implement Wm; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Screen, Display, Image, Rect: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "sh.m"; shell: Sh; Listnode, Context: import shell; myself: Shellbuiltin; myselfbuiltin: Shellbuiltin; include "arg.m"; Wm: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); initbuiltin: fn(c: ref Context, sh: Sh): string; runbuiltin: fn(c: ref Context, sh: Sh, cmd: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string; runsbuiltin: fn(c: ref Context, sh: Sh, cmd: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode; whatis: fn(c: ref Sh->Context, sh: Sh, name: string, wtype: int): string; getself: fn(): Shellbuiltin; }; # execute this if no menu items have been created # by the init script. defaultscript := "{menu shell " + "{{autoload=std; load $autoload; pctl newpgrp; wm/sh} >/chan/wmstdout >[2] /chan/wmstderr&}}"; TSCRIPT: con 1024; # Lines kept in console transcript EDGE: con 8; rband: int; rr, origrr, visr: Draw->Rect; rubberband := array[8] of ref Image; screen: ref Draw->Screen; tbtop: ref Tk->Toplevel; smallscreen := 0; WinMinX: con 100; WinMinY: con 80; RbTotk, RbMove, RbTrack, RbSize, RbDrag: con iota; DragT, DragB, DragL, DragR: con 1<Rwrite; }; icons: list of Icon; badmodule(p: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "wm: cannot load %s: %r\n", p); sys->raise("fail:bad module"); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; if (wmlib == nil) badmodule(Wmlib->PATH); shell = load Sh Sh->PATH; if (shell == nil) badmodule(Sh->PATH); myselfbuiltin = load Shellbuiltin "$self"; if (myselfbuiltin == nil) badmodule("$self(Shellbuiltin)"); sys->bind("#p", "/prog", sys->MREPL); sys->bind("#s", "/chan", sys->MBEFORE); sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); fill: string; startmenu := 1; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if (arg != nil) { arg->init(argv); while((c := arg->opt()) != 0) case c { 'b' => fill = arg->arg(); 's' => startmenu = 0; * => ; } argv = arg->argv(); arg = nil; } sync := chan of string; rbdone := chan of int; spawn mouse(sync, rbdone); if ((err := <-sync) != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "wm: %s\n", err); sys->raise("fail:no mouse"); } if (ctxt == nil) { err: string; (ctxt, err) = makedrawcontext(fill); if (ctxt == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "wm: %s\n", err); sync <-= "die, sucker"; sys->raise("fail:no draw context"); } } screen = ctxt.screen; sync <-= nil; # inform mouse proc that screen is now available. smallscreen = ctxt.screen.image.r.dy() < 480; bandinit(); spawn keyboard(screen); tbtop = tk->toplevel(screen, nil); h := tbheight(tbtop); cmd(tbtop, ". configure -y "+string (screen.image.r.max.y-h)); wmlib->init(); visr = ((EDGE, -(tbht(tbtop)-EDGE)), (screen.image.r.max.x-EDGE, screen.image.r.max.y-h-EDGE)); shctxt :=; shctxt.addmodule("wm", myselfbuiltin); cmdch := chan of string; exec := chan of string; task := chan of string; tk->namechan(tbtop, cmdch, "cmd"); tk->namechan(tbtop, exec, "exec"); tk->namechan(tbtop, task, "task"); cmd(tbtop, "frame .toolbar -height " + string h + " -width "+string screen.image.r.max.x); cmd(tbtop, "pack propagate .toolbar 0"); if (startmenu) { cmd(tbtop, "button .toolbar.start -width 32 -bitmap vitasmall.bit"); cmd(tbtop, "bind .toolbar.start {}"); cmd(tbtop, "bind .toolbar.start {send cmd