implement Dosfs; include "sys.m"; sys : Sys; sprint: import sys; include "iotrack.m"; iotrack : IoTrack; Xfs,Xfile: import iotrack; include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; Tmsg, Rmsg: import styx; include "dosfs.m"; include "dossubs.m"; dos: DosSubs; Dosptr,Dosbpb, Dosdir, DOSDIRSIZE, DLONG, DOSEMPTY: import dos; QIDPATH: import dos; g: ref dos->Global; debug := 0; Enevermind, Eformat, Eio, Enomem, Enonexist, Eexist, Eperm, Enofilsys, Eauth, Econtig, Efull, Eopen, Ephase: con iota; errmsg := array[] of { Enevermind => "never mind", Eformat => "unknown format", Eio => "I/O error", Enomem => "server out of memory", Enonexist => "file does not exist", Eexist => "file exists", Eperm => "permission denied", Enofilsys => "no file system device specified", Eauth => "authentication failed", Econtig => "out of contiguous disk space", Efull => "file system full", Eopen => "invalid open mode", Ephase => "phase error -- directory entry not found", }; init(deffile: string, logfile: string, chatty: int, sect2trk: int): string { g = ref dos->Global; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; # Try to load from the normal file system, # if it fails try loading from kernel root styx = load Styx Styx->PATH; if(styx == nil) styx = load Styx "/dis/svc/dossrv/styx.dis"; # old file system location if(styx == nil) styx = load Styx "#/./styx"; iotrack = load IoTrack IoTrack->PATH; if(iotrack==nil)sys->print("iotrack: %r\n"); if(iotrack == nil) iotrack = load IoTrack "#/./iotrack"; dos = load DosSubs DosSubs->PATH; if(dos == nil) dos = load DosSubs "#/./dossubs"; if(styx==nil)sys->print("styx");if(iotrack==nil)sys->print("iotrack"); if(styx == nil || iotrack == nil || dos == nil) return "can't load required module"; styx->init(); g.dos = dos; g.styx = styx; g.deffile = deffile; g.logfile = logfile; g.chatty = chatty; g.iotrack = iotrack; debug = chatty & dos->STYX_MESS; dos->init(g); iotrack->init(g, sect2trk); return nil; } setup() { dos->setup(); } e(n: int): ref Rmsg.Error { if(n < 0 || n >= len errmsg) return ref Rmsg.Error(0, "it's thermal problems"); return ref Rmsg.Error(0, errmsg[n]); } rnop(t: ref Tmsg.Nop): ref Rmsg { return ref Rmsg.Nop(t.tag); } rflush(t: ref Tmsg.Flush): ref Rmsg { return ref Rmsg.Flush(t.tag); } rattach(t: ref Tmsg.Attach): ref Rmsg { root := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clean); if(root == nil) return e(Eio); (xf, ec) := iotrack->getxfs(t.aname); root.xf = xf; if(xf == nil) { if(root!=nil) iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); return ref Rmsg.Error(t.tag, ec); } if(xf.fmt == 0 && dos->dosfs(xf) < 0){ if(root!=nil) iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); return e(Eformat); } root.qid.path = Sys->CHDIR; root.qid.vers = 0; root.xf.rootqid = root.qid; return ref Rmsg.Attach(t.tag, t.fid, root.qid); } rclone(t: ref Tmsg.Clone): ref Rmsg { ofl := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(ofl == nil) return e(Eio); nfl := iotrack->xfile(t.newfid, dos->Clean); if(nfl == nil) return e(Eio); next :=; dp := nfl.ptr; *nfl = *ofl; nfl.ptr = dp; = next; nfl.fid = t.newfid; iotrack->refxfs(nfl.xf, 1); *nfl.ptr = *ofl.ptr; dp.p = nil; return ref Rmsg.Clone(t.tag, t.fid); } rwalk(t: ref Tmsg.Walk): ref Rmsg { f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f==nil) { if(debug) dos->chat("no xfile..."); return e(Enonexist); } if((f.qid.path & Sys->CHDIR) == 0){ if(debug) dos->chat(sprint("qid.path=0x%x...", f.qid.path)); return e(Enonexist); } if( == ".") # can't happen return ref Rmsg.Walk(t.tag, t.fid, f.qid); if( "..") { if(f.qid.path==f.xf.rootqid.path) { if (debug) dos->chat("walkup from root..."); return ref Rmsg.Walk(t.tag, t.fid, f.qid); } (r,dp) := dos->walkup(f); if(r < 0) return e(Enonexist); f.ptr=dp; if(dp.addr == 0) f.qid.path = f.xf.rootqid.path; else f.qid.path = Sys->CHDIR | QIDPATH(dp); } else { if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Enonexist); (r,dp) := dos->searchdir(f,, 