implement Movie; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD: import sys; open, read, seek, print: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Rect, Point, Image, Font, Screen: import draw; include "prefab.m"; prefab: Prefab; Element, Style, Environ, Compound: import prefab; include "ir.m"; include "mpeg.m"; Movie: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; zr: Rect; ones: ref Image; screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; menuenv: ref Environ; windows: array of ref Image; Wmain: con 3; Wtitles: con 2; Wdesc: con 1; Wvideo: con 0; Nwindows: con 4; topslave(ctoappl: chan of int, ctl: chan of int) { m: int; for(;;) alt{ m = <-ctoappl => if(m == Draw->MAtop); m = <-ctl => return; } } init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { n, key: int; te, se: ref Element; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; prefab = load Prefab Prefab->PATH; display = ctxt.display; screen = ctxt.screen; windows = array[Nwindows] of ref Image; zr = ((0, 0), (0, 0)); ones = display.ones; yellow := display.color(draw->Yellow); textfont :=, "*default*"); bigtv :="/icons/bigtv.bit"); if(bigtv == nil) { print("missing background: %r"); bigtv = display.color(draw->Blue); } tvstyle := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont bigtv, # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor display.color(16r87), # titlecolor, purple-grey display.color(16r38), # textcolor, brown display.color(16r8a)); # highlightcolor, blue menustyle := ref Style( textfont, # titlefont textfont, # textfont display.color(16r55), # elemcolor display.color(draw->Black), # edgecolor yellow, # titlecolor display.color(draw->Black), # textcolor display.color(draw->White)); # highlightcolor tvenv := ref Environ(ctxt.screen, tvstyle); l := list of { "Drama", "Comedy", "Action", "Horror", "Mystery", "Musical", "Western", "Sci-Fi" }; te = Element.elist(tvenv, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); for(t := l; t != nil; t = tl t) te.append(Element.text(tvenv, hd t, zr, Prefab->EText)); te.clip(ctxt.screen.image.r); te.adjust(Prefab->Adjfill, Prefab->Adjcenter); mainmenu :=, (0,0), Element.text(tvenv, "Inferno Movie Store", zr, Prefab->ETitle), te); windows[Wmain] = mainmenu.image; mainmenu.draw(); # allocate all menus as subwindows of main screen menuenv = ref Environ(screen, menustyle); ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMstartir; exitc := chan of int; slavectl := chan of int; spawn topslave(ctxt.ctoappl, slavectl); n = 0; for(;;) { (key, n, se) =, n, ctxt.cir); case key { Ir->Select => titles(ctxt.cir, se.str); Ir->Enter => slavectl <-= Draw->AMexit; ctxt.ctomux <-= Draw->AMexit; return; } } } getword(v: array of byte): int { return (int v[0]<<24)|(int v[1]<<16)|(int v[2]<<8)|int v[3]; } IndexSZ: con 50000; IndexEntry: con 16; Dbinfo: adt { info: string; movie: string; trail: string; }; titles(cc: chan of int, cat: string) { fd: ref FD; l: list of string; nmovie, i, key: int; selelem: ref Element; warp := array[26] of int; fd = open("/movies/"+cat, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("open index %s: %r\n", cat); return; } buf := array[IndexSZ] of byte; n := read(fd, buf, IndexSZ); if(n <= 0) { print("read index %s: %r\n", cat); return; } if(n >= IndexSZ) { print("IndexSZ too small\n"); return; } (nil, l) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); fd = open("/movies/"+cat+".warp", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("open .warp %s: %r\n", cat); return; } if(read(fd, buf, 26*4) != 26*4) { print("bad warp %s: %r\n", cat); return; } for(i = 0; i < 26*4; i += 4) warp[i/4] = getword(buf[i:i+4]); buf = nil; fd = open("/movies/"+cat+".idx", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("open .idx %s: %r\n", cat); return; } db := open("/movies/database", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { print("open database: %r\n"); return; } te := Element.elist(menuenv, nil, Prefab->EVertical); for(t := l; t != nil; t = tl t) te.append(Element.text(menuenv, hd t, Rect((0, 0), (400, 0)), Prefab->EText)); l = nil; te.