implement RecPb; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD, open, print, sprint, read, tokenize: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Style, Element, Compound, Environ: import prefab; include "ir.m"; RecPb: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; textfont: ref Font; bufsize: con 16*1024; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; windows: array of ref Image; env: ref Environ; z := (0,0); zr := ((0,0),(0,0)); c: ref Compound; sliderbackground: ref Image; sliderpattern: ref Image; pushicon, popicon: ref Image; fileicon: ref Image; Namedimg: adt { icon: ref Image; name: string; tag: string; }; theicons := array [10] of { Namedimg (nil, "pause.bit", "pause"), (nil, "play.bit", "play"), (nil, "rec.bit", "record"), (nil, "rew.bit", "rewind"), (nil, "stop.bit", "stop"), (nil, "ff.bit", "fastforward"), (nil, "cd.bit", "cd"), (nil, "line.bit", "line"), (nil, "mic.bit", "mic"), (nil, "speaker.bit", "speaker") }; Pause, Play, Record, Rewind, Stop, Fastforward, Cd, Line, Mic, Speaker, Playing, Recording, Exit: con iota; curcontrol := Stop; curselect := Mic; pausing := 0; # booleans recording := 0; playing := 0; slicon, sliconicon: ref Image; ones, zeros, black, white, blue, red, yellow, grey: ref Image; icondir: string; datadir: string; Ctl: adt { devnam: string; invalue: int; outvalue: int; }; ctltab := array[20] of { Ctl # Keep these first three items in the same order as in theicons ("cd", 50, 0), ("line", 50, 0), ("mic", 100, 0), ("audio", -1, 60), ("speaker", -1, 100), ("treb", -1, 50), ("bass", -1, 50), ("", 0, 0) }; Vol_Output: con 3; stopflag: int; volctl: int; curfile := 0; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { key: int; e: ref Element; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; icondir = "/icons/rec-pb/"; datadir = "/services/rec-pb/"; buf := array [256] of byte; for (i := 0; i < len ctltab && ctltab[i].devnam != nil; i++) { setvolume(i); } while (sys->open(datadir + string curfile, sys->OREAD) != nil) curfile++; screen = ctxt.screen; display = ctxt.display; windows = array[1] of ref Image; ones = display.ones; zeros = display.zeros; black = display.color(draw->Black); white = display.color(draw->White); blue = display.color(16rf4); red = display.color(draw->Red); yellow = display.color(draw->Yellow); grey = display.rgb(192, 192, 192); for (i = 0; i < len theicons; i++) { theicons[i].icon =[i].name); if (theicons[i].icon == nil) { print("RecPb: Can't open %s: %r\n", icondir + theicons[i].name); return; } } sliderbackground = + "slider.bit"); if (sliderbackground == nil) { print("RecPb: Can't open %s: %r\n", icondir + "slider.bit"); exit; } sliderpattern = + "sliderpattern.bit"); if (sliderpattern == nil) { print("RecPb: Can't open %s: %r\n", icondir + "sliderpattern.bit"); exit; } sliderpattern.clipr = ((-10000,-10000), (10000, 10000)); sliderpattern.repl = 1; pushicon = + "push.bit"); if (pushicon == nil) { print("RecPb: Can't open %s: %r\n", icondir + "push.bit"); exit; } popicon = + "pop.bit"); if (popicon == nil) { print("RecPb: Can't open %s: %r\n", icondir + "pop.bit"); exit; } textfont =, "*default*"); style := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont grey, # elemcolor black, # edgecolor display.color(130), # titlecolor black, # textcolor red); # highlightcolor env = ref Environ (ctxt.screen, style); c = makecompound(); push(curselect); volctl = Vol_Output; sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue); sliconicon.draw(sliconicon.r, theicons[Speaker].icon, ones, z); thumbset(fileicon, 2, curfile); c.draw(); windows[0] = c.image; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMstartir; slavectl := chan of int; spawn topslave(ctxt.ctoappl, slavectl); ch0 := chan of int; ch1 := chan of int; ch2 := chan of int; spawn volfilter(ctxt.cir, ch0); spawn rec_pb(ch1, ch2); spawn dispmgr(ch2); n := 0; for(;;) { (key, n, e) = c.tagselect(c.contents, n, ch0); case key { Ir->Select => ch1 <- = n; Ir->Enter => slavectl <-= Draw->AMexit; ch1 <- = Exit; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; return; } } } dispmgr(ch: chan of int) { pushed: int = 0; for (;;) { n := <- ch; case(n) { Cd