implement Xfiles; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Dir, Qid, CHDIR, NAMELEN: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "iobuf.m"; iobuf: Iobuf; Block, Device: import iobuf; include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; include "xfiles.m"; VOLDESC: con 16; # sector number Sectorsize: con 2048; Drec: adt { reclen: int; attrlen: int; addr: int; # should be big? size: int; # should be big? date: array of byte; time: int; tzone: int; # not in high sierra flags: int; unitsize: int; gapsize: int; vseqno: int; name: array of byte; data: array of byte; # system extensions }; Isofile: adt { fmt: int; # 'z' if iso, 'r' if high sierra blksize: int; offset: int; # true offset when reading directory doffset: int; # styx (DIRLEN) offset when reading directory d: ref Drec; }; chatty: con 0; Enonexist: con "file does not exist"; Eperm: con "permission denied"; fdata := array[1] of ref Isofile; freelist: list of int; # free elements of fdata stderr: ref Sys->FD; init(io: Iobuf, astyx: Styx) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); iobuf = io; styx = astyx; } ref Xfile { f := ref Xfile; return f.clean(); } Xfile.clean(f: self ref Xfile): ref Xfile { if(f.xf != nil){ f.xf.decref(); f.xf = nil; } f.ptr = 0; f.flags = 0; f.qid = Qid(0, 0); return f; } Xfile.attach(root: self ref Xfile): string { fmt, blksize: int; p := Block.get(root.xf.d, VOLDESC); if(p == nil) return "can't read volume descriptor"; dp := ref Drec; v :=; # Voldesc if(eqs(v[0:7], "\u0001CD001\u0001")){ # ISO fmt = 'z'; convM2Drec(v[156:], dp, 0); # v.z.desc.rootdir blksize = l16(v[128:]); # v.z.desc.blksize if(chatty) chat(sys->sprint("iso, blksize=%d...", blksize)); }else if(eqs(v[8:8+7], "\u0001CDROM\u0001")){ # high sierra fmt = 'r'; convM2Drec(v[180:], dp, 1); # v.r.desc.rootdir blksize = l16(v[136:]); # v.r.desc.blksize if(chatty) chat(sys->sprint("high sierra, blksize=%d...", blksize)); }else{ p.put(); return "not ISO or High Sierra"; } if(chatty) showdrec(stderr, fmt, dp); if(blksize > Sectorsize){ p.put(); return "blocksize too big"; } fp := iso(root); root.xf.isplan9 = eqs(v[8:8+6], "PLAN 9"); # v.z.boot.sysid fp.fmt = fmt; fp.blksize = blksize; fp.offset = 0; fp.doffset = 0; fp.d = dp; root.qid.path = CHDIR | dp.addr; p.put(); dp = ref Drec; if(getdrec(root, dp) >= 0){ s :=; n := len s; if(n >= 7 && s[0] == byte 'S' && s[1] == byte 'P' && s[2] == byte 7 && s[3] == byte 1 && s[4] == byte 16rBE && s[5] == byte 16rEF){ root.xf.issusp = 1; root.xf.suspoff = int s[6]; n -= root.xf.suspoff; s = s[root.xf.suspoff:]; while(n >= 4){ l := int s[2]; if(s[0] == byte 'E' && s[1] == byte 'R'){ if(int s[4] == 10 && eqs(s[8:18], "RRIP_1991A")) root.xf.isrock = 1; break; } else if(s[0] == byte 'C' && s[1] == byte 'E' && int s[2] >= 28){ (s, n) = getcontin(root.xf.d, s); continue; } else if(s[0] == byte 'R' && s[1] == byte 'R'){ root.xf.isrock = 1; break; # can skip search for ER } else if(s[0] == byte 'S' && s[1] == byte 'T') break; s = s[l:]; n -= l; } } } fp.offset = 0; fp.doffset = 0; return nil; } Xfile.clone(oldf: self ref Xfile, newf: ref Xfile) { *newf = *oldf; newf.ptr = 0; newf.xf.incref(); ip := iso(oldf); np := iso(newf); *np = *ip; # might not be right; shares