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); te.clip(Rect((0, 0), (400, 300))); nmovie = 0; titlemenu :=, (10, 50), Element.text(menuenv, cat, zr, Prefab->ETitle), te); windows[Wtitles] = titlemenu.image; titlemenu.draw(); out: for(;;) { (key, nmovie, selelem) =, nmovie, cc); if(key != Ir->Select) { for(i = 0; 25 > i && warp[i] < nmovie; i++) ; case key { * => break out; Ir->ChanDN => if(i == 25) i = -1; i++; Ir->ChanUP => if(i == 0) i = 26; i--; } nmovie = warp[i]; continue; } dpos := nmovie * IndexEntry; if(seek(fd, dpos, 0) != dpos) { print("seek .idx %s: %r\n", cat); break; } buf = array[IndexEntry] of byte; if(read(fd, buf, IndexEntry) != IndexEntry) { print("read .idx %s: %r\n", cat); break; } entry := dbinfo(db, buf); if(entry != nil) action(cc, entry, selelem); } windows[Wtitles] = nil; titlemenu = nil; } trailer(entry: ref Dbinfo, cc: chan of int) { i: int; m: Mpeg; b: ref Image; m = load Mpeg Mpeg->PATH; b ="/icons/bigtvchrom.bit"); if(b == nil) { print("no background: %r\n"); return; } te := Element.icon(menuenv, screen.image.r, b, ones); video :=, Point(0,0), nil, te); windows[Wvideo] = video.image; video.draw(); mr := chan of string; s := m->play(display, nil, 0, ((97, 92), (528, 409)), entry.trail, mr); if(s != "") { windows[Wvideo] = nil; video = nil; errmsg("The video clip is unavailable", "The decoder may be in use by another application. The player reported the error: "+s, cc); return; } out: for(;;) { alt { <-mr => break out; i = <-cc => case i { Ir->Select => m->ctl("stop"); Ir->Up or Ir->Dn => m->ctl("pause"); } } } windows[Wvideo] = nil; } movie(entry: ref Dbinfo, cc: chan of int) { i: int; m: Mpeg; m = load Mpeg Mpeg->PATH; te := Element.icon(menuenv, screen.image.r, m->keycolor(display), ones); video :=, Point(0,0), nil, te); windows[Wvideo] = video.image; video.draw(); mr := chan of string; s := m->play(display, nil, 0, video.r,, mr); if(s != "") { windows[Wvideo] = nil; video = nil; errmsg("The video clip is unavailable", "The decoder may be in use by another application. The player reported the error: "+s, cc); return; } out: for(;;) { alt { <-mr => break out; i = <-cc => case i { Ir->Select => m->ctl("stop"); Ir->Up or Ir->Dn => m->ctl("pause"); } } } windows[Wvideo] = nil; } action(cc: chan of int, entry: ref Dbinfo, selelem: ref Element) { key, i: int; ee: ref Element; me := Element.text(menuenv,, Rect((0, 80), (600, 0)), Prefab->EText); me = Element.elist(menuenv, me, Prefab->EVertical); te := Element.text(menuenv, "Continue", zr, Prefab->EText); te = Element.elist(menuenv, te, Prefab->EHorizontal); if(entry.trail != nil) { ee = Element.text(menuenv, "Trailer", zr, Prefab->EText); te.append(ee); } if( != nil) { ee = Element.text(menuenv, "Movie", zr, Prefab->EText); te.append(ee); } te.clip(Rect((0, 0), (600, te.r.max.y))); te.adjust(Prefab->Adjfill, Prefab->Adjcenter); me.append(Element.separator(menuenv, Rect((0, 0),(600,1)), ones, display.color(draw->Black))); me.append(te); me.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjup); c :=, (30, 80), Element.text(menuenv, selelem.str, zr, Prefab->ETitle), me); windows[Wdesc] = c.image; c.draw(); for(;;) { (key, i, nil) =, 0, cc); if(key != Ir->Select || i == 0) break; if(entry.trail == nil && == nil) break; if(i == 1 && entry.trail != nil) trailer(entry, cc); else movie(entry, cc); } windows[Wdesc] = nil; } dbstr(dbfd: ref FD, s, l: int): string { if(s == 0) return nil; if(seek(dbfd, s, 0) != s) { print("seek database: %r\n"); return nil; } if(l != 0) { data := array[l] of byte; if(read(dbfd, data, l) != l) { print("read database: %r\n"); return nil; } return string data; } data := array[128] of byte; if(read(dbfd, data, len data) < 0) { print("read database: %r\n"); return nil; } str := string data; for(i := 0; i < len str && str[i] != '\n'; i++) ; return str[0:i]; } dbinfo(dbfd: ref FD, buf: array of byte): ref Dbinfo { db := ref Dbinfo("","",""); = dbstr(dbfd, getword(buf[0:4]), getword(buf[4:8])); = dbstr(dbfd, getword(buf[8:12]), 0); db.trail = dbstr(dbfd, getword(buf[12:16]), 0); return db; } errmsg(title, msg: string, button: chan of int) { noentry :="/icons/noentry.bit"); if(noentry == nil) return; font :=, "*default*"); black := display.color(draw->Black); errstyle := ref Style( font, # titlefont font, # textfont display.color(draw->White), # elemcolor black, # edgecolor black, # titlecolor black, # textcolor black); # highlightcolor errenv := ref Environ(screen, errstyle); le := Element.elist(errenv, nil, Prefab->EHorizontal); le.append(Element.icon(errenv, noentry.r, noentry, ones)); msg = "\n"+msg+"\n\n"; le.append(Element.text(errenv, msg, ((0, 0), (400, 0)), Prefab->EText)); le.adjust(Prefab->Adjpack, Prefab->Adjleft); c :=, (100, 100), Element.text(errenv, title, zr, Prefab->ETitle), le); c.draw(); <-button; }