Inferno Contribution: flops

This contribution comes from Robert Bohrer and is a floating point benchmark program. He translated the original flops.c program into Limbo as flops.b. The results of several different tests are display as Mflops.

Example output on a 500Mhz AMD K6-2 PC running Inferno hosted under Plan 9 (in compiled mode):

% flops

   FLOPS Limbo Program, V2.0 18 Dec 1992

   Module     Error        RunTime      MFLOPS
     1      1.3358e-12      0.3712     37.7200
     2      2.0517e-13      0.2040     34.3111
     3      1.7542e-14      0.3872     43.9028
     4     -5.4512e-14      0.3817     39.3024
     5      3.3307e-16      0.7452     38.9164
     6     -1.9040e-14      0.6736     43.0527
     7      2.6034e-11      0.4809     24.9553
     8     -5.4068e-14      0.7506     39.9659

   Iterations      =   64000000
   NullTime (usec) =     0.0120
   MFLOPS(1)       =    36.9503
   MFLOPS(2)       =    33.9115
   MFLOPS(3)       =    38.5193
   MFLOPS(4)       =    41.4936

The following files are available for downloading:
flops.b (21569 bytes)
flops.c (33039 bytes)