#include #include #include #include /*=============================================================*/ /* general ASN1 declarations and parsing * * For now, this is used only for extracting the key from an * X509 certificate, so the entire collection is hidden. But * someday we should probably make the functions visible and * give them their own man page. */ typedef struct Elem Elem; typedef struct Tag Tag; typedef struct Value Value; typedef struct Bytes Bytes; typedef struct Ints Ints; typedef struct Bits Bits; typedef struct Elist Elist; /* tag classes */ #define Universal 0 #define Application 0x40 #define Context 0x80 #define Private 0xC0 /* universal tags */ #define BOOLEAN 1 #define INTEGER 2 #define BIT_STRING 3 #define OCTET_STRING 4 #define NULLTAG 5 #define OBJECT_ID 6 #define ObjectDescriptor 7 #define EXTERNAL 8 #define REAL 9 #define ENUMERATED 10 #define EMBEDDED_PDV 11 #define SEQUENCE 16 /* also SEQUENCE OF */ #define SET 17 /* also SET OF */ #define NumericString 18 #define PrintableString 19 #define TeletexString 20 #define VideotexString 21 #define IA5String 22 #define UTCTime 23 #define GeneralizedTime 24 #define GraphicString 25 #define VisibleString 26 #define GeneralString 27 #define UniversalString 28 #define BMPString 30 struct Bytes { int len; uchar data[1]; }; struct Ints { int len; int data[1]; }; struct Bits { int len; /* number of bytes */ int unusedbits; /* unused bits in last byte */ uchar data[1]; /* most-significant bit first */ }; struct Tag { int class; int num; }; enum { VBool, VInt, VOctets, VBigInt, VReal, VOther, VBitString, VNull, VEOC, VObjId, VString, VSeq, VSet }; struct Value { int tag; /* VBool, etc. */ union { int boolval; int intval; Bytes* octetsval; Bytes* bigintval; Bytes* realval; /* undecoded; hardly ever used */ Bytes* otherval; Bits* bitstringval; Ints* objidval; char* stringval; Elist* seqval; Elist* setval; } u; /* (Don't use anonymous unions, for ease of porting) */ }; struct Elem { Tag tag; Value val; }; struct Elist { Elist* tl; Elem hd; }; /* decoding errors */ enum { ASN_OK, ASN_ESHORT, ASN_ETOOBIG, ASN_EVALLEN, ASN_ECONSTR, ASN_EPRIM, ASN_EINVAL, ASN_EUNIMPL }; /* here are the functions to consider making extern someday */ static Bytes* newbytes(int len); static Bytes* makebytes(uchar* buf, int len); static void freebytes(Bytes* b); static Bytes* catbytes(Bytes* b1, Bytes* b2); static Ints* newints(int len); static Ints* makeints(int* buf, int len); static void freeints(Ints* b); static Bits* newbits(int len); static Bits* makebits(uchar* buf, int len, int unusedbits); static void freebits(Bits* b); static Elist* makeelist(Elem e, Elist* tail); static void freeelist(Elist* el); static int elistlen(Elist* el); static int is_seq(Elem* pe, Elist** pseq); static int is_set(Elem* pe, Elist** pset); static int is_int(Elem* pe, int* pint); static int is_bigint(Elem* pe, Bytes** pbigint); static int is_bitstring(Elem* pe, Bits** pbits); static int is_octetstring(Elem* pe, Bytes** poctets); static int is_oid(Elem* pe, Ints** poid); static int is_string(Elem* pe, char** pstring); static int is_time(Elem* pe, char** ptime); static int decode(uchar* a, int alen, Elem* pelem); static int decode_seq(uchar* a, int alen, Elist** pelist); static int decode_value(uchar* a, int alen, int kind, int isconstr, Value* pval); static int encode(Elem e, Bytes** pbytes); static int oid_lookup(Ints* o, Ints** tab); static void freevalfields(Value* v); static mpint *asn1mpint(Elem *e); #define TAG_MASK 0x1F #define CONSTR_MASK 0x20 #define CLASS_MASK 0xC0 #define MAXOBJIDLEN 20 static int ber_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, Elem* pelem); static int tag_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, Tag* ptag, int* pisconstr); static int length_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int* plength); static int value_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int kind, int isconstr, Value* pval); static int int_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int count, int unsgned, int* pint); static int uint7_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int* pint); static int octet_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int isconstr, Bytes** pbytes); static int seq_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int isconstr, Elist** pelist); static int enc(uchar** pp, Elem e, int lenonly); static int val_enc(uchar** pp, Elem e, int *pconstr, int