implement Tv; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD: import sys; fprint, sprint, sleep, fildes, open: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Style, Element, Compound, Environ: import prefab; include "ir.m"; Tv: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; Spec: adt { c: int; n: string; }; stderr: ref FD; cfd: ref FD; ones, zeros: ref Image; yellow: ref Image; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; env, tvenv: ref Environ; nchan: int; zr: Rect; chanlist: array of Spec; infont: ref Font; tvwin: ref Compound; # global to hold up Compound for refresh pvset: array of int; pvnam: array of string; sdset: array of int; sdnam: array of string; windows: array of ref Image; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { key: int; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; chanlist = array[] of { Spec(1, " 1 Sports"), Spec(2, " 2 WCBS"), Spec(3, " 3 TV3/CTN"), Spec(4, " 4 WNBC"), Spec(5, " 5 Fox"), Spec(6, " 6 Nickelodeon"), Spec(7, " 7 WABC"), Spec(8, " 8 ESPN"), Spec(9, " 9 WWOR"), Spec(10, "10 Previews"), Spec(11, "11 WPIX"), Spec(12, "12 QVC"), Spec(13, "13 WNET"), Spec(14, "14 HBO"), Spec(15, "15 TNT"), Spec(16, "16 WHSE-TV"), Spec(17, "17 Commercial"), Spec(18, "18 Showtime"), Spec(19, "19 Family"), Spec(20, "20 MSG/C-SPAN2"), Spec(21, "21 WLIW"), Spec(22, "22 MTV"), Spec(23, "23 WNJN/HSN"), Spec(24, "24 USA"), Spec(25, "25 WNYE"), Spec(26, "26 History"), Spec(27, "27 Headline News"), Spec(28, "28 Discovery"), Spec(29, "29 A&E"), Spec(30, "30 Lifetime"), Spec(31, "31 WNYC"), Spec(32, "32 Public access"), Spec(33, "33 CNN"), Spec(34, "34 local access"), Spec(35, "35 local access"), Spec(36, "36 local access"), Spec(37, "37 C-SPAN"), Spec(38, "38 CNBC"), Spec(39, "39 Hits 3"), Spec(40, "40 VC"), Spec(41, "41 WXTV"), Spec(42, "42 VH1"), Spec(43, "43 AMC"), Spec(44, "44 E!"), Spec(45, "45 TBS"), Spec(46, "46 BET"), Spec(47, "47 WNJU 47"), Spec(48, "48 Nashville"), Spec(49, "49 Comedy Central"), Spec(50, "50 Sci-Fi"), Spec(51, "51 TLC"), Spec(52, "52 Weather"), Spec(53, "53 WMBC"), Spec(54, "54 EWTN"), Spec(55, "55 Court TV"), Spec(56, "56 Q2"), Spec(57, "57 Prevue"), Spec(58, "58 WLIG"), Spec(59, "59 CTN"), Spec(60, "60 Food"), Spec(68, "68 America Talking"), Spec(69, "69 Asian"), Spec(70, "70 WTZA"), Spec(71, "71 Hits 2"), Spec(74, "74 Hits 1"), Spec(95, "95 Cinemax"), Spec(96, "96 Box/Playbox"), Spec(98, "98 Disney"), Spec(99, "99 NSC") }; stderr = fildes(2); cfd = open("/dev/tvctl", sys->ORDWR); if(cfd == nil) { fprint(stderr, "tv not available\n"); ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; return; } screen = ctxt.screen; display = ctxt.display; windows = array[3] of ref Image; ones = display.ones; zeros = display.zeros; yellow = display.color(draw->Yellow); textfont :=, "*default*"); infont =, "/fonts/lucida/unicode.20.font"); if(infont == nil) infont = textfont; zr = ((0, 0), (0, 0)); nchan = 4; style := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont display.color(16r55), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor yellow, # titlecolor display.color(draw->Black), # textcolor display.color(draw->White)); # highlightcolor