implement Colors; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Point, Rect, Image, Screen, Font: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; Colors: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; t: ref Toplevel; task_cfg := array[] of { "label .l -text { } -width 256", "canvas .c -height 256 -width 256", "pack .l", "pack .c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", "bind .c {send cmd push %x %y}", "bind .c {send cmd release}", }; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { spawn init1(ctxt); } font: ref Font; lastcol := 0; init1(ctxt: ref Context) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; display = ctxt.display; screen = ctxt.screen; wmlib->init(); menubut: chan of string; (t, menubut) = wmlib->titlebar(screen, "", "Colors", Wmlib->Appl); cmdch := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmdch, "cmd"); wmlib->tkcmds(t, task_cfg); cmd(t, "bind . {send cmd resize}"); cmd(t, "bind . {send cmd resize}"); cmd(t, "update"); font =, "/fonts/lucidasans/unicode.8.font"); cr := redraw(t); grab := 0; for(;;) alt { menu := <-menubut => case menu{ "exit" => return; } wmlib->titlectl(t, menu); press := <-cmdch => (n, word) := sys->tokenize(press, " "); case hd word { "push" => if(grab == 0) cmd(t, "grab set .c"); color(int hd tl word, int hd tl tl word, cr, lastcol); "release" => cmd(t, "grab release .c"); grab = 0; "resize" => cr = redraw(t); } } } redraw(t: ref Toplevel): Rect { cr := posn(t, ".c"); cr.max.x = t.image.r.max.x-2; cr.max.y = t.image.r.max.y-2; color(0, 0, cr, -1); cmap(cr); return cr; } posn(t: ref Toplevel, s: string): Rect { r: Rect; r.min.x = int cmd(t, s+" cget -actx"); r.min.y = int cmd(t, s+" cget -acty"); r.max.x = r.min.x + int cmd(t, s+" cget -width"); r.max.y = r.min.y + int cmd(t, s+" cget -height"); return r; } color(x, y: int, cr: Rect, prev: int) { if(prev < 0) col := lastcol; else{ p := cr.min.add((x, y)); if({ x = (16*x)/cr.dx(); y = (16*y)/cr.dy(); col = 16*y+x; }else{ b := array[1] of byte; rr := Rect(((cr.min.x+x),(cr.min.y+y)),((cr.min.x+x+1),(cr.min.y+y+1))); ok := display.image.readpixels(rr, b); if(ok != 1) return; col = int b[0]; } } if(prev>=0 && col==lastcol) return; lastcol = col; (r, g, b) := display.cmap2rgb(col); s := sys->sprint(" col: %d R: %d G: %d B: %d", col, r, g, b); rect := posn(t, ".l"); t.image.draw(rect, display.color(16r22), nil, (0,0)); t.image.text(rect.min, display.ones, (0,0), font, s); } cmap(cr: Rect) { # use writepixels because it's much faster than allocating all those colors. tmp := display.newimage(((0,0),(cr.dx(),cr.dy()/16+1)), 3, 0, 0); if(tmp == nil) return; buf := array[tmp.r.dx()*tmp.r.dy()] of byte; dx := cr.dx(); dy := cr.dy(); for(y:=0; y<16; y++){ for(i:=tmp.r.dx()-1; i>=0; --i) buf[i] = byte (16*y+(16*i)/dx); for(k:=tmp.r.dy()-1; k>=1; --k) buf[dx*k:] = buf[0:dx]; tmp.writepixels(tmp.r, buf); r: Rect; r.min.x = cr.min.x; r.max.x = cr.max.x; r.min.y = cr.min.y+(dy*y)/16; r.max.y = cr.min.y+(dy*(y+1))/16; t.image.draw(r, tmp, nil, tmp.r.min); } } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, cmd: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, cmd); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->print("colors: tk error on '%s': %s\n", cmd, e); return e; }