lenonly); static void uint7_enc(uchar** pp, int num, int lenonly); static void int_enc(uchar** pp, int num, int unsgned, int lenonly); /* * Decode a[0..len] as a BER encoding of an ASN1 type. * The return value is one of ASN_OK, etc. * Depending on the error, the returned elem may or may not * be nil. */ static int decode(uchar* a, int alen, Elem* pelem) { uchar* p = a; return ber_decode(&p, &a[alen], pelem); } /* * Like decode, but continue decoding after first element * of array ends. */ static int decode_seq(uchar* a, int alen, Elist** pelist) { uchar* p = a; return seq_decode(&p, &a[alen], -1, 1, pelist); } /* * Decode the whole array as a BER encoding of an ASN1 value, * (i.e., the part after the tag and length). * Assume the value is encoded as universal tag "kind". * The constr arg is 1 if the value is constructed, 0 if primitive. * If there's an error, the return string will contain the error. * Depending on the error, the returned value may or may not * be nil. */ static int decode_value(uchar* a, int alen, int kind, int isconstr, Value* pval) { uchar* p = a; return value_decode(&p, &a[alen], alen, kind, isconstr, pval); } /* * All of the following decoding routines take arguments: * uchar **pp; * uchar *pend; * Where parsing is supposed to start at **pp, and when parsing * is done, *pp is updated to point at next char to be parsed. * The pend pointer is just past end of string; an error should * be returned parsing hasn't finished by then. * * The returned int is ASN_OK if all went fine, else ASN_ESHORT, etc. * The remaining argument(s) are pointers to where parsed entity goes. */ /* Decode an ASN1 'Elem' (tag, length, value) */ static int ber_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, Elem* pelem) { int err; int isconstr; int length; Tag tag; Value val; err = tag_decode(pp, pend, &tag, &isconstr); if(err == ASN_OK) { err = length_decode(pp, pend, &length); if(err == ASN_OK) { if(tag.class == Universal) err = value_decode(pp, pend, length, tag.num, isconstr, &val); else err = value_decode(pp, pend, length, OCTET_STRING, 0, &val); if(err == ASN_OK) { pelem->tag = tag; pelem->val = val; } } } return err; } /* Decode a tag field */ static int tag_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, Tag* ptag, int* pisconstr) { int err; int v; uchar* p; err = ASN_OK; p = *pp; if(pend-p >= 2) { v = *p++; ptag->class = v&CLASS_MASK; if(v&CONSTR_MASK) *pisconstr = 1; else *pisconstr = 0; v &= TAG_MASK; if(v == TAG_MASK) err = uint7_decode(&p, pend, &v); ptag->num = v; } else err = ASN_ESHORT; *pp = p; return err; } /* Decode a length field */ static int length_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int* plength) { int err; int num; int v; uchar* p; err = ASN_OK; num = 0; p = *pp; if(p < pend) { v = *p++; if(v&0x80) err = int_decode(&p, pend, v&0x7F, 1, &num); else if(v == 0x80) num = -1; else num = v; } else err = ASN_ESHORT; *pp = p; *plength = num; return err; } /* Decode a value field */ static int value_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int kind, int isconstr, Value* pval) { int err; Bytes* va; int num; int bitsunused; int subids[MAXOBJIDLEN]; int isubid; Elist* vl; uchar* p; uchar* pe; err = ASN_OK; p = *pp; if(length == -1) { /* "indefinite" length spec */ if(!isconstr) err = ASN_EINVAL; } else if(p + length > pend) err = ASN_EVALLEN; if(err != ASN_OK) return err; switch(kind) { case 0: /* marker for end of indefinite constructions */ if(length == 0) pval->tag = VNull; else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; case BOOLEAN: if(isconstr) err = ASN_ECONSTR; else if(length != 1) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { pval->tag = VBool; pval->u.boolval = (*p++ != 0); } break; case INTEGER: case ENUMERATED: if(isconstr) err = ASN_ECONSTR; else if(length <= 4) { err = int_decode(&p, pend, length, 0, &num); if(err == ASN_OK) { pval->tag = VInt; pval->u.intval = num; } } else { pval->tag = VBigInt; pval->u.bigintval = makebytes(p, length); p += length; } break; case BIT_STRING: pval->tag = VBitString; if(isconstr) { if(length == -1 && p + 2 <= pend && *p == 0 && *(p+1) ==0) { pval->u.bitstringval = makebits(0, 0, 0); p += 2; } else /* TODO: recurse and concat results */ err = ASN_EUNIMPL; } else { if(length < 2) { if(length == 1 && *p == 0) { pval->u.bitstringval = makebits(0, 0, 0); p++; } else err = ASN_EINVAL; } else { bitsunused = *p; if(bitsunused > 7) err = ASN_EINVAL; else