post}"); cmd(tbtop, "pack .toolbar.start -side left"); } cmd(tbtop, "pack .toolbar"); cmd(tbtop, "menu .m"); rband = RbTotk; wmIO := sys->file2chan("/chan", "wm"); if(wmIO == nil) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Failed to make /chan/wm:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } snarfIO := sys->file2chan("/chan", "snarf"); if(snarfIO == nil) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Failed to make /chan/snarf:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } rdreq.fid = -1; iostdout := sys->file2chan("/chan", "wmstdout"); if(iostdout == nil) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Failed to make file server:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } iostderr := sys->file2chan("/chan", "wmstderr"); if(iostderr == nil) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Failed to make file server:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } geomIO := sys->file2chan("/chan", "wmgeom"); if(geomIO == nil) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Failed to make /chan/wmgeom:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } setupfinished := chan of int; spawn servewmgeom(geomIO); spawn consolex(iostdout, iostderr); spawn setup(shctxt, setupfinished); snarf: array of byte; req := rdreq; donesetup := 0; for(;;) alt { req = < => if(req.rc == nil) # not interested in EOF break; if(rdreq.fid != -1) req.rc <-= (nil, "busy"); else if(rband == RbTotk) req.rc <-= (array of byte sys->sprint("%5d %5d %5d %5d", rr.min.x, rr.min.y, rr.max.x,rr.max.y), nil); else rdreq = req; (off, data, fid, wc) := <-wmIO.write => if(wc == nil) # not interested in EOF break; # # m rect - request move from this rect # s rect - request size change from this rect # t name - move to toolbar # r name - restore from tool bar # case int data[0] { * => wc <-= (0, "bad req len"); 's' or 'm' => setrr(data); rband = RbSize; if(int data[0] == 'm') { rband = RbMove; fakemouseup(screen); } else band(DragT|DragB|DragR|DragL); wc <-= (len data, nil); 't' => iconame := iconify(string data[1:len data], fid); icons = Icon(iconame, len data, fid, wc) :: icons; 'r' => deiconify(nil, fid); wc <-= (len data, nil); } data = nil; moved := <-rbdone => if(!moved) for(i:=0; i<8; i++) offscreen(i); if(rdreq.fid != -1) { rdreq.rc <-= (array of byte sys->sprint("%5d %5d %5d %5d", rr.min.x, rr.min.y, rr.max.x,rr.max.y), nil); rdreq.fid = -1; } s := <-cmdch => case s { "post" => mh := int cmd(tbtop, ".m cget height"); cmd(tbtop, ".m post 0 " + string (screen.image.r.max.y - h - mh - 4)); } c := <-exec => # guard against parallel access to the shctxt environment if (donesetup) Listnode(nil, c) :: nil, 0); detask := <-task => deiconify(detask, -1); (off, data, fid, wc) := <-snarfIO.write => if(wc == nil) break; if (off == 0) # write at zero truncates snarf = data; else { if (off + len data > len snarf) { nsnarf := array[off + len data] of byte; nsnarf[0:] = snarf; snarf = nsnarf; } snarf[off:] = data; } wc <-= (len data, ""); req = < => if(req.rc == nil) break; if ( >= len snarf) { req.rc <-= (nil, ""); break; } e := + req.nbytes; if (e > len snarf) e = len snarf; req.rc <-= (snarf[], ""); donesetup = <-setupfinished => ; } } tbheight(win: ref Tk->Toplevel): int { if (!smallscreen) return 32; cmd(win, "button .b -text {XXX}"); h := int cmd(win, ".b cget -height") + int cmd(win, ".b cget -bd") * 2; cmd(win, "destroy .b"); return h; } tbht(win: ref Tk->Toplevel): int { cmd(win, "button .b -bd 1 -bitmap exit.bit"); h := int cmd(win, ".b cget -height") + int cmd(win, ".b cget -bd") * 2; cmd(win, "destroy .b"); return h; } setup(shctxt: ref Context, finished: chan of int) { ctxt := shctxt.copy(0);>stringlist2list("run"::"/lib/wmsetup"::nil), 0); # if no items in menu, then create some. if (tk->cmd(tbtop, ".m type 0")[0] == '!')