/* * win-x11a.c - * * This is a memflushscreen based implementation of the emu x11 * screen. The advantages over the current win-x11.c is that this * driver supports all colour depths (including 15/16 bit!) but it * also has a different set of performance characteristics and thus * until a quantative bench mark of all the various drawing primatives * have been done, this file is included as an optional replacement * for the current win-x11.c. * * To Use: * * 1. copy memimage/mkfile-Inferno over memimage/mkfile-Posix and * rebuild memimage. * * 2. copy memlayer/mkfile-Inferno over memlayer/mkfile-Posix and * rebuild memlayer. * * 3. change win-x11.$O to win-x11a.$o in emu/mkfile-$(SYSTARG) and * rebuild emu 4. enjoy emu at 16 bit colour ... * * CraigN */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * alias defs for image types to overcome name conflicts */ typedef struct ICursor ICursor; typedef struct IPoint IPoint; typedef struct IRectangle IRectangle; typedef struct CRemapTbl CRemapTbl; struct ICursor { int w; int h; int hotx; int hoty; char *src; char *mask; }; struct IPoint { int x; int y; }; struct IRectangle { IPoint min; IPoint max; }; enum { DblTime = 300 /* double click time in msec */ }; /* screen data .... */ static unsigned char *gscreendata; static unsigned char *xscreendata; XColor map[256]; /* Inferno colormap array */ XColor map7[128]; /* Inferno colormap array */ uchar map7to8[128][2]; static Colormap xcmap; /* Default shared colormap */ static int infernotox11[256]; /* Values for mapping between */ static int triedscreen; static XModifierKeymap *modmap; static int keypermod; static Drawable xdrawable; static void xexpose(XEvent*); static void xmouse(XEvent*); static void xkeyboard(XEvent*); static void xmapping(XEvent*); static void xproc(void*); static void xinitscreen(int, int); static void initmap(Window); static GC creategc(Drawable); static void graphicscmap(XColor*); static int xscreendepth; static Display *xdisplay, *xkmcon; static Visual *xvis; static GC xgc; static XImage *img; static int is_shm; static XShmSegmentInfo *shminfo; /* The documentation for the XSHM extension implies that if the server supports XSHM but is not the local machine, the XShm calls will return False; but this turns out not to be the case. Instead, the server throws a BadAccess error. So, we need to catch X errors around all of our XSHM calls, sigh. */ static int shm_got_x_error = False; static XErrorHandler old_handler = 0; static XErrorHandler old_io_handler = 0; static int shm_ehandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error) { shm_got_x_error = 1; return 0; } static void clean_errhandlers(void) { /* remove X11 error handler(s) */ if (old_handler) XSetErrorHandler(old_handler); old_handler = 0; if (old_io_handler) XSetErrorHandler(old_io_handler); old_io_handler = 0; } ulong* attachscreen(IRectangle *r, int *ld, int *width, int *softscreen) { r->min.x = 0; r->min.y = 0; r->max.x = Xsize; r->max.y = Ysize; *ld = 3; *width = Xsize/4; *softscreen = 1; if(!triedscreen){ xinitscreen(Xsize, Ysize); /* * moved xproc from here to end since it could cause an expose event and * hence a flushmemscreen before xscreendata is initialized */ } /* check for X Shared Memory Extension */ is_shm = XShmQueryExtension(xdisplay); if (is_shm) { shminfo = malloc(sizeof(XShmSegmentInfo)); if (shminfo == nil) { fprint(2, "emu: cannot allocate XShmSegmentInfo\n"); cleanexit(0); } /* setup to catch X11 error(s) */ XSync(xdisplay, 0); shm_got_x_error = 0; if (old_handler != shm_ehandler) old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(shm_ehandler); if (old_io_handler != shm_ehandler) old_io_handler = XSetErrorHandler(shm_ehandler); img = XShmCreateImage(xdisplay, xvis, xscreendepth, ZPixmap, NULL, shminfo, Xsize, Ysize); XSync(xdisplay, 