fndecls: ref Decl; labstack: array of ref Node; maxlabdep: int; typecheck(checkimp: int): ref Decl { entry, d, m: ref Decl; if(errors) return nil; # # generate the set of all functions # compile one function at a time # gdecl(tree); gbind(tree); fns = array[nfns] of ref Decl; i := gcheck(tree, fns, 0); if(i != nfns) fatal("wrong number of functions found in gcheck"); tree = nil; maxlabdep = 0; for(i = 0; i < nfns; i++){ d = fns[i]; if(d != nil) fncheck(d); } if(errors) return nil; entry = nil; if(checkimp){ if(impmod == nil){ yyerror("no implementation module"); return nil; } if(impdecl == nil || impdecl.ty == nil){ yyerror("no definition for implementation module "+impmod.name); return nil; } # # can't check the module spec until all types and imports are determined, # which happens in scheck # impdecl.ty = usetype(impdecl.ty); if(impdecl.store != Dtype || impdecl.ty.kind != Tmodule){ error(impdecl.src.start, "cannot implement "+declconv(impdecl)); return nil; } s := enter("init", 0); impdecl.refs++; for(m = impdecl.ty.ids; m != nil; m = m.next){ m.ty = usetype(m.ty); m.refs++; if(m.sym == s && m.ty.kind == Tfn) entry = m; if(m.store == Dglobal || m.store == Dfn) modrefable(m.ty); if(m.store == Dtype && m.ty.kind == Tadt){ for(d = m.ty.ids; d != nil; d = d.next){ d.ty = usetype(d.ty); modrefable(d.ty); d.refs++; } } } checkrefs(impdecl.ty.ids); } if(errors) return nil; return entry; } # # introduce all global declarations # also adds all fields to adts and modules # note the complications due to nested Odas expressions # gdecl(n: ref Node) { for(;;){ if(n == nil) return; if(n.op != Oseq) break; gdecl(n.left); n = n.right; } case n.op{ Oimport => importdecled(n); gdasdecl(n.right); Oadtdecl => adtdecled(n); Ocondecl => condecled(n); gdasdecl(n.right); Omoddecl => moddecled(n); Otypedecl => typedecled(n); Ovardecl => vardecled(n); Ovardecli => vardecled(n.left); gdasdecl(n.right); Ofunc => fndecled(n); Oas or Odas or Onothing => gdasdecl(n); * => fatal("can't deal with "+opconv(n.op)+" in gdecl"); } } # # bind all global type ids, # including those nested inside modules # this needs to be done, since we may use such # a type later in a nested scope, so if we bound # the type ids then, the type could get bound # to a nested declaration # gbind(n: ref Node) { ids: ref Decl; for(;;){ if(n == nil) return; if(n.op != Oseq) break; gbind(n.left); n = n.right; } case n.op{ Oas or Ocondecl or Odas or Ofunc or Oimport or Onothing or Ovardecl or Ovardecli => break; Ofielddecl or Otypedecl => bindtypes(n.decl.ty); Opickdecl => gbind(n.left); d := n.right.left.decl; bindtypes(d.ty); repushids(d.ty.ids); gbind(n.right.right); # get new ids for undefined types; propagate outwards ids = popids(d.ty.ids); if(ids != nil) installids(Dundef, ids); Oadtdecl or Omoddecl => bindtypes(n.ty); repushids(n.ty.ids); gbind(n.left); # get new ids for undefined types; propagate outwards ids = popids(n.ty.ids); if(ids != nil) installids(Dundef, ids); * => fatal("can't deal with "+opconv(n.op)+" in gbind"); } } # # check all of the global declarations # bind all type ids referred to within types at the global level # record decls for defined functions # gcheck(n: ref Node, fns: array of ref Decl, nfns: int): int { ok, allok: int; for(;;){ if(n == nil) return nfns; if(n.op != Oseq) break; nfns = gcheck(n.left, fns, nfns); n = n.right; } case n.op{ Ofielddecl or Onothing or Opickdecl or Otypedecl => break; Oadtdecl or Omoddecl => repushids(n.ty.ids); if(gcheck(n.left, nil, 0)) fatal("gcheck fn decls nested in modules or adts"); if(popids(n.ty.ids) != nil) fatal("gcheck installs new ids in a module or adt"); Ovardecl => varcheck(n, 1); Ocondecl => concheck(n, 1); Oimport => importcheck(n, 1); Ovardecli => varcheck(n.left, 1); (ok, allok) = echeck(n.right, 0, 1); if(ok){ if(allok) n.right = fold(n.right); globalas(n.right.left, n.right.right, allok); } Oas or Odas => (ok, allok) = echeck(n, 