#include #include #include "mem.h" #include "mdstyxmon.h" // char Eunimplemented[] = "unimplemented"; char Enofid[] = "out of fids"; char Einuse[] = "fid in use"; char Eunknownfid[] = "unknown fid"; char Eperm[] = "permission denied"; char Etoobig[] = "count too large"; char Eopen[] = "open failed"; char Eread[] = "read failed"; char Ewrite[] = "write failed"; char Eisadirectory[] = "is a directory"; char Enotadirectory[] = "not a directory"; char Enosuchfile[] = "file does not exist"; char Enothandled[] = "message not handled"; #define PCHAR(x) *p++ = x #define PSHORT(x) { ulong v = x; p[0] = v;\ p[1] = v>>8;\ p += 2; } #define PLONG(x) plong(p, x); p += 4 static void block(Fcall *fc); static Fid* getfid(int fid, int create) { Global *g = G; Fid *f = g->fidpool; Fid *fe = f+nelem(g->fidpool); Fid *e = nil; for(; f < fe; f++) { if(f->node == nil) e = f; else if(f->fid == fid) return f; } if(e == nil || !create) return nil; if(g->nfids++ == 0) firstattach(fid); e->fid = fid; return e; } void Exattach(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { Global *g = G; Fid *f; uchar *p; BPChan *node; f = getfid(fc->fid, 1); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Enofid, sizeof(Enofid)); return; } node = &g->rootdir; f->node = node; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2+8); p = buf; PCHAR(Rattach); PSHORT(fc->tag); PSHORT(fc->fid); PLONG(node->d.qid.path); PLONG(node->d.qid.vers); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2+8); } void Exclone(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *p; Fid *f, *n; if(fc->fid == fc->newfid) { inuse: rerror(buf, fc, Einuse, sizeof(Einuse)); return; } f = getfid(fc->fid, 0); if(f == nil || f->node == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } n = getfid(fc->newfid, 1); if(n == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Enofid, sizeof(Enofid)); return; } if(n->node) goto inuse; n->node = f->node; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Rclone); PSHORT(fc->tag); PSHORT(fc->fid); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2); } void Exclunk(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { Fid *f; Global *g = G; uchar *p; int tag = fc->tag; int fid = fc->fid; f = getfid(fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } if(f->open && f->node->clunk) f->node->clunk(f->node); f->open = 0; f->node = nil; if(--(g->nfids) <= 0) lastclunk(); buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Rclunk); PSHORT(tag); PSHORT(fid); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2); } void Exflush(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { Global *g = G; Blocked *b = g->blocked; Blocked *be = b+nelem(g->blocked); uchar *p; for(; b < be; b++) if(b->type && b->tag == fc->oldtag) b->type = 0; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Rflush); PSHORT(fc->tag); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2); } void Exopen(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *p; Fid *f; BPChan *node; int tag = fc->tag; int fid = fc->fid; f = getfid(fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } node = f->node; if((node->d.qid.path & CHDIR) && fc->mode != OREAD) { rerror(buf, fc, Eperm, sizeof(Eperm)); return; } node->err = nil; if(node->open && (*node->open)(node, fc->mode) == -1) { if(node->err != nil) rerror(buf, fc, node->err, strlen(node->err)); else rerror(buf, fc, Eopen, sizeof(Eopen)); return; } ++f->open; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Ropen); PSHORT(tag); PSHORT(fid); PLONG(node->d.qid.path); PLONG(node->d.qid.vers); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2+4+4); } void Exread(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *nbuf; uchar *p; Fid *f; BPChan *node; long n; int fid = fc->fid; int tag = fc->tag; f = getfid(fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } n = fc->count; if(n > 8192) { rerror(buf, fc, Etoobig, sizeof(Etoobig)); return; } node = f->node; if(node->read == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eperm, sizeof(Eperm)); return; } nbuf = buf+sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2+2+1+n); node->err = nil; n = node->read(f->node, nbuf+1+2+2+2+1, n, fc->offset); if(n == BPCHAN_BLOCKED) { block(fc); return; } if(n == -1) { if(node->err != nil) rerror(buf, fc, node->err, strlen(node->err)); else rerror(buf, fc, Eread, sizeof(Eread)); return; } p = nbuf; PCHAR(Rread); PSHORT(tag); PSHORT(fid); PSHORT(n); PCHAR(0); USED(p); send(nbuf, 1+2+2+2+1+n); } void Exwrite(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *p; BPChan *node; long n; Fid *f; int fid = fc->fid; int tag = fc->tag; f = getfid(fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } node = f->node; if(node->d.qid.path & CHDIR) { rerror(buf, fc, Eisadirectory, sizeof(Eisadirectory)); return; } if(node->write == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eperm, sizeof(Eperm)); return; } node->err = nil; n = node->write(node, buf+1+2+2+8+2+1, fc->count, fc->offset); if(n == BPCHAN_BLOCKED) { block(fc); return; } if(n == -1) { if(node->err != nil) rerror(buf, fc, node->err, strlen(node->err)); else rerror(buf, fc, Ewrite, sizeof(Ewrite)); return; } buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Rwrite); PSHORT(tag); PSHORT(fid); PSHORT(n); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2+2); } void Exstat(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *p; BPChan *node; Fid *f; f = getfid(fc->fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } node = f->node; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2+DIRLEN); p = buf; PCHAR(Rstat); PSHORT(fc->tag); PSHORT(fc->fid); convD2M(&node->d, (char*)p); send(buf, 1+2+2+DIRLEN); } void Exwalk(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { Global *g = G; BPChan *c; Fid *f; uchar *p; f = getfid(fc->fid, 0); if(f == nil) { rerror(buf, fc, Eunknownfid, sizeof(Eunknownfid)); return; } if(f->node->d.qid.path & CHDIR == 0) { rerror(buf, fc, Enotadirectory, sizeof(Enotadirectory)); return; } if(fc->name[0] == '.' && fc->name[1] == 0) { c = f->node; goto sendit; } for(c=g->head; c != nil; c = c->link) { if(strcmp(fc->name, c->d.name) == 0) { sendit: f->node = c; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2+2+4+4); p = buf; PCHAR(Rwalk); PSHORT(fc->tag); PSHORT(fc->fid); PLONG(c->d.qid.path); PLONG(c->d.qid.vers); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2+2+4+4); return; } } rerror(buf, fc, Enosuchfile, sizeof(Enosuchfile)); } void Exnop(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { uchar *p; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(1+2); p = buf; PCHAR(Rnop); PSHORT(fc->tag); USED(p); send(buf, 1+2); } void rerror(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc, char *err, int elen) { uchar *p; buf += sizeof(G->buf)-(3+64); p = buf; *p++ = Rerror; PSHORT(fc->tag); if(elen > 64) elen = 64; memmove(p, err, elen); while(elen < 64) p[elen++] = 0; send(buf, 3+64); } int rootdirread(BPChan*, uchar *buf, long n, long offset) { Global *g = G; int skip; BPChan *chan; int i; chan = g->head; if(chan->link == nil) return 0; chan = chan->link; // skip the chan for the dir for(skip=0; skip < offset && chan != nil; skip += DIRLEN, chan = chan->link) ; if(chan == nil) return 0; for(i=0; i < n && chan != nil; i += DIRLEN, chan = chan->link) buf += convD2M(&chan->d, (char*)buf); return i; } static void (*fcalls[Tmax])(uchar*, Fcall*) = { [Tnop] = Exnop, [Tattach] = Exattach, [Tclone] = Exclone, [Twalk] = Exwalk, [Topen] = Exopen, [Tread] = Exread, [Twrite] = Exwrite, [Tclunk] = Exclunk, [Tstat] = Exstat, [Tflush] = Exflush, }; int fcall(uchar *buf, Fcall *fc) { if(fc->type >= nelem(fcalls)) return 0; if(fcalls[fc->type] != nil) { fcalls[fc->type](buf, fc); return 1; } else { rerror(buf, fc, Enothandled, sizeof Enothandled); return 0; } } static void block(Fcall *fc) { Global *g = G; Blocked *b = g->blocked; Blocked *be = b+nelem(g->blocked); while(b->type) if(++b == be) return; b->type = fc->type; b->fid = fc->fid; b->tag = fc->tag; b->qid = fc->qid; b->offset = fc->offset; b->count = fc->count; } int unblock(uchar *buf) { Global *g = G; Blocked *b = g->blocked; Blocked *be = b+nelem(g->blocked); Fcall *fc = &g->fc; int r = 0; for(; b < be; b++) { if(b->type) { fc->type = b->type; fc->fid = b->fid; fc->tag = b->tag; fc->qid = b->qid; fc->offset = b->offset; fc->count = b->count; b->type = 0; fcall(buf, fc); ++r; } } return r; }