#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "apic.h" /* * MultiProcessor Specification Version 1.[14]. */ typedef struct { /* MP Floating Pointer */ u8int signature[4]; /* "_MP_" */ u8int addr[4]; /* PCMP */ u8int length; /* 1 */ u8int revision; /* [14] */ u8int checksum; u8int feature[5]; } _MP_; typedef struct { /* MP Configuration Table */ u8int signature[4]; /* "PCMP" */ u8int length[2]; u8int revision; /* [14] */ u8int checksum; u8int string[20]; /* OEM + Product ID */ u8int oaddr[4]; /* OEM table pointer */ u8int olength[2]; /* OEM table length */ u8int entry[2]; /* entry count */ u8int apicpa[4]; /* local APIC address */ u8int xlength[2]; /* extended table length */ u8int xchecksum; /* extended table checksum */ u8int reserved; u8int entries[]; } PCMP; typedef struct { char type[6]; int polarity; /* default for this bus */ int trigger; /* default for this bus */ } Mpbus; static Mpbus mpbusdef[] = { { "PCI ", IPlow, TMlevel, }, { "ISA ", IPhigh, TMedge, }, }; static Mpbus* mpbus[Nbus]; int mpisabusno = -1; static void mpintrprint(char* s, u8int* p) { char buf[128], *b, *e; char format[] = " type %d flags %#ux bus %d IRQ %d APIC %d INTIN %d\n"; b = buf; e = b + sizeof(buf); b = seprint(b, e, "mpparse: intr:"); if(s != nil) b = seprint(b, e, " %s:", s); seprint(b, e, format, p[1], l16get(p+2), p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]); print(buf); } static u32int mpmkintr(u8int* p) { u32int v; Apic *apic; int n, polarity, trigger; /* * Check valid bus, interrupt input pin polarity * and trigger mode. If the APIC ID is 0xff it means * all APICs of this type so those checks for useable * APIC and valid INTIN must also be done later in * the appropriate init routine in that case. It's hard * to imagine routing a signal to all IOAPICs, the * usual case is routing NMI and ExtINT to all LAPICs. */ if(mpbus[p[4]] == nil){ mpintrprint("no source bus", p); return 0; } if(p[6] != 0xff){ if(Napic < 256 && p[6] >= Napic){ mpintrprint("APIC ID out of range", p); return 0; } switch(p[0]){ default: mpintrprint("INTIN botch", p); return 0; case 3: /* IOINTR */ apic = &ioapic[p[6]]; if(!apic->useable){ mpintrprint("unuseable APIC", p); return 0; } if(p[7] >= apic->nrdt){ mpintrprint("IO INTIN out of range", p); return 0; } break; case 4: /* LINTR */ apic = &xapic[p[6]]; if(!apic->useable){ mpintrprint("unuseable APIC", p); return 0; } if(p[7] >= nelem(apic->lvt)){ mpintrprint("LOCAL INTIN out of range", p); return 0; } break; } } n = l16get(p+2); if((polarity = (n & 0x03)) == 2 || (trigger = ((n>>2) & 0x03)) == 2){ mpintrprint("invalid polarity/trigger", p); return 0; } /* * Create the low half of the vector table entry (LVT or RDT). * For the NMI, SMI and ExtINT cases, the polarity and trigger * are fixed (but are not always consistent over IA-32 generations). * For the INT case, either the polarity/trigger are given or * it defaults to that of the source bus; * whether INT is Fixed or Lowest Priority is left until later. */ v = Im; switch(p[1]){ default: mpintrprint("invalid type", p); return 0; case 0: /* INT */ switch(polarity){ case 0: v |= mpbus[p[4]]->polarity; break; case 1: v |= IPhigh; break; case 3: v |= IPlow; break; } switch(trigger){ case 0: v |= mpbus[p[4]]->trigger; break; case 1: v |= TMedge; break; case 3: v |= TMlevel; break; } break; case 1: /* NMI */ v |= TMedge|IPhigh|MTnmi; break; case 2: /* SMI */ v |= TMedge|IPhigh|MTsmi; break; case 3: /* ExtINT */ v |= TMedge|IPhigh|MTei; break; } return v; } static void mpparse(PCMP* pcmp) { u32int lo; u8int *e, *p; int devno, i, n; p = pcmp->entries; e = ((uchar*)pcmp)+l16get(pcmp->length); while(p < e) switch(*p){ default: print("mpparse: unknown PCMP type %d (e-p %#ld)\n", *p, e-p); for(i = 0; p < e; i++){ if(i && ((i & 0x0f) == 0)) print("\n"); print(" %#2.2ux", *p); p++; } print("\n"); break; case 0: /* processor */ /* * Initialise the APIC if it is enabled (p[3] & 0x01). * p[1] is the APIC ID, the memory mapped address comes * from the PCMP structure as the addess is local to the * CPU and identical for all. Indicate whether this is * the bootstrap processor (p[3] & 0x02). */ DBG("mpparse: APIC %d pa %#ux useable %d\n", p[1], l32get(pcmp->apicpa), p[3] & 0x01); if(p[3] & 0x01) apicinit(p[1], l32get(pcmp->apicpa), p[3] & 0x02); p += 20; break; case 1: /* bus */ DBG("mpparse: bus: %d type %6.6s\n", p[1], (char*)p+2); if(mpbus[p[1]] != nil){ print("mpparse: bus %d already allocated\n", p[1]); p += 8; break; } for(i = 0; i < nelem(mpbusdef); i++){ if(memcmp(p+2, mpbusdef[i].type, 6) != 0) continue; if(memcmp(p+2, "ISA ", 6) == 0){ if(mpisabusno != -1){ print("mpparse: bus %d already have ISA bus %d\n", p[1], mpisabusno); continue; } mpisabusno = p[1]; } mpbus[p[1]] = &mpbusdef[i]; break; } if(mpbus[p[1]] == nil) print("mpparse: bus %d type %6.6s unknown\n", p[1], (char*)p+2); p += 8; break; case 2: /* IOAPIC */ /* * Initialise the IOAPIC if it is enabled (p[3] & 0x01). * p[1] is the APIC ID, p[4-7] is the memory mapped address. */ DBG("mpparse: IOAPIC %d pa %#ux useable %d\n", p[1], l32get(p+4), p[3] & 0x01); if(p[3] & 0x01) ioapicinit(p[1], l32get(p+4)); p += 8; break; case 3: /* IOINTR */ /* * p[1] is the interrupt type; * p[2-3] contains the polarity and trigger mode; * p[4] is the source bus; * p[5] is the IRQ on the source bus; * p[6] is the destination APIC; * p[7] is the INITIN pin on the destination APIC. */ if(p[6] == 0xff){ mpintrprint("routed to all IOAPICs", p); p += 8; break; } if((lo = mpmkintr(p)) == 0){ p += 8; break; } if(DBGFLG) mpintrprint(nil, p); /* * Always present the device number in the style * of a PCI Interrupt Assignment Entry. For the ISA * bus the IRQ is the device number but unencoded. * May need to handle other buses here in the future * (but unlikely). */ devno = p[5]; if(memcmp(mpbus[p[4]]->type, "PCI ", 6) != 0) devno <<= 2; ioapicintrinit(p[4], p[6], p[7], devno, lo); p += 8; break; case 4: /* LINTR */ /* * Format is the same as IOINTR above. */ if((lo = mpmkintr(p)) == 0){ p += 8; break; } if(DBGFLG) mpintrprint(nil, p); /* * Everything was checked in mpmkintr above. */ if(p[6] == 0xff){ for(i = 0; i < Napic; i++){ if(!ioapic[i].useable || ioapic[i].addr != nil) continue; ioapic[i].lvt[p[7]] = lo; } } else ioapic[p[6]].lvt[p[7]] = lo; p += 8; break; } /* * There's nothing of real interest in the extended table, * should just move along, but check it for consistency. */ p = e; e = p + l16get(pcmp->xlength); while(p < e) switch(*p){ default: n = p[1]; print("mpparse: unknown extended entry %d length %d\n", *p, n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(i && ((i & 0x0f) == 