implement Httpd; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Dir: import sys; FD : import sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "readdir.m"; readdir: Readdir; include "daytime.m"; daytime : Daytime; include "cache.m"; cache : Cache; include "contents.m"; contents: Contents; Content: import contents; include "httpd.m"; include "parser.m"; parser : Parser; include "date.m"; date: Date; include "redirect.m"; redir: Redirect; include "alarms.m"; alarms: Alarms; Alarm: import alarms; # globals cache_size: int; port := "80"; stderr : ref FD; dbg_log, logfile: ref FD; debug: int; my_domain: string; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: httpd [-c num -D -p port#]\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } atexit(g: ref Private_info) { debug_print(g,"At exit from httpd, closing fds. \n"); g.bin.close(); g.bout.close(); g.bin=nil; g.bout=nil; exit; } debug_print(g : ref Private_info,message : string) { if (g.dbg_log!=nil) sys->fprint(g.dbg_log,"%s",message); } parse_args(args : list of string) { while(args!=nil){ case (hd args){ "-c" => args = tl args; cache_size = int hd args; "-D" => debug=1; "-p" => args = tl args; port = hd args; } args = tl args; } } badmod(m: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "httpd: cannot load %s: %r\n", m); sys->raise("fail:bad module"); } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { # Load global modules. sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio==nil) badmod(Bufio->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) badmod(String->PATH); date = load Date Date->PATH; if(date == nil) badmod(Date->PATH); readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; if(readdir == nil) badmod(Readdir->PATH); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) badmod(Daytime->PATH); contents = load Contents Contents->PATH; if(contents == nil) badmod(Contents->PATH); cache = load Cache Cache->PATH; if(cache == nil) badmod(Cache->PATH); alarms = load Alarms Alarms->PATH; if(alarms == nil) badmod(Alarms->PATH); redir = load Redirect Redirect->PATH; if(redir == nil) badmod(Redirect->PATH); parser = load Parser Parser->PATH; if(parser == nil) badmod(Parser->PATH); logfile=sys->create(HTTPLOG,Sys->ORDWR,8r666); if (logfile==nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "httpd: cannot open %s: %r\n", HTTPLOG); sys->raise("cannot open http log"); } # parse arguments to httpd. cache_size=5000; debug = 0; parse_args(argv); if (debug==1){ dbg_log=sys->create(DEBUGLOG,Sys->ORDWR,8r666); if (dbg_log==nil){ sys->print("debug log open: %r\n"); exit; } }else dbg_log=nil; sys->fprint(dbg_log,"started at %s \n",daytime->time()); # initialisation routines contents->contentinit(dbg_log); cache->cache_init(dbg_log,cache_size); redir->redirect_init(REWRITE); date->init(); parser->init(); my_domain=sysname(); (ok, c) := sys->announce("tcp!*!" + port); if(ok < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "can't announce %s: %r\n", port); exit; } sys->fprint(logfile,"************ Charon Awakened at %s\n", daytime->time()); for(;;) doit(c); exit; } doit(c: Sys->Connection) { (ok, nc) := sys->listen(c); if(ok < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "listen: %r\n"); exit; } if (dbg_log!=nil) sys->fprint(dbg_log,"spawning connection.\n"); spawn service_req(nc); } service_req(nc : Sys->Connection) { buf := array[64] of byte; l := sys->open(nc.dir+"/remote", sys->OREAD); n := sys->read(l, buf, len buf); if(n >= 0) if (dbg_log!=nil) sys->fprint(dbg_log,"New client http: %s %s", nc.dir, string buf[0:n]); # wait for a call (or an error) # start a process for the service g:= ref Private_info; g.bufio = bufio; g.dbg_log=dbg_log; g.logfile = logfile; g.modtime=0; g.entity = parser->initarray(); g.mydomain = my_domain; g.version = "HTTP/1.0"; g.cache = cache; g.okencode=nil; g.oktype=nil; g.getcerr=""; g.parse_eof=0; g.eof=0; g.remotesys=getendpoints(nc.dir); debug_print(g,"opening in for "+string buf[0:n]+"\n"); g.bin= bufio->open(nc.dir+"/data",bufio->OREAD); if (g.bin==nil){ sys->print("bin open: %r\n"); exit; } debug_print(g,"opening out for "+string buf[0:n]+"\n"); g.bout= bufio->open(nc.dir+"/data",bufio->OWRITE); if (g.bout==nil){ sys->print("bout open: %r\n"); exit; } debug_print(g,"calling parsereq for "+string buf[0:n]+"\n"); parsereq(g); atexit(g); } parsereq(g: ref Private_info) { meth, v,magic,search,uri,origuri,extra : string; # 15 minutes to get request line a := Alarm.alarm(15*1000*60); meth = getword(g); if(meth == nil){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("no method%s", g.getcerr)); a.stop(); parser->fail(g,Syntax,""); } uri = getword(g); if(uri == nil || len uri == 0){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("no uri: %s%s", meth, g.getcerr)); a.stop(); parser->fail(g,Syntax,""); } v = getword(g); extra = getword(g); a.stop(); if(extra != nil){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint( "extra header word '%s'%s", extra, g.getcerr)); parser->fail(g,Syntax,""); } case v { "" => if(meth!