0,1); dos->putfile(f); if(r < 0) return e(Enonexist); f.ptr=dp; f.qid.path = QIDPATH(dp); if(dp.addr == 0) f.qid.path = f.xf.rootqid.path; else { d := Dosdir.arr2Dd(dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset:dp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); if((int d.attr & dos->DDIR) != 0) f.qid.path |= Sys->CHDIR; } dos->putfile(f); } return ref Rmsg.Walk(t.tag, t.fid, f.qid); } ropen(t: ref Tmsg.Open): ref Rmsg { attr: int; omode := 0; f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f == nil || (f.flags&dos->Omodes) != 0) return e(Eio); dp := f.ptr; if(dp.paddr && (t.mode & Styx->ORCLOSE) != 0) { # check on parent directory of file to be deleted p := iotrack->getsect(f.xf, dp.paddr); if(p == nil) return e(Eio); # 11 is the attr byte offset in a FAT directory entry attr = int p.iobuf[dp.poffset+11]; iotrack->putsect(p); if((attr & int dos->DRONLY) != 0) return e(Eperm); omode |= dos->Orclose; } else if(t.mode & Styx->ORCLOSE) omode |= dos->Orclose; if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Enonexist); if(dp.addr != 0) { d := Dosdir.arr2Dd(dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset:dp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); attr = int d.attr; } else attr = int dos->DDIR; case t.mode & 7 { Styx->OREAD or Styx->OEXEC => omode |= dos->Oread; Styx->ORDWR => omode |= dos->Oread; omode |= dos->Owrite; if(attr & int (dos->DRONLY|dos->DDIR)) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } Styx->OWRITE => omode |= dos->Owrite; if(attr & int (dos->DRONLY|dos->DDIR)) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } * => dos->putfile(f); return e(Eopen); } if(t.mode & Styx->OTRUNC) { if((attr & int dos->DDIR)!=0 || (attr & int dos->DRONLY) != 0) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } if(dos->truncfile(f) < 0) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eio); } } f.flags |= omode; dos->putfile(f); return ref Rmsg.Open(t.tag, t.fid, f.qid); } mkdentry(xf: ref Xfs, ndp: ref Dosptr, name: string, sname: string, islong: int, nattr: byte, start: array of byte, length: array of byte): int { ndp.p = iotrack->getsect(xf, ndp.addr); if(ndp.p == nil) return Eio; if(islong && (r := dos->putlongname(xf, ndp, name, sname)) < 0){ iotrack->putsect(ndp.p); if(r == -2) return Efull; return Eio; } nd := ref Dosdir(". "," ",byte 0,array[10] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0},array[4] of { * => byte 0}); nd.attr = nattr; dos->puttime(nd); nd.start[0: ] = start[0: 2]; nd.length[0: ] = length[0: 4]; if(islong) dos->putname(sname[0:8]+"."+sname[8:11], nd); else dos->putname(name, nd); ndp.p.iobuf[ndp.offset: ] = Dosdir.Dd2arr(nd); ndp.p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; return 0; } rcreate(t: ref Tmsg.Create): ref Rmsg { bp: ref Dosbpb; omode:=0; start:=0; sname := ""; islong :=0; f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f == nil || (f.flags&dos->Omodes) || dos->getfile(f)<0) return e(Eio); pdp := f.ptr; if(pdp.addr != 0) pd := Dosdir.arr2Dd(pdp.p.iobuf[pdp.offset:pdp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); else pd = nil; if(pd != nil) attr := int pd.attr; else attr = dos->DDIR; if(!(attr & dos->DDIR) || (attr & dos->DRONLY)) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } if(t.mode & Styx->ORCLOSE) omode |= dos->Orclose; case (t.mode & 7) { Styx->OREAD or Styx->OEXEC => omode |= dos->Oread; Styx->OWRITE or Styx->ORDWR => if ((t.mode & 7) == Styx->ORDWR) omode |= dos->Oread; omode |= dos->Owrite; if(t.perm & Sys->CHDIR){ dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } * => dos->putfile(f); return e(Eopen); } if("." ||"..") { dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } (r,ndp) := dos->searchdir(f,, 1, 1); if(r < 0) { dos->putfile(f); if(r == -2) return e(Efull); return e(Eexist); } nds := dos->name2de(; if(nds > 0) { # long file name, find "new" short name i := 1; for(;;) { sname = dos->long2short(, i); (r1, tmpdp) := dos->searchdir(f, sname, 0, 0); if(r1 < 0) break; iotrack->putsect(tmpdp.p); i++; } islong = 1; } # allocate first cluster, if making directory if(t.perm & Sys->CHDIR) { bp = f.xf.ptr; start = dos->falloc(f.xf); if(start <= 0) { dos->putfile(f); return e(Efull); } } # now we're committed if(pd != nil) { dos->puttime(pd); pdp.p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; } f.ptr = ndp; ndp.p = iotrack->getsect(f.xf, ndp.addr); if(ndp.p == nil || islong && dos->putlongname(f.xf, ndp,, sname) < 0){ iotrack->putsect(pdp.p); if(ndp.p != nil) iotrack->putsect(ndp.p); return e(Eio); } nd := ref Dosdir(". "," ",byte 0,array[10] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0},array[4] of { * => byte 0}); if((t.perm & 8r222) == 0) nd.attr |= byte dos->DRONLY; dos->puttime(nd); nd.start[0] = byte start; nd.start[1] = byte (start>>8); if(islong) dos->putname(sname[0:8]+"."+sname[8:11], nd); else dos->putname(, nd); f.qid.path = QIDPATH(ndp); if(t.perm & Sys->CHDIR) { nd.attr |= byte dos->DDIR; f.qid.path |= Sys->CHDIR; xp := iotrack->getsect(f.xf, bp.dataaddr+(start-2)*bp.clustsize); if(xp == nil) { if(ndp.p!=nil) dos->putfile(f); iotrack->putsect(pdp.p); return e(Eio); } xd := ref *nd; = ". "; xd.ext = " "; xp.iobuf[0:] = Dosdir.Dd2arr(xd); if(pd!=nil) xd = ref *pd; else{ xd = ref Dosdir(".. "," ",byte 0, array[10] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[2] of { * => byte 0}, array[4] of { * => byte 0}); dos->puttime(xd); xd.attr = byte dos->DDIR; }".. "; xd.ext=" "; xp.iobuf[DOSDIRSIZE:] = Dosdir.Dd2arr(xd); xp.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; iotrack->putsect(xp); } ndp.p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; tmp := Dosdir.Dd2arr(nd); ndp.p.iobuf[ndp.offset:]= tmp; dos->putfile(f); iotrack->putsect(pdp.p); f.flags |= omode; return ref Rmsg.Create(t.tag, t.fid, f.qid); } rread(t: ref Tmsg.Read): ref Rmsg { r : int; data : array of byte; if(((f:=iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis))==nil) || (f.flags&dos->Oread == 0)) return e(Eio); if((f.qid.path & Sys->CHDIR) != 0) { t.count = (t.count/Styx->DIRLEN)*Styx->DIRLEN; if(t.count < Styx->DIRLEN || int t.offset%Styx->DIRLEN) { if(debug) dos->chat(sprint("count=%d,offset=%bd,DIRLEN=%d...", t.count, t.offset, Styx->DIRLEN)); return e(Eio); } if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Eio); (r, data) = dos->readdir(f, int t.offset, t.count); } else { if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Eio); (r,data) = dos->readfile(f, int t.offset, t.count); } dos->putfile(f); if(r < 0) return e(Eio); return ref Rmsg.Read(t.tag, t.fid, data[0:r]); # TO DO: check whether slice is needed } rwrite(t: ref Tmsg.Write): ref Rmsg { if(((f:=iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis))==nil) || !(f.flags&dos->Owrite)) return e(Eio); if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Eio); r := dos->writefile(f,, int t.offset, len; dos->putfile(f); if(r < 0){ if(r == -2) return e(Efull); return e(Eio); } return ref Rmsg.Write(t.tag, t.fid, r); } rclunk(t: ref Tmsg.Clunk): ref Rmsg { iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return ref Rmsg.Clunk(t.tag, t.fid); } doremove(f: ref Xfs, dp: ref Dosptr) { dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset] = byte DOSEMPTY; dp.p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; for(prevdo := dp.offset-DOSDIRSIZE; prevdo >= 0; prevdo-=DOSDIRSIZE){ if (dp.p.iobuf[prevdo+11] != byte DLONG) break; dp.p.iobuf[prevdo] = byte DOSEMPTY; } if (prevdo <= 0 && dp.prevaddr != -1){ p := iotrack->getsect(f,dp.prevaddr); for(prevdo = f.ptr.sectsize-DOSDIRSIZE; prevdo >= 0; prevdo-=DOSDIRSIZE) { if(p.iobuf[prevdo+11] != byte DLONG) break; p.iobuf[prevdo] = byte DOSEMPTY; p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; } iotrack->putsect(p); } } rremove(t: ref Tmsg.Remove): ref Rmsg { f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f == nil) { iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eio); } if(!f.ptr.addr) { if(debug) dos->chat("root..."); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eperm); } # check on parent directory of file to be deleted parp := iotrack->getsect(f.xf, f.ptr.paddr); if(parp == nil) { iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eio); } pard := Dosdir.arr2Dd(parp.iobuf[f.ptr.poffset:f.ptr.poffset+DOSDIRSIZE]); if(f.ptr.paddr && (int pard.attr & dos->DRONLY)) { if(debug) dos->chat("parent read-only..."); iotrack->putsect(parp); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eperm); } if(dos->getfile(f) < 0){ if(debug) dos->chat("getfile failed..."); iotrack->putsect(parp); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eio); } dattr := int f.ptr.p.iobuf[f.ptr.offset+11]; if(dattr & dos->DDIR && dos->emptydir(f) < 0){ if(debug) dos->chat("non-empty dir..."); dos->putfile(f); iotrack->putsect(parp); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eperm); } if(f.ptr.paddr == 0 && dattr&dos->DRONLY) { if(debug) dos->chat("read-only file in root directory..."); dos->putfile(f); iotrack->putsect(parp); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); return e(Eperm); } doremove(f.xf, f.ptr); if(f.ptr.paddr) { dos->puttime(pard); parp.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; } parp.iobuf[f.ptr.poffset:] = Dosdir.Dd2arr(pard); iotrack->putsect(parp); err := 0; if(dos->truncfile(f) < 0) err = Eio; dos->putfile(f); iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Clunk); iotrack->sync(); if(err) return e(err); return ref Rmsg.Remove(t.tag, t.fid); } rstat(t: ref Tmsg.Stat): ref Rmsg { f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f == nil || dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Eio); dir := dostat(f); dos->putfile(f); return ref Rmsg.Stat(t.tag, t.fid, *dir); } dostat(f: ref Xfile): ref Sys->Dir { islong :=0; prevdo : int; longnamebuf:=""; # get file info. dir := dos->getdir(f.ptr.p.iobuf[f.ptr.offset:f.ptr.offset+DOSDIRSIZE], f.ptr.addr, f.ptr.offset); # get previous entry if(f.ptr.prevaddr == -1) { # maybe extended, but will never cross sector boundary... # short filename at beginning of sector.. if(f.ptr.offset!=0) { for(prevdo = f.ptr.offset-DOSDIRSIZE; prevdo >=0; prevdo-=DOSDIRSIZE) { prevdattr := f.ptr.p.iobuf[prevdo+11]; if(prevdattr != byte DLONG) break; islong = 1; longnamebuf += dos->getnamesect(f.ptr.p.iobuf[prevdo:prevdo+DOSDIRSIZE]); } } } else { # extended and will cross sector boundary. for(prevdo = f.ptr.offset-DOSDIRSIZE; prevdo >=0; prevdo-=DOSDIRSIZE) { prevdattr := f.ptr.p.iobuf[prevdo+11]; if(prevdattr != byte DLONG) break; islong = 1; longnamebuf += dos->getnamesect(f.ptr.p.iobuf[prevdo:prevdo+DOSDIRSIZE]); } if (prevdo < 0) { p := iotrack->getsect(f.xf,f.ptr.prevaddr); for(prevdo = f.xf.ptr.sectsize-DOSDIRSIZE; prevdo >=0; prevdo-=DOSDIRSIZE){ prevdattr := p.iobuf[prevdo+11]; if(prevdattr != byte DLONG) break; islong = 1; longnamebuf += dos->getnamesect(p.iobuf[prevdo:prevdo+DOSDIRSIZE]); } iotrack->putsect(p); } } if(islong) = longnamebuf; return dir; } nameok(elem : string) : int { isfrog := array[256] of { # NUL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, # BKS 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, # DLE 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, # CAN 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, # ' ' => 1, '/' => 1, 16r7f => 1, * => 0 }; for(i:=0; i < len elem; i++) { if(isfrog[elem[i]]) return -1; } if(i >= Styx->NAMELEN) return -1; return 0; } rwstat(t: ref Tmsg.Wstat): ref Rmsg { f := iotrack->xfile(t.fid, dos->Asis); if(f == nil) return e(Eio); if(dos->getfile(f) < 0) return e(Eio); dp := f.ptr; if(dp.addr == 0){ # root dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } changes := 0; dir := dostat(f); wdir := ref t.stat; if(dir.uid != wdir.uid || dir.gid != wdir.gid){ dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } if(dir.mtime != wdir.mtime || ((dir.mode^wdir.mode) & 8r777)) changes = 1; if((wdir.mode & 7) != ((wdir.mode >> 3) & 7) || (wdir.mode & 7) != ((wdir.mode >> 6) & 7)){ dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } if( !