeof(Panel)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(Panel)); p->ref = 1; p->name = estrdup9p(name); p->type = id; p->atime = time(nil); if (parent && parent->con){ incref(parent->con); p->con = parent->con; } edprint("newpanel %p %s %d\n", p, p->name, p->type); panels[id]->init(p); return p; } void closepanel(Panel* p) { extern File* focus; if (p == nil) return; focus = nil; p->flags |= Phide; // prevent redraws (paranoia). edprint("closepanel %p %s %d\n", p, p->name, p->type); panels[p->type]->term(p); conprint(p->con, "%s exit\001", p->path); free(p->name); free(p->path); closecon(p->con); memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); // poison free(p); } int hidden(File* f) { Panel* p; if (!f || !(f->qid.type&QTDIR) || !f->aux) return 1; p = f->aux; if (p->flags&Phide) return 1; if (Dx(p->rect) <= 0 || Dy(p->rect) <= 0) return 1; if (f->parent == f || f->parent == nil) return 0; else return hidden(f->parent); } void rmhuppanels(File* f, Con* c) { File** w; File** l; File* fp; Panel* p; Panel* np; p = f->aux; if (p->con == c) rmpanel(f); else { w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++){ np = fp->aux; if (np->con == c) rmpanel(fp); else if (np->type == Qcol || np->type == Qrow) rmhuppanels(fp, c); } endfilewalk(w); } } File* pointinpanel(Point xy, int atomok) { File* f; File* fp; Panel* p; Panel* np; File** w; File** l; int nloop; w = newfilewalk(slash); f = w[0]; endfilewalk(w); p = f->aux; if (!ptinrect(xy, p->rect)) return f; nloop = 0; again: assert(nloop++ < 50); w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++){ if (!ispanel(fp)) continue; np = fp->aux; if (np->flags&Phide) continue; if (ptinrect(xy, np->rect)) if (atomok || np->type == Qrow || np->type == Qcol){ f = fp; endfilewalk(w); goto again; } } endfilewalk(w); return f; } int hastag(File*f) { Panel* p; p = f->aux; if (!strcmp(f->name, "/")) return 0; return (p->flags&Ptag); } File* paneltop(File* f) { Panel* p; for(;;){ p = f->aux; if (p->flags&Ptop) break; if (p->flags&Playout) break; if (f == f->parent) break; f = f->parent; } assert(f && f->aux == p); return f; } #include "/sys/src/lib9p/file.h" /* * Called once after each new panel. * This minimizes all but the 2 MRU ones * within the same container. */ void cleanpolicy(File* f) { Panel* p; File** w; File** l; Panel* np; File* f0; File* f1; long t0, t1; int somewants; int now; File* tf; File* fp; edprint("cleanpolicy for %s \n", f->name); // 1. Locate top container. tf = paneltop(f); if (tf == tf->parent || tf->parent == slash) return; // no clean at / or /sysnameui else f = tf; p = f->aux; // 2. Locate the two MRU ones (clumsy way to do it) t0 = t1 = 0; f0 = f1 = nil; somewants = 0; if (0 && f->filelist->f) print("f %p ref %ld 1st %p ref %ld\n", f, f->ref, f->filelist->f, f->filelist->f->ref); w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++){ if (!ispanel(fp)) continue; np = fp->aux; edprint("\t %s\t%ld at %x flags %d wx %d wy\n", fp->name, np->atime, np->flags, np->wants.x, np->wants.y); if (np->flags&Phide) continue; if (np->type != Qcol && np->type != Qrow) continue; if (p->type == Qcol && np->wants.y) somewants++; if (p->type == Qrow && np->wants.x) somewants++; if (t0 < np->atime){ t0 = np->atime; f0 = fp; } } if (0 && f->filelist->f) print("e %p %s ref %ld 1st %p ref %ld\n", f, f->name, f->ref, f->filelist->f, f->filelist->f->ref); endfilewalk(w); if (0 && f->filelist->f) print("w %p ref %ld 1st %p ref %ld\n", f, f->ref, f->filelist->f, f->filelist->f->ref); if (somewants < 1) return; w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++){ if (!ispanel(fp)) continue; np = fp->aux; if (np->flags&Phide) continue; if (np->type != Qcol && np->type != Qrow) continue; if (t1 < np->atime && f0 != fp){ t1 = np->atime; f1 = fp; } } endfilewalk(w); // 3. Minimize other ones. edprint("=> f0 %s f1 %s\n", f0 ? f0->name : "nil", f1 ? f1->name : "nil"); now = time(nil); w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++){ if (!ispanel(fp)) continue; np = fp->aux; if (np->flags&Phide) continue; if (now - np->atime < 10) continue; // Experiment: keep rows as they are. if (np->type != Qcol /* && np->type != Qrow */) continue; if (fp != f0 && fp != f1 && np->nwins != 1){ edprint("\tminwin %s\n", fp->name); minwin(fp); } else edprint("\t nomin %s (%d nw)\n", fp->name, np->nwins); } endfilewalk(w); } int genctl(Panel* p, char* op) { Font* f; char* ea; Panel* pfp; int mustdraw; edprint("%s: ctl: %s\n", p->name, op); mustdraw = 0; if (!strcmp(op, "hide") && !