if(length > 0x0FFFFFFF) err = ASN_ETOOBIG; else { pval->u.bitstringval = makebits(p+1, length-1, bitsunused); p += length; } } } break; case OCTET_STRING: case ObjectDescriptor: err = octet_decode(&p, pend, length, isconstr, &va); if(err == ASN_OK) { pval->tag = VOctets; pval->u.octetsval = va; } break; case NULLTAG: if(isconstr) err = ASN_ECONSTR; else if(length != 0) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else pval->tag = VNull; break; case OBJECT_ID: if(isconstr) err = ASN_ECONSTR; else if(length == 0) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { isubid = 0; pe = p+length; while(p < pe && isubid < MAXOBJIDLEN) { err = uint7_decode(&p, pend, &num); if(err != ASN_OK) break; if(isubid == 0) { subids[isubid++] = num / 40; subids[isubid++] = num % 40; } else subids[isubid++] = num; } if(err == ASN_OK) { if(p != pe) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { pval->tag = VObjId; pval->u.objidval = makeints(subids, isubid); } } } break; case EXTERNAL: case EMBEDDED_PDV: /* TODO: parse this internally */ if(p+length > pend) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { pval->tag = VOther; pval->u.otherval = makebytes(p, length); p += length; } break; case REAL: /* Let the application decode */ if(isconstr) err = ASN_ECONSTR; else if(p+length > pend) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { pval->tag = VReal; pval->u.realval = makebytes(p, length); p += length; } break; case SEQUENCE: err = seq_decode(&p, pend, length, isconstr, &vl); if(err == ASN_OK) { pval->tag = VSeq ; pval->u.seqval = vl; } break; case SET: err = seq_decode(&p, pend, length, isconstr, &vl); if(err == ASN_OK) { pval->tag = VSet; pval->u.setval = vl; } break; case NumericString: case PrintableString: case TeletexString: case VideotexString: case IA5String: case UTCTime: case GeneralizedTime: case GraphicString: case VisibleString: case GeneralString: case UniversalString: case BMPString: /* TODO: figure out when character set conversion is necessary */ err = octet_decode(&p, pend, length, isconstr, &va); if(err == ASN_OK) { pval->tag = VString; pval->u.stringval = (char*)malloc(va->len+1); memmove(pval->u.stringval, va->data, va->len); pval->u.stringval[va->len] = 0; free(va); } break; default: if(p+length > pend) err = ASN_EVALLEN; else { pval->tag = VOther; pval->u.otherval = makebytes(p, length); p += length; } break; } *pp = p; return err; } /* * Decode an int in format where count bytes are * concatenated to form value. * Although ASN1 allows any size integer, we return * an error if the result doesn't fit in a 32-bit int. * If unsgned is not set, make sure to propagate sign bit. */ static int int_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int count, int unsgned, int* pint) { int err; int num; uchar* p; p = *pp; err = ASN_OK; num = 0; if(p+count <= pend) { if((count > 4) || (unsgned && count == 4 && (*p&0x80))) err = ASN_ETOOBIG; else { if(!unsgned && count > 0 && count < 4 && (*p&0x80)) num = -1; // set all bits, initially while(count--) num = (num << 8)|(*p++); } } else err = ASN_ESHORT; *pint = num; *pp = p; return err; } /* * Decode an unsigned int in format where each * byte except last has high bit set, and remaining * seven bits of each byte are concatenated to form value. * Although ASN1 allows any size integer, we return * an error if the result doesn't fit in a 32 bit int. */ static int uint7_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int* pint) { int err; int num; int more; int v; uchar* p; p = *pp; err = ASN_OK; num = 0; more = 1; while(more && p < pend) { v = *p++; if(num&0x7F000000) { err = ASN_ETOOBIG; break; } num <<= 7; more = v&0x80; num |= (v&0x7F); } if(p == pend) err = ASN_ESHORT; *pint = num; *pp = p; return err; } /* * Decode an octet string, recursively if isconstr. * We've already checked that length==-1 implies isconstr==1, * and otherwise that specified length fits within (*pp..pend) */ static int octet_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int isconstr, Bytes** pbytes) { int err; uchar* p; Bytes* ans; Bytes* newans; uchar* pstart; uchar* pold; Elem elem; err = ASN_OK; p = *pp; ans = nil; if(length >= 0 && !isconstr) { ans = makebytes(p, length); p += length; } else { /* constructed, either definite or indefinite length */ pstart = p; for(;;) { if(length >= 0 && p >= pstart + length) { if(p != pstart + length) err = ASN_EVALLEN; break; } pold = p; err = ber_decode(&p, pend, &elem); if(err != ASN_OK) break; switch(elem.val.tag) { case VOctets: newans = catbytes(ans, elem.val.u.octetsval); freebytes(ans); ans = newans; break; case VEOC: if(length != -1) { p = pold; err = ASN_EINVAL; } goto cloop_done; default: p = pold; err = ASN_EINVAL; goto cloop_done; } } cloop_done: ; } *pp = p; *pbytes = ans; return err; } /* * Decode a sequence or set. * We've already checked that length==-1 implies isconstr==1, * and otherwise that specified length fits within (*p..pend) */ static int seq_decode(uchar** pp, uchar* pend, int length, int isconstr, Elist** pelist) { int err; uchar* p; uchar* pstart; uchar* pold; Elist* ans; Elem elem; Elist* lve; Elist* lveold; err = ASN_OK; ans = nil; p = *pp; if(!isconstr) err = ASN_EPRIM; else { /* constructed, either definite or indefinite length */ lve = nil; pstart = p; for(;;) { if(length >= 0 && p >= pstart + length) { if(p != pstart + length) err = ASN_EVALLEN; break; } pold = p; err = ber_decode(&p, pend, &elem); if(err != ASN_OK) break; if(elem.val.tag == VEOC) { if(length != -1) { p = pold; err = ASN_EINVAL; } break; } else lve = makeelist(elem, lve); } if(err == ASN_OK) { /* reverse back to original order */ while(lve != nil) { lveold = lve; lve = lve->tl; lveold->tl = ans; ans = lveold; } } } *pp = p; *pelist = ans; return err; } /* * Encode e by BER rules, putting answer in *pbytes. * This is done by first calling enc with lenonly==1 * to get the length of the needed buffer, * then allocating the buffer and using enc again to fill it up. */ static int encode(Elem e, Bytes** pbytes) { uchar* p; Bytes* ans; int err; uchar uc; p = &uc; err = enc(&p, e, 1); if(err == ASN_OK) { ans = newbytes(p-&uc); p = ans->data; err = enc(&p, e, 0); *pbytes = ans; } return err; } /* * The various enc functions take a pointer to a pointer * into a buffer, and encode their entity starting there, * updating the pointer afterwards. * If lenonly is 1, only the pointer update is done, * allowing enc to be called first to calculate the needed * buffer length. * If lenonly is 0, it is assumed that the answer will fit. */ static int enc(uchar** pp, Elem e, int lenonly) { int err; int vlen; int constr; Tag tag; int v; int ilen; uchar* p; uchar* psave; p = *pp; err = val_enc(&p, e, &constr, 1); if(err != ASN_OK) return err; vlen = p - *pp; p = *pp; tag = e.tag; v = tag.class|constr; if(tag.num < 31) { if(!lenonly) *p = (v|tag.num); p++; } else { if(!lenonly) *p = (v|31); p++; if(tag.num < 0) return ASN_EINVAL; uint7_enc(&p, tag.num, lenonly); } if(vlen < 0x80) { if(!lenonly) *p = vlen; p++; } else { psave = p; int_enc(&p, vlen, 1, 1); ilen = p-psave; p = psave; if(!lenonly) { *p++ = (0x80 | ilen); int_enc(&p, vlen, 1, 0); } else p += 1 + ilen; } if(!lenonly) val_enc(&p, e, &constr, 0); else p += vlen; *pp = p; return err; } static int val_enc(uchar** pp, Elem e, int *pconstr, int lenonly) { int err; uchar* p; int kind; int cl; int v; Bytes* bb = nil; Bits* bits; Ints* oid; int k; Elist* el; char* s; p = *pp; err = ASN_OK; kind = e.tag.num; cl = e.tag.class; *pconstr = 0; if(cl != Universal) { switch(e.val.tag) { case VBool: kind = BOOLEAN; break; case VInt: kind = INTEGER; break; case VBigInt: kind = INTEGER; break; case VOctets: kind = OCTET_STRING; break; case VReal: kind = REAL; break; case VOther: kind = OCTET_STRING; break; case VBitString: kind = BIT_STRING; break; case VNull: kind = NULLTAG; break; case VObjId: kind = OBJECT_ID; break; case VString: kind = UniversalString; break; case VSeq: kind = SEQUENCE; break; case VSet: kind = SET; break; } } switch(kind) { case BOOLEAN: if(is_int(&e, &v)) { if(v != 0) v = 255; int_enc(&p, v, 1, lenonly); } else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; case INTEGER: case ENUMERATED: if(is_int(&e, &v)) int_enc(&p, v, 0, lenonly); else { if(is_bigint(&e, &bb)) { if(!lenonly) memmove(p, bb->data, bb->len); p += bb->len; } else err = ASN_EINVAL; } break; case BIT_STRING: if(is_bitstring(&e, &bits)) { if(bits->len == 0) { if(!lenonly) *p = 0; p++; } else { v = bits->unusedbits; if(v < 0 || v > 7) err = ASN_EINVAL; else { if(!lenonly) { *p = v; memmove(p+1, bits->data, bits->len); } p += 1 + bits->len; } } } else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; case OCTET_STRING: case ObjectDescriptor: case EXTERNAL: case REAL: case EMBEDDED_PDV: bb = nil; switch(e.val.tag) { case VOctets: bb = e.val.u.octetsval; break; case VReal: bb = e.val.u.realval; break; case VOther: