implement TvListing; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Style, Element, Compound, Environ: import prefab; include "ir.m"; Progs: adt { r: Rect; # draw to off: int; # file offset of database record sel: int; # is selected text: string; # program name }; Chan: adt { text: string; # channel name np: int; # number of programs p: array of Progs; # programs in this segment }; TvListing: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; MAXqrt: con 16; # Max quarter hours per screen MAXrecord: con 512; # Max bytes in a tms record Nfields: con 26; # Number of field separators (|) in record Ybox: con 55; # Size of Quarter box Xbox: con 60; Xtitle: con 90; # Channel name Shours: con 1; Xsep: con 2; Page: con 6; Brief: con 0; Verbose: con 1; START: con 3; DURAT: con 4; TITLE: con 5; SUBTITLE: con 6; SYNOPSIS: con 7; Guideperiod: con 7*23; # One week worth of programs (in hours). zr: Rect; zp: Point; tvenv: ref Environ; tienv: ref Environ; selenv: ref Environ; ones: ref Image; yellow: ref Image; lblue: ref Image; stderr: ref FD; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; tmdata: ref FD; windows: array of ref Image; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { i: int; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); zp = (0, 0); zr = (zp, zp); screen = ctxt.screen; display = ctxt.display; windows = array[1] of ref Image; ones = display.ones; lblue = display.color(16rec); yellow = display.color(draw->Yellow); textfont :=, "*default*"); tvstyle := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont display.color(16r44), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor lblue, # titlecolor display.color(draw->Black), # textcolor display.color(draw->Black)); # highlightcolor tistyle := ref *tvstyle; tistyle.textfont =, "/fonts/lucidasans/boldlatin1.8.font"); selstyle := ref *tvstyle; # selstyle.elemcolor = display.color(16ra9); selstyle.elemcolor = display.color(16r88); selstyle.textcolor = display.color(draw->White); selstyle.highlightcolor = display.color(draw->White); tvenv = ref Environ(ctxt.screen, tvstyle); tienv = ref Environ(ctxt.screen, tistyle); selenv = ref Environ(ctxt.screen, selstyle); tmdata = sys->open("/services/tvlist/tms.feed", sys->OREAD); if(tmdata == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "no tms.feed: %r\n"); return; } ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMstartir; exitc := chan of int; slavectl := chan of int; spawn topslave(ctxt.ctoappl, slavectl); l := readfile("/services/tvlist/list.all"); hrs := 11; mins := 0; qrt := 45; s := 0; e := s+Page; if(e > len l) e = len l; a := chanelem(l[s:e], qrt); cx := 0; cy := 0; a[cy].p[cx].sel = 1; for(;;) { c := page(a, hrs, mins); key := <-ctxt.cir; a[cy].p[cx].sel = 0; case key { Ir->FF => if(qrt > Guideperiod*4) break; hrs += Shours; hrs %= 24; qrt += Shours*4; a = chanelem(l[s:e], qrt); Ir->Rew => if(qrt < Shours*4) break; hrs -= Shours; hrs %= 24; qrt -= Shours*4; a = chanelem(l[s:e], qrt); Ir->Up => cy--; if(cy >= 0) break; cy++; if(s == 0) break; s--; e--; for(i = len a-1; i > 0; i--) a[i] = a[i-1]; a[0] = getprog(l[s], qrt); Ir->Dn => cy++; if(cy < len a) break; cy--; if(e >= len l-1) break; s++; e++; for(i = 0; i < len a - 1; i++) a[i] = a[i+1]; a[i] = getprog(l[e], qrt); Ir->Select => detail(a[cy].p[cx], ctxt.cir); Ir->Enter => slavectl <-= Draw->AMexit; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; return; } a[cy].p[cx].sel = 1; } } detail(p: Progs, key: chan of int) { s := extract(, Verbose); if(s == nil) return; c := Compound.textbox(selenv, ((20, 20), zp), "", s); c.draw(); <-key; } page(a: array of ref Chan, hrs, min: int): ref Compound { e := Element.elist(tvenv, nil, Prefab->EVertical); e.append(timeline(hrs, min)); e.append(body(a)); e.