#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "io.h" #include "image.h" #include #include "screen.h" enum { UP, DOWN, }; TouchCal newtouchcal; int touch_raw_count = 0; int touch_valid_count = 0; static TouchPnt vp[1]; // valid points static TouchPnt tp[2]; // test points static int nvp; // number of valid points static int ntp; // number of test points #define ABS(n) ((n) > 0 ? (n) : -(n)) #define VDOT(a,b) ((a).x*(b).x + (a).y*(b).y) #define VSUB(a,b) ((TouchPnt){(a).x-(b).x, (a).y-(b).y}) #define VADD(a,b) ((TouchPnt){(a).x+(b).x, (a).y+(b).y}) #define VNEG(a) ((TouchPnt){-(a).x, -(a).y}) extern int gpio_irq_ucb1200; extern int touch_read_delay; extern int touch_l2nreadings; extern int touch_filterlevel; extern int touch_minpdelta; static int touch_wake_time = 0; static int touch_sleep_time = 0; static int touchrate = 20; static int pen = UP; static Rendez touchRendez; static int backlight = 0; /* touchctl commands: * c - calibrate on a point * C - compute calibration parameters * s - set sample delay in millisec per sample * r - set read delay in microsec * R - set log2 of number of readings to average * f - set filter level (-1024 to 1024) * e - set error x,y * v - set variance x,y * t

- set pressure threshold for press/release * * touchcal format: * ... * * touchstat format: * - number of raw and valid readings */ enum{ Qtouchctl = 1, Qtouchcal, Qtouchstat, Qcontrast, Qbacklight, Qbrightness, Qlights, Qlcdctl, }; Dirtab touchdir[]={ "touchctl", {Qtouchctl, 0}, 0, 0666, "touchcal", {Qtouchcal, 0}, 0, 0666, "touchstat", {Qtouchstat, 0}, 0, 0444, /* This needs to be moved elsewhere: */ "contrast", {Qcontrast, 0}, 0, 0666, "backlight", {Qbacklight, 0}, 0, 0666, "brightness", {Qbrightness, 0}, 0, 0666, "lights", {Qlights, 0}, 0, 0666, "lcdctl", {Qlcdctl, 0}, 0, 0666, }; static void touchintr(Ureg*, void*) { /* Clear the Edge detect from the Arm side */ if (GPIOREG->gedr&BIT(gpio_irq_ucb1200)) { mcptouchintrdisable(); GPIOREG->gedr = BIT(gpio_irq_ucb1200); /* Clear the edge detect. */ pen = DOWN; wakeup( &touchRendez ); } } static int ispendown() { return pen; } static void touchproc() { int b = 1; ulong t1, t2; intrenable(gpio_irq_ucb1200, touchintr, 0, BusGPIO); GPIOREG->grer |= BIT(gpio_irq_ucb1200); t1 = timer_start(); for(;;) { /* Loop forever */ ulong t; int x, y; waitforpress: setpri(PriHi); pen = UP; mcptouchintrenable(); touch_wake_time += (t2 = timer_start())-t1; sleep(&touchRendez, ispendown, 0); touch_sleep_time += (t1 = timer_start())-t2; t = MACHP(0)->ticks; while(!touchpressed() || !touchreadxy(&x,&y)) if((MACHP(0)->ticks - t) > MS2TK(100)) goto waitforpress; /* start of 640x480-specific 3-button emulation hack: */ if(y > 481) { b = ((639-x) >> 7); goto waitforpress; } else if(y < -2) { b = (x >> 7)+3; goto waitforpress; } /* end of 3-button emulation hack */ setpri(PriNormal); /* move pointer first to make Tk happy */ mousetrack(0, 0, 0); // sched(); /* give consumer a chance */ tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); mousetrack(0, x-mouse.x, y-mouse.y); // sched(); /* give consumer a chance */ tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); /* simulate button press */ mousetrack(b, x-mouse.x, y-mouse.y); tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); // sched(); /* give consumer a chance */ while(!touchreleased()) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) if(touchreadxy(&x, &y)) { mousetrack(b, x-mouse.x, y-mouse.y); break; } touch_wake_time += (t2 = timer_start())-t1; tsleep(&touchRendez, return0, 0, touchrate); touch_sleep_time += (t1 = timer_start())-t2; } pen = UP; tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); mousetrack(0, x-mouse.x, y-mouse.y); tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); // sched(); /* give consumer a chance */ /* extra motion to make Tk happy */ mousetrack(0, x-mouse.x, y-mouse.y); tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 10); b = 1; /* go back to just button one for next press */ } } static void touchinit(void) { static int touchenabled = 0; if (touchenabled) return; touchenabled = 1; kproc( "touchscreen", touchproc, 0 , 0); } static Chan* touchattach(char* spec) { return devattach('T', spec); } static int touchwalk(Chan* c, char* name) { return devwalk(c, name, touchdir, nelem(touchdir), devgen); } static void touchstat(Chan* c, char* dp) { devstat(c, dp, touchdir, nelem(touchdir), devgen); } static Chan* touchopen(Chan* c, int omode) { /* Osenv *o; */ omode = openmode(omode); /* o = up->env; switch(c->qid.path){ case Qtouchctl: case Qtouchcal: case Qtouchstat: case Qcontrast: if(strcmp(o->user, eve)!=0) error(Eperm); break; } */ return devopen(c, omode, touchdir, nelem(touchdir), devgen); } static void touchclose(Chan*) { } static long touchread(Chan* c, void* buf, long n, ulong offset) { char tmpbuf[512]; char *bp; int i, j; if(c->qid.path & CHDIR) return devdirread(c, buf, n, touchdir, nelem(touchdir), devgen); bp = tmpbuf; switch(c->qid.path){ case Qtouchctl: sprint(bp, "s%d\nr%d\nR%d\nf%d\nt%d %d\ne%d %d\nv%d %d\n", touchrate, touch_read_delay, touch_l2nreadings, touch_filterlevel, touchcal.ptp, touchcal.ptr, touchcal.err.x, touchcal.err.y, touchcal.var.x, touchcal.var.y); break; case Qtouchcal: for(i=0; i<4; i++) { bp += sprint(bp, "%d", i); for(j=0; jqid.path){ case Qtouchctl: cmd = *(field[0])++; pn = *(field[0]) == 0; switch(cmd) { case 'c': mcptouchintrdisable(); touchrawcal(strtol(field[pn], 0, 0), strtol(field[pn+1], 0, 0), strtol(field[pn+2], 0, 0)); mcptouchintrenable(); break; case 'C': if(!touchcalibrate()) { error(Ebadarg); return; } break; case 's': touchrate = strtol(field[pn], 0, 0); break; case 'r': touch_read_delay = strtol(field[pn], 0, 0); break; case 'R': touch_l2nreadings = strtol(field[pn], 0, 0); break; case 'f': touch_filterlevel = strtol(field[pn], 0, 0); break; case 'e': touchcal.err = (TouchPnt){ strtol(field[pn], 0, 0), strtol(field[pn+1], 0, 0)}; break; case 'v': touchcal.var = (TouchPnt){ strtol(field[pn], 0, 0), strtol(field[pn+1], 0, 0)}; break; case 't': touchcal.ptp = strtol(field[pn], 0, 0); touchcal.ptr = strtol(field[pn+1], 0, 0); break; default: error(Ebadarg); } break; case Qtouchcal: if(nf != TOUCH_NUMRAWCAL+1) { error(Ebadarg); return; } q = strtol(field[0], 0, 0); if(q < 0 || q > 3) { error(Ebadarg); return; } fn = 1; for(j=0; j 100) ? 100 : v; setcontrast(MAX_VCONTRAST*v/100); break; case Qbacklight: if (!strcmp( field[0], "on")) { backlight = 1; lcd_setbacklight(1); } else if (!strcmp( field[0], "off")) { backlight = 0; lcd_setbacklight(0); } else error(Ebadarg); break; case Qbrightness: v = strtol(field[0],0,0); v = (v < 0) ? 0 : (v > 100) ? 