bb = e.val.u.otherval; break; } if(bb != nil) { if(!lenonly) memmove(p, bb->data, bb->len); p += bb->len; } else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; case NULLTAG: break; case OBJECT_ID: if(is_oid(&e, &oid)) { for(k = 0; k < oid->len; k++) { v = oid->data[k]; if(k == 0) { v *= 40; if(oid->len > 1) v += oid->data[++k]; } uint7_enc(&p, v, lenonly); } } else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; case SEQUENCE: case SET: el = nil; if(e.val.tag == VSeq) el = e.val.u.seqval; else if(e.val.tag == VSet) el = e.val.u.setval; else err = ASN_EINVAL; if(el != nil) { *pconstr = CONSTR_MASK; for(; el != nil; el = el->tl) { err = enc(&p, el->hd, lenonly); if(err != ASN_OK) break; } } break; case NumericString: case PrintableString: case TeletexString: case VideotexString: case IA5String: case UTCTime: case GeneralizedTime: case GraphicString: case VisibleString: case GeneralString: case UniversalString: case BMPString: if(e.val.tag == VString) { s = e.val.u.stringval; if(s != nil) { v = strlen(s); if(!lenonly && bb != nil) memmove(p, s, v); p += v; } } else err = ASN_EINVAL; break; default: err = ASN_EINVAL; } *pp = p; return err; } /* * Encode num as unsigned 7 bit values with top bit 1 on all bytes * except last, only putting in bytes if !lenonly. */ static void uint7_enc(uchar** pp, int num, int lenonly) { int n; int v; int k; uchar* p; p = *pp; n = 1; v = num >> 7; while(v > 0) { v >>= 7; n++; } if(lenonly) p += n; else { for(k = (n - 1)*7; k > 0; k -= 7) *p++= ((num >> k)|0x80); *p++ = (num&0x7F); } *pp = p; } /* * Encode num as unsigned or signed integer, * only putting in bytes if !lenonly. * Encoding is length followed by bytes to concatenate. */ static void int_enc(uchar** pp, int num, int unsgned, int lenonly) { int v; int n; int prevv; int k; uchar* p; p = *pp; v = num; if(v < 0) v = -(v + 1); n = 1; prevv = v; v >>= 8; while(v > 0) { prevv = v; v >>= 8; n++; } if(!unsgned && (prevv&0x80)) n++; if(lenonly) p += n; else { for(k = (n - 1)*8; k >= 0; k -= 8) *p++ = (num >> k); } *pp = p; } static int ints_eq(Ints* a, Ints* b) { int alen; int i; alen = a->len; if(alen != b->len) return 0; for(i = 0; i < alen; i++) if(a->data[i] != b->data[i]) return 0; return 1; } /* * Look up o in tab (which must have nil entry to terminate). * Return index of matching entry, or -1 if none. */ static int oid_lookup(Ints* o, Ints** tab) { int i; for(i = 0; tab[i] != nil; i++) if(ints_eq(o, tab[i])) return i; return -1; } /* * Return true if *pe is a SEQUENCE, and set *pseq to * the value of the sequence if so. */ static int is_seq(Elem* pe, Elist** pseq) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == SEQUENCE && pe->val.tag == VSeq) { *pseq = pe->val.u.seqval; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_set(Elem* pe, Elist** pset) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == SET && pe->val.tag == VSet) { *pset = pe->val.u.setval; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_int(Elem* pe, int* pint) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal) { if(pe->tag.num == INTEGER && pe->val.tag == VInt) { *pint = pe->val.u.intval; return 1; } else if(pe->tag.num == BOOLEAN && pe->val.tag == VBool) { *pint = pe->val.u.boolval; return 1; } } return 0; } /* * for convience, all VInt's are readable via this routine, * as well as all VBigInt's */ static int is_bigint(Elem* pe, Bytes** pbigint) { int v, n, i; if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == INTEGER) { if(pe->val.tag == VBigInt) *pbigint = pe->val.u.bigintval; else if(pe->val.tag == VInt){ v = pe->val.u.intval; for(n = 1; n < 4; n++) if((1 << (8 * n)) > v) break; *pbigint = newbytes(n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) (*pbigint)->data[i] = (v >> ((n - 1 - i) * 8)); }else return 0; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_bitstring(Elem* pe, Bits** pbits) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == BIT_STRING && pe->val.tag == VBitString) { *pbits = pe->val.u.bitstringval; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_octetstring(Elem* pe, Bytes** poctets) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == OCTET_STRING && pe->val.tag == VOctets) { *poctets = pe->val.u.octetsval; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_oid(Elem* pe, Ints** poid) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && pe->tag.num == OBJECT_ID && pe->val.tag == VObjId) { *poid = pe->val.u.objidval; return 