0); /* did we get an X11 error? if so then try without shm */ if (shm_got_x_error) { is_shm = 0; free(shminfo); shminfo = NULL; clean_errhandlers(); goto next; } if (!img) { fprint(2, "emu: can not allocate virtual screen buffer\n"); cleanexit(0); } shminfo->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, img->bytes_per_line * img->height, IPC_CREAT|0777); shminfo->shmaddr = img->data = shmat(shminfo->shmid, 0, 0); shminfo->readOnly = True; if (!XShmAttach(xdisplay, shminfo)) { fprint(2, "emu: cannot allocate virtual screen buffer\n"); cleanexit(0); } XSync(xdisplay, 0); /* Delete the shared segment right now; the segment won't actually go away until both the client and server have deleted it. The server will delete it as soon as the client disconnects, so we should delete our side early in case of abnormal termination. (And note that, in the context of xscreensaver, abnormal termination is the rule rather than the exception, so this would leak like a sieve if we didn't do this...) */ shmctl(shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); /* did we get an X11 error? if so then try without shm */ if (shm_got_x_error) { is_shm = 0; XDestroyImage(img); XSync(xdisplay, 0); free(shminfo); shminfo = NULL; clean_errhandlers(); goto next; } gscreendata = malloc(Xsize * Ysize); if (gscreendata == nil) { fprint(2, "emu: cannot allocate screen buffer (%dx%d)\n", Xsize*Ysize); cleanexit(0); } xscreendata = img->data; clean_errhandlers(); } next: if (!is_shm) { /* allocate virtual screen */ gscreendata = malloc(Xsize * Ysize); xscreendata = malloc(Xsize * Ysize * (xscreendepth >> 3)); if (!gscreendata || !xscreendata) { fprint(2, "emu: can not allocate virtual screen buffer\n"); return 0; } img = XCreateImage(xdisplay, xvis, xscreendepth, ZPixmap, 0, xscreendata, Xsize, Ysize, 8, Xsize * (xscreendepth >> 3)); if (!img) { fprint(2, "emu: can not allocate virtual screen buffer\n"); return 0; } } if(!triedscreen){ triedscreen = 1; if(kproc("xproc", xproc, nil, 0) < 0) { fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 can't make X proc\n"); return 0; } } return (ulong *)gscreendata;; } void flushmemscreen(IRectangle r) { int x, y, width, height, dx; unsigned char *p, *ep, *cp; // Clip to screen if (r.min.x < 0) r.min.x = 0; if (r.min.y < 0) r.min.y = 0; if (r.max.x >= Xsize) r.max.x = Xsize - 1; if (r.max.y >= Ysize) r.max.y = Ysize - 1; // is there anything left ... width = r.max.x-r.min.x; height = r.max.y-r.min.y; if ((width < 1) | (height < 1)) return; // Blit the pixel data ... if (xscreendepth == 16) { unsigned short *sp; dx = Xsize - width; p = gscreendata + r.min.y * Xsize + r.min.x; sp = (unsigned short *)(xscreendata + (r.min.y * Xsize + r.min.x) * 2); ep = gscreendata + r.max.y * Xsize + r.max.x; while (p < ep) { const unsigned char *lp = p + width; while (p < lp) *sp++ = infernotox11[*p++]; p += dx; sp += dx; } } else if (xscreendepth == 8) { dx = Xsize - width; p = gscreendata + r.min.y * Xsize + r.min.x; cp = xscreendata + r.min.y * Xsize + r.min.x; ep = gscreendata + r.max.y * Xsize + r.max.x; while (p < ep) { const unsigned char *lp = p + width; while (p < lp) *cp++ = infernotox11[*p++]; p += dx; cp += dx; } } else { for (y = r.min.y; y < r.max.y; y++) { x = r.min.x; p = gscreendata + y * Xsize + x; while (x < r.max.x) XPutPixel(img, x++, y, infernotox11[*p++]); } } /* Display image on X11 */ if (is_shm) XShmPutImage(xdisplay, xdrawable, xgc, img, r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.x, r.min.y, width, height, 0); else XPutImage(xdisplay, xdrawable, xgc, img, r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.x, r.min.y, width, height); XSync(xdisplay, 0); } static int revbyte(int b) { int r; r = 0; r |= (b&0x01) << 7; r |= (b&0x02) << 