/* * Memory and machine-specific definitions. Used in C and assembler. */ #define KiB 1024 /* Kibi 0x0000000000000400 */ #define MiB 1048576 /* Mebi 0x0000000000100000 */ #define GiB 1073741824 /* Gibi 000000000040000000 */ #define TiB 1099511627776ll /* Tebi 0x0000010000000000 */ #define PiB 1125899906842624ll /* Pebi 0x0004000000000000 */ #define EiB 1152921504606846976ll /* Exbi 0x1000000000000000 */ #define HOWMANY(x, y) (((x)+((y)-1))/(y)) #define ROUNDUP(x, y) (HOWMANY((x), (y))*(y)) #define ROUNDDN(x, y) (((x)/(y))*(y)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b)? (a): (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b)? (a): (b)) /* * Sizes */ #define BI2BY 8 /* bits per byte */ #define BY2V 8 /* bytes per double word */ #define BY2SE 8 /* bytes per stack element */ #define BLOCKALIGN 8 /* * PGSZ PGSHFT correspond to the smallest MMU page size * The system may be using larger sizes. * (eg., user segments use UPGSZ). */ #define PGSZ (4*KiB) /* page size */ #define PGSHFT 12 /* log(PGSZ) */ #define PTSZ (4*KiB) /* page table page size */ #define PTSHFT 9 /* log(PTSZ) */ #define UPGSZ (16*KiB) /* user page size */ #define UPGSHFT 14 /* log(UPGSZ) */ #define MACHSZ (4*KiB) /* Mach+stack size */ #define MACHMAX 32 /* max. number of cpus */ #define MACHSTKSZ (6*(4*KiB)) /* Mach stack size */ #define KSTACK (32*1024) /* Size of Proc kernel stack */ #define STACKALIGN(sp) ((sp) & ~(BY2SE-1)) /* bug: assure with alloc */ /* * Time */ #define HZ (100) /* clock frequency */ #define MS2HZ (1000/HZ) /* millisec per clock tick */ #define TK2SEC(t) ((t)/HZ) /* ticks to seconds */ /* * Address spaces * * Kernel gets loaded at 1*MiB+64*KiB; * Memory from 0 to 1MiB is not used for other things; * 1*MiB to 1MiB+64KiB is used to hold the Sys and * Mach0 datastructures. * * User is at low addresses; kernel vm starts at KZERO; * KSEG0 maps the first TMFM bytes, one to one, (i.e KZERO); * KSEG1 maps the PML4 into itself; * KSEG2 maps all remaining physical memory. */ #define UTZERO (0+2*MiB) /* first address in user text */ #define UTROUND(t) ROUNDUP((t), 2*MiB) #define USTKTOP ROUNDDN(0x00007ffffffff000ull, UPGSZ) #define USTKSIZE (16*1024*1024) /* size of user stack */ #define TSTKTOP (USTKTOP-USTKSIZE) /* end of new stack in sysexec */ #define KSEG0 (0xfffffffff0000000ull) /* 256MB - this is confused */ #define KSEG1 (0xffffff0000000000ull) /* 512GB - embedded PML4 */ #define KSEG2 (0xfffffe0000000000ull) /* 1TB - KMAP */ #define PMAPADDR (0xffffffffffe00000ull) /* unused as of yet (KMAP?) */ #define KZERO (0xfffffffff0000000ull) #define KTZERO (KZERO+1*MiB+64*KiB) /* * Hierarchical Page Tables. * For example, traditional IA-32 paging structures have 2 levels, * level 1 is the PD, and level 0 the PT pages; with IA-32e paging, * level 3 is the PML4(!), level 2 the PDP, level 1 the PD, * and level 0 the PT pages. The PTLX macro gives an index into the * page-table page at level 'l' for the virtual address 'v'. */ #define PTLX(v, l) (((v)>>(((l)*PTSHFT)+PGSHFT)) & ((1<