implement Gameclient; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect, Display, Image: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "gameclient.m"; include "keyring.m"; keyring: Keyring; include "security.m"; login: Login; auth: Auth; include "sh.m"; include "commandline.m"; commandline: Commandline; Cmdline: import commandline; include "dividers.m"; dividers: Dividers; Divider: import dividers; include "readdir.m"; readdir: Readdir; Gameclient: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; selfid := -1; selfname: string; Client: adt { id: int; name: string; }; Player: adt { id: int; gameid: int; client: ref Client; }; Game: adt { id: int; name: string; client: list of string; }; Context: adt { win: ref Tk->Toplevel; chat: ref Commandline->Cmdline; }; algorithms := array[] of { "none", "sha", "md4", "md5", "rc4", "rc4_40", "rc4_128", "rc4_256", "des_56_cbc", "des_56_ecb", "ideacbc", "ideaecb" }; CLIENTS: con "/dis/games/clients"; GAMESRVPATH: con "./gamesrv.dis"; GAMEPORT: con "3242"; GAMEDIR: con "/n/remote"; DEFAULTSRV: con ""; DEFAULTLOCALSRV: con "tcp!*!" + GAMEPORT; PASSWORD: con "gameserver"; SIGNER: con "tcp!" + DEFAULTSRV + "!6660"; usernames: array of string; clients: array of ref Client; games: array of ref Game; username: string; finished := 0; configcmds := array[] of { "frame .top", "menubutton .top.m -text {New game} -menu", "menu", "frame .g", "frame .main", "frame .c", "scrollbar .c.scroll -orient vertical -command {.c.clients yview}", "listbox .c.clients -yscrollcommand {.c.scroll set} -width 15w", "frame .x", "pack .top.m -side left", "pack .top -in .main -side top -fill x", "pack .g -in .main -side top -fill x", "pack .c.scroll -side left -fill y", "pack .c.clients -side top -fill both -expand 1", "pack .main .c -in .x -side left -expand 1 -fill both", }; stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); } procname(s: string) { # sys->procname(sys->procname(nil) + " " + s); } badmodule(p: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "gameclient: cannot load %s: %r\n", p); sys->raise("fail:bad module"); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; keyring = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; if (wmlib == nil) badmodule(Wmlib->PATH); auth = load Auth Auth->PATH; if (auth == nil) badmodule(Auth->PATH); commandline = load Commandline Commandline->PATH; if (commandline == nil) badmodule(Commandline->PATH); dividers = load Dividers Dividers->PATH; if (dividers == nil) badmodule(Dividers->PATH); readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; if (readdir == nil) badmodule(Readdir->PATH); local := 0; if (argv != nil && tl argv != nil && (hd tl argv)[0] == '-') { if (hd tl argv == "-l") local = 1; else { sys->fprint(stderr(), "usage: gameclient [-l]\n"); sys->raise("fail:usage"); } } wmlib->init(); auth->init(); commandline->init(); dividers->init(); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKNS, nil); gameclient(ctxt, local); } gameclient(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, local: int) { fd := sys->open(GAMEDIR + "/players", Sys->ORDWR); if (fd == nil) { mountgame(ctxt, local); fd = sys->open(GAMEDIR + "/players", Sys->ORDWR); } if (fd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "gameclient: game server not available\n"); sys->raise("fail:errors"); } updatech := chan of string; spawn readplayers(fd, updatech); (win, winctl) := wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen, nil, "Games", Wmlib->Appl); ucmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, ucmd, "ucmd"); srvcmd := chan of string; for (i := 0; i < len configcmds; i++) cmd(win, configcmds[i]); (chat, chatch) :=, ".chat", nil); cmd(win, ".chat.t configure -width 50w"); (div, divctl) :=, ".div", ".x" :: ".chat" :: nil, Dividers->NS); tk->namechan(win, divctl, "divctl"); cmd(win, "bind . {send divctl config}"); cmd(win, "pack .div -side top -fill both -expand 1"); cmd(win, "pack propagate . 0"); cmd(win, "update"); lctxt := ref Context(win, chat); for (;;) alt { c := <-ucmd => (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); case hd toks { "join" => # join gameid game := games[int hd tl toks]; newgame(win, string, nil, ctxt, game.client); } c := <-divctl => if (c == "config") { cmd(win, ".div configure -width [.div cget -actwidth] -height [.div cget -actheight]"); cmd(win, "update"); } else div.event(c); c := <-winctl => if (c == "exit") { finished = 1; # tell server we're finished, as on some systems we're unable to # kill readplayers() sys->write(fd, array[0] of byte, 0); fd = nil; sys->unmount(nil, "/n/remote"); sys->print("killgrp\n"); sys->fprint(sys->open("/prog/" + string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/ctl", Sys->OWRITE), "killgrp"); sys->print("done kill\n"); exit; sys->print("exited\n"); } wmlib->titlectl(win, c); upd := <-updatech => if (upd == nil) exit; update(lctxt, upd); cmd(win, "update"); e := <-chatch => for (m := chat.event(e); m != nil; m = tl m) sys->fprint(fd, "%s\n", hd m); } } newgame(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, f, inits: string, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { # XXX security: eliminate slashes... path := CLIENTS + "/" + hd