5; r |= (b&0x04) << 3; r |= (b&0x08) << 1; r |= (b&0x10) >> 1; r |= (b&0x20) >> 3; r |= (b&0x40) >> 5; r |= (b&0x80) >> 7; return r; } static void gotcursor(ICursor c) { Cursor xc; XColor fg, bg; Pixmap xsrc, xmask; static Cursor xcursor; if(c.src == nil){ if(xcursor != 0) { XFreeCursor(xdisplay, xcursor); xcursor = 0; } XUndefineCursor(xdisplay, xdrawable); XFlush(xdisplay); return; } xsrc = XCreateBitmapFromData(xdisplay, xdrawable, c.src, c.w, c.h); xmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(xdisplay, xdrawable, c.mask, c.w, c.h); fg = map[255]; bg = map[0]; fg.pixel = infernotox11[255]; bg.pixel = infernotox11[0]; xc = XCreatePixmapCursor(xdisplay, xsrc, xmask, &fg, &bg, -c.hotx, -c.hoty); if(xc != 0) { XDefineCursor(xdisplay, xdrawable, xc); if(xcursor != 0) XFreeCursor(xdisplay, xcursor); xcursor = xc; } XFreePixmap(xdisplay, xsrc); XFreePixmap(xdisplay, xmask); XFlush(xdisplay); free(c.src); } void setcursor(IPoint p) { XWarpPointer(xdisplay, None, xdrawable, 0, 0, 0, 0, p.x, p.y); XFlush(xdisplay); } void drawcursor(Drawcursor* c) { ICursor ic; IRectangle ir; uchar *bs, *bc; int i, j; int h = 0, bpl = 0; char *src, *mask, *csrc, *cmask; /* Set the default system cursor */ src = nil; mask = nil; if(c->data != nil){ h = (c->maxy-c->miny)/2; ir.min.x = c->minx; ir.min.y = c->miny; ir.max.x = c->maxx; ir.max.y = c->maxy; /* passing IRectangle to Rectangle is safe */ bpl = bytesperline(ir, 0); i = h*bpl; src = malloc(2*i); if(src == nil) return; mask = src + i; csrc = src; cmask = mask; bc = c->data; bs = c->data + h*bpl; for(i = 0; i < h; i++){ for(j = 0; j < bpl; j++) { *csrc++ = revbyte(bs[j]); *cmask++ = revbyte(bs[j] | bc[j]); } bs += bpl; bc += bpl; } } ic.w = 8*bpl; ic.h = h; ic.hotx = c->hotx; ic.hoty = c->hoty; ic.src = src; ic.mask = mask; gotcursor(ic); } static void xproc(void *arg) { ulong mask; XEvent event; closepgrp(up->env->pgrp); closefgrp(up->env->fgrp); closeegrp(up->env->egrp); mask = KeyPressMask| ButtonPressMask| ButtonReleaseMask| PointerMotionMask| Button1MotionMask| Button2MotionMask| Button3MotionMask| ExposureMask; XSelectInput(xkmcon, xdrawable, mask); for(;;) { XWindowEvent(xkmcon, xdrawable, mask, &event); switch(event.type) { case KeyPress: xkeyboard(&event); break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: case MotionNotify: xmouse(&event); break; case Expose: xexpose(&event); break; case MappingNotify: xmapping(&event); break; default: break; } } } static void xinitscreen(int xsize, int ysize) { char *argv[2]; char *disp_val; Window rootwin; XWMHints hints; Screen *screen; int rootscreennum; XTextProperty name; XClassHint classhints; XSizeHints normalhints; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; xdrawable = 0; xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(xdisplay == 0){ disp_val = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(disp_val == 0) disp_val = "not set"; fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 open %r, DISPLAY is %s\n", disp_val); cleanexit(0); } rootscreennum = DefaultScreen(xdisplay); rootwin = DefaultRootWindow(xdisplay); xscreendepth = DefaultDepth(xdisplay, rootscreennum); xvis = DefaultVisual(xdisplay, rootscreennum); screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(xdisplay); xcmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen); if (xvis->class != StaticColor) { graphicscmap(map); initmap(rootwin); } if ((modmap = XGetModifierMapping(xdisplay)) != 0) keypermod = modmap->max_keypermod; attrs.colormap = xcmap; attrs.background_pixel = 0; attrs.border_pixel = 0; /* attrs.override_redirect = 1;*/ /* WM leave me alone! |CWOverrideRedirect */ xdrawable = XCreateWindow(xdisplay, rootwin, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, 