0, 1); if(ok){ if(allok) n = fold(n); globalas(n.left, n.right, allok); } Ofunc => (ok, allok) = echeck(n.left, 0, 1); d : ref Decl = nil; if(ok) d = fnchk(n); fns[nfns++] = d; * => fatal("can't deal with "+opconv(n.op)+" in gcheck"); } return nfns; } # # check for unused expression results # make sure the any calculated expression has # a destination # checkused(n: ref Node): ref Node { # # only nil; and nil = nil; should have type tany # if(n.ty == tany){ if(n.op == Oname) return n; if(n.op == Oas) return checkused(n.right); fatal("line "+lineconv(n.src.start)+" checkused "+nodeconv(n)); } if(isused[n.op] && (n.op != Ocall || n.left.ty.kind == Tfn)) return n; t := n.ty; if(t.kind == Tfn) nerror(n, "function "+expconv(n)+" not called"); else if(t.kind == Tadt && t.tags != nil || t.kind == Tadtpick) nerror(n, "expressions cannot have type "+typeconv(t)); else nwarn(n, "result of expression "+expconv(n)+" not used"); n = mkunary(Oused, n); n.ty = n.left.ty; return n; } fncheck(d: ref Decl) { n := d.init; if(debug['t']) print("typecheck tree: %s\n", nodeconv(n)); fndecls = nil; repushids(d.ty.ids); labdep = 0; labstack = array[maxlabdep] of ref Node; n.right = scheck(n.right, d.ty.tof, Sother); if(labdep != 0) fatal("unbalanced label stack in fncheck"); labstack = nil; d.locals = appdecls(popids(d.ty.ids), fndecls); fndecls = nil; checkrefs(d.ty.ids); checkrefs(d.locals); } scheck(n: ref Node, ret: ref Type, kind : int): ref Node { s: ref Sym; rok: int; top := n; last: ref Node = nil; for(; n != nil; n = n.right){ left := n.left; right := n.right; case n.op{ Ovardecl => vardecled(n); varcheck(n, 0); if (zeroptrs && nested() && tmustzero(n.decl.ty)) decltozero(n); # else if (zeroptrs && inloop() && tmustzero(n.decl.ty)) # decltozero(n); return top; Ovardecli => vardecled(left); varcheck(left, 0); echeck(right, 0, 0); if (zeroptrs && nested() && tmustzero(left.decl.ty)) decltozero(left); return top; Otypedecl => typedecled(n); bindtypes(n.ty); return top; Ocondecl => condecled(n); concheck(n, 0); return top; Oimport => importdecled(n); importcheck(n, 0); return top; Ofunc => fatal("scheck func"); Oscope => if (kind == Sother) kind = Sscope; pushscope(n, kind); if (left != nil) fatal("Oscope has left field"); echeck(left, 0, 0); n.right = scheck(right, ret, Sother); d := popscope(); fndecls = appdecls(fndecls, d); return top; Olabel => echeck(left, 0, 0); n.right = scheck(right, ret, Sother); return top; Oseq => n.left = scheck(left, ret, Sother); # next time will check n.right Oif => (rok, nil) = echeck(left, 0, 0); if(rok && left.op != Onothing && left.ty != tint) nerror(n, "if conditional must be an int, not "+etconv(left)); right.left = scheck(right.left, ret, Sother); # next time will check n.right.right n = right; Ofor => (rok, nil) = echeck(left, 0, 0); if(rok && left.op != Onothing && left.ty != tint) nerror(n, "for conditional must be an int, not "+etconv(left)); # # do the continue clause before the body # this reflects the ordering of declarations # pushlabel(n); right.right = scheck(right.right, ret, Sother); right.left = scheck(right.left, ret, Sloop); labdep--; if(n.decl != nil && !n.decl.refs) nwarn(n, "label "+n.decl.sym.name+" never referenced"); return top; Odo => (rok, nil) = echeck(left, 0, 0); if(rok && left.op != Onothing && left.ty != tint) nerror(n, "do conditional must be an int, not "+etconv(left)); pushlabel(n); n.right = scheck(n.right, ret, Sloop); labdep--; if(n.decl != nil && !n.decl.refs) nwarn(n, "label "+n.decl.sym.name+" never referenced"); return top; Oalt or Ocase or Opick => pushlabel(n); case n.op{ Oalt => altcheck(n, ret); Ocase => casecheck(n, ret); Opick => pickcheck(n, ret); } labdep--; if(n.decl != nil && !n.decl.refs) nwarn(n, "label "+n.decl.sym.name+" never referenced"); return top; Oret => (rok, nil) = echeck(left, 0, 0); if(!rok) return top; if(left == nil){ if(ret != tnone) nerror(n, "return of