implement Profile; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "workdir.m"; workdir: Workdir; include "debug.m"; debug: Debug; Sym: import debug; include "dis.m"; dism: Dis; include "profile.m"; # merge common code PROF: con "/prof"; CTL: con "ctl"; NAME: con "name"; MPATH: con "path"; HISTOGRAM: con "histogram"; inited: int; modl: string; lasterr: string; bspath := array[] of { ("/dis/", "/appl/cmd/"), ("/dis/", "/appl/"), }; error(s: string) { lasterr = sys->sprint("%s: %r", s); } error0(s: string) { lasterr = s; } cleare() { lasterr = nil; } lasterror(): string { return lasterr; } init(): int { cleare(); sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; debug = load Debug Debug->PATH; if(debug == nil){ error("cannot load Debug module"); return -1; } debug->init(); (ok, nil) := sys->stat(PROF + "/ctl"); if (ok == -1) { if(sys->bind("#P", PROF, Sys->MREPL|Sys->MCREATE) < 0){ error(sys->sprint("cannot bind prof device to /prof")); return -1; } } inited = 1; return 0; } end(): int { cleare(); inited = 0; modl = nil; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "end") < 0) return -1; return 0; } start(): int { cleare(); if(!inited && init() < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "module " + modl) < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "start") < 0) return -1; return 0; } cpstart(pid: int): int { cleare(); if(!inited && init() < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "module " + modl) < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "startcp " + string pid) < 0) return -1; return 0; } memstart(): int { cleare(); if(!inited && init() < 0) return -1; if(modl != nil && write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "module " + modl) < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "startmp") < 0) return -1; return 0; } stop(): int { cleare(); if(!inited && init() < 0) return -1; if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "stop") < 0) return -1; return 0; } sample(i: int): int { cleare(); if(i <= 0){ error0(sys->sprint("bad sample rate %d", i)); return -1; } if(write(mkpath(PROF, CTL), "interval " + string i) < 0) return -1; return 0; } profile(m: string): int { cleare(); modl = m + " " + modl; return 0; } stats(): Prof { mp: Modprof; p: Prof; mpl: list of Modprof; cleare(); fd := sys->open(PROF, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", PROF)); return (nil, 0, nil); } d := array[1] of Sys->Dir; total := 0; while((nr := sys->dirread(fd, d)) > 0){ if(d[0].name == CTL) continue; dn := mkpath(PROF, d[0].name); = read(mkpath(dn, NAME)); mp.path = read(mkpath(dn, MPATH)); fdh := sys->open(mkpath(dn, HISTOGRAM), Sys->OREAD); if(fdh == nil) continue; (mp.srcpath, mp.linetab, mp.funtab, = tprofile(fdh, mp.path); if((sp := getb(mp.path)) != nil) mp.srcpath = sp; if( != 0){ mpl = mp :: mpl; total +=; } } p.mods = mpl; = total; return p; } cpstats(rec: int, v: int): Prof { m: string; mp: Modprof; p: Prof; mpl: list of Modprof; cleare(); fd := sys->open(PROF, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", PROF)); return (nil, 0, nil); } d := array[1] of Sys->Dir; total := 0; while((nr := sys->dirread(fd, d)) > 0){ if(d[0].name == CTL) continue; dn := mkpath(PROF, d[0].name); = read(mkpath(dn, NAME)); mp.path = read(mkpath(dn, MPATH)); fdh := sys->open(mkpath(dn, HISTOGRAM), Sys->OREAD); if(fdh == nil) continue; (m, mp.srcpath, mp.rawtab, mp.linetab, mp.rngtab,, mp.coverage) = cprofile(fdh, mp.path, rec, v); if( == nil) = m; if((sp := getb(mp.path)) != nil) mp.srcpath = sp; if(len mp.rawtab > 0){ mpl = mp :: mpl; total +=; } } p.mods = mpl; = total; return p; } cpfstats(v: int): Prof { mp: Modprof; p: Prof; mpl: list of Modprof; cleare(); total := 0; (nil, l) := sys->tokenize(modl, " "); for( ; l != nil; l = tl l){ s := hd l; suf := suff(s); if(suf == nil) s += ".dis"; else s = repsuff(s, "."