0, xscreendepth, InputOutput, xvis, CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap, &attrs); /* * set up property as required by ICCCM */ name.value = "inferno"; name.encoding = XA_STRING; name.format = 8; name.nitems = strlen(name.value); normalhints.flags = USSize|PMaxSize; normalhints.max_width = normalhints.width = xsize; normalhints.max_height = normalhints.height = ysize; hints.flags = InputHint|StateHint; hints.input = 1; hints.initial_state = NormalState; classhints.res_name = "inferno"; classhints.res_class = "Inferno"; argv[0] = "inferno"; argv[1] = nil; XSetWMProperties(xdisplay, xdrawable, &name, /* XA_WM_NAME property for ICCCM */ &name, /* XA_WM_ICON_NAME */ argv, /* XA_WM_COMMAND */ 1, /* argc */ &normalhints, /* XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS */ &hints, /* XA_WM_HINTS */ &classhints); /* XA_WM_CLASS */ XMapWindow(xdisplay, xdrawable); XFlush(xdisplay); xgc = creategc(xdrawable); xkmcon = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(xkmcon == 0){ disp_val = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(disp_val == 0) disp_val = "not set"; fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 open %r, DISPLAY is %s\n", disp_val); cleanexit(0); } } static void graphicscmap(XColor *map) { int r, g, b, cr, cg, cb, v, num, den, idx, v7, idx7; for(r=0; r!=4; r++) { for(g = 0; g != 4; g++) { for(b = 0; b!=4; b++) { for(v = 0; v!=4; v++) { den=r; if(g > den) den=g; if(b > den) den=b; /* divide check -- pick grey shades */ if(den==0) cr=cg=cb=v*17; else { num=17*(4*den+v); cr=r*num/den; cg=g*num/den; cb=b*num/den; } idx = r*64 + v*16 + ((g*4 + b + v - r) & 15); idx = 255 - idx; map[idx].red = cr*0x0101; map[idx].green = cg*0x0101; map[idx].blue = cb*0x0101; map[idx].pixel = idx; map[idx].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; v7 = v >> 1; idx7 = r*32 + v7*16 + g*4 + b; if((v & 1) == v7){ map7to8[idx7][0] = idx; if(den == 0) { /* divide check -- pick grey shades */ cr = ((255.0/7.0)*v7)+0.5; cg = cr; cb = cr; } else { num=17*15*(4*den+v7*2)/14; cr=r*num/den; cg=g*num/den; cb=b*num/den; } map7[idx7].red = cr*0x0101; map7[idx7].green = cg*0x0101; map7[idx7].blue = cb*0x0101; map7[idx7].pixel = idx7; map7[idx7].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; } else map7to8[idx7][1] = idx; } } } } } /* * Initialize and install the Inferno colormap as a private colormap for this * application. Inferno gets the best colors here when it has the cursor focus. */ static void initmap(Window w) { XColor c; int i; if(xscreendepth <= 1) return; if(xvis->class == TrueColor || xvis->class == DirectColor) { for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { c = map[i]; /* find out index into colormap for our RGB */ if(!XAllocColor(xdisplay, xcmap, &c)) { fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 can't alloc color\n"); cleanexit(0); } infernotox11[map[i].pixel] = c.pixel; } } else if(xvis->class == PseudoColor) { if(xtblbit == 0){ xcmap = XCreateColormap(xdisplay, w, xvis, AllocAll); XStoreColors(xdisplay, xcmap, map, 256); for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) infernotox11[i] = i; } else { for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { c = map7[i]; if(!XAllocColor(xdisplay, xcmap, &c)) { fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 can't alloc colors in default map, don't use -7\n"); cleanexit(0); } infernotox11[map7to8[i][0]] = c.pixel; infernotox11[map7to8[i][1]] = c.pixel; } } } else { xtblbit = 0; fprint(2, "emu: win-x11 unsupported visual class %d\n", xvis->class); } return; } static void xmapping(XEvent *e) { XMappingEvent *xe; if(e->type != MappingNotify) return; xe = (XMappingEvent*)e; if(modmap) XFreeModifiermap(modmap); modmap = XGetModifierMapping(xe->display); if(modmap) keypermod = modmap->max_keypermod; } /* * Disable