implement MomsPizza; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, sprint, tokenize: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Style, Element, Compound, Environ: import prefab; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "ir.m"; dir: con "/services/pizza/"; MomsPizza: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; Menu: adt { tag: string; # Identifies menu item uniquely nsel: int; # Number of selectable items, # if zero, then this is a leaf node. cursel: int; # Current selection (if non leaf) }; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; windows: array of ref Image; style: Style; ones,zeroes: ref Image; zr: Rect; #icon: ref Draw->Image; iconfile: string = nil; menu := array[256] of Menu; nmenu := 0; salestax: con real 0.06; makemenu(ctxt: ref Context, file: string): int { s: string; i, j, k:int; myr: Rect; el: ref Element; env: ref Environ; if (file == "") return makeshow(ctxt); if (file == "") return makedone(ctxt); fd := bufio->open(dir+file, bufio->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("open menu: %r"); return -1; } mystyle := style; icon: ref Image; for (i=0; (s = fd.gets('\n')) != nil; i++) { (n, field) := tokenize(s, ":"); if (n != 6) { print("wrong number of fields in menu %s\n", dir+file); return -1; } tag := hd field; field = tl field; xmin := int hd field; field = tl field; ymin := int hd field; field = tl field; xmax := int hd field; field = tl field; ymax := int hd field; field = tl field; r := ((xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax)); f := hd field; if (f[len f -1] == '\n') f = f[0:len f -1]; if (iconfile != dir + f) { iconfile = dir + f; icon =; if (icon == nil) { print("Can't open icon %s: %r\n", dir + f); iconfile = nil; return -1; } } for (j=0; jEVertical); } else { menu[k].nsel++; ei := Element.icon(env, r, icon, zeroes); ei.tag = tag; el.append(ei); } } el.clip(myr); cmpnd =, myr.min, nil, el); return k; } calculate(): (real, real, real) { subtotal := 0.0; for (o := order; o != nil; o = tl o) { item := hd o; = item.price * real item.n; if (item.tag[0:4] == "stuf") i := -1; else i = -2; for (oo := item.subitem; oo != nil; oo = tl oo) { subitem := hd oo; j := subitem.n; while (i < 0 && j > 0) { i++; j--; } = (real j)*subitem.price; += * real item.n; } subtotal +=; } return (subtotal, salestax*subtotal, subtotal + salestax*subtotal); } makeshow(ctxt: ref Context): int { j: int; for (j=0; jWhite); env := ref Environ(ctxt.screen, ref mystyle); el := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); icon := + "order-head.bit"); el.append(Element.icon(env, zr, icon, ones)); el.append(Element.separator(env, ((0,0),(640,20)), white, zeroes)); if (order == nil) { el.append(Element.text(env, "Nothing yet. Why don't you do something about it!", ((32,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText)); menu[j].cursel = 1; } for (o := order; o != nil; o = tl o) { item := hd o; ei := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); if (item.n) s := sprint("%2d %s", item.n, item.item); else s = sprint("%2d (%s)", item.n, item.item); ei.append(Element.text(env, s, ((32,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText)); ne := Element.text(env, sprint("$%6.2f",, ((0,0), (0, 0)), Prefab->EText); ne.translate((540-ne.r.max.x, 0)); ei.append(ne); ei.clip(((32,0),(608, 25))); ei.tag = "number"; el.append(ei); menu[j].nsel++; for (oo := item.subitem; oo != nil; oo = tl oo) { subitem := hd oo; if (subitem.n) { if ( != 0.0) s = sprint("%d %s ($%6.2f)", subitem.n, subitem.item,; else s = sprint("%d %s", subitem.n, subitem.item); } else s = sprint("%d (%s)", subitem.n, subitem.item); ei = Element.text(env, s, ((64,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText); ei.tag = "number"; ei.clip(((32,0),(608, 25))); el.append(ei); menu[j].nsel++; } } el.