ip.d } Xfile.walkup(f: self ref Xfile): string { pf :=; ppf :=; e := walkup(f, pf, ppf); pf.clunk(); ppf.clunk(); return e; } walkup(f, pf, ppf: ref Xfile): string { e := opendotdot(f, pf); if(e != nil) return sys->sprint("can't open pf: %s", e); paddr := iso(pf).d.addr; if(iso(f).d.addr == paddr) return nil; e = opendotdot(pf, ppf); if(e != nil) return sys->sprint("can't open ppf: %s", e); d := ref Drec; while(getdrec(ppf, d) >= 0){ if(d.addr == paddr){ newdrec(f, d); f.qid.path = paddr|CHDIR; return nil; } } return "can't find addr of .."; } Xfile.walk(f: self ref Xfile, name: string): string { ip := iso(f); if(!f.xf.isplan9){ for(i := 0; i < len name; i++) if(name[i] == ';') break; if(i > Sys->NAMELEN) i = Sys->NAMELEN; name = name[0:i]; } if(chatty) chat(sys->sprint("%d \"%s\"...", len name, name)); ip.offset = 0; dir := ref Dir; d := ref Drec; while(getdrec(f, d) >= 0) { dvers := rzdir(f.xf, dir, 'z', d); if(name != continue; newdrec(f, d); f.qid.path = dir.qid.path; if(dvers); return nil; } return Enonexist; } self ref Xfile, mode: int): string { if(mode != Sys->OREAD) return Eperm; ip := iso(f); ip.offset = 0; ip.doffset = 0; return nil; } Xfile.create(nil: self ref Xfile, nil: string, nil: int, nil: int): string { return Eperm; } Xfile.readdir(f: self ref Xfile, buf: array of byte, offset: int, count: int): (int, string) { ip := iso(f); d := ref Dir; drec := ref Drec; if(offset < ip.doffset){ ip.offset = 0; ip.doffset = 0; } rcnt := 0; while(rcnt < count && getdrec(f, drec) >= 0){ if(len == 1){ if([0] == byte 0) continue; if([0] == byte 1) continue; } if(ip.doffset < offset){ ip.doffset += Styx->DIRLEN; continue; } rzdir(f.xf, d, ip.fmt, drec); d.qid.vers = f.qid.vers; a := styx->packdir(*d); buf[rcnt:] = a; # BOTCH: copy rcnt += len a; } ip.doffset += rcnt; return (rcnt, nil); } self ref Xfile, buf: array of byte, offset: int, count: int): (int, string) { ip := iso(f); if(offset >= ip.d.size) return (0, nil); if(offset+count > ip.d.size) count = ip.d.size - offset; addr := (ip.d.addr+ip.d.attrlen)*ip.blksize + offset; o := addr % Sectorsize; addr /= Sectorsize; if(chatty) chat(sys->sprint("d.addr=0x%x, addr=0x%x, o=0x%x...", ip.d.addr, addr, o)); n := Sectorsize - o; rcnt := 0; while(count > 0){ if(n > count) n = count; p := Block.get(f.xf.d, addr); if(p == nil) return (-1, "i/o error"); buf[rcnt:] =[o:o+n]; p.put(); count -= n; rcnt += n; addr++; o = 0; n = Sectorsize; } return (rcnt, nil); } Xfile.write(nil: self ref Xfile, nil: array of byte, nil: int, nil: int): (int, string) { return (-1, Eperm); } Xfile.clunk(f: self ref Xfile) { if(f.ptr != 0) { fdata[f.ptr] = nil; freelist = f.ptr :: freelist; f.ptr = 0; } } Xfile.remove(nil: self ref Xfile): string { return Eperm; } Xfile.stat(f: self ref Xfile): (ref Dir, string) { ip := iso(f); d := ref Dir; rzdir(f.xf, d, ip.fmt, ip.d); d.qid.vers = f.qid.vers; if(d.qid.path==f.xf.rootqid.path) d.qid.path = CHDIR; return (d, nil); } Xfile.wstat(nil: self ref Xfile, nil: ref Dir): string { return Eperm; } ref Device): ref Xfs { xf := ref Xfs; xf.inuse = 1; xf.d = d; xf.isplan9 = 0; xf.issusp = 0; xf.isrock = 0; xf.suspoff = 0; xf.ptr = 0; xf.rootqid = Qid(CHDIR, 0); return xf; } Xfs.incref(xf: self ref