implement C4; # # Multi player connect four game. # Server gamed is used for rondezvous. # After connection opponent runs in step lock. # Bruce Ellis - October 1996. # include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "ir.m"; include "gamer.m"; sys: Sys; FD, Connection: import sys; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Point, Rect, Font, Image, Screen: import draw; gamer: Gamer; Game: import gamer; stderr: ref FD; E: con 20; # edge pixels F: con 6; # frame pixels M: con 7; # columns N: con 6; # rows TOFFX: con 10; # text offset, x TOFFY: con 5; # text offset, y A, B, C, R: int; # calculated sizes TC: Point; # top left corner BD: Rect; # board FR: Rect; # frame TX: Rect; # text arena screen: ref Screen; display: ref Display; disp: ref Image; textfont: ref Font; blue, yellow, red, black, white, green, back, textcol, ones: ref Image; Empty: con 0; PlayRed: con 1; PlayBlack: con 2; contents: array of array of int; winners: array of (int, int); iam: int; C4: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); gamer = load Gamer Gamer->PATH; if (gamer == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "could not load %s: %r\n", Gamer->PATH); return; } contents = array[N] of array of int; for (i := 0; i < N; i++) contents[i] = array[M] of int; winners = array[4] of (int, int); screen = ctxt.screen; display = ctxt.display; textfont =, "*default*"); blue = display.color(Draw->Blue); yellow = display.color(Draw->Yellow); red = display.color(Draw->Red); black = display.color(Draw->Black); white = display.color(Draw->White); green = display.color(Draw->Green); textcol = white; ones = display.ones; scale(screen.image.r); backblue := display.rgb2cmap(0, 0, 255); back = display.color(backblue); disp = screen.newwindow(BD, backblue); disp.draw(FR, yellow, ones, (0, 0)); game(ctxt.cir); } # calculate sizes scale(r: Rect) { z: int; dx := r.dx(); dy := r.dy(); if (dx < dy) z = dx; else z = dy; C = (z - E) / (M + 1); B = 2 * C / 3; if ((B % 2) == 1) B--; R = B / 2; A = (B / 3) + 1; if (A > E / 2) A = E / 2; A += R; TC.x = (dx - (2 * A + (M - 1) * C)) / 2; TC.y = ((dy - (2 * A + (N - 1) * C)) / 2) + B; FR.min = TC; FR.max.x = TC.x + 2 * A + (M - 1) * C; FR.max.y = TC.y + 2 * A + (N - 1) * C; BD.min = FR.min.sub((F, F + C)); BD.max = FR.max.add((F, F)); TX.min = BD.min; TX.max.x = BD.max.x; TX.max.y = FR.min.y; } # draw the holes holes() { for (i := 0; i < M; i++) for (j := 0; j < N; j++) { puck(i, j, blue); contents[j][i] = Empty; } } # play the game game(irc: chan of int) { g: Game; am: string; c: ref Image; holes(); g = gamer->Join("connect4"); if (g.player < 0) return; else if (g.player == 0) { iam = PlayRed; am = "red"; c = red; } else { iam = PlayBlack; am = "black"; c = black; } drawbase(c); disptext("You are " + am + ", playing " + g.opponent + "..."); sys->sleep(5000); cleartext(); player := PlayRed; count := 0; while (count < M * N && makemove(player, g, irc) == 0) { if (player == PlayRed) player = PlayBlack; else player = PlayRed; count++; } g.Exit(); } # check input before passing to opponent goodmove(kn: int) : int { case kn { Ir->FF or Ir->Rew or Ir->Power or Ir->Select => return 1; * => return 0; } } # one round, either you or opponent makemove(player: int, g: Game, irc: chan of int) : int { color: ref Image; kn: int; pos := (M - 1) / 2; if (player == PlayRed) color = red; else color = black; puck(pos, -1, color); for (;;) { if (player == iam) { do kn = <- irc; while (!goodmove(kn)); g.Out(kn); } else kn = g.In(); case kn { Ir->FF => puck(pos, -1, blue); pos++; if (pos == M) pos = 0; puck(pos, -1, color); Ir->Rew => puck(pos, -1, blue); pos--; if (pos < 0) pos = M - 1; puck(pos, -1, color); Ir->Power => outcome(player != iam, "Forfeit"); <- irc; return 1; Ir->Select => if (contents[0][pos] == Empty) { row := -1; do { puck(pos, row, blue); row++; puck(pos, row, color); sys->sleep(200); } while (row < N - 1 && contents[row + 1][pos] == Empty); contents[row][pos] = player; if (winner(player)) { halo(color); outcome(player == iam, "Four in a row"); <- irc; return 1; } return 0; } } } } # check if the player that just moved has won winner(player: int) : int { i, j: int; for (i = 0; i < M - 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (horizontal(i, j, player) != 0) return 1; } for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N - 3; j++) { if (vertical(i, j, player) != 0) return 1; } for (i = 0; i < M - 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < N - 3; j++) { if (diagonal(i, j, 1, player) != 0) return 1; } for (i = 3; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N - 3; j++) { if (diagonal(i, j, -1, player) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } # different ways to win horizontal(x, y, player: int) : int { for (i := 0; i < 4; i++) { if (contents[y][x + i] != player) return 0; winners[i] = (x + i, y); } return 1; } vertical(x, y, player: int) : int { for (i := 0; i < 4; i++) { if (contents[y + i][x] != player) return 0; winners[i] = (x, y + i); } return 1; } diagonal(x, y, delta, player: int) : int { for (i := 0; i < 4; i++) { if (contents[y + i][x] != player) return 0; winners[i] = (x, y + i); x += delta; } return 1; } # draw a green halo around the winning four halo(c: ref Image) { for (i := 0; i < 4; i++) { (x, y) := winners[i]; circle(x, y, R, green); circle(x, y, R - 2, c); } } # draw a rectangle at the base to show player's colour drawbase(c: ref Image) { b: Rect; b = BD; b.min.y = FR.max.y; disp.draw(b, c, ones, (0, 0)); } # clear the text rectangle cleartext() { disp.draw(TX, back, ones, (0, 0)); } # display a string in the text rectangle disptext(s: string) { disp.text(TX.min.add((TOFFX, TOFFY)), textcol, (0, 0), textfont, s); } # display outcome string outcome(won: int, reason: string) { did: string; if (won) did = "won"; else did = "lost"; disptext("You " + did + " - " + reason); } # circle routine, for pucks and halo circle(x, y, r: int, c: ref Image) { disp.fillellipse(TC.add((A + x * C, A + y * C)), r, r, c, (0, 0)); } # draw a played piece puck(x, y: int, c: ref Image) { circle(x, y, R, c); }