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); e.clip(((0, 0), (620, e.r.max.y))); t := "TV Guide 12-19 September 1995"; xe := Element.text(tvenv, t, zr, Prefab->ETitle); cmenu :=, Point(10, 10), xe, e); cmenu.draw(); windows[0] = cmenu.image; return cmenu; } readfile(file: string): array of string { l: list of string; fd := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return nil; buf := array[1024] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return nil; (n, l) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); a := array[n] of string; for(n = 0; l != nil; l = tl l) a[n++] = hd l; return a; } expand(e: ref Element): ref Element { r := e.r; dy := r.dy(); if(dy >= Ybox) return e; r.max.y = r.min.y + Ybox; e.clip(r); e.scroll((0, (dy-Ybox)/2)); return e; } timeline(hours, mins: int): ref Element { xr: Rect; e := Element.elist(tvenv, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); sr := (zp, (Xsep, Ybox)); xr = (zp, (Xtitle, Ybox)); xe := Element.text(tvenv, "Time", xr, Prefab->EText); e.append(expand(xe)); xr.max.x = Xbox; for(i := 0; i < MAXqrt; i++) { xe = Element.separator(tienv, sr, lblue, ones); e.append(xe); time := sys->sprint("%.2d:%.2d", hours, mins); xe = Element.text(tienv, time, xr, Prefab->EText); e.append(expand(xe)); mins += 15; if(mins == 60) { mins = 0; if(hours++ == 24) hours = 0; } } e.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); return e; } chanelem(clist: array of string, quart: int): array of ref Chan { a := array[len clist] of ref Chan; for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) a[i] = getprog(clist[i], quart); return a; } body(a: array of ref Chan): ref Element { xe :ref Element; sr := (zp, (640, 3)); e := Element.elist(tvenv, nil, Prefab->EVertical); for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) { xe = Element.separator(tvenv, sr, lblue, ones); e.append(xe); e.append(drawelem(a[i])); } xe = Element.separator(tvenv, sr, lblue, ones); e.append(xe); e.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); return e; } drawelem(c: ref Chan): ref Element { sr := (zp, (Xsep, Ybox)); e := Element.elist(tvenv, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); te := Element.text(tvenv, c.text, (zp,(Xtitle, Ybox)), Prefab->EText); e.append(te); for(i := 0; i <; i++) { te = Element.separator(tvenv, sr, lblue, ones); e.append(te); p := c.p[i]; if(p.sel) te = Element.text(selenv, p.text, p.r, Prefab->EText); else te = Element.text(tvenv, p.text, p.r, Prefab->EText); te.clip(p.r); e.append(te); } e.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); return e; } getprog(channel: string, quarter: int): ref Chan { xr: Rect; c := ref Chan(channel, 0, nil); channel = "/services/tvlist/"+channel; db := sys->open(channel, sys->OREAD); if(db == nil) return c; quarter *= 4; if(sys->seek(db, quarter, 0) != quarter) return c; buf := array[4*MAXqrt] of byte; n := sys->read(db, buf, len buf); if(n < 4) return c; np := 0; c.p = array[MAXqrt] of Progs; last := getword(buf[0:4]); prog := extract(last, Brief); xr = (zp, (0, Ybox)); c.p[0] = Progs(xr, last, 0, prog); for(i := 0; i < n; i += 4) { xr.max.x += Xbox; next := getword(buf[i:i+4]); if(last != next) { prog = extract(last, Brief); c.p[np++] = Progs(xr, last, 0, prog); xr = (zp, (0, Ybox)); last = next; } else xr.max.x += Xsep; } if(np == 0) c.p[np++] = Progs(xr, 0, 0, "No Information"); = np; return c; } extract(prog, info: int): string { l: list of string; if(prog == 0) return " "; if(sys->seek(tmdata, prog, 0) != prog) return "Unknown"; buf := array[MAXrecord] of byte; n := sys->read(tmdata, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return "Unknown"; (n, l) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "|\n"); if(n < Nfields) return "Unknown"; fields := array[Nfields] of string; for(n = 0; l != nil && n < Nfields; l = tl l) fields[n++] = hd l; case info { Brief => return fields[TITLE]; Verbose => return fields[TITLE]+"\n"+ "Start: "+fields[START]+ " Length: "+fields[DURAT]+"\n"+ fields[SUBTITLE]+"\n\n"+ fields[SYNOPSIS]; } return ""; } getword(v: array of byte): int { return (int v[0]<<24)|(int v[1]<<16)|(int v[2]<<8)|int v[3]; } topslave(ctoappl: chan of int, ctl: chan of int) { m: int; for(;;) { alt{ m = <-ctoappl => if(m == Draw->MAtop); m = <-ctl => return; } } }