>stringlist2list(defaultscript::nil), 0); cmd(tbtop, "update"); finished <-= 1; } makedrawcontext(fillimage: string): (ref Draw->Context, string) { display := Display.allocate(nil); if(display == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot initialise display: %r")); disp := display.image; fill: ref Draw->Image; if (fillimage != nil) if ((fill = == nil) sys->fprint(stderr(), "wm: cannot open %s: %r\n", fillimage); if (fill == nil) fill = display.rgb(73,147, 221); else { fill.repl = 1; fill.clipr = display.image.r; } ctxt := ref Draw->Context; ctxt.screen = Screen.allocate(disp, fill, 1); ctxt.display = display; disp.draw(disp.r, ctxt.screen.fill, nil, disp.r.min); return (ctxt, nil); } setrr(data: array of byte) { rr.min.x = int string data[1:6]; rr.min.y = int string data[6:12]; rr.max.x = int string data[12:18]; rr.max.y = int string data[18:]; origrr = rr; } iconify(label: string, fid: int): string { n := sys->sprint(".toolbar.%d", fid); if(len label > 15) { new := ""; l := 0; while(len label > 15 && l < 3) { new += label[0:15]+"\n"; label = label[15:]; for(v := 0; v < len label; v++) if(label[v] != ' ') break; label = label[v:]; l++; } label = new + label; } # add "-font /fonts/misc/ascii.6x10.font" for small mono font c := sys->sprint("button %s -command {send task %s} -text '%s", n, n, label); cmd(tbtop, c); cmd(tbtop, "pack "+n+" -side left -fill y; update"); return n; } deiconify(name: string, fid: int) { tmp: list of Icon; deleted := 0; while(icons != nil) { i := hd icons; if( == name || i.fid == fid) { deleted = 1; alt { i.wc <-= (i.repl, nil) => break; * => break; } name =; } else tmp = i :: tmp; icons = tl icons; } icons = tmp; if(deleted) { tk->cmd(tbtop, "destroy "+name); tk->cmd(tbtop, "update"); } } servewmgeom(geomIO: ref Sys->FileIO) { g := ref Draw->Point(0, 0); req: Rdreq; for (;;) alt { (nil, nil, nil, wc) := <-geomIO.write => if (wc != nil) wc <-= (0, "permission denied"); req = < => if (req.rc == nil) break; d := array of byte geom(g); if (req.nbytes > len d) req.nbytes = len d; if (req.nbytes < len d) d = d[0:req.nbytes]; req.rc <-= (d, nil); } } geom(g: ref Draw->Point): string { if (smallscreen) return "-x 0 -y 0"; if(g.x > 130) { g.x = 0; g.y = 0; } g.x += 20; g.y += 20; return "-x "+string g.x+" -y "+string g.y; } moving: ref Draw->Image; mouse(sync: chan of string, rbdone: chan of int) { fd := sys->open("/dev/pointer", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { sync <-= sys->sprint("cannot open /dev/pointer: %r"); return; } sync <-= nil; if (<-sync != nil) # wait until screen is allocated. return; # die if screen wasn't allocated. n := 0; buf := array[100] of byte; for(;;) { n = sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) break; if(int buf[0] != 'm' || n != 37) continue; x := int(string buf[ 1:13]); y := int(string buf[12:25]); b := int(string buf[24:37]); if(b == 128) # window destroyed killgrp(); mouse1(screen, x, y, b, rbdone); } } lastb, pressx, pressy: int; mouse1(scr: ref Draw->Screen, x, y, b: int, rbdone: chan of int) { mode, xa, ya: int; xr: Draw->Rect; case rband { RbTotk => if ((b & 1) && !