0)) print("\n"); print(" %#2.2ux", *p); p++; } print("\n"); break; case 128: DBG("address space mapping\n"); DBG(" bus %d type %d base %#llux length %#llux\n", p[2], p[3], l64get(p+4), l64get(p+12)); p += p[1]; break; case 129: DBG("bus hierarchy descriptor\n"); DBG(" bus %d sd %d parent bus %d\n", p[2], p[3], p[4]); p += p[1]; break; case 130: DBG("compatibility bus address space modifier\n"); DBG(" bus %d pr %d range list %d\n", p[2], p[3], l32get(p+4)); p += p[1]; break; } } static int sigchecksum(void* address, int length) { u8int *p, sum; sum = 0; for(p = address; length-- > 0; p++) sum += *p; return sum; } static void* sigscan(u8int* address, int length, char* signature) { u8int *e, *p; int siglength; DBG("check for %s in system base memory @ %#p\n", signature, address); e = address+length; siglength = strlen(signature); for(p = address; p+siglength < e; p += 16){ if(memcmp(p, signature, siglength)) continue; return p; } return nil; } static void* sigsearch(char* signature) { uintptr p; u8int *bda; void *r; /* * Search for the data structure: * 1) within the first KiB of the Extended BIOS Data Area (EBDA), or * 2) within the last KiB of system base memory if the EBDA segment * is undefined, or * 3) within the BIOS ROM address space between 0xf0000 and 0xfffff * (but will actually check 0xe0000 to 0xfffff). */ bda = BIOSSEG(0x40); if(memcmp(KADDR(0xfffd9), "EISA", 4) == 0){ if((p = (bda[0x0f]<<8)|bda[0x0e]) != 0){ if((r = sigscan(BIOSSEG(p), 1024, signature)) != nil) return r; } } if((p = ((bda[0x14]<<8)|bda[0x13])*1024) != 0){ if((r = sigscan(KADDR(p-1024), 1024, signature)) != nil) return r; } if((r = sigscan(KADDR(0xa0000-1024), 1024, signature)) != nil) return r; return sigscan(BIOSSEG(0xe000), 0x20000, signature); } void mpsinit(void) { u8int *p; int i, n; _MP_ *mp; PCMP *pcmp; if((mp = sigsearch("_MP_")) == nil) return; if(DBGFLG){ DBG("_MP_ @ %#p, addr %#ux length %ud rev %d", mp, l32get(mp->addr), mp->length, mp->revision); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(mp->feature); i++) DBG(" %2.2#ux", mp->feature[i]); DBG("\n"); } if(mp->revision != 1 && mp->revision != 4) return; if(sigchecksum(mp, mp->length*16) != 0) return; if((pcmp = vmap(l32get(mp->addr), sizeof(PCMP))) == nil) return; if(pcmp->revision != 1 && pcmp->revision != 4){ vunmap(pcmp, sizeof(PCMP)); return; } n = l16get(pcmp->length) + l16get(pcmp->xlength); vunmap(pcmp, sizeof(PCMP)); if((pcmp = vmap(l32get(mp->addr), n)) == nil) return; if(sigchecksum(pcmp, l16get(pcmp->length)) != 0){ vunmap(pcmp, n); return; } if(DBGFLG){ DBG("PCMP @ %#p length %#ux revision %d\n", pcmp, l16get(pcmp->length), pcmp->revision); DBG(" %20.20s oaddr %#ux olength %#ux\n", (char*)pcmp->string, l32get(pcmp->oaddr), l16get(pcmp->olength)); DBG(" entry %d apicpa %#ux\n", l16get(pcmp->entry), l32get(pcmp->apicpa)); DBG(" xlength %#ux xchecksum %#ux\n", l16get(pcmp->xlength), pcmp->xchecksum); } if(pcmp->xchecksum != 0){ p = ((u8int*)pcmp) + l16get(pcmp->length); i = sigchecksum(p, l16get(pcmp->xlength)); if(((i+pcmp->xchecksum) & 0xff) != 0){ print("extended table checksums to %#ux\n", i); vunmap(pcmp, n); return; } } /* * Parse the PCMP table and set up the datastructures * for later interrupt enabling and application processor * startup. */ mpparse(pcmp); apicdump(); ioapicdump(); }