args + ".dis"; mod := load Clientmod path; if (mod == nil) { notice(win, sys->sprint("cannot find client module %s: %r", path)); return; } fd := sys->open(GAMEDIR + "/" + f, Sys->ORDWR); if (fd == nil) { notice(win, sys->sprint("cannot open %s/%s: %r", GAMEDIR, f)); return; } if (inits != nil && sys->fprint(fd, "%s\n", inits) == -1) { notice(win, sys->sprint("failed to write initialisation: %r")); return; } sync := chan of int; spawn clientmod(mod, fd, ctxt, args, sync); <-sync; } clientmod(mod: Clientmod, fd: ref Sys->FD, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string, sync: chan of int) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD|Sys->FORKNS|Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); sync <-= 1; sys->chdir("clients"); sys->dup(fd.fd, 0); fd = nil; wfd := sys->open("/prog/" + string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/wait", Sys->OREAD); spawn runclient(mod, ctxt, args, selfid); buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; n := sys->read(wfd, buf, len buf); sys->print("game process '%s' exited: %s\n", hd args, string buf[0:n]); } runclient(mod: Clientmod, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string, selfid: int) { procname(hd args); mod->client(ctxt, args, selfid); } update(ctxt: ref Context, s: string) { (win, chat) := *ctxt; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (toks == nil) return; sys->print("got update '%s'\n", s); ucmd := hd toks; toks = tl toks; case ucmd { "chat" => clientid := int hd toks; msg := s[5 + len hd toks + 1:]; # "chat 9 ...." chat.addtext(clients[clientid].name + " says: " + msg + "\n"); "clientid" or "join" => # clientid clientid name # join clientid name clientid := int hd toks; name := hd tl toks; if (clientid >= len clients) { newclients := array[clientid + 1] of ref Client; newclients[0:] = clients; clients = newclients; } clients[clientid] = ref Client(clientid, name); if (ucmd == "clientid") (selfid, selfname) = (clientid, name); showclients(win); "leave" => # leave clientid clients[int hd toks] = nil; showclients(win); "joingame" => # joingame gameid clientid playerid (gameid, clientid, playerid) := (int hd toks, int hd tl toks, int hd tl tl toks); w := playerw(gameid, playerid); cmd(win, "label " + w + " -text ' " + clients[clientid].name + " " + string playerid); cmd(win, "pack " + w + " -side top -anchor w"); "leavegame" => # leavegame gameid playerid gameid := int hd toks; playerid := int hd tl toks; cmd(win, "destroy " + playerw(gameid, playerid)); "creategame" => # creategame gameid name client... gameid := int hd toks; name := hd tl toks; client := tl tl toks; if (gameid >= len games) { newgames := array[gameid + 1] of ref Game; newgames[0:] = games; games = newgames; } g := games[gameid] = ref Game(gameid, name, client); w := gamew(gameid); cmd(win, "frame " + w + " -relief sunken -bd 5"); cmd(win, "frame " + w + ".f"); cmd(win, "label " + w + ".f.l -text '" + string + ". " +; cmd(win, "button " + w + ".f.b -text Join -command {send ucmd join " + string + "}"); cmd(win, "pack "+w+".f.l "+w+".f.b -side left"); cmd(win, "pack "+w+".f -side top -anchor w"); cmd(win, "pack "+w+" -side top -anchor w -fill x"); "delgame" => # delgame gameid gameid := int hd toks; cmd(win, "destroy " + gamew(gameid)); games[gameid] = nil; "gametype" => # gametype client arg... (ok, nil) := sys->stat(CLIENTS + "/" + hd toks + ".dis"); if (ok == -1) sys->fprint(stderr(), "gameclient: cannot find client of type '%s'\n", hd toks); } } notice(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string) { } showclients(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { cmd(win, ".c.clients delete 0 end"); for (i := 0; i < len clients; i++) if (clients[i] != nil) cmd(win, ".c.clients insert end '" + string i + ". " + clients[i].name); } gamew(gameid: int): string { return ".g." + string gameid; } playerw(gameid, playerid: int): string { return gamew(gameid) + "." + string playerid; } readplayers(fd: ref Sys->FD, updatech: chan of string) { procname("readplayers"); buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while ((n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0) { (nil, lines) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); for (; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) updatech <-= hd lines; } if (n < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "gameclient: error reading players (fd %d): %r\n", fd.fd); sys->raise("panic"); } if (!finished) updatech <-= nil; } mountgame(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, local: int) { startserver(chan of int, ctxt, 1, nil); } startserver(sync: chan of int, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, local: int, addr: string) { # sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, 0::1::2::nil); srv := load Command GAMESRVPATH; srv->init(nil, GAMESRVPATH :: "-l" :: GAMEDIR :: nil); } panic(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "cards: panic: %s\n", s); sys->raise("panic"); } showtk := 0; cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { return nil; if (showtk) sys->print("%s\n", s); e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(stderr(), "tk error %s on '%s'\n", e, s); return e; }