+suf, ".dis"); if(!exists(s) && s[0] != '/' && s[0:2] != "./") s = "/dis/"+s; mp.path = s; (, mp.srcpath, mp.rawtab, mp.linetab, mp.rngtab,, mp.coverage) = cprofile(nil, mp.path, 1, v); if((sp := getb(mp.path)) != nil) mp.srcpath = sp; if(len mp.rawtab > 0){ mpl = mp :: mpl; total +=; } } p.mods = mpl; = total; return p; } memstats(): Prof { mp: Modprof; p: Prof; mpl: list of Modprof; cleare(); fd := sys->open(PROF, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", PROF)); return (nil, 0, nil); } d := array[1] of Sys->Dir; total := totale := 0; while((nr := sys->dirread(fd, d)) > 0){ if(d[0].name == CTL) continue; dn := mkpath(PROF, d[0].name); = read(mkpath(dn, NAME)); mp.path = read(mkpath(dn, MPATH)); fdh := sys->open(mkpath(dn, HISTOGRAM), Sys->OREAD); if(fdh == nil) continue; mp.totals = array[1] of int; (mp.srcpath, mp.linetab, mp.funtab,, mp.totals[0]) = mprofile(fdh, mp.path); if((sp := getb(mp.path)) != nil) mp.srcpath = sp; if( != 0 || mp.totals[0] != 0){ mpl = mp :: mpl; total +=; totale += mp.totals[0]; } } p.mods = mpl; = total; p.totals = array[1] of int; p.totals[0] = totale; return p; } tprofile(fd: ref Sys->FD, dis: string): (string, array of int, array of Funprof, int) { sbl := findsbl(dis); if(sbl == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("cannot locate symbol table file for %s", dis)); return (nil, nil, nil, 0); } (sym, err) := debug->sym(sbl); if(sym == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("bad symbol table file: %s", err)); return (nil, nil, nil, 0); } nlines := 0; nl := len sym.src; for(i := 0; i < nl; i++){ if((l := sym.src[i].stop.line) > nlines) nlines = l; } name := sym.src[0].start.file; line := array[nlines+1] of int; for(i = 0; i <= nlines; i++) line[i] = 0; nf := len sym.fns; fun := array[nf] of Funprof; for(i = 0; i < nf; i++){ fun[i].name = sym.fns[i].name; # src seems to be always nil # fun[i].file = sym.fns[i].src.start.file; # fun[i].line = (sym.fns[i].src.start.line+sym.fns[i].src.stop.line)/2; src := sym.pctosrc(sym.fns[i].offset); if(src != nil) fun[i].line = src.start.line; else fun[i].line = 0; fun[i].count = 0; } buf := array[32] of byte; # pc := 0; tot := 0; fi := 0; # for(i=0; i < nl; i++) sys->print("%d -> %d\n", i, sym.pctosrc(i).start.line); while((m := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0){ (nw, lw) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:m], " "); if(nw != 2){ error0("bad histogram data"); return (nil, nil, nil, 0); } pc := int hd lw; f := int hd tl lw; rpc := pc-1; src := sym.pctosrc(rpc); if(src == nil) continue; l1 := src.start.line; l2 := src.stop.line; if(l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) continue; if((nl = l2-l1+1) == 1) line[l1] += f; else{ q := f/nl; r := f-q*nl; for(i = l1; i <= l2; i++) line[i] += q+(r-->0); } if(fi < nf){ if(rpc >= sym.fns[fi].offset && rpc < sym.fns[fi].stoppc) fun[fi].count += f; else{ while(fi < nf && rpc >= sym.fns[fi].stoppc) fi++; # fi++; if(fi >= nf && f != 0) error0(sys->sprint("bad fn index")); if(fi < nf) fun[fi].count += f; } } tot += f; # sys->print("pc %d count %d l1 %d l2 %d\n", rpc, f, l1, l2); } return (name, line, fun, tot); } cprofile(fd: ref Sys->FD, dis: string, rec: int, v: int): (string, string, array of (int, int), array of int, array of ref Range, int, int) { freq := v&FREQUENCY; sbl := findsbl(dis); if(sbl == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("cannot locate symbol table file for %s", dis)); return (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } (sym, err) := debug->sym(sbl); if(sym == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("bad symbol table file: %s", err)); return (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } nlines := 0; nl := len sym.src; for(i := 0; i < nl; i++){ if((l := sym.src[i].start.line) > nlines) nlines = l; if((l = sym.src[i].stop.line) > nlines) nlines = l; } name := sym.src[0].start.file; line := array[nlines+1] of int; for(i = 0; i <= nlines; i++){ if(freq) line[i] = -1; else line[i] = 0; } rng := array[nlines+1] of ref Range; for(i = 0; i < nl; i++) cover(i, -1, sym, line, rng, freq); buf := array[32] of byte; nr := 0; r := array[1024] of (int, int); while((m := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0){ (nw, lw) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:m], " "); if(nw != 2){ error0("bad histogram data"); return (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } (r, nr) = add(r, nr, int hd lw, int hd tl lw); } r = clip(r, nr); if(rec){ wt := nr > 0; prf := repsuff(sbl, ".sbl", ".prf"); if(exists(prf)){ if(stamp(sbl) > stamp(prf)){ error0(sys->sprint("%s later than %s", sbl, prf)); return (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } r = mergeprof(r, readprof(prf)); nr = len r; } if(wt && writeprof(prf, r) < 0){ error0(sys->sprint("cannot write profile file %s", prf)); return (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } } tot := 0; lpc := 0; dise := dist := 0; for(i = 0; i < nr; i++){ (pc, f) := r[i]; for( ; lpc < pc; lpc++){ cover(lpc, 0, sym, line, rng, freq); dist++; } cover(pc, f, sym, line, rng, freq); dist++; if(f != 0) dise++; tot += f; lpc = pc+1; } for( ; lpc < nl; lpc++){ cover(lpc, 0, sym, line, rng, freq); dist++; } if(dist == 0) dist = 1; return (, name, r, line, rng, tot, (100*dise)/dist); } show(p: Prof, v: int): int { i: int; cleare(); tot :=; if(tot == 0) return 0; verbose := v&VERBOSE; fullhdr := v&FULLHDR; for(ml := p.mods; ml != nil; ml = tl ml){ mp := hd ml; if( == 0) continue; if((b := getb(mp.path)) == nil) continue; sys->print("\nModule: %s(%s)\n\n",, mp.path); line := mp.linetab; if(v&FUNCTION){ fun := mp.funtab; nf := len fun; for(i = 0; i < nf; i++) if(verbose || fun[i].count != 0){ if(fullhdr) sys->print("%s:", b); sys->print("%d\t%.2f\t%s()\n", fun[i].line, 100.0*(real fun[i].count)/(real tot), fun[i].name); } sys->print("\n**** module sampling points %d ****\n\n",; if(v&LINE) sys->print("\n"); } if(v&LINE){ bio := bufio->open(b, Bufio->OREAD); if(bio == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", b)); continue; } i = 1; ll := len line; while((s := bio.gets('\n')) != nil){ f := 0; if(i < ll) f = line[i]; if(verbose || f != 0){ if(fullhdr) sys->print("%s:", b); sys->print("%d\t%.2f\t%s", i, 100.0*(real f)/(real tot), s); } i++; } sys->print("\n**** module sampling points %d ****\n\n",; } } if(p.mods != nil && tl p.mods != nil) sys->print("\n**** total sampling points %d ****\n\n",; return 0; } cpshow(p: Prof, v: int): int { i: int; cleare(); tot :=; fullhdr := v&FULLHDR; freq := v&FREQUENCY; for(ml := p.mods; ml != nil; ml = tl ml){ mp := hd ml; if((b := getb(mp.path)) == nil) continue; sys->print("\nModule: %s(%s)",, mp.path); sys->print("\t%d%% coverage\n\n", mp.coverage); if(mp.coverage == 100 && !freq) continue; line := mp.linetab; rng := mp.rngtab; bio := bufio->open(b, Bufio->OREAD); if(bio == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", b)); continue; } i = 1; ll := len line; while((s := bio.gets('\n')) != nil){ f := 0; if(i < ll) f = line[i]; if(fullhdr) sys->print("%s:", b); sys->print("%d\t", i); if(rng != nil && i < ll && (r := rng[i]) != nil && multirng(r)){ for( ; r != nil; r = r.n){ sys->print("%s", trans(r.f, freq)); if(r.n != nil) sys->print("|"); } } else