100 : v; setbrightness(MAX_VBRIGHTNESS*v/100); break; case Qlights: x = strtoul(field[0],0,0); lights(x); break; case Qlcdctl: if (strcmp(field[0], "hz") == 0) { q = strtol(field[1], 0, 0); if(q < 30 || q > 200) error(Ebadarg); lcd_sethz(q); } else error(Ebadarg); break; default: error(Ebadarg); } } static long touchwrite(Chan* c, void* va, long n, ulong) { char buf[256]; char *cp, *a; int n0 = n; int bn; a = va; while(n) { bn = (cp = memchr(a, '\n', n)) ? cp-a+1 : n; n -= bn; bn = bn > sizeof(buf)-1 ? sizeof(buf)-1 : bn; memmove(buf, a, bn); buf[bn] = '\0'; a = cp+1; dotouchwrite(c, buf); } return n0-n; } Dev touchdevtab = { 'T', "touch", devreset, touchinit, touchattach, devdetach, devclone, touchwalk, touchstat, touchopen, devcreate, touchclose, touchread, devbread, touchwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, }; static int touchreadrawx(int n) { int i = 1<> touch_l2nreadings; } static int touchreadrawy(int n) { int i = 1<> touch_l2nreadings; } static int touchreadrawp(void) { mcptouchsetup(TOUCH_READ_P1); // microdelay(touch_read_delay); return mcpadcread(TOUCH_READ_P1); } int touchpressed(void) { if(touchreadrawp() > touchcal.ptp) return 1; else { nvp = ntp = 0; return 0; } } int touchreleased(void) { if(touchreadrawp() < touchcal.ptr) { nvp = ntp = 0; return 1; } else return 0; } void touchsetrawcal(int q, int n, int v) { switch(n) { case 0: newtouchcal.p[q].x = v; break; case 1: newtouchcal.p[q].y = v; break; default: n -= 2; if(n&1) newtouchcal.r[n>>1][q].y = v; else newtouchcal.r[n>>1][q].x = v; } newtouchcal.ptp = touchcal.ptp; newtouchcal.ptr = touchcal.ptr; } int touchgetrawcal(int q, int n) { switch(n) { case 0: return touchcal.p[q].x; case 1: return touchcal.p[q].y; default: n -= 2; return (n&1) ? touchcal.r[n>>1][q].y : touchcal.r[n>>1][q].x; } } void touchrawcal(int q, int px, int py) { TouchCal *tc = &newtouchcal; TouchPnt *p = &tc->p[q]; TouchPnt *r; int i; int n = 0; int pv; static int svp = 0; static int srp = 0; static int ptp = 1023; static int ptr = 0; *p = (TouchPnt){px, py}; for(i=0; i<4; i++) tc->r[i][q] = (TouchPnt){0, 0}; if(svp == 0) { for(i=0; i<1000; i++) { pv = touchreadrawp(); srp = pv > srp ? pv : srp; pv = srp-pv; svp = pv > svp ? pv : svp; } ptp = srp+touch_minpdelta+svp; // print("srp=%d svp=%d ptp=%d\n", srp, svp, ptp); } while(pv = touchreadrawp(), pv <= ptp) ; do { for(i=0; i<4; i++) { r = &tc->r[i][q]; r->x += touchreadrawx(i); r->y += touchreadrawy(i); } pv = touchreadrawp(); ptp = (ptp*7+pv)>>3; ptr = (srp+ptp)>>1; n++; } while(pv > ptr); while(pv > srp) pv = touchreadrawp(); tc->ptp = (ptp+ptr)>>1; tc->ptr = ptr; // print(" p: %d/%d/%d %d/%d\n", srp, ptp, ptr, tc->ptp, tc->ptr); for(i=0; i<4; i++) { r = &tc->r[i][q]; // print("%d/%d %d: %d,%d -> %d,%d\n", q, i, n, // r->x, r->y, // r->x/n, r->y/n); r->x /= n; r->y /= n; } } int touchcalibrate(void) { int i; TouchCal *tc = &newtouchcal; TouchTrans *t = tc->t; TouchPnt *p = tc->p; TouchPnt p1 = VSUB(p[1], p[0]); TouchPnt p2 = VSUB(p[2], p[0]); tc->err = (TouchPnt){0,0}; for(i=0; i<4; i++, t++) { int xe, ye; TouchPnt *r = tc->r[i]; TouchPnt r1 = VSUB(r[1], r[0]); TouchPnt r2 = VSUB(r[2], r[0]); int d = (r1.y*r2.x-r1.x*r2.y) >> 6; if(d == 0) return 0; // print("p0=%d,%d p1=%d,%d p2=%d,%d\nr0=%d,%d r1=%d,%d r2=%d,%d d=%d\n", // p[0].x, p[0].y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, // r[0].x, r[0].y, r1.x, r1.y, r2.x, r2.y, d); t->xxm = ((p2.x*r1.y-p1.x*r2.y)<<10)/d; t->xym = ((p1.x*r2.x-p2.x*r1.x)<<10)/d; t->xa = (p[0].x<<16)-t->xxm*r[0].x-t->xym*r[0].y; t->yxm = ((p2.y*r1.y-p1.y*r2.y)<<10)/d; t->yym = ((p1.y*r2.x-p2.y*r1.x)<<10)/d; t->ya = (p[0].y<<16)-t->yxm*r[0].x-t->yym*r[0].y; // print("xxm=%d xym=%d xa=%d yxm=%d yym=%d ya=%d\n", // t->xxm, t->xym, t->xa, // t->yxm, t->yym, t->ya); xe = r[3].x*t->xxm + r[3].y*t->xym + t->xa - (p[3].x << 16); ye = r[3].x*t->yxm + r[3].y*t->yym + t->ya - (p[3].y << 16); // print(" %d: err: %d,%d\n", i, xe>>16, ye>>16); xe >>= 1; ye >>= 1; t->xa -= xe; t->ya -= ye; tc->err.x += ABS(xe); tc->err.y += ABS(ye); } tc->err = (TouchPnt){(tc->err.x + (1<<18) - 1) >> 18, (tc->err.y + (1<<18) - 1) >> 18}; // print(" total err: %d,%d\n", tc->err.x, tc->err.y); i = VDOT(p1, p1)/(20*20); if(tc->err.x*tc->err.x > i || tc->err.y*tc->err.y > i) return 0; newtouchcal.var = touchcal.var; // until we can compute it... touchcal = newtouchcal; return 1; } static int correlate(TouchPnt p1, TouchPnt p2, TouchPnt p3) { TouchPnt v1, v2; int d; int n; v1 = VSUB(p2, p1); v2 = VSUB(p3, p2); while(ABS(v1.x) > 31 || ABS(v1.y) > 31 || ABS(v2.x) > 31 || ABS(v2.y) > 31) { v1.x >>= 1; v1.y >>= 1; v2.x >>= 1; v2.y >>= 1; } d = VDOT(v1, v1)*VDOT(v2, v2); if(d == 0) return 1<<10; if((p1.x >> 4) == (p3.x >> 4) && (p1.y >> 4) == (p3.y >> 4)) return 0; n = VDOT(v1, v2); return ((n*ABS(n)) << 10)/d; } int touchreadxy(int *fx, int *fy) { int i; TouchTrans *t = touchcal.t; TouchPnt p = (TouchPnt){0,0}; for(i=0; i<4; i++, t++) { int rx = touchreadrawx(i); int ry = touchreadrawy(i); p.x += (rx*t->xxm + ry*t->xym + t->xa)>>14; p.y += (rx*t->yxm + ry*t->yym + t->ya)>>14; } if(touchreleased()) return 0; ++touch_raw_count; /* (uncomment to disable filtering) *fx = p.x >> 4; *fy = p.y >> 4; return 1; */ // screen_putpixel(p.x>>4, p.y>>4, 0); if(ntp > 1 || (ntp > 0 && nvp > 0)) { TouchPnt *p0 = nvp > 0 ? &vp[nvp-1] : &tp[ntp-2]; TouchPnt *p1 = &tp[ntp-1]; int c1 = correlate(*p0, *p1, p); //print("A %d: (%d,%d) %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d [%d %d]\n", c1, // vp[0].x>>4, vp[0].y>>4, // p0->x>>4, p0->y>>4, // p1->x>>4, p1->y>>4, // p.x>>4, p.y>>4, nvp, ntp); if(ntp > 1) { int c2 = correlate(*p0, tp[ntp-2], p); //print("B %d: (%d,%d) %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d [%d %d]\n", c2, // vp[0].x>>4, vp[0].y>>4, // p0->x>>4, p0->y>>4, // tp[ntp-2].x>>4, tp[ntp-2].y>>4, // p.x>>4, p.y>>4, nvp, ntp); if(c2 > c1) { c1 = c2; p1 = &tp[ntp-2]; } } if(c1 <= touch_filterlevel && ntp > 1) { int c2 = correlate(tp[ntp-2], tp[ntp-1], p); //print("C %d: (%d,%d) %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d [%d %d]\n", c2, // vp[0].x>>4, vp[0].y>>4, // tp[ntp-2].x>>4, tp[ntp-2].y>>4, // tp[ntp-1].x>>4, tp[ntp-1].y>>4, // p.x>>4, p.y>>4, nvp, ntp); if(c2 > c1) { c1 = c2; // p0 = &tp[ntp-2]; p1 = &tp[ntp-1]; } } if(c1 > touch_filterlevel) { if(nvp > 0) { TouchPnt v = VSUB(*p1, vp[0]); if((ABS(v.x) >> 4) <= touchcal.var.x && (ABS(v.y) >> 4) <= touchcal.var.y) { tp[0] = p; ntp = 1; return 0; } } vp[0] = *p1; nvp = 1; touch_valid_count++; *fx = p1->x>>4; *fy = p1->y>>4; // print("%d: %d,%d\n", c1, p1->x>>4, p1->y>>4); tp[0] = p; ntp = 1; return 1; } } if(ntp == 2) { /* if(nvp > 0) vp[0] = (TouchPnt){(vp[0].x+tp[0].x)>>1, (vp[0].y+tp[0].y)>>1}; tp[0] = (TouchPnt){(tp[0].x+tp[1].x)>>1, (tp[0].y+tp[1].y)>>1}; */ tp[0] = tp[1]; ntp--; } tp[ntp++] = p; return 0; }