implement Server2; # a file server that serves one append-only file # handling styx messages directly using styxlib, # rather than using file2chan. include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "styxlib.m"; styx: Styxlib; Styxserver, Dirtab, Rmsg, Tmsg, Chan, Eperm, Ebadfid : import styx; include "arg.m"; Server2: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr := sys->fildes(2); styx = load Styxlib Styxlib->PATH; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->init(argv); mntflag := Sys->MREPL; cflag := 0; # file servers conventionally take the same flags as mount(1) while ((c := arg->opt()) != 0) { case c { 'a' => mntflag = Sys->MAFTER; 'b' => mntflag = Sys->MBEFORE; 'r' => mntflag = Sys->MREPL; 'c' => cflag = Sys->MCREATE; * => sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: server2 [-abc] mountpoint\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } } argv = arg->argv(); arg = nil; if (argv == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: server2 [-abc] mountpoint\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } mountpt := hd argv; sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD, nil); # create a pipe for mounting. one end of the pipe we serve styx messages # on, and the other is given to the kernel to mount. # this technique makes the served files immediately visible # in the namespace. alternatively, we could start the file server # on a network connection, or the standard input, and assume # that the other end is mounted in some remote namespace. fds := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; sys->pipe(fds); (tchan, srv) :=[0]); fds[0] = nil; # the sync channel is to ensure that the namespace # fork has happened before we actually do the mount. sync := chan of int; spawn serveloop(tchan, srv, sync); <-sync; if(sys->mount(fds[1], mountpt, mntflag | cflag, nil) == -1) { sys->fprint(stderr, "dbfs: mount failed: %r\n"); sys->raise("bad mount"); } } Qfile: con 1; # for this simple server, we use a static array of the # files we will serve. in a more complex (e.g. multilevel) # server, the directory entries would probably be generated # dynamically. dirtab := array[] of { Dirtab("srvfile", (Qfile, 0), big 0, 8r600) }; serveloop(tchan: chan of ref Tmsg, srv: ref Styxserver, sync: chan of int) { devgen := styx->dirgenmodule(); sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); sync <-= 1; stderr := sys->fildes(2); contents := ""; # loop until we get EOF on the pipe, reading # T-messages (requests) and replying to them # as appropriate. for (;;) { gm := <-tchan; if (gm == nil) exit; pick m := gm { Readerror => sys->fprint(stderr, "server2: fatal read error: %s\n", m.error); exit; Nop => srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Nop(m.tag)); Flush => srv.devflush(m); Clone => srv.devclone(m); Walk => srv.devwalk(m, devgen, dirtab); Open => srv.devopen(m, devgen, dirtab); Create => srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Eperm)); Read => c := srv.fidtochan(m.fid); if (c == nil) { srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Ebadfid)); break; } if (c.isdir()){ srv.devdirread(m, devgen, dirtab); break; } d := array of byte contents; (offset, count) := (int m.offset, m.count); if (offset > len d) offset = len d; if (offset + count > len d) count = len d - offset; # reply to the read request with requested data. srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Read(m.tag, m.fid, d[offset:offset + count])); Write => c := srv.fidtochan(m.fid); if(c == nil || !{ srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Ebadfid)); break; } if(c.qid.path != Qfile){ srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Eperm)); break; } contents += string; srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Write(m.tag, m.fid, len; Clunk => srv.devclunk(m); Stat => srv.devstat(m, devgen, dirtab); Remove => srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Eperm)); Wstat => srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Eperm)); Attach => srv.devattach(m); } } }