fprint(cfd, "source 2"); fprint(cfd, "window 0 0 640 480"); fprint(cfd, "volume 60 60"); fprint(cfd, "colorkey 30 50 255 5 30 50"); # picture value settings pvset = array[] of { 0, 55, 55, 0, 15, 55, 50 }; pvnam = array[] of { "brightness", "contrast", "saturation", "caphue", "capbrightness", "capcontrast", "capsaturation" }; # sound value settings sdset = array[] of { 60, 50, 50 }; sdnam = array[] of { "volume", "bass", "treble" }; env = ref Environ(ctxt.screen, style); tvstyle := ref *style; # set element color to chroma key # r=255 g=0 b=255 known in device driver tvstyle.elemcolor = display.rgb(255, 0, 255); tvenv = ref Environ(ctxt.screen, tvstyle); drawtv(ctxt.screen.image.r, ""); ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMstartir; exitc := chan of int; slavectl := chan of int; spawn topslave(ctxt.ctoappl, slavectl); tc := chan of int; exittc := chan of int; spawn timer(tc, exittc); chgchan(); for(;;) { alt { <-tc => clrtext(); key = <-ctxt.cir => case key { Ir->One or Ir->Two or Ir->Three or Ir->Four or Ir->Five or Ir->Six or Ir->Seven or Ir->Eight or Ir->Nine or Ir->Zero => channel(ctxt, key); Ir->Select => menu(ctxt); Ir->ChanUP => nchan++; chgchan(); Ir->ChanDN => if(nchan > 1) nchan--; chgchan(); Ir->VolUP => if(sdset[0] < 100) sdset[0] += 5; fprint(cfd, "volume %d", sdset[0]); Ir->VolDN => if(sdset[0] > 0) sdset[0] -= 5; fprint(cfd, "volume %d", sdset[0]); Ir->Enter => exittc <-= 1; slavectl <-= Draw->AMexit; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; fprint(cfd, "window 0 0 0 0"); fprint(cfd, "volume 0 0"); return; } } } } clrtext() { i := windows[0]; p := i.r.min.add((10, 10)); i.draw((p, (i.r.max.x-1, p.y+60)),, ones, (0, 0)); } timer(tc, exittc: chan of int) { i := 0; for(;;) { sleep(3000); alt { tc <-= i => i++; <-exittc => return; * => ; } } } chgchan() { i := windows[0]; p := i.r.min.add((10, 10)); fprint(cfd, "channel %d 0", nchan); s := sprint("%.2d", nchan); for(x := 0; x < len chanlist; x++) if(nchan == chanlist[x].c) s = chanlist[x].n; clrtext(); i.text(p, yellow, p, infont, s); } channel(ctxt: ref Context, key: int) { i := windows[0]; p := i.r.min.add((10, 10)); s := sprint("%c", key+'0'); clrtext(); i.text(p, yellow, p, infont, s); key = <-ctxt.cir; if(key >= Ir->Zero && key <= Ir->Nine) { s += sprint("%c", key+'0'); nchan = int s; chgchan(); } } chanmenu(ctxt: ref Context) { key, n: int; se: ref Element; ce := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); n = 0; for(i := 0; i < len chanlist; i++) { ce.append(Element.text(env, chanlist[i].n, zr, Prefab->EText)); if(chanlist[i].c == nchan) n = i; } ce.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); ce.clip(Rect((0, 0), (150, 350))); cmenu :=, Point(70, 70), Element.text(env, "Channel List", zr, Prefab->ETitle), ce); cmenu.draw(); windows[2] = cmenu.image; (key, n, se) =, n, ctxt.cir); windows[2] = nil; if(key != Ir->Select) return; nchan = chanlist[n].c; chgchan(); } drawtv(r: Rect, s: string) { # r.inset is to adjust for border; resulting window has size r c :=, r.min, nil, Element.icon(tvenv, r.inset(1),, ones)); c.draw(); if(s != nil) c.image.text(c.image.r.min.add((10, 