#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "ureg.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "rdbg.h" #include #include /* * The following should be set in the config file to override * the defaults. */ int dbgstart = 1; char *dbgdata; char *dbgctl; char *dbgctlstart; char *dbgctlstop; char *dbgctlflush; // // Error messages sent to the remote debugger // static uchar Ereset[9] = { 'r', 'e', 's', 'e', 't' }; static uchar Ecount[9] = { 'c', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't' }; static uchar Eunk[9] = { 'u', 'n', 'k' }; static uchar Einval[9] = { 'i', 'n', 'v', 'a', 'l' }; static uchar Ebadpid[9] = {'p', 'i', 'd'}; static uchar Eunsup[9] = { 'u', 'n', 's', 'u', 'p' }; static uchar Enotstop[9] = { 'n', 'o', 't', 's', 't', 'o', 'p' }; // // Error messages raised via call to error() // static char Erunning[] = "Not allowed while debugger is running"; static char Enumarg[] = "Not enough args"; static char Ebadcmd[] = "Unknown command"; static int PROCREG; static struct { Rendez; Brk *b; } brk; static Queue *log; static int chatty = 1; typedef struct Debugger Debugger; struct Debugger { RWlock; int running; char data[PRINTSIZE]; char ctl[PRINTSIZE]; char ctlstart[PRINTSIZE]; char ctlstop[PRINTSIZE]; char ctlflush[PRINTSIZE]; }; static Debugger debugger = { .data "#t/eia0", .ctl "#t/eia0ctl", .ctlstart "B19200", .ctlstop "h", .ctlflush "f", }; enum { BrkStackSize= 256, }; typedef struct SkipArg SkipArg; struct SkipArg { Brk *b; Proc *p; }; Brk *breakpoints; void freecondlist(BrkCond *l); static int getbreaks(ulong addr, Brk **a, int nb) { Brk *b; int n; n = 0; for(b = breakpoints; b != nil; b = b->next) { if(b->addr == addr) { a[n++] = b; if(n == nb) break; } } return n; } Brk* newbreak(int id, ulong addr, BrkCond *conds, void(*handler)(Brk*), void *aux) { Brk *b; b = malloc(sizeof(*b)); if(b == nil) error(Enomem); b->id = id; b->conditions = conds; b->addr = addr; b->handler = handler; b->aux = aux; b->next = nil; return b; } void freebreak(Brk *b) { freecondlist(b->conditions); free(b); } BrkCond* newcondition(uchar cmd, ulong val) { BrkCond *c; c = mallocz(sizeof(*c), 0); if(c == nil) error(Enomem); c->op = cmd; c->val = val; c->next = nil; return c; } void freecondlist(BrkCond *l) { BrkCond *next; while(l != nil) { next = l->next; free(l); l = next; } } void breakset(Brk *b) { Brk *e[1]; if(getbreaks(b->addr, e, 1) != 0) { b->instr = e[0]->instr; } else { b->instr = machinstr(b->addr); machbreakset(b->addr); } b->next = breakpoints; breakpoints = b; } void breakrestore(Brk *b) { b->next = breakpoints; breakpoints = b; machbreakset(b->addr); } Brk* breakclear(int id) { Brk *b, *e, *p; for(b=breakpoints, p=nil; b != nil && b->id != id; p = b, b = b->next) ; if(b != nil) { if(p == nil) breakpoints = b->next; else p->next = b->next; if(getbreaks(b->addr, &e, 1) == 0) machbreakclear(b->addr, b->instr); } return b; } void breaknotify(Brk *b, Proc *p) { p->dbgstop = 1; // stop running this process. b->handler(b); } int breakmatch(BrkCond *cond, Ureg *ur, Proc *p) { ulong a, b; int pos; ulong s[BrkStackSize]; memset(s, 0, sizeof(s)); pos = 0; for(;cond != nil; cond = cond->next) { switch(cond->op) { default: panic("breakmatch: unknown operator %c", cond->op); break; case 'k': if(p == nil || p->pid != cond->val) return 0; s[pos++] = 1; break; case 'b': if(ur->pc != cond->val) return 0; s[pos++] = 1; break; case 'p': s[pos++] = cond->val; break; case '*': a = *(ulong*)s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a; break; case '&': a = s[--pos]; b = s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a & b; break; case '=': a = s[--pos]; b = s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a == b; break; case '!': a = s[--pos]; b = s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a != b; break; case 'a': a = s[--pos]; b = s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a && b; break; case 'o': a = s[--pos]; b = s[--pos]; s[pos++] = a || b; break; } } if(pos && s[pos-1]) return 1; return 0; } void breakinit(void) { machbreakinit(); } static void dbglog(char *fmt, ...) { int n; va_list arg; char buf[PRINTSIZE]; va_start(arg, fmt); n = doprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg) - buf; va_end(arg); qwrite(log, buf, n); } static int get(int dbgfd, uchar *b) { int i; uchar c; if(kread(dbgfd, &c, 1) < 0) error(Eio); for(i=0; i<9; i++) { if(kread(dbgfd, b++, 1) < 0) error(Eio); } return c; } static void mesg(int dbgfd, int m, uchar *buf) { int i; uchar c; c = m; if(kwrite(dbgfd, &c, 1) < 0) error(Eio); for(i=0; i<9; i++) { if(kwrite(dbgfd, buf+i, 1) < 0) error(Eio); } } static ulong dbglong(uchar *s) { return (s[0]<<24)|(s[1]<<16)|(s[2]<<8)|(s[3]<<0); } static Proc * dbgproc(ulong pid, int dbgok) { int i; Proc *p; if(!dbgok && pid == up->pid) return 0; p = proctab(0); for(i = 0; i < conf.nproc; i++) { if(p->pid == pid) return p; p++; } return 0; } static void* addr(uchar *s) { ulong a; Proc *p; static Ureg ureg; a = ((s[0]<<24)|(s[1]<<16)|(s[2]<<8)|(s[3]<<0)); if(a < sizeof(Ureg)) { p = dbgproc(PROCREG, 0); if(p == 0) { dbglog("dbg: invalid pid\n"); return 0; } if(p->dbgreg) { /* in trap(), registers are all on stack */ memmove(&ureg, p->dbgreg, sizeof(ureg)); } else { /* not in trap, only pc and sp are available */ memset(&ureg, 0, sizeof(ureg)); ureg.sp = p->sched.sp; ureg.pc = p->sched.pc; } return (uchar*)&ureg+a; } return (void*)a; } static void dumpcmd(uchar cmd, uchar *min) { char *s; int n; switch(cmd) { case Terr: s = "Terr"; break; case Tmget: s = "Tmget"; break; case Tmput: s = "Tmput"; break; case Tspid: s = "Tspid"; break; case Tproc: s = "Tproc"; break; case Tstatus: s = "Tstatus"; break; case Trnote: s = "Trnote"; break; case Tstartstop: s = "Tstartstop"; break; case Twaitstop: s = "Twaitstop"; break; case Tstart: s = "Tstart"; break; case Tstop: s = "Tstop"; break; case Tkill: s = "Tkill"; break; case Tcondbreak: s = "Tcondbreak"; break; default: s = ""; break; } dbglog("%s: [%2.2ux]: ", s, cmd); for(n = 0; n < 9; n++) dbglog("%2.2ux", min[n]); dbglog("\n"); } static int brkpending(void *a) { Proc *p; p = a; if(brk.b != nil) return 1; p->dbgstop = 0; // atomic return 0; } static void gotbreak(Brk *b) { Brk *cur, *prev; b->link = nil; for(prev = nil, cur = brk.b; cur != nil; prev = cur, cur = cur->link) ; if(prev == nil) brk.b = b; else prev->link = b; wakeup(&brk); } static int startstop(Proc *p) { int id; int s; Brk *b; sleep(&brk, brkpending, p); s = splhi(); b = brk.b; brk.b = b->link; splx(s); id = b->id; return id; } static int condbreak(char cmd, ulong val) { BrkCond *c; static BrkCond *head = nil; static BrkCond *tail = nil; static Proc *p = nil; static int id = -1; int s; if(waserror()) { dbglog(up->env->error); freecondlist(head); head = tail = nil; p = nil; id = -1; return 0; } switch(cmd) { case 'b': case 'p': case '*': case '&': case '=': case '!': case 'a': case 'o': break; case 'n': id = val; poperror(); return 1; case 'k': p = dbgproc(val, 0); if(p == nil) error("k: unknown pid"); break; case 'd': { Brk *b; s = splhi(); b = breakclear(val); if(b != nil) { Brk *cur, *prev; prev = nil; cur = brk.b; while(cur != nil) { if(cur->id == b->id) { if(prev == nil) brk.b = cur->link; else prev->link = cur->link; break; } cur = cur->link; } freebreak(b); } splx(s); poperror(); return 1; } default: dbglog("condbreak(): unknown op %c %lux\n", cmd, val); error("unknown op"); } c = newcondition(cmd, val); // // the 'b' command comes last, (so we know we have reached the end // of the condition list), but it should be the first thing // checked, so put it at the head. // if(cmd == 'b') { if(p == nil) error("no pid"); if(id == -1) error("no id"); c->next = head; s = splhi(); breakset(newbreak(id, val, c, gotbreak, p)); splx(s); head = tail = nil; p = nil; id = -1; } else if(tail != nil) { tail->next = c; tail = c; } else head = tail = c; poperror(); return 1; } static void dbg(void*) { Proc *p; ulong val; int n; struct {int dbgcfd; } dc; struct {int dbgfd; } d; uchar cmd, *a, min[9], mout[9]; rlock(&debugger); setpri(PriRealtime); closefgrp(up->env->fgrp); up->env->fgrp = newfgrp(nil); d.dbgfd = -1; dc.dbgcfd = -1; if(waserror()) { if(dc.dbgcfd != -1) { kwrite(dc.dbgcfd, debugger.ctlflush, strlen(debugger.ctlflush)); kclose(dc.dbgcfd); } if(d.dbgfd != -1) kclose(d.dbgfd); runlock(&debugger); wlock(&debugger); debugger.running = 0; wunlock(&debugger); pexit("", 0); } dc.dbgcfd = kopen(debugger.ctl, ORDWR); if(dc.dbgcfd < 0) { dbglog("dbg: %s: %r\n", debugger.ctl); error(Eio); } if(kwrite(dc.dbgcfd, debugger.ctlstart, strlen(debugger.ctlstart)) < 0){ dbglog("dbg: kwrite(%s): %r\n", debugger.ctl); error(Eio); } d.dbgfd = kopen(debugger.data, ORDWR); if(d.dbgfd < 0) { dbglog("dbg: %s: %r\n",debugger.data); error(Eio); } mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ereset); for(;;){ memset(mout, 0, sizeof(mout)); cmd = get(d.dbgfd, min); if(chatty) dumpcmd(cmd, min); switch(cmd){ case Tmget: n = min[4]; if(n > 9){ mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ecount); break; } a = addr(min+0); if(!isvalid_va(a)) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Einval); break; } memmove(mout, a, n); mesg(d.dbgfd, Rmget, mout); break; case Tmput: n = min[4]; if(n > 4){ mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ecount); break; } a = addr(min+0); if(!isvalid_va(a)) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Einval); break; } memmove(a, min+5, n); segflush(a, n); mesg(d.dbgfd, Rmput, mout); break; case Tproc: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 0); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } PROCREG = p->pid; /* try this instead of Tspid */ sprint((char*)mout, "%8.8lux", p); mesg(d.dbgfd, Rproc, mout); break; case