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) := el.r; icon = + "order-tail.bit"); el.append(Element.icon(env, ((0,y2),(0,0)), icon, ones)); dy := icon.r.max.y; r := ((x1,y1),(x2,y2+dy)); el.clip(r); s := sprint("%6.2f", subtotal); ei := Element.text(env, s, ((0,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText); ei.translate((240-ei.r.max.x, y2+54)); el.append(ei); s = sprint("%6.2f", tax); ei = Element.text(env, s, ((0,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText); ei.translate((240-ei.r.max.x, y2+80)); el.append(ei); s = sprint("%6.2f", grandtotal); ei = Element.text(env, s, ((0,0),(0,0)), Prefab->EText); ei.translate((240-ei.r.max.x, y2+106)); el.append(ei); img := display.newimage(((0,0),(260,30)), icon.ldepth, 0, draw->White); img.draw(icon.r, icon, ones, (280,55)); ei = Element.icon(env, ((280,y2+55),(540,y2+85)), img, ones); ei.tag = ""; el.append(ei); menu[j].nsel++; img = display.newimage(((0,0),(260,30)), icon.ldepth, 0, draw->White); img.draw(icon.r, icon, ones, (320,94)); ei = Element.icon(env, ((320,y2+94),(580,y2+124)), img, ones); ei.tag = ""; el.append(ei); menu[j].nsel++; if(el.r.max.y >= 480) { el.clip((el.r.min, (el.r.max.x, 480))); } cmpnd =, (0,0), nil, el); return j; } makedone(ctxt: ref Context): int { j: int; for (j=0; jWhite); mystyle.textcolor = display.color(draw->Black); icon := + "done.bit"); mystyle.elemcolor = icon; env := ref Environ(ctxt.screen, ref mystyle); el := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); ne := minutes(env, 25); ne.translate((395,270)); ne.tag = "done"; el.append(ne); ne = time(env, (289,414), 7, 37, pm); el.append(ne); el.clip(icon.r); cmpnd =, (0,0), nil, el); return j; } minutes(env: ref Environ, m: int): ref Element { icon := + sprint("%d.bit", m)); return Element.icon(env, zr, icon, ones); } am: con int 0; pm: con int 1; time(env: ref Environ, p: Point, hr, min, ampm: int): ref Element { ei := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); ei.append(number(env, (0,0), hr, 1)); ei.append(Element.text(env, ".", zr, Prefab->EText)); ei.append(number(env, (0,0), min, 2)); if (ampm == am) icon := + "AM.bit"); else icon = + "PM.bit"); ei.append(Element.icon(env, zr, icon, ones)); ei.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); ei.translate(p); return ei; } digit(env: ref Environ, i: int): ref Element { icon := + sprint("%d.bit", i)); return Element.icon(env, zr, icon, ones); } number(env: ref Environ, p: Point, n: int, width: int): ref Element { w := 0; x := 1; for (m:=n; m || w < width; m /= 10) { w++; x *= 10; } if (w == 0) w = 1; ei := Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); for (j := 0; j < w; j++) { x /= 10; ei.append(digit(env, n / x)); n %= x; } ei.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); ei.translate(p); return ei; } keyshow(ctxt: ref Context, m, key: int): string { sel := menu[m].cursel; case key { Ir->Select => return nil; Ir->Enter => return ""; Ir->Zero or Ir->One or Ir->Two or Ir->Three or Ir->Four or Ir->Five or Ir->Six or Ir->Seven or Ir->Eight or Ir->Nine => j := 0; for (o := order; o != nil; o = tl o) { item := hd o; if (j++ == sel) { item.n = key; } for (oo := item.subitem; oo != nil; oo = tl oo) { subitem := hd oo; if (j++ == sel) { subitem.n = key; } } } nil := makeshow(ctxt); cmpnd.draw(); windows[0] = cmpnd.image; return nil; } return nil; } cmpnd: ref Compound; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { key: int; i: int; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; if ((bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH) == nil) { sys->print("Pizza: Can't load bufio\n"); exit; } screen = ctxt.screen; display = ctxt.display; windows = array[3] of ref Image; ones = display.ones; zeroes = display.zeros; textfont :=, "*default*"); order = nil; zr = ((0, 0), (0, 0)); red := display.color(draw->Red); yellow := display.color(draw->Yellow); black := display.color(draw->Black); white := display.color(draw->White); style = Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont white, # elemcolor black, # edgecolor yellow, # titlecolor red, # textcolor black); # highlightcolor ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMstartir; slavectl := chan of int; spawn topslave(ctxt.ctoappl, slavectl); tag := ""; e: ref Element; m: int; out: for(;;) { m = makemenu(ctxt, tag); if (m < 0) { print("read menu: %r\n"); break out; } cmpnd.draw(); windows[0] = cmpnd.image; sel: for(;;) { (key, menu[m].cursel, e) = cmpnd.tagselect(cmpnd.contents, menu[m].cursel, ctxt.cir); if (e != nil && e.tag == "number") { if ((t := keyshow(ctxt, m, key)) != nil) { tag = t; break sel; } continue sel; } case key { Ir->Error => continue sel; Ir->Select => if (e == nil) break out; if (e.tag == "done") { print("exiting\n"); break out; } if (e.tag == "") { tag = e.tag; break