#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "ureg.h" #include "io.h" #include "../port/error.h" enum { Maxhandler= 32+16, /* max number of interrupt handlers */ }; typedef struct Handler Handler; struct Handler { void (*r)(Ureg*, void*); void *arg; Handler *next; int edge; ulong nintr; ulong ticks; int maxtick; }; struct { Handler *ivec[128]; Handler h[Maxhandler]; int free; } halloc; Instr BREAK = 0x7fe00008; int (*breakhandler)(Ureg*, Proc*); void kernfault(Ureg*, int); char *excname[] = { "reserved 0", "system reset", "machine check", "data access", "instruction access", "external interrupt", "alignment", "program exception", "floating-point unavailable", "decrementer", "i/o controller interface error", "reserved B", "system call", "trace trap", "floating point assist", "reserved F", "software emulation", "ITLB miss", "DTLB miss", "ITLB error", "DTLB error", "reserved 15", "reserved 16", "reserved 17", "reserved 18", "reserved 19", "reserved 1A", "reserved 1B", "data breakpoint", "instruction breakpoint", "peripheral breakpoint", "development port", /* the following are made up on a program exception */ "floating point exception", /* 20: FPEXC */ "illegal instruction", /* 21 */ "privileged instruction", /* 22 */ "trap", /* 23 */ "illegal operation", /* 24 */ "breakpoint", /* 25 */ }; char *fpcause[] = { "inexact operation", "division by zero", "underflow", "overflow", "invalid operation", }; char *fpexcname(Ureg*, ulong, char*); #define FPEXPMASK 0xfff80300 /* Floating exception bits in fpscr */ char *regname[]={ "CAUSE", "SRR1", "PC", "GOK", "LR", "CR", "XER", "CTR", "R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5", "R6", "R7", "R8", "R9", "R10", "R11", "R12", "R13", "R14", "R15", "R16", "R17", "R18", "R19", "R20", "R21", "R22", "R23", "R24", "R25", "R26", "R27", "R28", "R29", "R30", "R31", }; void sethvec(int v, void (*r)(void)) { ulong *vp, pa, o; vp = (ulong*)KADDR(v); vp[0] = 0x7c1043a6; /* MOVW R0, SPR(SPRG0) */ vp[1] = 0x7c0802a6; /* MOVW LR, R0 */ vp[2] = 0x7c1243a6; /* MOVW R0, SPR(SPRG2) */ pa = PADDR(r); o = pa >> 25; if(o != 0 && o != 0x7F){ /* a branch too far: running from ROM */ vp[3] = (15<<26)|(pa>>16); /* MOVW $r&~0xFFFF, R0 */ vp[4] = (24<<26)|(pa&0xFFFF); /* OR $r&0xFFFF, R0 */ vp[5] = 0x7c0803a6; /* MOVW R0, LR */ vp[6] = 0x4e800021; /* BL (LR) */ }else vp[3] = (18<<26)|(pa&0x3FFFFFC)|3; /* bla */ dcflush(vp, 8*sizeof(ulong)); } void sethvec2(int v, void (*r)(void)) { ulong *vp; vp = (ulong*)KADDR(v); vp[0] = (18<<26)|((ulong)r&~KSEGM)|2; /* ba */ dcflush(vp, sizeof(*vp)); } void trap(Ureg *ur) { int ecode, s; ulong fpscr, w; char buf[2*ERRLEN], buf1[ERRLEN], *fpexcep; static struct {int callsched;} c = {1}; ecode = ur->cause >> 8; if(ecode < 0 || ecode >= 0x1F) ecode = 0x1F; if(up && up->fpstate == FPACTIVE){ if((ur->status&FPE) == 0) { /* Paranoid */ dumpregs(ur); panic("FPACTIVE but no FPE in MSR"); } up->fpstate = FPINACTIVE; ur->status &= ~FPE; fpsave(&up->fpsave); } switch(ecode){ case CEI: intr(ur); break; case CDEC: clockintr(ur); break; case CMCHECK: case CDSI: case CISI: case CIMISS: case CDMISS: case CITLBE: case CDTLBE: faultpower(ur); break; case CEMU: spllo(); if(waserror()){ if(up->type == Interp) disfault(ur, up->env->error); panic("%s", up->env->error); } if(fpipower(ur) == 0){ splhi(); poperror(); print("pc=#%lux op=#%8.8lux\n", ur->pc, *(ulong*)ur->pc); goto Default; } poperror(); break; case CPROG: if(ur->status & (1<<20)) { /* floating-point enabled exception */ clrfptrap(); fpscr = up->fpsave.env.fpscr; spllo(); fpexcep = fpexcname(ur, fpscr, buf1); sprint(buf, "sys: fp: %s", fpexcep); error(buf); break; } if(ur->status & (1<<19)) { ecode = 0x20; w = ur->pc; if(ur->status & (1<<16)) w += 4; if(*(ulong*)w == 0x7fe00008){ /* tw 31,0,0 */ if(breakhandler){ s = (*breakhandler)(ur, up); if(s == BrkSched){ c.callsched = 1; sched(); }else if(s == BrkNoSched) c.callsched = 0; break; } ecode = 0x1D; /* breakpoint */ } } if(ur->status & (1<<18)) ecode = 0x21; if(ur->status & (1<<17)) ecode = 0x22; goto Default; case CFPU: if(up) { /*print("%lux fp state %d\n", up, up->fpstate);*/ if(up->fpstate == FPINIT){ fpinit(); up->fpstate = FPACTIVE; ur->status |= FPE; break; } if(up->fpstate == FPACTIVE){ /* shouldn't happen */ print("#%lux bad fp state\n", up); ur->status |= FPE; break; } if(up->fpstate == FPINACTIVE){ fprestore(&up->fpsave); up->fpstate = FPACTIVE; ur->status |= FPE; break; } } /* Fallthrough */ Default: default: if(up && up->type == Interp) { spllo(); sprint(buf, "sys: trap: %s pc=0x%lux", excname[ecode], ur->pc); error(buf); break; } print("kernel %s pc=0x%lux\n", excname[ecode], ur->pc); dumpregs(ur); dumpstack(); if(m->machno == 0) spllo(); exit(1); } if(up && up->state == Running && rdypri < up->pri) sched(); splhi(); } void spurious(Ureg *ur, void *a) { USED(a); print("SPURIOUS interrupt pc=0x%lux cause=0x%lux\n", ur->pc, ur->cause); panic("bad interrupt"); } #define LEV(n) (((n)<<1)|1) #define IRQ(n) (((n)<<1)|0) Lock veclock; void trapinit(void) { int i; IMM *io; io = m->iomem; io->sypcr &= ~(1<<3); /* disable watchdog (821/823) */ io->simask = 0; /* mask all */ io->siel = ~0; /* edge sensitive, wake on all */ io->cicr = 0; /* disable CPM interrupts */ io->cipr = ~0; /* clear all interrupts */ io->cimr = 0; /* mask all events */ io->cicr = (0xE1<<16)|(CPIClevel<<13)|(0x1F<<8); io->cicr |= 1 << 7; /* enable */ io->tbscr = 1; /* TBE */ io->simask |= 1<<(31-LEV(CPIClevel)); /* CPM's level */ eieio(); putdec(~0); /* * set all exceptions to trap */ for(i = 0x0; i < 0x3000; i += 0x100) sethvec(i, trapvec); sethvec(CEI<<8, intrvec); //sethvec2(CIMISS<<8, itlbmiss); //sethvec2(CDMISS<<8, dtlbmiss); } void intrenable(int v, void (*r)(Ureg*, void*), void *arg, int) { Handler *h; IMM *io; if(halloc.free >= Maxhandler) panic("out of interrupt handlers"); v -= VectorPIC; if(v < 0 || v >= nelem(halloc.ivec)) panic("intrenable(%d)", v+VectorPIC); ilock(&veclock); if(v < VectorCPIC || (h = halloc.ivec[v]) == nil){ h = &halloc.h[halloc.free++]; h->next = halloc.ivec[v]; halloc.ivec[v] = h; } h->r = r; h->arg = arg; /* * enable corresponding interrupt in SIU/CPM */ eieio(); io = m->iomem; if(v >= VectorCPIC){ v -= VectorCPIC; io->cimr |= 1<<(v&0x1F); } else if(v >= VectorIRQ) io->simask |= 1<<(31-IRQ(v&7)); else io->simask |= 1<<(31-LEV(v)); eieio(); iunlock(&veclock); } /* * called directly by l.s:/intrvec */ void intr(Ureg *ur) { int b, v; IMM *io; Handler *h; long t0; ur->cause &= ~0xff; io = m->iomem; b = io->sivec>>2; v = b>>1; if(b & 1) { if(v == CPIClevel){ io->civr = 1; eieio(); v = VectorCPIC+(io->civr>>11); } }else v += VectorIRQ; ur->cause |= v; h = halloc.ivec[v]; if(h == nil){ print("unknown interrupt %d pc=0x%lux\n", v, ur->pc); uartwait(); return; } if(h->edge){ io->sipend |= 1<<(31-b); eieio(); } /* * call the interrupt handlers */ do { h->nintr++; t0 = getdec(); (*h->r)(ur, h->arg); t0 -= getdec(); h->ticks += t0; if(h->maxtick < t0) h->maxtick = t0; h = h->next; } while(h != nil); if(v >= VectorCPIC) io->cisr |= 1<<(v-VectorCPIC); eieio(); if(up && up->state == Running && rdypri < up->pri){ sched(); splhi(); } } int intrstats(char *buf, int bsize) { Handler *h; int i, n; n = 0; for(i=0; inintr) n += snprint(buf+n, bsize-n, "%3d %lud %lud %ud\n", i, h->nintr, h->ticks, h->maxtick); return n; } char* fpexcname(Ureg *ur, ulong fpscr, char *buf) { int i; char *s; ulong fppc; fppc = ur->pc; s = 0; fpscr >>= 3; /* trap enable bits */ fpscr &= (fpscr>>22); /* anded with exceptions */ for(i=0; i<5; i++) if(fpscr & (1<status, ur->pc, ur->sp); dumpregs(ur); l.sp = ur->sp; l.pc = ur->pc; dumpstack(); setpri(PriBackground); /* Let the debugger in */ for(;;) sched(); } void dumpstack(void) { ulong l, v; int i; if(up == 0) return; i = 0; for(l=(ulong)&l; l<(ulong)(up->kstack+KSTACK); l+=4){ v = *(ulong*)l; if(KTZERO < v && v < (ulong)etext){ print("%lux=%lux, ", l, v); if(i++ == 4){ print("\n"); i = 0; } } } } void dumpregs(Ureg *ur) { int i; ulong *l; if(up) { print("registers for %s %ld\n", up->text, up->pid); if(ur->usp < (ulong)up->kstack || ur->usp > (ulong)up->kstack+KSTACK) print("invalid stack ptr\n"); } else print("registers for kernel\n"); l = &ur->cause; for(i=0; ikpfun)(up->arg); pexit("", 0); } void kprocchild(Proc *p, void (*func)(void*), void *arg) { p->sched.pc = (ulong)linkproc; p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK; p->kpfun = func; p->arg = arg; } void setpanic(void) { extern int consoleprint; consoleprint = 1; } int isvalid_pc(ulong pc) { return KERNPC(pc) && (pc&3) == 0; } void dumplongs(char*, ulong*, int) { }