="GET"){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("unimplemented method %s%s", meth, g.getcerr)); parser->fail(g,Unimp, meth); } "HTTP/V1.0" or "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1" => if((meth != "GET") && (meth!= "HEAD") && (meth!="POST")){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("unimplemented method %s", meth)); parser->fail(g,Unimp, meth); } * => parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("method %s uri %s%s", meth, uri, g.getcerr)); parser->fail(g,UnkVers, v); } # the fragment is not supposed to be sent # strip it because some clients send it (uri,extra) = str->splitl(uri, "#"); if(extra != nil) parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("fragment %s", extra)); # munge uri for search, protection, and magic (uri, search) = stripsearch(uri); uri = compact_path(parser->urlunesc(uri)); # if(uri == SVR_ROOT) # parser->fail(g,NotFound, "no object specified"); (uri, magic) = stripmagic(uri); debug_print(g,"stripmagic=("+uri+","+magic+")\n"); # normal case is just file transfer if(magic == nil || (magic == "httpd")){ if (meth=="POST") parser->fail(g,Unimp,meth); # /magic does handles POST = g.mydomain; origuri = uri; parser->httpheaders(g,v); uri = redir->redirect(origuri); # must change this to implement proxies if(uri==nil){ send(g,meth, v, origuri, search); }else{ g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 301 Moved Permanently\r\n", g.version)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Date: %s\r\n", daytime->time())); g.bout.puts("Server: Charon\r\n"); g.bout.puts("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); g.bout.puts("Content-type: text/html\r\n"); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("URI: <%s>\r\n",parser->urlconv(uri))); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Location: %s\r\n",parser->urlconv(uri))); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); g.bout.puts("
\r\n", parser->urlconv(uri))); g.bout.flush(); } atexit(g); } # for magic we init a new program do_magic(g,magic,uri,origuri,Request(meth, v, uri, search)); } do_magic(g: ref Private_info,file, uri, origuri: string, req: Request) { buf := sys->sprint("%s%s.dis", MAGICPATH, file); debug_print(g,"looking for "+buf+"\n"); c:= load Cgi buf; if (c==nil){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("no magic %s uri %s", file, uri)); parser->fail(g,NotFound, origuri); } e := ref Sys->Exception; if (sys->rescue("fail:*", e) == Sys->EXCEPTION) { sys->rescued(Sys->ONCE, nil); return; } c->init(g, req); } send(g: ref Private_info,name, vers, uri, search : string) { typ,enc : ref Content; w : string; n, bad, force301: int; if(search!=nil) parser->fail(g,NoSearch, uri); # figure out the type of file and send headers debug_print( g, "httpd->send->open(" + uri + ")\n" ); fd := sys->open(uri, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ dbm := sys->sprint( "open failed: %r\n" ); debug_print( g, dbm ); notfound(g,uri); } (i,dir):=sys->fstat(fd); if(i< 0) parser->fail(g,Internal,""); if(dir.mode & sys->CHDIR){ (nil,p) := str->splitr(uri, "/"); if(p == nil){ w=sys->sprint("%sindex.html", uri); force301 = 0; }else{ w=sys->sprint("%s/index.html", uri); force301 = 1; } fd1 := sys->open(w, sys->OREAD); if(fd1 == nil){ parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("%s directory %s", name, uri)); if(g.modtime >= dir.mtime) parser->notmodified(g); senddir(g,vers, uri, fd, ref dir); } else if(force301 != 0 && vers != ""){ g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 301 Moved Permanently\r\n", g.version)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Date: %s\r\n", daytime->time())); g.bout.puts("Server: Charon\r\n"); g.bout.puts("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); g.bout.puts("Content-type: text/html\r\n"); (nil, reluri) := str->splitstrr(parser->urlconv(w), SVR_ROOT); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("URI: %s>\r\n", reluri)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Location: http://%s/%s\r\n", parser->urlconv(, reluri)); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); g.bout.puts("
