implement ttt; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect, Image, Font, Context, Screen, Display: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "rand.m"; rand: Rand; stderr: ref Sys->FD; ttt: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; mainwin: ref Toplevel; brdr: Rect; brdx, brdy : int; BOARD_SIZE: con 3; INTERNAL_SIZE: con BOARD_SIZE+2; # internal board is 2 larger than visible board NOUGHT, CROSS, BLANK, FINISHED: con (1<Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; rand = load Rand Rand->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); rand->init(daytime->now()); daytime = nil; if(ctxt == nil) fatal("wm not running"); wmlib->init(); (win, wmcmd) := wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen, "", "tic tac toe", Wmlib->Hide); mainwin = win; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); cmdch := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, cmdch, "cmd"); mvch := chan of (int, int); display_board(); pid := -1; init_board(); for (;;) { alt { c := <- wmcmd => # wm commands case c { "exit" => if(pid != -1) kill(pid); exit; * => wmlib->titlectl(win, c); brdr = canvposn(mainwin); } c := <- cmdch => # tk commands (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); case hd toks { "b" => #sys->fprint(stderr, "getting here"); x := int hd tl toks; y := int hd tl tl toks; make_move(x,y); cmd(mainwin, "update"); "restart" => init_board(); reset_display(); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", c); } } } } display_board() { i, j: int; for(i = 0; i < len win_config; i++) { cmd(mainwin, win_config[i]); } for (i = 0; i < len win_config2; i++) cmd (mainwin, win_config2[i]); brdr = canvposn(mainwin); black = mainwin.image.display.color(Draw->Black); white = mainwin.image.display.color(Draw->White); brdx = brdr.dx()/BOARD_SIZE; brdy = brdr.dy()/BOARD_SIZE; mainwin.image.draw(brdr, white, mainwin.image.display.ones, (0,0)); for(i=1; iEndsquare, Draw->Endsquare, 0, mainwin.image.display.ones, (0,0)); } fiximage(win: ref Toplevel) { r := canvposn(win); displ := win.image.display; cmd(win, ".c configure -width [.c cget -actwidth]"); cmd(win, ".c configure -width [.c cget -actheight]"); saveimage := displ.newimage(r, displ.image.ldepth, 0 , Draw->White); saveimage.draw(r, win.image, displ.ones, r.min); tk->imageput(win, "saveimage", saveimage, nil); cmd(win, ".c coords saveimage 0 0"); cmd(win, "update"); } drawNought(m, n: int) { mainwin.image.fillellipse(cmap(m,n), 3*brdx/8, 3*brdy/8, black, (0,0)); mainwin.image.fillellipse(cmap(m,n), 3*brdx/9, 3*brdy/9, white, (0,0)); } drawCross(m, n: int) { topL, topR, botL, botR, mid: Point; x1, x2, y1, y2: int; mid = cmap(m,n); x1 = mid.x; x2 = mid.x; y1 = mid.y; y2 = mid.y; x1 += 3*brdx/8; x2 -= 3*brdx/8; y1 += 3*brdx/8; y2 -= 3*brdx/8; topL=(x2, y1); topR=(x1, y1); botL=(x2, y2); botR=(x1, y2); drawLine(topL, botR); drawLine(topR, botL); } cmap(m, n: int): Point { return brdr.min.add((m*brdx-brdx/2, n*brdy-brdy/2)); } reset_display() { mainwin.image.draw(brdr, white, mainwin.image.display.ones, (0,0)); for(i:=1; isleep(500); board[x][y].pos=NOUGHT; won:=playerWon(NOUGHT); if (won) { end_of_game(); display_win(); return; } placed := allMovesMade(); if (placed==1) { display_draw(); } else { makeCrossMove(); won=playerWon(CROSS); if (won) { display_lost(); end_of_game(); } } } } # check to see if there are any remaining moves that can be made allMovesMade():int { allDone:=1; for (i:= 1; i <= BOARD_SIZE; i++) for (j :=1; j <= BOARD_SIZE; j++) { if (board[i][j].pos == BLANK) allDone=0; } return allDone; } playerWon(player : int) : int { playerWin:=0; if ((board[1][1].pos==player && board[1][2].pos==player && board[1][3].pos==player) || (board[2][1].pos==player && board[2][2].pos==player && board[2][3].pos==player) || (board[3][1].pos==player && board[3][2].pos==player && board[3][3].pos==player) || (board[1][1].pos==player && board[2][2].pos==player && board[3][3].pos==player) || (board[3][1].pos==player && board[2][2].pos==player && board[1][3].pos==player) || (board[1][1].pos==player && board[2][1].pos==player && board[3][1].pos==player) || (board[1][2].pos==player && board[2][2].pos==player && board[3][2].pos==player) || (board[1][3].pos==player && board[2][3].pos==player && board[3][3].pos==player)) { playerWin=1; } return playerWin; } makeCrossMove() { x,y:int; x=0; y=0; # first try to win if ((board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[1][2].pos==CROSS && board[1][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[1][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][3].pos==CROSS && board[1][3].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 3; } else if ((board[2][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[2][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][3].