sys->print("%s", trans(f, freq)); sys->print("\t%s", s); i++; } sys->print("\n**** module dis instructions %d ****\n\n",; } if(p.mods != nil && tl p.mods != nil) sys->print("\n**** total number dis instructions %d ****\n\n",; return 0; } coverage(p: Prof, v: int): Coverage { i: int; clist: Coverage; cleare(); freq := v&FREQUENCY; # always 0 for now for(ml := p.mods; ml != nil; ml = tl ml){ mp := hd ml; if((b := getb(mp.path)) == nil) continue; line := mp.linetab; rng := mp.rngtab; bio := bufio->open(b, Bufio->OREAD); if(bio == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", b)); continue; } i = 1; ll := len line; llist: list of (list of (int, int, byte), string); while((s := bio.gets('\n')) != nil){ f := 0; if(i < ll) f = line[i]; rlist: list of (int, int, byte); if(rng != nil && i < ll && (r := rng[i]) != nil){ for( ; r != nil; r = r.n){ if(r.u == ∞) r.u = len s - 1; if(r.f&NEX) rlist = (r.l, r.u, byte ((r.f&EXE)==EXE)) :: rlist; } } else{ if(f&NEX) rlist = (0, len s - 1, byte ((f&EXE)==EXE)) :: nil; } llist = (rlist, s) :: llist; i++; } clist = (b, mp.coverage, rev(llist)) :: clist; } return clist; } ∞: con 1<<30; DIS: con 1; EXE: con 2; NEX: con 4; cover(pc: int, f: int, sym: ref Debug->Sym, line: array of int, rng: array of ref Range, freq: int) { v: int; src := sym.pctosrc(pc); if(src == nil) return; l1 := src.start.line; l2 := src.stop.line; if(l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) return; c1 := src.start.pos; c2 := src.stop.pos; if(freq){ v = 0; if(f > 0) v = f; } else{ v = DIS; if(f > 0) v = EXE; else if(f == 0) v = NEX; } for(i := l1; i <= l2; i++){ r1 := 0; r2 := ∞; if(i == l1) r1 = c1; if(i == l2) r2 = c2; if(rng != nil) rng[i] = mrgrng(addrng(rng[i], r1, r2, v, freq)); if(freq){ if(v > line[i]) line[i] = v; } else line[i] |= v; # if(i==123) sys->print("%d %d-%d %d %d\n", i, r1, r2, v, pc); } } arng(c1: int, c2: int, f: int, tr: ref Range, lr: ref Range, r: ref Range): ref Range { nr := ref Range(c1, c2, f, tr); if(lr == nil) r = nr; else lr.n = nr; return r; } addrng(r: ref Range, c1: int, c2: int, f: int, freq: int): ref Range { lr: ref Range; if(c1 > c2) return r; for(tr := r; tr != nil; tr = tr.n){ r1 := tr.l; r2 := tr.u; if(c1 < r1){ if(c2 < r1) return arng(c1, c2, f, tr, lr, r); else if(c2 <= r2){ r = addrng(r, c1, r1-1, f, freq); return addrng(r, r1, c2, f, freq); } else{ r = addrng(r, c1, r1-1, f, freq); r = addrng(r, r1, r2, f, freq); return addrng(r, r2+1, c2, f, freq); } } else if(c1 <= r2){ if(c2 <= r2){ v := tr.f; tr.l = c1; tr.u = c2; if(freq){ if(f > tr.f) tr.f = f; } else tr.f |= f; r = addrng(r, r1, c1-1, v, freq); return addrng(r, c2+1, r2, v, freq); } else{ r = addrng(r, c1, r2, f, freq); return addrng(r, r2+1, c2, f, freq); } } lr = tr; } return arng(c1, c2, f, nil, lr, r); } mrgrng(r: ref Range): ref Range { lr: ref Range; for(tr := r; tr != nil; tr = tr.n){ if(lr != nil && lr.u >= tr.l) sys->print("ERROR %d %d\n", lr.u, tr.l); if(lr != nil && lr.f == tr.f && lr.u+1 == tr.l){ lr.u = tr.u; lr.n = tr.n; } else lr = tr; } return r; } multirng(r: ref Range): int { f := r.f; for(tr := r; tr != nil; tr = tr.n) if(tr.f != f) return 1; return 0; } add(r: array of (int, int), nr: int, pc: int, f: int): (array of (int, int), int) { l := len r; if(nr == l){ s := array[2*l] of (int, int); s[0:] = r[0: nr]; r = s; } r[nr++] = (pc, f); return (r, nr); } clip(r: array of (int, int), nr: int): array of (int, int) { l := len r; if(nr < l){ s := array[nr] of (int, int); s[0:] = r[0: nr]; r = s; } return r; } readprof(f: string): array of (int, int) { b := bufio->open(f, Bufio->OREAD); if(b == nil) return nil; nr := 0; r := array[1024] of (int, int); while((buf := b.gets('\n')) != nil){ (nw, lw) := sys->tokenize(buf, " "); if(nw != 2){ error0("bad raw data"); return nil; } (r, nr) = add(r, nr, int hd lw, int hd tl lw); } r = clip(r, nr); return r; } mergeprof(r1, r2: array of (int, int)): array of (int, int) { nr := 0; r := array[1024] of (int, int); l1 := len r1; l2 := len r2; for((i, j) := (0, 0); i < l1 || j < l2; ){ if(i < l1) (pc1, f1) := r1[i]; else pc1 = ∞; if(j < l2) (pc2, f2) := r2[j]; else pc2 = ∞; if(pc1 < pc2){ (r, nr) = add(r, nr, pc1, f1); i++; } else if(pc1 > pc2){ (r, nr) = add(r, nr, pc2, f2); j++; } else{ (r, nr) = add(r, nr, pc1, f1+f2); i++; j++; } } r = clip(r, nr); return r; } writeprof(f: string, r: array of (int, int)): int { fd := sys->create(f, Sys->OWRITE, 8r664); if(fd == nil) return -1; l := len r; for(i := 0; i < l; i++){ (pc, fr) := r[i]; sys->fprint(fd, "%d %d\n", pc, fr); } return 0; } trans(f: int, freq: int): string { if(freq) return transf(f); else return transc(f); } transf(f: int): string { if(f < 0) return " "; return string f; } transc(f: int): string { c := ""; case(f){ 0 => c = " "; DIS|EXE => c = "+"; DIS|NEX => c = "-"; DIS|EXE|NEX => c = "?"; * => error(sys->sprint("bad code %d\n", f)); } return c; } getb(dis: string): string { b := findb(dis); if(b == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("cannot locate source file for %s\n", dis)); return nil; } if(stamp(b) > stamp(dis)){ error0(sys->sprint("%s later than %s", b, dis)); return nil; } return b; } mkpath(d: string, f: string): string { return d+"/"+f; } suff(s: string): string { (n, l) := sys->tokenize(s, "."); if(n > 1){ while(tl l != nil) l = tl l; return hd l; } return nil; } repsuff(s: string, old: string, new: string): string { lo := len old; ls := len s; if(lo <= ls && s[ls-lo:ls] == old) return s[0:ls-lo]+new; return s; } read(f: string): string { if((fd := sys->open(f, Sys->OREAD)) == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", f)); return nil; } buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); return string buf[0:n]; } write(f: string, s: string): int { if((fd := sys->open(f, Sys->OWRITE)) == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for writing", f)); return -1; } b := array of byte s; if((n := sys->write(fd, b, len b)) != len b){ error(sys->sprint("cannot write %s to file %s", s, f)); return -1; } return 0; } exists(f: string): int { return sys->open(f, Sys->OREAD) != nil; } stamp(f: string): int { (ok, d) := sys->stat(f); if(ok < 0) return 0; return d.mtime; } findb(dis: string): string { if(dism == nil){ dism = load Dis Dis->PATH; if(dism != nil) dism->init(); } if(dism != nil && (b := dism->src(dis)) != nil && exists(b)) return b; return findfile(repsuff(dis, ".dis", ".b")); } findsbl(dis: string): string { b := findb(dis); if(b != nil){ sbl := repsuff(b, ".b", ".sbl"); if(exists(sbl)) return sbl; return findfile(sbl); } return findfile(repsuff(dis, ".dis", ".sbl")); } findfile(s: string): string { if(exists(s)) return s; if(s != nil && s[0] != '/'){ if(workdir == nil) workdir = load Workdir Workdir->PATH; if(workdir == nil){ error("cannot load Workdir module"); return nil; } s = workdir->init() + "/" + s; } (d, f) := split(s, '/'); (fp, nil) := split(f, '.'); if(fp != nil) fp = fp[0: len fp - 1]; for(k := 0; k < 2; k++){ if(k == 0) str := s; else str = d; ls := len str; for(i := 0; i < len bspath; i++){ (dis, src) := bspath[i]; ld := len dis; if(ls >= ld && str[:ld] == dis){ if(k == 0) ns := src + str[ld:]; else ns = src + str[ld:] + fp + "/" + f; if(exists(ns)) return ns; } } } return nil; } split(s: string, c: int): (string, string) { for(i := len s - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(s[i] == c) break; return (s[0:i+1], s[i+1:]); } rev(llist: list of (list