\r\n", reluri)); atexit(g); } fd = fd1; uri = w; (i,dir)=sys->fstat(fd); if(i < 0) parser->fail(g,Internal,""); } parser->logit(g,sys->sprint("%s %s %d", name, uri, dir.length)); if(g.modtime >= dir.mtime) parser->notmodified(g); n = -1; if(vers != ""){ (typ, enc) = contents->uriclass(uri); if(typ == nil) typ = contents->mkcontent("application", "octet-stream"); bad = 0; if(!contents->checkcontent(typ, g.oktype, "Content-Type")){ bad = 1; g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 406 None Acceptable\r\n", g.version)); parser->logit(g,"no content-type ok"); }else if(!contents->checkcontent(enc, g.okencode, "Content-Encoding")){ bad = 1; g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 406 None Acceptable\r\n", g.version)); parser->logit(g,"no content-encoding ok"); }else g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 200 OK\r\n", g.version)); g.bout.puts("Server: Charon\r\n"); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Last-Modified: %s\r\n", date->dateconv(dir.mtime))); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Version: %uxv%ux\r\n", dir.qid.path, dir.qid.vers)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Message-Id: <%uxv%ux@%s>\r\n", dir.qid.path, dir.qid.vers, g.mydomain)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Content-Type: %s/%s", typ.generic, typ.specific)); # if(typ.generic== "text") # g.bout.puts(";charset=unicode-1-1-utf-8"); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); if(enc != nil){ g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Content-Encoding: %s", enc.generic)); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); } g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Content-Length: %d\r\n", dir.length)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Date: %s\r\n", daytime->time())); g.bout.puts("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); if(bad) atexit(g); } if(name == "HEAD") atexit(g); # send the file if it's a normal file g.bout.flush(); # find if its in hash.... # if so, retrieve, if not add.. conts : array of byte; (i,conts) = cache->find(uri, dir.qid); if (i==0){ # add to cache... conts = array[dir.length] of byte; sys->seek(fd,0,0); n = sys->read(fd, conts, len conts); cache->insert(uri,conts, len conts, dir.qid); } sys->write(g.bout.fd, conts, len conts); } # classify a file classify(d: ref Dir): (ref Content, ref Content) { typ, enc: ref Content; if(d.qid.path&sys->CHDIR) return (contents->mkcontent("directory", nil),nil); (typ, enc) = contents->uriclass(; if(typ == nil) typ = contents->mkcontent("unknown ", nil); return (typ, enc); } # read in a directory, format it in html, and send it back senddir(g: ref Private_info,vers,uri: string, fd: ref FD, mydir: ref Dir) { d := array[100] of Dir; myname: string; n : int; myname = uri; if (myname[len myname-1]!='/') myname[len myname]='/'; n = 0; for(;;){ if(len d - n == 0){ # resize dir array nd := array[2 * len d] of Dir; nd[0:] = d; d = nd; } nr := sys->dirread(fd, d[n:]); if(nr < 0){ n=0; break; } if(nr == 0) break; n += nr; } fd=nil; # shell sort on name a := array[n] of ref Dir; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = ref d[i]; (a,i)=readdir->sortdir(a,readdir->NAME); if(vers != ""){ parser->okheaders(g); g.bout.puts("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Date: %s\r\n", daytime->time())); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Last-Modified: %d\r\n", mydir.mtime)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Message-Id: <%d%d@%s>\r\n", mydir.qid.path, mydir.qid.vers, g.mydomain)); g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Version: %d\r\n", mydir.qid.vers)); g.bout.puts("\r\n"); } g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("
%s | ", myname, a[i].name, a[i].name)); if(typ != nil){ if(typ.generic!=nil) g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s", typ.generic)); if(typ.specific!=nil) g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("/%s", typ.specific)); typ=nil; } if(enc != nil){ g.bout.puts(sys->sprint(" %s", enc.generic)); enc=nil; } g.bout.puts(" | This directory is empty | \n"); g.bout.puts("