={ # temporarily disable this # g.errno = Eperm; # dos->putfile(f); # return; # # grab parent directory of file to be changed and check for write perm # rename also disallowed for read-only files in root directory # parp := iotrack->getsect(f.xf, dp.paddr); if(parp == nil){ dos->putfile(f); return e(Eio); } # pard := Dosdir.arr2Dd(parp.iobuf[dp.poffset: dp.poffset+DOSDIRSIZE]); pardattr := int parp.iobuf[dp.poffset+11]; dpd := Dosdir.arr2Dd(dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset: dp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); if(dp.paddr != 0 && int pardattr & dos->DRONLY || dp.paddr == 0 && int dpd.attr & dos->DRONLY){ iotrack->putsect(parp); dos->putfile(f); return e(Eperm); } # # retrieve info from old entry # oaddr := dp.addr; ooffset := dp.offset; d := dpd; od := *d; # start := getstart(f.xf, d); start := d.start; length := d.length; attr := d.attr; # # temporarily release file to allow other directory ops: # walk to parent, validate new name # then remove old entry # dos->putfile(f); pf := ref *f; pdp := ref Dosptr(dp.paddr, dp.poffset, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, parp, nil); # if(pdp.addr != 0) # pdpd := Dosdir.arr2Dd(parp.iobuf[pdp.offset: pdp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); # else # pdpd = nil; pf.ptr = pdp; if( == "." || == ".."){ iotrack->putsect(parp); return e(Eperm); } islong := 0; sname := ""; nds := dos->name2de(; if(nds > 0) { # long file name, find "new" short name i := 1; for(;;) { sname = dos->long2short(, i); (r1, tmpdp) := dos->searchdir(f, sname, 0, 0); if(r1 < 0) break; iotrack->putsect(tmpdp.p); i++; } islong = 1; }else{ (b, e) := dos->dosname(; sname = b+e; } # (r, ndp) := dos->searchdir(pf,, 1, 1); # if(r < 0){ # iotrack->putsect(parp); # g.errno = Eperm; # return; # } if(dos->getfile(f) < 0){ iotrack->putsect(parp); return e(Eio); } doremove(f.xf, dp); dos->putfile(f); # # search for dir entry again, since we may be able to use the old slot, # and we need to set up the naddr field if a long name spans the block. # create new entry. # r := 0; (r, dp) = dos->searchdir(pf, sname, 1, islong); if(r < 0){ iotrack->putsect(parp); return e(Ephase); } if((r = mkdentry(pf.xf, dp,, sname, islong, attr, start, length)) != 0){ iotrack->putsect(parp); return e(r); } iotrack->putsect(parp); # # relocate up other fids to the same file, if it moved # f.ptr = dp; f.qid.path = (f.qid.path & Sys->CHDIR) | QIDPATH(dp); if(oaddr != dp.addr || ooffset != dp.offset) iotrack->dosptrreloc(f, dp, oaddr, ooffset); changes = 1; # f = nil; } if(changes){ d := Dosdir.arr2Dd(dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset:dp.offset+DOSDIRSIZE]); dos->putdir(d, wdir); dp.p.iobuf[dp.offset: ] = Dosdir.Dd2arr(d); dp.p.flags |= IoTrack->BMOD; } if(f != nil) dos->putfile(f); iotrack->sync(); return ref Rmsg.Wstat(t.tag, t.fid); } dossrv(rfd : ref Sys->FD) { data := array[Styx->MAXRPC] of byte; while((t :=, 0)) != nil){ if(debug) dos->chat(sys->sprint("%s...", t.text())); r: ref Rmsg; pick m := t { Readerror => dos->panic(sys->sprint("mount read error: %s", m.error)); Nop => r = rnop(m); Flush => r = rflush(m); Attach => r = rattach(m); Clone => r = rclone(m); Walk => r = rwalk(m); Open => r = ropen(m); Create => r = rcreate(m); Read => r = rread(m); Write => r = rwrite(m); Clunk => r = rclunk(m); Remove => r = rremove(m); Stat => r = rstat(m); Wstat => r = rwstat(m); * => dos->panic("Styx mtype"); } pick m := r { Error => r.tag = t.tag; } rbuf := r.pack(); if(rbuf == nil) dos->panic("Rmsg.pack"); if(debug) dos->chat(sys->sprint("%s\n", r.text())); if(sys->write(rfd, rbuf, len rbuf) != len rbuf) dos->panic("mount write"); } if(debug) dos->chat("server EOF\n"); }