generation of GraphicsExpose/NoExpose events in the GC. */ static GC creategc(Drawable d) { XGCValues gcv; gcv.function = GXcopy; gcv.graphics_exposures = False; return XCreateGC(xdisplay, d, GCFunction|GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); } static void xexpose(XEvent *e) { IRectangle r; XExposeEvent *xe; if(e->type != Expose) return; xe = (XExposeEvent*)e; r.min.x = xe->x; r.min.y = xe->y; r.max.x = xe->x + xe->width; r.max.y = xe->y + xe->height; drawxflush(r); } static void xkeyboard(XEvent *e) { int ind; KeySym k; unsigned int md; if(gkscanq) { uchar ch = (KeyCode)e->xkey.keycode; if(e->xany.type == KeyRelease) ch |= 0x80; qproduce(gkscanq, &ch, 1); return; } /* * I tried using XtGetActionKeysym, but it didn't seem to * do case conversion properly * (at least, with Xterminal servers and R4 intrinsics) */ if(e->xany.type != KeyPress) return; md = e->xkey.state; ind = 0; if(md & ShiftMask) ind = 1; k = XKeycodeToKeysym(e->xany.display, (KeyCode)e->xkey.keycode, ind); /* May have to try unshifted version */ if(k == NoSymbol && ind == 1) k = XKeycodeToKeysym(e->xany.display, (KeyCode)e->xkey.keycode, 0); if(k == XK_Multi_key || k == NoSymbol) return; if(k&0xFF00){ switch(k){ case XK_BackSpace: case XK_Tab: case XK_Escape: case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_0: case XK_KP_1: case XK_KP_2: case XK_KP_3: case XK_KP_4: case XK_KP_5: case XK_KP_6: case XK_KP_7: case XK_KP_8: case XK_KP_9: case XK_KP_Divide: case XK_KP_Multiply: case XK_KP_Subtract: case XK_KP_Add: case XK_KP_Decimal: k &= 0x7F; break; case XK_Linefeed: k = '\r'; break; case XK_KP_Enter: case XK_Return: k = '\n'; break; case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Alt_R: case XK_Meta_L: case XK_Meta_R: k = Latin; break; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: k = Left; break; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: k = Down; break; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: k = Right; break; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: k = Up; break; case XK_Home: case XK_KP_Home: k = Home; break; case XK_End: case XK_KP_End: k = End; break; case XK_Page_Up: case XK_KP_Page_Up: k = Pgup; break; case XK_Page_Down: case XK_KP_Page_Down: k = Pgdown; break; default: /* not ISO-1 or tty control */ return; } } /* Compensate for servers that call a minus a hyphen */ if(k == XK_hyphen) k = XK_minus; /* Do control mapping ourselves if translator doesn't */ if(md & ControlMask) k &= 0x9f; if(k == '\t' && ind) k = BackTab; if(md & Mod1Mask) k = APP|(k&0xff); if(k == NoSymbol) return; gkbdputc(gkbdq, k); } static void xmouse(XEvent *e) { int s, dbl; XButtonEvent *be; XMotionEvent *me; XEvent motion; Pointer m; static ulong lastb, lastt; dbl = 0; switch(e->type){ case ButtonPress: be = (XButtonEvent *)e; m.x = be->x; m.y = be->y; s = be->state; if(be->button == lastb && be->time - lastt < DblTime) dbl = 1; lastb = be->button; lastt = be->time; switch(be->button){ case 1: s |= Button1Mask; break; case 2: s |= Button2Mask; break; case 3: s |= Button3Mask; break; } break; case ButtonRelease: be = (XButtonEvent *)e; m.x = be->x; m.y = be->y; s = be->state; switch(be->button){ case 1: s &= ~Button1Mask; break; case 2: s &= ~Button2Mask; break; case 3: s &= ~Button3Mask; break; } break; case MotionNotify: me = (XMotionEvent *) e; /* remove excess MotionNotify events from queue and keep last one */ while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(xkmcon, xdrawable, MotionNotify, &motion) == True) me = (XMotionEvent *) &motion; s = me->state; m.x = me->x; m.y = me->y; break; default: return; } m.b = 0; if(s & Button1Mask) m.b |= 1; if(s & Button2Mask) m.b |= 2; if(s & Button3Mask) m.b |= 4; if(dbl) m.b |= 1<<4; m.modify = 1; mouseproduce(m); }