implement Mux; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; open, print, read, tokenize: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Font, Image, Rect, Point, Pointer, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Style, Element, Compound, Environ: import prefab; include "devpointer.m"; include "ir.m"; Chans: adt { ir: int; kbd: int; ptr: int; }; Remote: adt { m: Ir; in: chan of int; # inbound from device }; Remptr: adt { m: Devpointer; in: chan of ref Pointer; # inbound from device }; ir, irsim: ref Remote; ptr: ref Remptr; cur: int; ncmd: int; nrun: int; cmd: array of list of string; started: array of Chans; topped: array of int; ctxt: array of ref Context; ctomux: array of chan of int; topc: chan of int; pgrp: array of int; pin: array of int; Mux: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; mainmenu(display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen): ref Compound { items, line: list of string; textfont :=, "*default*"); textstyle := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont display.rgb(160, 160, 160), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor display.color(draw->Yellow), # titlecolor display.color(draw->Black), # textcolor display.color(draw->White)); # highlightcolor env := ref Environ(screen, textstyle); fd := open("/services/basic", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("no file /services/basic: %r\n"); return nil; } buf := array[1024] of byte; n := read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) { print("can't read /services/basic: %r\n"); return nil; } fd = nil; ncmd = 0; cmd = array[20] of list of string; topped = array[20] of int; (nil, items) = tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); menu:= Element.elist(env, nil, Prefab->EVertical); while(items != nil) { (n, line) = tokenize(hd items, ":"); if(n < 3) { print("bad services file\n"); return nil; } icon := line); if(icon == nil) { print("open: %s: %r\n", hd line); return nil; } line = tl line; (n, cmd[ncmd++]) = tokenize(hd line, " "); if(n < 1) { print("bad services file\n"); return nil; } line = tl line; str := ""; for(;;) { str = str + hd line; line = tl line; if(line == nil) break; str += " "; } deltay := (icon.r.dy()-textfont.height)/2; ie:= Element.separator(env, ((0,0), (3,1)), display.zeros, display.zeros); te := Element.elist(env, ie, Prefab->EHorizontal); ie = Element.icon(env, icon.r, icon, display.ones); te.append(ie); ie = Element.separator(env, ((0,0), (5, 1)), display.zeros, display.zeros); te.append(ie); zr := Rect((0, deltay), (0, deltay)); te.append(Element.text(env, str, zr, Prefab->EText)); te.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjcenter); te.clip(te.r.inset(-1)); menu.append(te); items = tl items; } menu.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); menu.clip(Rect(menu.r.min, menu.r.min.add((350, 230)))); c :=, Point(20,10), Element.text(env, "Selector", ((0,0),(0,0)), Prefab->ETitle), menu); c.draw(); return c; } refresh(display:ref Display) { display.startrefresh(); } loadir(): int { irc := chan of int; irpid := chan of int; mod := load Ir Ir->PATH; if(mod!=nil && mod->init(irc,irpid)>=0){ <-irpid; ir = ref Remote (mod, irc); } irsimc := chan of int; mod = load Ir Ir->SIMPATH; if(mod!=nil && mod->init(irsimc,irpid)>=0){ <-irpid; irsim = ref Remote (mod, irsimc); } return ir!=nil || irsim!=nil; } loadptr(): int { ptrc := chan of ref Pointer; mod := load Devpointer "/dis/lib/devpointer.dis"; if(mod!=nil && mod->init("/dev/pointer", ptrc)>=0) ptr = ref Remptr (mod, ptrc); return ptr!=nil; } init(nil: ref Context, nil: list of string) { buf := array[256] of byte; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; if(!loadir()){ print("mux: can't initialize ir device: %r\n"); return; } if(!loadptr()){ print("mux: can't initialize pointer device: %r\n"); return; } display := Display.allocate(nil); if(display == nil){ print("mux: can't initialize display: %r\n"); return; } spawn refresh(display); disp := display.image; screen := Screen.allocate(disp, display.rgb(161, 195, 209), 1); disp.draw(disp.r, screen.fill, display.ones, disp.r.min); menu := mainmenu(display, screen); if(menu == nil) exit; ctxt = array[ncmd] of ref Context; ctomux = array[ncmd] of chan of int; started = array[ncmd] of Chans; pgrp = array[ncmd] of int; pin = array[ncmd] of {* => -1}; topc = chan of int; spawn topper(); sel:= 0; nrun = 0; cur = -1; key: int; events := chan of int; stop := chan of int; for(;;){; spawn irslave(events, stop); (key, sel, nil) =, sel, events); stop <-= 1; if(key == Ir->Enter && sel>=0) { killcmd(sel); continue; } if(key != Ir->Select) continue; if(sel>=0) if(addcmd(sel, display, screen)) menu.image.bottom(); if(cur == -1) continue; ctl(display, screen); } } append(l: list of int, i: int): list of int { if(l == nil) return i :: nil; return hd l :: append(tl l, i); } appendptr(l: list of ref Pointer, p: ref Pointer): list of ref Pointer { if(l == nil) return p :: nil; return hd l :: appendptr(tl l, p); } # reads real (if possible) or simulated remote, returns Ir events on irc irslave(irc, stopc: chan of int) { in: int; buf: list of int; outc: chan of int; remote := ir; if(remote == nil) remote = irsim; hdbuf := 0; dummy := chan of int; for(;;){ if(buf == nil){ outc = dummy; }else{ outc = irc; hdbuf = hd buf; } alt{ in = < => buf = append(buf, in); outc <-= remote.m->translate(hdbuf) => buf = tl buf; <-stopc => return; } } } # reads keyboard (attached to irsim), returns plain characters kbdslave(kbdc, stopc: chan of int) { in: int; buf: list of int; outc: chan of int; hdbuf := 0; dummy := chan of int; for(;;){ if(len buf == 0){ outc = dummy; }else{ outc = kbdc; hdbuf = hd buf; } alt{ in = < => buf = append(buf, in); outc <-= hdbuf => buf = tl buf; <-stopc => return; } } } # reads pointer , returns ref Pointer events ptrslave(ptrc: chan of ref Pointer, stopc: chan of int) { in, last: ref Pointer; buf: list of ref Pointer; outc: chan of ref Pointer; hdbuf : ref Pointer = nil; dummy := chan of ref Pointer; for(;;){ if(len buf == 0){ outc = dummy; }else{ outc = ptrc; hdbuf = hd buf; } alt{ in = < => if(in == nil) break; if(buf==nil || last==nil || last.buttons!=in.buttons){ # not quite right buf = appendptr(buf, in); last = in; } outc <-= hdbuf => buf = tl buf; <-stopc => return; } } } addcmd(i: int, display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen): int { if(ctxt[i] != nil){ topc <-= i; cur = i; return 1; } nc := ref Context(screen, display, chan of int, chan of int, chan of ref Pointer, chan of int, chan of int); pgrpchan := chan of int; cx := exec(cmd[i], pin[i], nc, pgrpchan); if(cx == nil) return 0; pgrp[i] = <-pgrpchan; ctxt[i] = cx; ctomux[i] = cx.ctomux; cur = i; nrun++; return 1; } killcmd(i: int) { if(ctxt[i] == nil) return; if (pgrp[i] == 0) { print("Killcmd: Can't happen\n"); exit; } fname := sys->sprint("#p/%d/ctl", pgrp[i]); if ((fdesc := sys->open(fname, sys->OWRITE)) != nil) { sys->write(fdesc, array of byte "killgrp\n", 8); # Unblock it from blocking system calls: alt { ctxt[i].cir <-= Ir->Rcl => ; * => ; } } else print("Process %d already dead\n", pgrp[i]); topped[i] = 0; ctxt[i] = nil; ctomux[i] = nil; pgrp[i] = 0; nrun--; } delcmd(i: int) { if(ctxt[i] == nil) return; topped[i] = 0; ctxt[i] = nil; ctomux[i] = nil; pgrp[i] = 0; nrun--; } exec(cmd: list of string, pin: int, ctxt: ref Context, pc: chan of int): ref Context { c: Mux; file: string; file = hd cmd + ".dis"; c = load Mux file; if(c == nil) c = load Mux "/dis/mux/"+file; if(c == nil) { print("%s: not found\n", hd cmd); return nil; } spawn newgroup(c, ctxt, cmd, pin, pc); return ctxt; } newgroup(c: Mux, ctxt: ref Context, cmd: list of string, pin: int, pc: chan of int) { pc <-= sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); if(pin >= 0){ fd := sys->open("/dev/pin", sys->OWRITE); if(fd != nil){ sys->fprint(fd, "%d", pin); fd = nil; } } c->init(ctxt, cmd); } topdrain(i: int): int { j: int; cx := ctxt[i]; if(cx == nil){ topped[i] = 0; return 1; } topped[i] = 1; alt{ j = <-topc => topped[j] = 1; return 0; cx.ctoappl <-= Draw->MAtop => topped[i] = 0; return 1; * => return 0; } } # someone is queued to be topped; hang here until otherwise top1() { outer: for(;;){ # first, try catching up npend := 0; for(i:=0; isleep(200); } } # deal with outgoing top events, without blocking main process topper() { for(;;){ if(topdrain(<-topc)) continue; top1(); } } ctl(display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen) { i, m: int; cir, ckbd: chan of int; cptr: chan of ref