or Line or Mic => if (curselect != n) { pop(curselect); sliconicon.draw(sliconicon.r, theicons[n].icon, ones, z); volctl = n - Cd; sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[volctl].invalue); curselect = push(n); } Pause => if (pausing) push(n); else pop(n); Play => if (pushed != n) { pop(pushed); } pushed = push(n); sliconicon.draw(sliconicon.r, theicons[Speaker].icon, ones, z); volctl = Vol_Output; sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[volctl].outvalue); n = Pause; Record => if (pushed != n) { pop(pushed); } pushed = push(n); sliconicon.draw(sliconicon.r, theicons[curselect].icon, ones, z); volctl = curselect - Cd; sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[volctl].invalue); n = Pause; Rewind => if (curfile) { curfile--; thumbset(fileicon, 2, curfile); } Stop => if (pushed != n) { pop(pushed); } pushed = push(n); Fastforward => if (sys->open(datadir + string curfile, sys->OREAD) != nil) { curfile++; thumbset(fileicon, 2, curfile); } Exit => return; } c.draw(); } } rec_pb(inch, outch: chan of int) { cmd: int; fd, dev: ref FD; buf := array[bufsize] of byte; t := 0; for (;;) { if ((pausing == 0) && (recording || playing)) { alt { cmd = <- inch => ; * => if (recording) cmd = Recording; else cmd = Playing; } } else cmd = <- inch; case cmd { Pause => pausing = 1 - pausing; outch <- = Pause; Stop => recording = 0; playing = 0; pausing = 0; dev = nil; fd = nil; print("%d\n", t); outch <- = Stop; Record => if (recording && pausing) { pausing = 0; outch <- = Pause; continue; } if (playing || recording) { continue; } fd = sys->create(datadir+string curfile, sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if (fd == nil) { print("Sorry\n"); continue; } dev = sys->open("/dev/audio", sys->OREAD); if (dev == nil) { print("Can't open /dev/audio, %r\n"); continue; } t = 0; recording = 1; outch <- = Record; Play => if (playing && pausing) { pausing = 0; outch <- = Pause; continue; } if (playing || recording) { continue; } fd = sys->open(datadir+string curfile, sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) { curfile = 0; thumbset(fileicon, 2, curfile); fd = sys->open(datadir+"0", sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) { print("Sorry\n"); continue; } } dev = sys->open("/dev/audio", sys->OWRITE); if (dev == nil) { print("Can't open /dev/audio, %r\n"); continue; } playing = 1; t = 0; outch <- = Play; Recording => n := sys->read(dev, buf, bufsize); if (n <= 0) { print("rd /dev/audio %d\n", n); recording = 0; dev = nil; fd = nil; outch <- = Stop; continue; } sys->write(fd, buf, n); t += n; Playing => n := sys->read(fd, buf, bufsize); if (n <= 0) { playing = 0; dev = nil; fd = nil; outch <- = Stop; continue; } sys->write(dev, buf, n); t += n; Exit => outch <- = cmd; return; * => outch <- = cmd; } } } volfilter(inchan, outchan: chan of int) { for (;;) { chr := <-inchan; case chr { Ir->VolUP => if (volctl != Vol_Output) { ctltab[volctl].invalue += 2; if (ctltab[volctl].invalue > 100) ctltab[volctl].invalue = 100; } else { ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue += 2; if (ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue > 100) ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue = 100; } Ir->VolDN => if (volctl) { ctltab[volctl].invalue -= 2; if (ctltab[volctl].invalue < 0) ctltab[volctl].invalue = 0; } else { ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue -= 2; if (ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue < 0) ctltab[Vol_Output].outvalue = 0; } Ir->Enter => outchan <-= Ir->Enter; return; * => outchan <-= chr; continue; } if (volctl != Vol_Output) sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[volctl].invalue); else sliderupdate(slicon, ctltab[volctl].outvalue); setvolume(volctl); c.draw(); } } setvolume(n: int) { b: array of byte; devvolume := sys->open("/dev/volume", sys->OWRITE); s := ctltab[n].devnam; iv := ctltab[n].invalue; ov := ctltab[n].outvalue; if (iv == -1 && ov == -1) { b = array of byte sprint("%s\n", s); } else if (iv == -1) { b = array of byte sprint("%s out %d\n", s, ov); } else if (ov == -1) { b = array of byte sprint("%s in %d\n", s, iv); } else if (iv == ov) { b = array of