1; } return 0; } static int is_string(Elem* pe, char** pstring) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal) { switch(pe->tag.num) { case NumericString: case PrintableString: case TeletexString: case VideotexString: case IA5String: case GraphicString: case VisibleString: case GeneralString: case UniversalString: case BMPString: if(pe->val.tag == VString) { *pstring = pe->val.u.stringval; return 1; } } } return 0; } static int is_time(Elem* pe, char** ptime) { if(pe->tag.class == Universal && (pe->tag.num == UTCTime || pe->tag.num == GeneralizedTime) && pe->val.tag == VString) { *ptime = pe->val.u.stringval; return 1; } return 0; } /* ANSI offsetof() */ #define OFFSET(x, s) ((int)(&(((s*)0)->x))) /* * malloc and return a new Bytes structure capable of * holding len bytes. (len >= 0) * Used to use crypt_malloc, which aborts if malloc fails. */ static Bytes* newbytes(int len) { Bytes* ans; ans = (Bytes*)malloc(OFFSET(data[0], Bytes) + len); ans->len = len; return ans; } /* * newbytes(len), with data initialized from buf */ static Bytes* makebytes(uchar* buf, int len) { Bytes* ans; ans = newbytes(len); memmove(ans->data, buf, len); return ans; } static void freebytes(Bytes* b) { if(b != nil) free(b); } /* * Make a new Bytes, containing bytes of b1 followed by those of b2. * Either b1 or b2 or both can be nil. */ static Bytes* catbytes(Bytes* b1, Bytes* b2) { Bytes* ans; int n; if(b1 == nil) { if(b2 == nil) ans = newbytes(0); else ans = makebytes(b2->data, b2->len); } else if(b2 == nil) { ans = makebytes(b1->data, b1->len); } else { n = b1->len + b2->len; ans = newbytes(n); ans->len = n; memmove(ans->data, b1->data, b1->len); memmove(ans->data+b1->len, b2->data, b2->len); } return ans; } /* len is number of ints */ static Ints* newints(int len) { Ints* ans; ans = (Ints*)malloc(OFFSET(data[0], Ints) + len*sizeof(int)); ans->len = len; return ans; } static Ints* makeints(int* buf, int len) { Ints* ans; ans = newints(len); if(len > 0) memmove(ans->data, buf, len*sizeof(int)); return ans; } static void freeints(Ints* b) { if(b != nil) free(b); } /* len is number of bytes */ static Bits* newbits(int len) { Bits* ans; ans = (Bits*)malloc(OFFSET(data[0], Bits) + len); ans->len = len; ans->unusedbits = 0; return ans; } static Bits* makebits(uchar* buf, int len, int unusedbits) { Bits* ans; ans = newbits(len); memmove(ans->data, buf, len); ans->unusedbits = unusedbits; return ans; } static void freebits(Bits* b) { if(b != nil) free(b); } static Elist* makeelist(Elem e, Elist* tail) { Elist* el; el = (Elist*)malloc(sizeof(Elist)); el->hd = e; el->tl = tail; return el; } static int elistlen(Elist* el) { int ans = 0; while(el != nil) { ans++; el = el->tl; } return ans; } /* Frees elist, but not fields inside values of constituent elems */ static void freeelist(Elist* el) { Elist* next; while(el != nil) { next = el->tl; free(el); el = next; } } /* free any allocated structures inside v (recursively freeing Elists) */ static void freevalfields(Value* v) { Elist* el; Elist* l; if(v == nil) return; switch(v->tag) { case VOctets: freebytes(v->u.octetsval); break; case VBigInt: freebytes(v->u.bigintval); break; case VReal: freebytes(v->u.realval); break; case VOther: freebytes(v->u.otherval); break; case VBitString: freebits(v->u.bitstringval); break; case VObjId: freeints(v->u.objidval); break; case VString: if (v->u.stringval) free(v->u.stringval); break; case VSeq: el = v->u.seqval; for(l = el; l != nil; l = l->tl) freevalfields(&l->hd.val); if (el) freeelist(el); break; case VSet: el = v->u.setval; for(l = el; l != nil; l = l->tl) freevalfields(&l->hd.val); if (el) freeelist(el); break; } } /* end of general ASN1 functions */ /*=============================================================*/ /* * Decode and parse an X.509 Certificate, defined by this ASN1: * Certificate ::= SEQUENCE { * certificateInfo CertificateInfo, * signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * signature BIT STRING } * * CertificateInfo ::= SEQUENCE { * version [0] INTEGER DEFAULT v1 (0), * serialNumber INTEGER, * signature AlgorithmIdentifier, * issuer Name, * validity Validity, * subject Name, * subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo } * * (version v2 has two more fields, optional * unique identifiers for issuer and subject; since we * ignore these anyway, we won't parse them) * * Validity ::= SEQUENCE { * notBefore UTCTime, * notAfter UTCTime } * * SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { * algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * subjectPublicKey BIT STRING } * * AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { * algorithm OBJECT IDENTIFER, * parameters ANY DEFINED BY ALGORITHM OPTIONAL } * * Name ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName * * RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE(1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue * * AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { * type OBJECT IDENTIFER, * value DirectoryString } * * (selected attributes have these Object Ids: * commonName {2 5 4 3} * countryName {2 5 4 6} * localityName {2 5 4 7} * stateOrProvinceName {2 5 4 8} * organizationName {2 5 4 10} * organizationalUnitName {2 5 4 11} * ) * * DirectoryString ::= CHOICE { * teletexString TeletexString, * printableString PrintableString, * universalString UniversalString } * */ typedef struct CertX509 { int serial; char* issuer; char* validity_start; char* validity_end; char* subject; int publickey_alg; Bytes* publickey; int signature_alg; Bytes* signature; } CertX509; /* Algorithm object-ids */ enum { ALG_rsaEncryption, ALG_md2WithRSAEncryption, ALG_md4WithRSAEncryption, ALG_md5WithRSAEncryption, NUMALGS }; typedef struct Ints7 { int len; int data[7]; } Ints7; static Ints7 oid_rsaEncryption = {7, 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1 }; static Ints7 oid_md2WithRSAEncryption = {7, 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 2 }; static Ints7 oid_md4WithRSAEncryption = {7, 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 3 }; static Ints7 oid_md5WithRSAEncryption = {7, 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 4 }; static Ints *alg_oid_tab[NUMALGS+1] = { (Ints*)&oid_rsaEncryption, (Ints*)&oid_md2WithRSAEncryption, (Ints*)&oid_md4WithRSAEncryption, (Ints*)&oid_md5WithRSAEncryption, nil }; static void freecert(CertX509* c) { if (!c) return; if(c->issuer != nil) free(c->issuer); if(c->validity_start != nil) free(c->validity_start); if(c->validity_end != nil) free(c->validity_end); if(c->subject != nil) free(c->subject); freebytes(c->publickey); freebytes(c->signature); } /* * Parse the Name ASN1 type. * The sequence of RelativeDistinguishedName's gives a sort of pathname, * from most general to most specific. Each element of the path can be * one or more (but usually just one) attribute-value pair, such as * countryName="US". * We'll just form a "postal-style" address string by concatenating the elements * from most specific to least specific, separated by commas. * Return name-as-string (which must be freed by caller). */ static char* parse_name(Elem* e) { Elist* el; Elem* es; Elist* esetl; Elem* eat; Elist* eatl; char* s; enum { MAXPARTS = 100 }; char* parts[MAXPARTS]; int i; int plen; char* ans = nil; if(!is_seq(e, &el)) goto errret; i = 0; plen = 0; while(el != nil) { es = &el->hd; if(!is_set(es, &esetl)) goto errret; while(esetl != nil) { eat = &esetl->hd; if(!is_seq(eat, &eatl) || elistlen(eatl) != 2) goto errret; if(!is_string(&eatl->tl->hd, &s)) goto errret; parts[i++] = s; plen += strlen(s) + 2; /* room for ", " after */ if(i == MAXPARTS) break; esetl = esetl->tl; } el = el->tl; } if(i > 0) { ans = (char*)malloc(plen); *ans = '\0'; while(--i >= 0) { s = parts[i]; strcat(ans, s); if(i > 0) strcat(ans, ", "); } } errret: return ans; } /* * Parse an AlgorithmIdentifer ASN1 type. * Look up the oid in oid_tab and return one of OID_rsaEncryption, etc.., * or -1 if not found. * For now, ignore parameters, since none of our algorithms need them. */ static int parse_alg(Elem* e) { Elist* el; Ints* oid; if(!is_seq(e, &el) || el == nil || !is_oid(&el->hd, &oid)) return -1; return oid_lookup(oid, alg_oid_tab); } static CertX509* decode_cert(Bytes* a) { int ok = 0; int n; CertX509* c = nil; Elem ecert; Elem* ecertinfo; Elem* esigalg; Elem* esig; Elem* eserial; Elem* eissuer; Elem* evalidity; Elem* esubj; Elem* epubkey; Elist* el; Elist* elcert = nil; Elist* elcertinfo = nil; Elist* elvalidity = nil; Elist* elpubkey = nil; Bits* bits = nil; Bytes* b; Elem* e; if(decode(a->data, a->len, &ecert) != ASN_OK) goto errret; c = (CertX509*)malloc(sizeof(CertX509)); c->serial = -1; c->issuer = nil; c->validity_start = nil; c->validity_end = nil; c->subject = nil; c->publickey_alg = -1; c->publickey = nil; c->signature_alg = -1; c->signature = nil; /* Certificate */ if(!is_seq(&ecert, &elcert) || elistlen(elcert) !