Pointer; ckdummy := chan of int; cidummy := chan of int; cpdummy := chan of ref Pointer; irc := chan of int; kbdc := chan of int; ptrc := chan of ref Pointer; irstopc := chan of int; kbdstopc := chan of int; ptrstopc := chan of int; ctlX: con 16r18; kbdup := 0; irup := 0; ptrup := 0; if(started[cur].kbd){ spawn kbdslave(kbdc, kbdstopc); kbdup = 1; } else if(started[cur].ir){ # note the 'else' spawn irslave(irc, irstopc); irup = 1; } if(started[cur].ptr){ spawn ptrslave(ptrc, ptrstopc); ptrup = 1; } irval := -1; kbdval := -1; ptrval: ref Pointer; out: for(;;){ cir = cidummy; ckbd = ckdummy; cptr = cpdummy; if(started[cur].ir && irval>=0) cir = ctxt[cur].cir; if(started[cur].kbd && kbdval >= 0) ckbd = ctxt[cur].ckbd; if(started[cur].ptr && ptrval != nil) cptr = ctxt[cur].cptr; alt{ irval = <-irc => if(irval == Ir->Rcl) break out; kbdval = <-kbdc => if(kbdval == ctlX) break out; ptrval = <-ptrc => ; cir <-= irval => irval = -1; ckbd <-= kbdval => kbdval = -1; cptr <-= ptrval => ptrval = nil; (i, m) = <-ctomux => case m{ Draw->AMstartir => if(kbdup && ir==nil){ # keyboard is simulating ir kbdstopc <-= 1; kbdup = 0; } if(!irup){ spawn irslave(irc, irstopc); irup = 1; } started[i].ir = 1; started[i].kbd = 0; Draw->AMstartkbd => if(irsim == nil) # can't do it break; if(irup && ir==nil){ # keyboard is simulating ir irstopc <-= 1; irup = 0; } if(!kbdup){ spawn kbdslave(kbdc, kbdstopc); kbdup = 1; } started[i].ir = 0; started[i].kbd = 1; Draw->AMstartptr => if(ptr == nil) # can't do it break; if(!ptrup){ spawn ptrslave(ptrc, ptrstopc); ptrup = 1; } started[i].ptr = 1; Draw->AMexit => delcmd(i); if(cur == i) break out; Draw->AMnewpin => delcmd(i); newpin(i, display, screen); addcmd(i, display, screen); * => print("application protocol error: unknown message %d\n", m); return; } } } cur = -1; if(irup) irstopc <-= 1; if(kbdup) kbdstopc <-= 1; if(ptrup) ptrstopc <-= 1; } errmsg(title,msg: string, display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen, events: chan of int) { noentry :="/icons/noentry.bit"); if(noentry == nil) return; lightyellow := display.rgb(255, 255, 180-32); lightbluegreen := display.rgb(161, 195, 209); font :=, "*default*"); errstyle := ref Style( font, # titlefont font, # textfont display.color(draw->White), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Red), # edgecolor display.color(draw->Black), # titlecolor display.color(draw->Black), # textcolor lightyellow); # highlightcolor errenv := ref Environ(screen, errstyle); le := Element.elist(errenv, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); le.append(Element.icon(errenv, noentry.r, noentry, display.ones)); msg = "\n"+msg+"\n\n"; le.append(Element.text(errenv, msg, ((0, 0), (400, 0)), Prefab->EText)); le.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); c :=, (100, 100), Element.text(errenv, title, ((0,0),(0,0)), Prefab->ETitle), le); c.draw(); <-events; } getpin(msg: string, display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen, events: chan of int): int { i,n: int; key: int; r: Rect; textfont :=, "/fonts/lucida/unicode.20.font"); style := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont display.color(draw->Red), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor display.color(draw->Yellow), # titlecolor display.color(draw->White), # textcolor display.color(130)); # highlightcolor env := ref Environ(screen, style); spin := "? ? ? ?"; n = 0; for(;;){ r = ((0,0),(400,0)); et := Element.text(env, "Enter a 4 digit pin to use when accessing "+msg, r, Prefab->ETitle); e := Element.text(env, spin, r, Prefab->EText); c :=, Point(150, 150), et, e); c.draw(); out: for(;;) { spin = c.contents.str; case key = <-events { Ir->Select => n = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if(spin[2*i] == '?'){ errmsg("bad pin", "pins must be 4 digits", display, screen, events); n = i; break out; } n = n*10 + int spin[i]; } return n; Ir->Enter => return -1; Ir->Zero to Ir->Nine => pin[2*n] = (key - Ir->Zero) + '0'; n++; if(n >= 4) n = 0; break out; } c.contents.str = spin; c.draw(); } } } newpin(i: int, display: ref Display, screen: ref Screen): int { events := chan of int; stop := chan of int; spawn irslave(events, stop); pin[i] = getpin(hd cmd[i], display, screen, events); stop <-= 1; return pin[i]; }