byte sprint("%s %d\n", s, iv); } else { b = array of byte sprint("%s in %d out %d\n", s, iv, ov); } sys->write(devvolume, b, len b); } push(n: int): int { theicons[n].icon.draw(theicons[n].icon.r, pushicon, pushicon, z); return n; } pop(n: int) { theicons[n].icon.draw(theicons[n].icon.r, popicon, popicon, z); } makecompound(): ref Compound { et := Element.text(env, "DAF: Digital Audio File", zr, Prefab->ETitle); sep := Element.separator(env, (z,(8,8)), zeros, zeros); sep1 := Element.separator(env, (z,(24,24)), zeros, zeros); e0 := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); e0.append(sep); e1 := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); e1.append(sep); e2 := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); e3 := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); for (i := Pause; i < Rewind; i++) { el := Element.icon(env, zr, theicons[i].icon, ones); el.tag = theicons[i].tag; e3.append(el); e3.append(sep); } e3.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); e2.append(e3); e3 = Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); for (i = Rewind; i <= Fastforward; i++) { el := Element.icon(env, zr, theicons[i].icon, ones); el.tag = theicons[i].tag; e3.append(el); e3.append(sep); } e3.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); e2.append(sep); e2.append(e3); e2.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); e1.append(e2); e1.append(sep1); e2 = Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); for (i = Cd; i <= Mic; i++) { el := Element.icon(env, zr, theicons[i].icon, ones); el.tag = theicons[i].tag; e2.append(el); e2.append(sep); } e2.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); e1.append(e2); e1.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); e0.append(e1); e0.append(sep1); e1 = Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); e1.append(sep); fileicon = thumbwheel(2); e1.append(Element.icon(env, zr, fileicon, ones)); e1.append(sep1); slicon = slider(0); e1.append(Element.icon(env, zr, slicon, ones)); e1.append(sep); sliconicon = + "speaker.bit"); e1.append(Element.icon(env, zr, sliconicon, ones)); e1.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); e0.append(e1); e0.append(sep); e0.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); return, Point(350, 200), et, e0); } topslave(ctoappl: chan of int, ctl: chan of int) { m: int; for(;;) { alt{ m = <-ctoappl => if(m == Draw->MAtop); m = <-ctl => return; } } } thumbset(icon: ref Image, digits, value: int) { dw := textfont.width("0"); dh := textfont.height; for (i := digits-1; i >= 0; i--) { dig := value % 10; value = value / 10; r := ((i*(dw+4),0),((i+1)*(dw+4)-4, dh)); icon.draw(r, grey, ones, z); icon.text((i*(dw+4),0), red, z, textfont, string dig); } } thumbwheel(digits: int): ref Image { dw := textfont.width("0"); dh := textfont.height; r: Rect = (z, (digits*(dw+4)-4, dh)); icon := display.newimage(r.inset(-4), sliderbackground.ldepth, 0, 0); edge_v := + "edge-v.bit"); edge_v.repl = 1; edge_v.clipr = r.inset(-4); for (i := 0; i <= digits; i++) { rr := ((i*(dw+4)-4,r.min.y), (i*(dw+4), r.max.y)); icon.draw(rr, edge_v, ones, z); } edge_h := + "edge-h.bit"); edge_h.repl = 1; edge_h.clipr = r.inset(-4); icon.draw(((r.min.x,r.min.y-4), (r.max.x,r.min.y )), edge_h, ones, z); icon.draw(((r.min.x,r.max.y ), (r.max.x,r.max.y+4)), edge_h, ones, z); ul := + "corner-ul.bit"); ur := + "corner-ur.bit"); ll := + "corner-ll.bit"); lr := + "corner-lr.bit"); icon.draw(((r.min.x-4,r.min.y-4),(r.min.x ,r.min.y )), ul, ones, z); icon.draw(((r.max.x ,r.min.y-4),(r.max.x+4,r.min.y )), ur, ones, z); icon.draw(((r.min.x-4,r.max.y ),(r.min.x ,r.max.y+4)), ll, ones, z); icon.draw(((r.max.x ,r.max.y ),(r.max.x+4,r.max.y+4)), lr, ones, z); return icon; } slider(value: int): ref Image { r: Rect = (z, (100, 20)); icon := display.newimage(r.inset(-4), sliderbackground.ldepth, 0, 0); icon.draw(r.inset(-4), sliderbackground, ones, z); r.max.x = value; icon.draw(r, sliderpattern, ones, z); return icon; } sliderupdate(icon: ref Image, value: int) { r: Rect = (z, (100, 20)); icon.draw(r.inset(-4), sliderbackground, ones, z); r.max.x = value; icon.draw(r, sliderpattern, ones, z); }