Tstatus: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 1); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } if(p->state > Rendezvous || p->state < Dead) { sprint((char*)mout, "%8.8x", p->state); } else if(p->dbgstop == 1) { strncpy((char*)mout, statename[Stopped], sizeof(mout)); } else { strncpy((char*)mout, statename[p->state], sizeof(mout)); } mesg(d.dbgfd, Rstatus, mout); break; case Trnote: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 0); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } mout[0] = 0; /* should be trap status, if any */ mesg(d.dbgfd, Rrnote, mout); break; case Tstop: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 0); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } p->dbgstop = 1; // atomic mout[0] = 0; mesg(d.dbgfd, Rstop, mout); break; case Tstart: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 0); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } p->dbgstop = 0; // atomic mout[0] = 0; mesg(d.dbgfd, Rstart, mout); break; case Tstartstop: p = dbgproc(dbglong(min+0), 0); if(p == 0) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Ebadpid); break; } if(!p->dbgstop) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Enotstop); break; } mout[0] = startstop(p); mesg(d.dbgfd, Rstartstop, mout); break; case Tcondbreak: val = dbglong(min+0); if(!condbreak(min[4], val)) { mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Eunk); break; } mout[0] = 0; mesg(d.dbgfd, Rcondbreak, mout); break; default: dumpcmd(cmd, min); mesg(d.dbgfd, Rerr, Eunk); break; } } } static void dbgnote(Proc *p, Ureg *ur) { if(p) { p->dbgreg = ur; PROCREG = p->pid; /* acid can get the trap info from regs */ } } enum { Qdir, Qdbgctl, Qdbglog, DBGrun = 1, DBGstop = 2, Loglimit = 4096, }; static Dirtab dbgdir[]= { "dbgctl", {Qdbgctl}, 0, 0660, "dbglog", {Qdbglog}, 0, 0440, }; static void start_debugger(void) { breakinit(); dbglog("starting debugger\n"); debugger.running++; kproc("dbg", dbg, 0, KPDUPPG); } static void _dbginit(void) { log = qopen(Loglimit, 0, 0, 0); if(log == nil) error(Enomem); qnoblock(log, 1); wlock(&debugger); if(waserror()) { wunlock(&debugger); qfree(log); log = nil; nexterror(); } if (dbgdata) { strncpy(debugger.data, dbgdata, sizeof(debugger.data)); debugger.data[sizeof(debugger.data)-1] = 0; } if (dbgctl) { strncpy(debugger.ctl, dbgctl, sizeof(debugger.ctl)); debugger.ctl[sizeof(debugger.ctl)-1] = 0; } if (dbgctlstart) { strncpy(debugger.ctlstart, dbgctlstart, sizeof(debugger.ctlstart)); debugger.ctlstart[sizeof(debugger.ctlstart)-1] = 0; } if (dbgctlstop) { strncpy(debugger.ctlstop, dbgctlstop, sizeof(debugger.ctlstop)); debugger.ctlstop[sizeof(debugger.ctlstop)-1] = 0; } if (dbgctlflush) { strncpy(debugger.ctlflush, dbgctlflush, sizeof(debugger.ctlflush)); debugger.ctlflush[sizeof(debugger.ctlflush)-1] = 0; } if(dbgstart) start_debugger(); poperror(); wunlock(&debugger); } static Chan* dbgattach(char *spec) { return devattach('b', spec); } static int dbgwalk(Chan *c, char *name) { return devwalk(c, name, dbgdir, nelem(dbgdir), devgen); } static void dbgstat(Chan *c, char *dp) { devstat(c, dp, dbgdir, nelem(dbgdir), devgen); } static Chan* dbgopen(Chan *c, int omode) { return