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=3; } else if ((board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[3][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][3].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=3; } else if ((board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[1][2].pos==CROSS && board[1][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[1][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][1].pos==CROSS && board[1][1].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 1; } else if ((board[2][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[2][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][1].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=1; } else if ((board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][1].pos==CROSS && board[3][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[3][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][1].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=1; } else if ((board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][2].pos==CROSS && board[1][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[1][2].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 2; } else if ((board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[3][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][2].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][2].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=2; } else if ((board[1][1].pos==CROSS && board[3][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==CROSS && board[1][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[2][1].pos==CROSS && board[2][3].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][2].pos==CROSS && board[3][2].pos==CROSS && board[2][2].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=2; } # try to block!!! else if ((board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][3].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 3; } else if ((board[2][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][3].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=3; } else if ((board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=3; } else if ((board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][1].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 1; } else if ((board[2][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][1].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=1; } else if ((board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][1].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][1].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=1; } else if ((board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][2].pos==BLANK)) { x = 1; y = 2; } else if ((board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][2].pos==BLANK)) { x=3; y=2; } else if ((board[1][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[3][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[1][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[2][1].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][3].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==BLANK) || (board[1][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[3][2].pos==NOUGHT && board[2][2].pos==BLANK)) { x=2; y=2; } while (x==0 && y==0) { j:= rand->rand(BOARD_SIZE*BOARD_SIZE); x = (j/BOARD_SIZE)+1; y = (j%BOARD_SIZE)+1; if (board[x][y].pos==CROSS || board[x][y].pos==NOUGHT) { x=0; y=0; } } drawCross(x,y); board[x][y].pos=CROSS; fiximage(mainwin); } end_of_game() { i, j: int; for (i = 0; i < INTERNAL_SIZE; i++) for (j =0; j < INTERNAL_SIZE; j++) { if (board[i][j].pos == BLANK) board[i][j].pos = FINISHED; } } fatal(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", s); exit; } kill(pid: int): int { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) return -1; if(sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4) != 4) return -1; return 0; } cmd(top: ref Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(stderr, "ttt: tk error on '%s': %s\n", s, e); return e; } win_config := array[] of { "frame .f -width 220 -height 220", "menubutton -text Options -menu", "menu", " add command -label restart -command { send cmd restart }", "pack -side left", "frame .ft", "label .ft.l -text { }", "pack .ft.l -side right", "pack .f -side top -fill x", "pack .ft -side bottom -fill x", "canvas .c -bd 3 -relief sunken -width 220 -height 220", "image create bitmap saveimage", ".c create image 0 0 -image saveimage -anchor nw -tags saveimage", "bind .c {send cmd b %x %y}", "pack .c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", }; win_config2 := array[] of { "pack propagate . 0", "update", };