implement Converts; # Conversion server # Serves a single file and calls a convertor module # Uses file2chan and keeps track of FIDs for multiplexed requests include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; str: String; include "converter_tmpl.m"; conv: Converter; Converts: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Reply: adt { fid: int; text: string; }; replist: list of Reply; # Save a reply for when user reads the file back save(fid: int, text: string) { replist = Reply(fid, text) :: replist; } # Retrieve a reply for the user and delete the saved entry retrieve(fid: int) : string { result := ""; mylist := replist; newlist : list of Reply; while (mylist != nil) { rep := hd mylist; if (rep.fid == fid) result = rep.text; else newlist = rep :: newlist; mylist = tl mylist; } replist = newlist; return result; } # Main program init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; if (len argv < 3) Usage(); args := argv; args = tl args; spath := hd args; args = tl args; modpath := hd args; conv = load Converter modpath; if (conv == nil) { sys->print("Failed to load converter from %s\n", modpath); exit; } conv->init(); (sdir, sfile) := str->splitstrr(spath, "/"); sdir = sdir[:len sdir-1]; # make sure that the file2chan device (#s) # is in place. sys->bind("#s", sdir, Sys->MBEFORE); fio := sys->file2chan(sdir, sfile); if (fio == nil) { sys->print("file2chan failed: %r\n"); exit; } # Spawn process to serve the file spawn serveloop(fio); } serveloop(fio: ref Sys->FileIO) { # infinite loop, serving the file. for (;;) alt { (offset, data, fid, wc) := <-fio.write => # got a write request. Ignore offset. # Do conversion and remember reply for when user reads back the file if (wc != nil) { # Ensure we don't have a reply already saved for this user retrieve(fid); reply := conv->convert(string data); save(fid, reply); # reply to the write request wc <-= (len data, nil); } else { # User closed file - delete any stored reply. retrieve(fid); } (offset, count, fid, rc) := < => # got a read request. Ignore offset. # return reply that we prepared earlier if (rc != nil) { d := array of byte retrieve(fid); # reply to the read request with requested data. if (count > len d) count = len d; rc <-= (d[:count], nil); } } } # Print usage and exit Usage() { sys->print("Usage: converts path converter_dis\n"); exit; }