devopen(c, omode, dbgdir, nelem(dbgdir), devgen); } static long dbgread(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, ulong offset) { char ctlstate[PRINTSIZE]; switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { case Qdir: return devdirread(c, buf, n, dbgdir, nelem(dbgdir), devgen); case Qdbgctl: rlock(&debugger); sprint(ctlstate, "%s data %s ctl %s ctlstart %s ctlstop %s ctlflush %s\n", debugger.running ? "running" : "stopped", debugger.data, debugger.ctl, debugger.ctlstart, debugger.ctlstop, debugger.ctlflush); n = readstr(offset, buf, n, ctlstate); runlock(&debugger); return n; case Qdbglog: return qread(log, buf, n); default: error(Egreg); } return -1; /* never reached */ } static void ctl(char *buf) { Debugger d; int dbgstate = 0; char *fields[8]; int i; int nf; char *df; int dfsize; int setval; nf = getfields(buf, fields, nelem(fields), 1, " \t"); memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d)); for(i=0; nf ; i++, nf--) { setval = 0; df = nil; dfsize = 0; switch(fields[i][0]) { case 'd': df = d.data; dfsize = sizeof(d.data); setval=1; break; case 'c': df = d.ctl; dfsize = sizeof(d.ctl); setval=1; break; case 'i': df = d.ctlstart; dfsize = sizeof(d.ctlstart); setval=1; break; case 'h': df = d.ctlstop; dfsize = sizeof(d.ctlstop); setval=1; break; case 'f': df = d.ctlflush; dfsize = sizeof(d.ctlflush); setval=1; break; case 'r': dbgstate = DBGrun; break; case 's': dbgstate = DBGstop; break; default: error(Ebadcmd); } if(setval) { if(nf < 2) error(Enumarg); strncpy(df, fields[i+1], dfsize-1); df[dfsize-1] = 0; ++d.running; ++i; --nf; } } if(d.running) { wlock(&debugger); if(debugger.running) { wunlock(&debugger); error(Erunning); } if(d.data[0] != 0) { strcpy(debugger.data, d.data); dbglog("data %s\n",debugger.data); } if(d.ctl[0] != 0) { strcpy(debugger.ctl, d.ctl); dbglog("ctl %s\n",debugger.ctl); } if(d.ctlstart[0] != 0) { strcpy(debugger.ctlstart, d.ctlstart); dbglog("ctlstart %s\n",debugger.ctlstart); } if(d.ctlstop[0] != 0) { strcpy(debugger.ctlstop, d.ctlstop); dbglog("ctlstop %s\n",debugger.ctlstop); } wunlock(&debugger); } if(dbgstate == DBGrun) { if(!debugger.running) { wlock(&debugger); if(waserror()) { wunlock(&debugger); nexterror(); } if(!debugger.running) start_debugger(); else dbglog("debugger already running\n"); poperror(); wunlock(&debugger); } else dbglog("debugger already running\n"); } else if(dbgstate == DBGstop) { if(debugger.running) { int cfd; cfd = kopen(debugger.ctl, OWRITE); if(cfd == -1) error(Eio); dbglog("stopping debugger\n"); if(kwrite(cfd, debugger.ctlstop, strlen(debugger.ctlstop)) == -1) { error(Eio); } kclose(cfd); } else dbglog("debugger not running\n"); } } static long dbgwrite(Chan *c, void *va, long n, ulong) { char buf[PRINTSIZE]; switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { default: error(Egreg); break; case Qdbgctl: if(n >= sizeof(buf)) n = sizeof(buf)-1; strncpy(buf, (char*)va, n); buf[n] = 0; if(buf[n-1] == '\n') buf[n-1] = 0; ctl(buf); break; } return n; } static void dbgclose(Chan*) { } Dev dbgdevtab = { 'b', "dbg", devreset, _dbginit, dbgattach, devdetach, devclone, dbgwalk, dbgstat, dbgopen, devcreate, dbgclose, dbgread, devbread, dbgwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, };