sel; } for (i=0; i 5 && e.tag[len e.tag -5:] == ".menu") { tag = e.tag; break sel; } if ((t := leafmenu(i)) != nil) { tag = t; break sel; } continue sel; Ir->Enter => if (order == nil || tag == "") break out; tag = ""; break sel; * => ; } } } slavectl <-= Draw->AMexit; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; } topslave(ctoappl: chan of int, ctl: chan of int) { m: int; for(;;) { alt{ m = <-ctoappl => if(m == Draw->MAtop) {; } m = <-ctl => return; } } } prices := array [47] of { ("bufw10", "Buffalo wings (10)", 4.99, ""), ("bufw24", "Buffalo wings (24)", 7.50, ""), ("bufw48", "Buffalo wings (48)", 13.50, ""), ("breadst6", "Bread sticks (6)", 1.69, ""), ("breadst6ch", "Bread sticks with cheese (6)", 2.59, ""), ("breadst12", "Bread sticks (12)", 2.59, ""), ("breadst12ch", "Bread sticks with cheese (12)", 4.59, ""), ("antip", "Antipasto", 2.59, ""), ("cole", "Cole slaw", 0.75, ""), ("french", "French fries", 0.65, ""), ("lg-coke", "Large coke", 1.25, ""), ("lg-diet", "Large diet coke", 1.25, ""), ("lg-root", "Large root beer", 1.25, ""), ("lg-7-up", "Large 7UP", 1.25, ""), ("md-coke", "Medium coke", 0.95, ""), ("md-diet", "Medium diet coke", 0.95, ""), ("md-root", "Medium root beer", 0.95, ""), ("md-7-up", "Medium 7UP", 0.95, ""), ("pan-large", "Large pan pizza", 11.99, ""), ("pan-medium", "Medium pan pizza", 8.99, ""), ("pan-small", "Small pan pizza", 7.69, ""), ("sm-coke", "Small coke", 0.70, ""), ("sm-diet", "Small diet coke", 0.70, ""), ("sm-root", "Small root beer", 0.70, ""), ("sm-7-up", "Small 7UP", 0.70, ""), ("stuf-large", "Stuffed pizza Grand Supreme", 9.99, ""), ("stuf-medium", "Stuffed crust specialty pizza", 11.99, ""), ("stuf-small", "Stuffed cheese pizza", 9.99, ""), ("thin-large", "Large thin'n'crispy piza", 11.99, ""), ("thin-medium", "Medium thin'n'crispy pizza", 8.99, ""), ("thin-small", "Small thin'n'crispy pizza", 7.69, ""), ("top-anc", "anchovies", 0.00, ""), ("top-art", "artichoke", 0.00, ""), ("top-bac", "bacon", 0.00, ""), ("top-bee", "beef", 0.00, ""), ("top-ext", "extra cheese", 0.00, ""), ("top-gre", "green peppers", 0.00, ""), ("top-ham", "ham", 0.00, ""), ("top-ita", "italian sausage", 0.00, ""), ("top-jal", "jalapi sausage", 0.00, ""), ("top-jal", "jalapinoo", 0.00, ""), ("top-mus", "mushroom", 0.00, ""), ("top-oli", "black olive", 0.00, ""), ("top-oni", "onion", 0.00, ""), ("top-pep", "pepperoni", 0.00, ""), ("top-por", "pork", 0.00, ""), ("youchoose", "Surprise menu", 13.99, "") }; pricelist(tag: string): (string, real, string) { n, s: string; p: real; t := ""; for (i := 0; i < len prices; i++) { (t, n, p, s) = prices[i]; if (t == tag) break; } if (i == len prices) { print("Terrible bug\n"); return ("", 0.0, ""); } return (n, p, s); } Subitem: adt { tag: string; n: int; item: string; price: real; total: real; }; Item: adt { tag: string; n: int; item: string; price: real; total: real; subitem:list of ref Subitem; }; order: list of ref Item; curitem: ref Item; leafmenu(m: int): string { tag := menu[m].tag; (itemname, price, next) := pricelist(tag); case (tag) { "pan-large" or "pan-medium" or "pan-small" or "stuf-large" or "stuf-medium" or "stuf-small" or "thin-large" or "thin-medium" or "thin-small" => curitem = ref Item(tag, 1, itemname, price, 0.0, nil); order = curitem :: order; return next; "youchoose" => curitem = ref Item(tag, 1, itemname, price, 0.0, nil); order = curitem :: order; "top-anc" or "top-art" or "top-bac" or "top-bee" or "top-ext" or "top-gre" or "top-ham" or "top-ita" or "top-jal" or "top-mus" or "top-oli" or "top-oni" or "top-pep" or "top-por" => if (curitem == nil) return nil; case (curitem.tag) { "pan-large" or "thin-large" => price = 1.50; "thin-medium" or "pan-medium" => price = 1.00; "pan-small" or "thin-small" => price = 0.50; "stuf-large" or "stuf-medium" or "stuf-small" => # Only one topping for stuffed pizzas curitem.subitem = nil; price = 0.0; } for (si := curitem.subitem; si != nil; si = tl si) if ((hd si).tag == tag) { (hd si).n++; break; } if (si == nil) { curitem.subitem = ref Subitem(tag, 1, itemname, price, 0.0) :: curitem.subitem; } * => for (item := order; item != nil; item = tl item) if ((hd item).tag == tag) { curitem = hd item; (hd item).n++; break; } if (item == nil) { curitem = ref Item(tag, 1, itemname, price, 0.0, nil); order = curitem :: order; } } return nil; }