=3) goto errret; ecertinfo = &elcert->hd; el = elcert->tl; esigalg = &el->hd; el = el->tl; esig = &el->hd; /* Certificate Info */ if(!is_seq(ecertinfo, &elcertinfo)) goto errret; n = elistlen(elcertinfo); if(n < 6) goto errret; eserial =&elcertinfo->hd; el = elcertinfo->tl; /* check for optional version, marked by explicit context tag 0 */ if(eserial->tag.class == Context && eserial->tag.num == 0) { eserial = &el->hd; if(n < 7) goto errret; el = el->tl; } el = el->tl; eissuer = &el->hd; el = el->tl; evalidity = &el->hd; el = el->tl; esubj = &el->hd; el = el->tl; epubkey = &el->hd; if(!is_int(eserial, &c->serial)) { if(!is_bigint(eserial, &b)) goto errret; c->serial = -1; /* else we have to change cert struct */ } c->issuer = parse_name(eissuer); if(c->issuer == nil) goto errret; /* Validity */ if(!is_seq(evalidity, &elvalidity)) goto errret; if(elistlen(elvalidity) != 2) goto errret; e = &elvalidity->hd; if(!is_time(e, &c->validity_start)) goto errret; e->val.u.stringval = nil; /* string ownership transfer */ e = &elvalidity->tl->hd; if(!is_time(e, &c->validity_end)) goto errret; e->val.u.stringval = nil; /* string ownership transfer */ /* resume CertificateInfo */ c->subject = parse_name(esubj); if(c->subject == nil) goto errret; /* SubjectPublicKeyInfo */ if(!is_seq(epubkey, &elpubkey)) goto errret; if(elistlen(elpubkey) != 2) goto errret; c->publickey_alg = parse_alg(&elpubkey->hd); if(c->publickey_alg < 0) goto errret; if(!is_bitstring(&elpubkey->tl->hd, &bits)) goto errret; if(bits->unusedbits != 0) goto errret; c->publickey = makebytes(bits->data, bits->len); /*resume Certificate */ c->signature_alg = parse_alg(esigalg); if(c->signature_alg < 0) goto errret; if(!is_bitstring(esig, &bits)) goto errret; c->signature = makebytes(bits->data, bits->len); ok = 1; errret: freevalfields(&ecert.val); /* recurses through lists, too */ if(!ok){ freecert(c); c = nil; } return c; } /* * RSAPublickKey :: SEQUENCE { * modulus INTEGER, * publicExponent INTEGER * } */ static RSApub* decode_rsapubkey(Bytes* a) { Elem e; Elist *el; mpint *mp; RSApub* key; key = rsapuballoc(); if(decode(a->data, a->len, &e) != ASN_OK) goto errret; if(!is_seq(&e, &el) || elistlen(el) != 2) goto errret; key->n = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->ek = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; return key; errret: rsapubfree(key); return nil; } /* * RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE { * version Version, * modulus INTEGER, -- n * publicExponent INTEGER, -- e * privateExponent INTEGER, -- d * prime1 INTEGER, -- p * prime2 INTEGER, -- q * exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1) * exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1) * coefficient INTEGER -- (inverse of q) mod p } */ static RSApriv* decode_rsaprivkey(Bytes* a) { int version; Elem e; Elist *el; mpint *mp; RSApriv* key; key = rsaprivalloc(); if(decode(a->data, a->len, &e) != ASN_OK) goto errret; if(!is_seq(&e, &el) || elistlen(el) != 9) goto errret; if(!is_int(&el->hd, &version) || version != 0) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->pub.n = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->pub.ek = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->dk = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->p = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->q = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->kp = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->kq = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; el = el->tl; key->c2 = mp = asn1mpint(&el->hd); if(mp == nil) goto errret; return key; errret: rsaprivfree(key); return nil; } static mpint* asn1mpint(Elem *e) { Bytes *b; mpint *mp; int v; if(is_int(e, &v)) return itomp(v, nil); if(is_bigint(e, &b)) { mp = betomp(b->data, b->len, nil); freebytes(b); return mp; } return nil; } RSApriv* asn1toRSApriv(uchar *kd, int kn) { Bytes *b; RSApriv *key; b = makebytes(kd, kn); key = decode_rsaprivkey(b); freebytes(b); return key; } RSApub* X509toRSApub(uchar *cert, int ncert, char *name, int nname) { char *e; Bytes *b; CertX509 *c; RSApub *pk; b = makebytes(cert, ncert); c = decode_cert(b); freebytes(b); if(c == nil) return nil; if(name != nil && c->subject != nil){ e = strchr(c->subject, ','); if(e != nil) *e = 0; // take just CN part of Distinguished Name strncpy(name, c->subject, nname); } pk = decode_rsapubkey(c->publickey); freecert(c); return pk; }