10)), yellow, (0,0), infont, s); tvwin = c; windows[0] = c.image; } sizeposn(ctxt: ref Context) { sr := ctxt.screen.image.r; r := windows[0].r; clrtext(); windows[0].text(windows[0].r.min.add((10, 10)), yellow, (0,0), infont, "SP"); for(;;) { case <-ctxt.cir { Ir->Enter => drawtv(r, ""); return; Ir->ChanUP => r.min.x -= 12; r.min.y -= 9; r.max.x += 12; r.max.y += 9; if(r.dx() > sr.dx()) r = sr; Ir->ChanDN => if(r.dx() > 2*12){ r.min.x += 12; r.min.y += 9; r.max.x -= 12; r.max.y -= 9; } Ir->Up => r.min.y -= 9; r.max.y -= 9; if(r.min.y < 0){ r.max.y -= r.min.y; r.min.y = 0; } Ir->Dn => r.min.y += 9; r.max.y += 9; if(r.max.y > sr.max.y){ r.min.y -= (r.max.y-sr.max.y); r.max.y = sr.max.y; } Ir->Rew => r.min.x -= 12; r.max.x -= 12; if(r.min.x < 0){ r.max.x -= r.min.x; r.min.x = 0; } Ir->FF => r.min.x += 12; r.max.x += 12; if(r.max.x > sr.max.x){ r.min.x -= (r.max.x-sr.max.x); r.max.x = sr.max.x; } Ir->Select => r = ctxt.screen.image.r; } if(r.dx()==windows[0].r.dx() && r.dy()==windows[0].r.dy()) windows[0].origin(windows[0].r.min, r.min); else { drawtv(r, "SP"); r = windows[0].r; } fprint(cfd, "window %d %d %d %d", r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y); } } menu(ctxt: ref Context) { key, n: int; l := "Channel Select\nSound Settings\nPicture Control\nSize & Position"; te := Element.text(env, l, zr, Prefab->EText); mainmenu :=, Point(70, 70), Element.text(env, "TV control", zr, Prefab->ETitle), te); mainmenu.draw(); windows[1] = mainmenu.image; (key, n, nil) =, 0, ctxt.cir); windows[1] = nil; mainmenu = nil; if(key == Ir->Enter) return; case n { 0 => chanmenu(ctxt); 1 => set(ctxt, "Sound Settings", sdnam, sdset); 2 => set(ctxt, "Picture Control", pvnam, pvset); 3 => sizeposn(ctxt); } } topslave(ctoappl: chan of int, ctl: chan of int) { m: int; for(;;) { alt{ m = <-ctoappl => if(m == Draw->MAtop); m = <-ctl => return; } } } gauge(i: ref Image, val: int) { r := i.r; i.draw(r,, ones, (0, 0)); r = r.inset(5); i.draw(r, display.color(draw->Black), ones, (0, 0)); r = r.inset(1); i.draw(r,, ones, (0, 0)); r.max.x = r.min.x + r.dx()*val/100; i.draw(r, yellow, ones, (0, 0)); } set(ctxt: ref Context, title: string, l: array of string, set: array of int) { key, n: int; se: ref Element; iv := array[len l] of ref Image; te := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); for(t := 0; t < len l; t++) { le := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); i := display.newimage(((0,0), (100, 30)), ctxt.screen.image.ldepth, 0, 0); iv[t] = i; gauge(i, set[t]); le.append(Element.icon(env, i.r, i, ones)); le.append(Element.text(env, l[t], zr, Prefab->EText)); le.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); te.append(le); } te.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); pc :=, Point(70, 70), Element.text(env, title, zr, Prefab->ETitle), te); pc.draw(); for(;;) { (key, n, se) =, n, ctxt.cir); out: for(;;) { case key { Ir->VolUP or Ir->ChanUP => if(set[n] < 100) set[n] += 5; Ir->VolDN or Ir->ChanDN => if(set[n] > 0) set[n] -= 5; Ir->Up or Ir->Dn => break out; * => return; } gauge(iv[n], set[n]); pc.draw(); fprint(cfd, "%s %d", l[n], set[n]); pc.highlight(se, 1); se.tag = ""; key = <-ctxt.cir; } } }