implement Rmux; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "devpointer.m"; sys: Sys; draw: Draw; ptr: Devpointer; FD, FileIO, sprint, fprint: import sys; Context, AMexit: import draw; pgrp: int; include "ir.m"; stderr: ref FD; Rmux: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argc: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; ptr = load Devpointer Devpointer->PATH; rcmd := load Rmux "/dis/rcmd.dis"; stderr = sys->fildes(2); if(len args < 2){ fprint(stderr, "usage: rmux machine command: %r\n"); ctxt.ctomux <-= AMexit; return; } if(rcmd == nil){ fprint(stderr, "rmux: can't load rcmd: %r\n"); ctxt.ctomux <-= AMexit; return; } sys->pctl(sys->FORKNS, nil); pgrp = sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); io1 := sendtofile("mux.cir", ctxt.cir); io2 := sendtofile("mux.ckbd", ctxt.ckbd); io3 := sendptrtofile("mux.cptr", ctxt.cptr); io4 := sendtofile("mux.ctoappl", ctxt.ctoappl); io5 := recvfromfile("mux.ctomux", ctxt.ctomux); if(io1==nil || io2==nil || io4==nil || io5==nil){ # BUG: need to shut down slaves cleanly ctxt.ctomux <-= AMexit; return; } screenid := sprint("-s%d",; rcmd->init(ctxt, "rcmd" :: "hati" :: "rmuxslave" :: screenid :: tl args); } makefile(file: string): ref FileIO { sys->bind("#s", "/chan", Sys->MBEFORE); io := sys->file2chan("/chan", file); if(io == nil){ fprint(stderr, "rmux: can't establish %s: %r\n", file); return nil; } return io; } sendtofile(file: string, source: chan of int): ref FileIO { io := makefile(file); if(io == nil) return nil; spawn sender(io, source); return io; } sendptrtofile(file: string, source: chan of ref Draw->Pointer): ref FileIO { io := makefile(file); if(io == nil) return nil; spawn senderptr(io, source); return io; } recvfromfile(file: string, dest: chan of int): ref FileIO { io := makefile(file); if(io == nil) return nil; spawn receiver(io, dest); return io; } sender(io: ref FileIO, source: chan of int) { msg:= array[1] of byte; for(;;){ msg[0] = byte <-source; (off, nbytes, fid, rc) := <; if(nbytes == 1) rc <-= (msg, nil); else rc <-= (nil, "incorrect byte count"); } } senderptr(io: ref FileIO, source: chan of ref Draw->Pointer) { for(;;){ msg := ptr->ptr2bytes(<-source); (off, nbytes, fid, rc) := <; if(nbytes == len msg) rc <-= (msg, nil); else rc <-= (nil, "incorrect byte count"); } } receiver(io: ref FileIO, dest: chan of int) { for(;;){ (off, msg, fid, wc) := <-io.write; if(len msg == 1){ wc <-= (1, nil); dest <-= int msg[0]; if(int msg[0] == Draw->AMexit){ shutdown(); exit; } }else wc <-= (0, "incorrect byte count"); } } shutdown() { fname := sys->sprint("#p/%d/ctl", pgrp); if ((fdesc := sys->open(fname, sys->OWRITE)) != nil) sys->write(fdesc, array of byte "killgrp\n", 8); }