(lastb & 1)) { pressx = x; pressy = y; } tk->mouse(scr, x, y, b); RbMove => if((b & 1) == 0) { moving = nil; rband = RbTotk; rbdone <-= 1; break; } # rr.min is known to be on top now win := tk->intop(scr, rr.min.x, rr.min.y); xa = pressx; ya = pressy; # if mouse is moving when click happens, can get behind. # adjust starting point to compensate. if(xa < rr.min.x) xa = rr.min.x+5; if(ya < rr.min.y) ya = rr.min.y+5; if(xa >= rr.max.x) xa = rr.max.x-5; if(ya >= rr.max.y) ya = rr.max.y-5; xr = rr; if(win != nil) moving = win.image; if(moving != nil && (xa != x || ya != y)){ rr = clip(rr, visr); moving.origin(origrr.min, rr.min); } rband = RbTrack; RbTrack=> if((b & 1) == 0) { moving = nil; rband = RbTotk; rbdone <-= 1; break; } rr = draw->xr.addpt((x-xa, y-ya)); if(moving != nil){ rr = clip(rr, visr); moving.origin(origrr.min, rr.min); } RbSize => band(DragL|DragT|DragR|DragB); if(b == 0) break; mode = 0; tt := draw->rr.dx()/3; if(x > rr.min.x && x < rr.min.x+tt) mode |= DragL; else if(x > rr.max.x-tt && x < rr.max.x) mode |= DragR; tt = draw->rr.dy()/3; if(y > rr.min.y && y < rr.min.y+tt) mode |= DragT; else if(y > rr.max.y-tt && y < rr.max.y) mode |= DragB; if(mode == 0) { rband = RbTotk; rbdone <-= 0; break; } rband = RbDrag; xa = x; ya = y; xr = rr; RbDrag => if((b & 1) == 0) { rband = RbTotk; rbdone <-= 0; break; } dx := x - xa; dy := y - ya; if(mode & DragL) rr.min.x = xr.min.x + dx; if(mode & DragR) rr.max.x = xr.max.x + dx; if(mode & DragT) rr.min.y = xr.min.y + dy; if(mode & DragB) rr.max.y = xr.max.y + dy; rr = clip(rr, visr); band(mode); } lastb = b; } fakemouseup(scr: ref Draw->Screen) { tk->mouse(scr, pressx, pressy, lastb & ~1); } bandr := array[8] of { ((0, 0), (4, 20)), ((0, 0), (20, 4)), ((-4, -20), (0, 0)), ((-20, -4), (0, 0)), ((-20, 0), (0, 4)), ((-4, 0), (0, 20)), ((0, -20), (4, 0)), ((0, -4), (20, 0)), }; bandinit() { for(i:=0; i<8; i++){ rubberband[i] = screen.newwindow(bandr[i], Draw->Red); offscreen(i); } } offscreen(i: int) { rubberband[i].origin((0, 0), (-64, -64)); } band(m: int) { r0, r1: Draw->Rect; if(draw->rr.dx() < WinMinX) rr.max.x = rr.min.x + WinMinX; if(draw->rr.dy() < WinMinY) rr.max.y = rr.min.y + WinMinY; if(m & (DragT|DragL)) { r0 = (rr.min, (rr.min.x+4, rr.min.y+20)); r1 = (rr.min, (rr.min.x+20, rr.min.y+4)); rubberband[0].origin((0, 0), r0.min); rubberband[1].origin((0, 0), r1.min); } else { offscreen(0); offscreen(1); } if(m & (DragB|DragR)) { r0 = ((rr.max.x-4, rr.max.y-20), rr.max); r1 = ((rr.max.x-20, rr.max.y-4), rr.max); rubberband[2].origin((0, 0), r0.min); rubberband[3].origin((0, 0), r1.min); } else { offscreen(2); offscreen(3); } if(m & (DragT|DragR)) { r0 = ((rr.max.x-20, rr.min.y), (rr.max.x, rr.min.y+4)); r1 = ((rr.max.x-4, rr.min.y), (rr.max.x, rr.min.y+20)); rubberband[4].origin((0, 0), r0.min); rubberband[5].origin((0, 0), r1.min); } else { offscreen(4); offscreen(5); } if(m & (DragB|DragL)) { r0 = ((rr.min.x, rr.max.y-20), (rr.min.x+4, rr.max.y)); r1 = ((rr.min.x, rr.max.y-4), (rr.min.x+20, rr.max.y)); rubberband[6].origin((0, 0), r0.min); rubberband[7].origin((0, 0), r1.min); } else { offscreen(6); offscreen(7); } } keyboard(scr: ref Draw->Screen) { dfd := sys->open("/dev/keyboard", sys->OREAD); if(dfd == nil) return; buf := array[10] of byte; i := 0; for(;;) { n := sys->read(dfd, buf[i:], len buf - i); if(n < 1) break; i += n; while(i >0 && (nutf := sys->utfbytes(buf, i)) > 0){ s := string buf[0:nutf]; for (j := 0; j < len s; j++) tk->keyboard(scr, int s[j]); buf[0:] = buf[nutf:i]; i -= nutf; } } } wmdialog(ico, title, msg: string, dflt: int, labs: list of string) { dt := tk->toplevel(screen, "-x 0 -y 0"); wmlib->dialog(dt, ico, title, msg, dflt, labs); } con_cfg := array[] of { "frame .cons", "scrollbar .cons.scroll -command {.cons.t yview}", "text .cons.t -width 60w -height 15w -bg white "+ "-fg black -font /fonts/misc/latin1.6x13.font "+ "-yscrollcommand {.cons.scroll set}", "pack .cons.scroll -side left -fill y", "pack .cons.t -fill both -expand 1", "pack .cons -expand 1 -fill both", "pack propagate . 0", "update" }; consolex(iostdout, iostderr: ref sys->FileIO) { (constop, titlectl) := wmlib->titlebar(screen, "", "Log", wmlib->Appl); for(i := 0; i < len con_cfg; i++) tk->cmd(constop, con_cfg[i]); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(constop, cmd, "cmd"); fittoscreen(constop); spawn wmlib->titlectl(constop, "task"); servecons(iostdout, iostderr, constop, titlectl); } servecons(iostdout, iostderr: ref sys->FileIO, constop: ref Tk->Toplevel, titlectl: chan of string) { rc: Sys->Rread; wc: Sys->Rwrite; data: array of byte; off, nbytes, fid: int; for(;;) alt { menu := <-titlectl => if(menu == "exit") menu = "task"; spawn wmlib->titlectl(constop, menu); (off, nbytes, fid, rc) = < => if(rc == nil) break; rc <-= (nil, nil); (off, nbytes, fid, rc) = < => if(rc == nil) break; rc <-= (nil, nil); (off, data, fid, wc) = <-iostdout.write => conout(constop, data, wc, 0); (off, data, fid, wc) = <-iostderr.write => conout(constop, data, wc, 1); } } ll := 0; # transcript length conout(constop: ref Tk->Toplevel, data: array of byte, wc: Sys->Rwrite, raise: int) { if(wc == nil) return; if(raise) wmlib->unhide(); tk->cmd(constop, ".cons.t insert end '"+ string data); wc <-= (len data, nil); nlines := int tk->cmd(constop, ".cons.t index end"); if(nlines > TSCRIPT) { tk->cmd(constop, ".cons.t delete 1.0 "+ string (nlines-TSCRIPT/4) +".0;update"); } tk->cmd(constop, ".cons.t see end; update"); } initbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, nil: Sh): string { if (tbtop == nil) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "wm: cannot load wm as a builtin\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } ctxt.addbuiltin("menu", myselfbuiltin); ctxt.addbuiltin("delmenu", myselfbuiltin); ctxt.addbuiltin("error", myselfbuiltin); return nil; } whatis(nil: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, nil: string, nil: int): string { return nil; } runbuiltin(c: ref Context, sh: Sh, cmd: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { case (hd cmd).word { "menu" => return builtin_menu(c, sh, cmd); "delmenu" => return builtin_delmenu(c, sh, cmd); } return nil; } runsbuiltin(nil: ref Context, nil: Sh, nil: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { return nil; } stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); } word(ln: ref Listnode): string { if (ln.word != nil) return ln.word; if (ln.cmd != nil) return shell->cmd2string(ln.cmd); return nil; } menupath(title: string): string { mpath := ".m."