(p->flags&Ptop)){ if (!(p->flags&Phide)){ p->flags |= Phide; pfp = p->file->parent->aux; pfp->flags |= Pmore; resize(); } } else if (!strncmp(op, "show", 4)){ if (p->flags&Phide){ p->flags &= ~Phide; pfp = p->file->parent->aux; if (!hassons(p->file->parent, Phide)) pfp->flags &= ~Pmore; resize(); } } else if (!strncmp(op, "tag", 3) && !(p->flags&Playout)){ if (!(p->flags&Ptag)){ p->flags |= Ptag|Predraw; mustdraw = 1; } } else if (!strncmp(op, "notag", 5) && !(p->flags&Playout)){ if (p->flags&Ptag){ p->flags &= ~Ptag; p->flags |= Predraw; mustdraw = 1; } } else if (!strncmp(op, "dirty", 5)){ if (!(p->flags&Pdirty)){ p->flags |= Pdirty; borders(p->file->parent); mustdraw = 1; } } else if (!strncmp(op, "clean", 5)){ if (p->flags&Pdirty){ p->flags &= ~Pdirty; borders(p->file->parent); mustdraw = 1; } } else if (!strncmp(op, "font ", 5)){ f = getfont(op+5); if (f && f != p->font){ p->font = f; p->flags |= Predraw; mustdraw = 1; } } else if (!strncmp(op, "addr ", 5) && !(p->flags&Playout)){ closecon(p->con); ea = strchr(op+5, ' '); if (ea) *ea = 0; p->con = newcon(op + 5); setctlfilelen(p); event(p, "addr /devs/%sui %s", sname, saddr); } else if (!strncmp(op, "size ", 5)){ ; /* accepted, but ignored. To allow "cat ctl >.../ctl" */ } else if (!strcmp(op, "min")){ if (p->type == Qcol || p->type == Qrow){ p->nwins = 0; minwin(p->file); resize(); } } else if (!strcmp(op, "nomin")){ if (p->type == Qcol || p->type == Qrow){ if (p->flags&Pmore){ fullwin(p->file); resize(); } } } else if (!strncmp(op, "space ", 6)){ ea = strchr(op+6, ' '); if (ea) *ea = 0; p->space = atoi(op+6); p->flags |= Predraw; mustdraw = 1; } else { werrstr("bad ctl: %s", op); return -1; } return mustdraw; } void setctlfilelen(Panel* p) { long len; if (p->ctllen) len = p->ctllen; else len = 7 * 4; // "xxx \n" * #clts if (p->con) len += 5 + 30 + 1; // addr + address + \n p->cfile->length = len; } long sprintattrs(Panel* p, char* str, long l, char* attr) { char* s; if (l <= 0) return -1; s = str; if (p->con) s = seprint(s, str+l, "addr %-30s\n", p->con->addr); if (p->flags&Ptag) s = seprint(s, str+l, "tag \n"); else s = seprint(s, str+l, "notag \n"); if (p->flags&Phide) s = seprint(s, str+l, "hide \n"); else s = seprint(s, str+l, "show \n"); if (p->flags&Pdirty) s = seprint(s, str+l, "dirty \n"); else s = seprint(s, str+l, "clean \n"); if (p->font == fonts[FL]) s = seprint(s, str+l, "font L\n"); else if (p->font == fonts[FR]) s = seprint(s, str+l, "font R\n"); else if (p->font == fonts[FB]) s = seprint(s, str+l, "font B\n"); else s = seprint(s, str+l, "font T\n"); if (attr) s = seprint(s, str+l, "%s", attr); return s - str; } long genattrs(Panel* p, char* str, long l) { return sprintattrs(p, str, l, nil); } int genmouse(Panel* p, Cmouse* m, Channel* mc) { if (m->buttons == 4){ if (cookclick(m, mc)) event(p, "look %11d %s", strlen(p->name), p->name); return 1; } else if (m->buttons == 2){ if (cookclick(m, mc)) event(p, "exec %11d %s", strlen(p->name), p->name); return 1; } else return 0; } void showtree(File* f, int force) { Panel* p; File** w; File** l; File* fp; if (f == nil) return; assert(f->aux); p = f->aux; panelok(p); force |= (p->flags&Predraw); p->flags &= ~Predraw; if (Dx(p->rect) <= 0 || Dy(p->rect) <= 0 || (p->flags&Phide)) return; force |= (!eqrect(p->orect, p->rect)); ldprint("show: %s\t%R %s\n", f->name, p->rect, (p->flags&Predraw) ? "show" : "dont"); if (p->type == Qcol || p->type == Qrow){ w = newfilewalk(f); for (l = w; fp = *l; l++) if (ispanel(fp)) showtree(fp, force); endfilewalk(w); borders(f); return; } if (force){ panels[p->type]->draw(p, 1); if (hastag(f)) drawtag(p, 0); } }