Xfs) { xf.inuse++; } Xfs.decref(xf: self ref Xfs) { xf.inuse--; if(xf.inuse == 0){ if(xf.d != nil) xf.d.detach(); } } showdrec(fd: ref Sys->FD, fmt: int, d: ref Drec) { if(d.reclen == 0) return; sys->fprint(fd, "%d %d %d %d ", d.reclen, d.attrlen, d.addr, d.size); sys->fprint(fd, "%s 0x%2.2x %d %d %d ", rdate(, fmt), d.flags, d.unitsize, d.gapsize, d.vseqno); sys->fprint(fd, "%d %s", len, nstr(; syslen := len; if(syslen != 0) sys->fprint(fd, " %s", nstr(; sys->fprint(fd, "\n"); } newdrec(f: ref Xfile, dp: ref Drec) { x := iso(f); n := ref Isofile; n.fmt = x.fmt; n.blksize = x.blksize; n.offset = 0; n.doffset = 0; n.d = dp; fdata[f.ptr] = n; } getdrec(f: ref Xfile, d: ref Drec): int { if(f.ptr == 0 || fdata[f.ptr] == nil) return -1; boff := 0; ip := iso(f); size := ip.d.size; while(ip.offset Sectorsize-34){ ip.offset += Sectorsize-boff; continue; } p := Block.get(f.xf.d, addr/Sectorsize); if(p == nil) return -1; nb := int[boff]; if(nb >= 34) { convM2Drec([boff:], d, ip.fmt=='r'); #chat(sys->sprint("off %d", ip.offset)); #showdrec(stderr, ip.fmt, d); p.put(); ip.offset += nb + (nb&1); return 0; } p.put(); p = nil; ip.offset += Sectorsize-boff; } return -1; } # getcontin returns a slice of the Iobuf, valid until next i/o call getcontin(d: ref Device, a: array of byte): (array of byte, int) { bn := l32(a[4:]); off := l32(a[12:]); n := l32(a[20:]); p := Block.get(d, bn); if(p == nil) return (nil, 0); return ([off:off+n], n); } iso(f: ref Xfile): ref Isofile { if(f.ptr == 0){ if(freelist != nil){ f.ptr = hd freelist; freelist = tl freelist; }else{ n := len fdata; a := array[n+1] of ref Isofile; if(n > 0) a[0:] = fdata[0:]; fdata = a; f.ptr = n; } fdata[f.ptr] = ref Isofile; fdata[f.ptr].d = ref Drec; } return fdata[f.ptr]; } opendotdot(f: ref Xfile, pf: ref Xfile): string { d := ref Drec; ip := iso(f); ip.offset = 0; if(getdrec(f, d) < 0) return "opendotdot: getdrec(.) failed"; if(len != 1 ||[0] != byte 0) return "opendotdot: no . entry"; if(d.addr != ip.d.addr) return "opendotdot: bad . address"; if(getdrec(f, d) < 0) return "opendotdot: getdrec(..) failed"; if(len != 1 ||[0] != byte 1) return "opendotdot: no .. entry"; pf.xf = f.xf; pip := iso(pf); pip.fmt = ip.fmt; pip.blksize = ip.blksize; pip.offset = 0; pip.doffset = 0; pip.d = d; return nil; } rzdir(fs: ref Xfs, d: ref Dir, fmt: int, dp: ref Drec): int { Hmode, Hname: con 1< = "."; have |= Hname; 1 => = ".."; have |= Hname; * => = "";[0] = tolower(int[0]); } } else { if(n >= NAMELEN) n = NAMELEN-1; = ""; for(i:=0; i34+len { # # get gid, uid, mode and possibly name # from plan9 directory extension # s :=; n = int s[0]; if(n) = string s[1:1+n]; l := 1+n; n = int s[l++]; d.uid = string s[l:l+n]; l += n; n = int s[l++]; d.gid = string s[l:l+n]; l += n; if(l & 1) l++; d.mode = l32(s[l:]); if(d.mode & CHDIR) d.qid.path |= CHDIR; } else { d.mode = 8r444; case fmt { 'z' => if(fs.isrock) d.gid = "ridge"; else d.gid = "iso"; 'r' => d.gid = "sierra"; * => d.gid = "???"; } flags := dp.flags; if(flags & 2){ d.qid.path |= CHDIR; d.mode |= CHDIR|8r111; } d.uid = "cdrom"; for(i := 0; i < len; i++) if([i] == ';') { vers = int string[i+1:]; # inefficient =[0:i]; # inefficient break; } n = len - fs.suspoff; if(fs.isrock && n >= 4){ s :=[fs.suspoff:]; nm := 0; while(n >= 4 && have != (Hname|Hmode)){ l := int s[2]; if(s[0] == byte 'P' && s[1] == byte 'X' && s[3] == byte 1){ # posix file attributes mode := l32(s[4:12]); d.mode = mode & 8r777; if((mode & 8r170000) == 8r0040000){ d.mode |= CHDIR; d.qid.path |= CHDIR; } have |= Hmode; } else if(s[0] == byte 'N' && s[1] == byte 'M' && s[3] == byte 1){ # alternative name flags = int s[4]; if((flags & ~1) == 0){ if(nm == 0){ = string s[5:l]; nm = 1; } else += string s[5:l]; if(flags == 0) have |= Hname; # no more } } else if(s[0] == byte 'C' && s[1] == byte 'E' && int s[2] >= 28){ (s, n) = getcontin(fs.d, s); continue; } else if(s[0] == byte 'S' && s[1] == byte 'T') break; n -= l; s = s[l:]; } } } d.length = 0; if((d.mode & CHDIR) == 0) d.length = dp.size; d.dtype = 0; = 0; d.atime = dp.time; d.mtime = d.atime; return vers; } convM2Drec(a: array of byte, d: ref Drec, highsierra: int) { d.reclen = int a[0]; d.attrlen = int a[1]; d.addr = int l32(a[2:10]); d.size = int l32(a[10:18]); d.time = gtime(a[18:24]); = array[7] of byte;[0:] = a[18:25]; if(highsierra){ d.tzone = 0; d.flags = int a[24]; d.unitsize = 0; d.gapsize = 0; d.vseqno = 0; } else { d.tzone = int a[24]; d.flags = int a[25]; d.unitsize = int a[26]; d.gapsize = int a[27]; d.vseqno = l32(a[28:32]); } n := int a[32]; = array[n] of byte;[0:] = a[33:33+n]; n += 33; if(n & 1) n++; # check this syslen := d.reclen - n; if(syslen > 0){ = array[syslen] of byte;[0:] = a[n:n+syslen]; } else = nil; } nstr(p: array of byte): string { q := ""; n := len p; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ if(int p[i] == '\\') q[len q] = '\\'; if(' ' <= int p[i] && int p[i] <= '~') q[len q] = int p[i]; else q += sys->sprint("\\%2.2ux", int p[i]); } return q; } rdate(p: array of byte, fmt: int): string { c: int; s := sys->sprint("%2.2d.%2.2d.%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", int p[0], int p[1], int p[2], int p[3], int p[4], int p[5]); if(fmt == 'z'){ htz := int p[6]; if(htz >= 128){ htz = 256-htz; c = '-'; }else c = '+'; s += sys->sprint(" (%c%.1f)", c, real htz/2.0); } return s; } dmsize := array[] of { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, }; dysize(y: int): int { if((y%4) == 0) return 366; return 365; } gtime(p: array of byte): int # yMdhms { y:=int p[0]; M:=int p[1]; d:=int p[2]; h:=int p[3]; m:=int p[4]; s:=int p[5];; if(y < 70) return 0; if(M < 1 || M > 12) return 0; if(d < 1 || d > dmsize[M-1]) return 0; if(h > 23) return 0; if(m > 59) return 0; if(s > 59) return 0; y += 1900; t := 0; for(i:=1970; i= 3) t++; M--; while(M-- > 0) t += dmsize[M]; t += d-1; t = 24*t + h; t = 60*t + m; t = 60*t + s; return t; } l16(p: array of byte): int { v := (int p[1]<<8)| int p[0]; if (v >= 16r8000) v -= 16r10000; return v; } l32(p: array of byte): int { return (((((int p[3]<<8)| int p[2])<<8)| int p[1])<<8)| int p[0]; } eqs(a: array of byte, b: string): int { if(len a != len b) return 0; for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) if(int a[i] != b[i]) return 0; return 1; } chat(s: string) { if(chatty) sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", s); } tolower(c: int): int { if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c-'A' + 'a'; return c; }