of (int, int, byte), string)): list of (list of (int, int, byte), string) { r: list of (list of (int, int, byte), string); for(l := llist; l != nil; l = tl l) r = hd l :: r; return r; } mprofile(fd: ref Sys->FD, dis: string): (string, array of int, array of Funprof, int, int) { sbl := findsbl(dis); if(sbl == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("cannot locate symbol table file for %s", dis)); return (nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } (sym, err) := debug->sym(sbl); if(sym == nil){ error0(sys->sprint("bad symbol table file: %s", err)); return (nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } nlines := 0; nl := len sym.src; for(i := 0; i < nl; i++){ if((l := sym.src[i].stop.line) > nlines) nlines = l; } name := sym.src[0].start.file; nl0 := 2*(nlines+1); line := array[nl0] of int; for(i = 0; i < nl0; i++) line[i] = 0; nf := len sym.fns; fun := array[nf] of Funprof; for(i = 0; i < nf; i++){ fun[i].name = sym.fns[i].name; # src seems to be always nil # fun[i].file = sym.fns[i].src.start.file; # fun[i].line = (sym.fns[i].src.start.line+sym.fns[i].src.stop.line)/2; src := sym.pctosrc(sym.fns[i].offset); if(src != nil) fun[i].line = src.start.line; else fun[i].line = 0; fun[i].count = fun[i].counte = 0; } buf := array[32] of byte; # pc := 0; ktot := ktot1 := 0; fi := 0; # for(i=0; i < nl; i++) sys->print("%d -> %d\n", i, sym.pctosrc(i).start.line); while((m := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0){ (nw, lw) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:m], " "); if(nw != 2){ error0("bad histogram data"); return (nil, nil, nil, 0, 0); } pc := int hd lw; f := int hd tl lw; if(pc == 0){ ktot = f; continue; } if(pc == 1){ ktot1 = f; continue; } pc -= 2; t := pc&1; pc /= 2; rpc := pc-1; src := sym.pctosrc(rpc); if(src == nil) continue; l1 := src.start.line; l2 := src.stop.line; if(l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) continue; if((nl = l2-l1+1) == 1) line[2*l1+t] += f; else{ q := f/nl; r := f-q*nl; for(i = l1; i <= l2; i++) line[2*i+t] += q+(r-->0); } if(fi < nf){ if(rpc >= sym.fns[fi].offset && rpc < sym.fns[fi].stoppc){ if(t) fun[fi].counte += f; else fun[fi].count += f; } else{ while(fi < nf && rpc >= sym.fns[fi].stoppc) fi++; # fi++; if(fi >= nf && f != 0) error0(sys->sprint("bad fn index")); if(fi < nf){ if(t) fun[fi].counte += f; else fun[fi].count += f; } } } # sys->print("pc %d count %d l1 %d l2 %d\n", rpc, f, l1, l2); } return (name, line, fun, ktot, ktot1); } memshow(p: Prof, v: int): int { i: int; cleare(); tot :=; if( == 0 && p.totals[0] == 0) return 0; verbose := v&VERBOSE; fullhdr := v&FULLHDR; for(ml := p.mods; ml != nil; ml = tl ml){ mp := hd ml; if( == 0 && mp.totals[0] == 0) continue; if((b := getb(mp.path)) == nil) continue; sys->print("\nModule: %s(%s)\n\n",, mp.path); line := mp.linetab; if(v&LINE){ bio := bufio->open(b, Bufio->OREAD); if(bio == nil){ error(sys->sprint("cannot open %s for reading", b)); continue; } i = 1; ll := len line/2; while((s := bio.gets('\n')) != nil){ f := g := 0; if(i < ll){ f = line[2*i]; g = line[2*i+1]; } if(verbose || f != 0 || g != 0){ if(fullhdr) sys->print("%s:", b); sys->print("%d\t%d\t%d\t%s", i, f, g, s); } i++; } if(v&(FUNCTION|MODULE)) sys->print("\n"); } if(v&FUNCTION){ fun := mp.funtab; nf := len fun; for(i = 0; i < nf; i++) if(verbose || fun[i].count != 0 || fun[i].counte != 0){ if(fullhdr) sys->print("%s:", b); sys->print("%d\t%d\t%d\t%s()\n", fun[i].line, fun[i].count, fun[i].counte, fun[i].name); } if(v&MODULE) sys->print("\n"); } if(v&MODULE) sys->print("Module totals\t%d\t%d\n\n",, mp.totals[0]); } if(p.mods != nil && tl p.mods != nil) sys->print("Grand totals\t%d\t%d\n\n",, p.totals[0]); return 0; }