/* * pANS stdio -- freopen */ #include "iolib.h" /* * Open the named file with the given mode, using the given FILE * Legal modes are given below, `additional characters may follow these sequences': * r rb open to read * w wb open to write, truncating * a ab open to write positioned at eof, creating if non-existant * r+ r+b rb+ open to read and write, creating if non-existant * w+ w+b wb+ open to read and write, truncating * a+ a+b ab+ open to read and write, positioned at eof, creating if non-existant. */ FILE *freopen(const char *name, const char *mode, FILE *f){ if(f->state!=CLOSED) fclose(f); if(mode[1]=='+' || mode[2]=='+'){ if(mode[0]=='w') f->fd=create(name, 2, 0666); else{ f->fd=open(name, 2); if(mode[0]=='a'){ if(f->fd<0) f->fd=create(name, 2, 0666); if(f->fd>=0) seek(f->fd, 0L, 2); } } } else{ switch(mode[0]){ default: return NULL; case 'r': f->fd=open(name, 0); break; case 'w': f->fd=create(name, 1, 0666); break; case 'a': f->fd=open(name, 1); if(f->fd==-1) f->fd=create(name, 1, 0666); seek(f->fd, 0L, 2); break; } } if(f->fd==-1) return NULL; f->flags=(mode[0]=='a')? APPEND : 0; f->state=OPEN; f->buf=0; f->rp=0; f->wp=0; f->lp=0; return f; }