+title; for(j := 0; j < len mpath; j++) if(mpath[j] == ' ') mpath[j] = '_'; return mpath; } builtin_menu(nil: ref Context, nil: Sh, argv: list of ref Listnode): string { n := len argv; if (n < 3 || n > 4) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "usage: menu topmenu [ secondmenu ] command\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } primary := (hd tl argv).word; argv = tl tl argv; if (n == 3) { w := word(hd argv); if (len w == 0) cmd(tbtop, ".m insert 0 separator"); else cmd(tbtop, ".m insert 0 command -label " + wmlib->tkquote(primary) + " -command {send exec " + w + "}"); } else { secondary := (hd argv).word; argv = tl argv; mpath := menupath(primary); e := tk->cmd(tbtop, mpath+" cget -width"); if(e[0] == '!') { cmd(tbtop, "menu "+mpath); cmd(tbtop, ".m insert 0 cascade -label "+wmlib->tkquote(primary)+" -menu "+mpath); } w := word(hd argv); if (len w == 0) cmd(tbtop, mpath + " insert 0 separator"); else cmd(tbtop, mpath+" insert 0 command -label "+wmlib->tkquote(secondary)+ " -command {send exec "+w+"}"); } return nil; } builtin_delmenu(nil: ref Context, nil: Sh, nil: list of ref Listnode): string { delmenu(".m"); cmd(tbtop, "menu .m"); return nil; } delmenu(m: string) { for (i := int cmd(tbtop, m + " index end"); i >= 0; i--) if (cmd(tbtop, m + " type " + string i) == "cascade") delmenu(cmd(tbtop, m + " entrycget " + string i + " -menu")); cmd(tbtop, "destroy " + m); } getself(): Shellbuiltin { return myselfbuiltin; } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, c: string): string { s := tk->cmd(top, c); if (s != nil && s[0] == '!') sys->fprint(stderr(), "tk error: %s\n", s); return s; } fittoscreen(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { Point: import draw; if (win.image == nil || win.image.screen == nil) return; r := win.image.screen.image.r; scrsize := Point((r.max.x - r.min.x), (r.max.y - r.min.y)); bd := int cmd(win, ". cget -bd"); winsize := Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd * 2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd * 2); if (winsize.x > scrsize.x) cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string (scrsize.x - bd * 2)); if (winsize.y > scrsize.y) cmd(win, ". configure -height " + string (scrsize.y - bd * 2)); actr: Rect; actr.min = Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ". cget -acty")); actr.max = actr.min.add((int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd*2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd*2)); (dx, dy) := (actr.dx(), actr.dy()); if (actr.max.x > r.max.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.max.x - dx, r.max.x); if (actr.max.y > r.max.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.max.y - dy, r.max.y); if (actr.min.x < r.min.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x, r.min.x + dx); if (actr.min.y < r.min.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y, r.min.y + dy); cmd(win, ". configure -x " + string actr.min.x + " -y " + string actr.min.y); } killgrp() { fd := sys->open("#p/" + string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/ctl", sys->OWRITE); sys->fprint(fd, "killgrp"); sys->unmount("#d", "/dev"); exit; } clip(r: Rect, v: Rect): Rect { if(r.min.x > v.max.x) r.min.x = v.max.x; if(r.max.x < v.min.x) r.max.x = v.min.x; if(r.min.y > v.max.y) r.min.y = v.max.y; if(r.min.y < v.min.y) r.min.y = v.min.y; return r; }