nothing from a fn of "+typeconv(ret)); }else if(ret == tnone){ if(left.ty != tnone) nerror(n, "return "+etconv(left)+" from a fn with no return type"); }else if(!tcompat(ret, left.ty, 0)) nerror(n, "return "+etconv(left)+" from a fn of "+typeconv(ret)); return top; Obreak or Ocont => s = nil; if(n.decl != nil) s = n.decl.sym; for(i := 0; i < labdep; i++){ if(s == nil || labstack[i].decl != nil && labstack[i].decl.sym == s){ if(n.op == Ocont && labstack[i].op != Ofor && labstack[i].op != Odo) continue; if(s != nil) labstack[i].decl.refs++; return top; } } nerror(n, "no appropriate target for "+expconv(n)); return top; Oexit or Onothing => return top; * => (nil, rok) = echeck(n, 0, 0); if(rok) n = checkused(n); if(last == nil) return n; last.right = n; return top; } last = n; } return top; } pushlabel(n: ref Node) { s: ref Sym; if(labdep >= maxlabdep){ maxlabdep += MaxScope; labs := array[maxlabdep] of ref Node; labs[:] = labstack; labstack = labs; } if(n.decl != nil){ s = n.decl.sym; n.decl.refs = 0; for(i := 0; i < labdep; i++) if(labstack[i].decl != nil && labstack[i].decl.sym == s) nerror(n, "label " + s.name + " duplicated on line " + lineconv(labstack[i].decl.src.start)); } labstack[labdep++] = n; } varcheck(n: ref Node, isglobal: int) { t := validtype(n.ty, nil); t = topvartype(t, n.decl, isglobal); last := n.left.decl; for(ids := n.decl; ids != last.next; ids = ids.next) ids.ty = t; } concheck(n: ref Node, isglobal: int) { t: ref Type; init: ref Node; pushscope(nil, Sother); installids(Dconst, iota); (ok, allok) := echeck(n.right, 0, isglobal); popscope(); init = n.right; if(!ok){ t = terror; }else{ t = init.ty; if(!tattr[t.kind].conable){ nerror(init, "cannot have a "+typeconv(t)+" constant"); allok = 0; } } last := n.left.decl; for(ids := n.decl; ids != last.next; ids = ids.next) ids.ty = t; if(!allok) return; i := 0; for(ids = n.decl; ids != last.next; ids = ids.next){ if(ok){ iota.init.c.val = big i; ids.init = dupn(0, nosrc, init); if(!varcom(ids)) ok = 0; } i++; } } importcheck(n: ref Node, isglobal: int) { (ok, nil) := echeck(n.right, 1, isglobal); if(!ok) return; m := n.right; if(m.ty.kind != Tmodule || m.op != Oname){ nerror(n, "cannot import from "+etconv(m)); return; } last := n.left.decl; for(id := n.decl; id != last.next; id = id.next){ v := namedot(m.ty.ids, id.sym); if(v == nil){ error(id.src.start, id.sym.name+" is not a member of "+expconv(m)); id.store = Dwundef; continue; } id.store = v.store; v.ty = validtype(v.ty, nil); id.ty = t := v.ty; if(id.store == Dtype && t.decl != nil){ id.timport = t.decl.timport; t.decl.timport = id; } id.init = v.init; id.importid = v; id.eimport = m; } } # # annotate the expression with types # echeck(n: ref Node, typeok, isglobal: int): (int, int) { tg, id, callee: ref Decl; t, tt: ref Type; ok, allok, max, nocheck, kidsok: int; ok = allok = 1; if(n == nil) return (1, 1); if(n.op == Oseq){ for( ; n != nil && n.op == Oseq; n = n.right){ (okl, allokl) := echeck(n.left, 0, isglobal); ok &= okl; allok &= allokl; n.ty = tnone; } if(n == nil) return (ok, allok); } left := n.left; right := n.right; nocheck = 0; if(n.op == Odot || n.op == Omdot || n.op == Ocall || n.op == Oref || n.op == Otagof) nocheck = 1; if(n.op != Odas # special case && n.op != Oload) # can have better error recovery (ok, allok) = echeck(left, nocheck, isglobal); if(n.op != Odas # special case && n.op != Odot # special check && n.op != Omdot # special check && n.op != Ocall # can have better error recovery && n.op != Oindex){ (okr, allokr) := echeck(right, 0, isglobal); ok &= okr; allok &= allokr; } if(!ok){ n.ty = terror; return (0, 0); } case n.op{ Odas => (ok, allok) = echeck(right, 0, isglobal); if(!ok) right.ty = terror; if(!isglobal && !dasdecl(left)){ ok = 0; }else if(!specific(right.ty) || !declasinfer(left, right.ty)){ nerror(n, "cannot declare "+expconv(left)+" from "+etconv(right)); declaserr(left); ok = 0; } left.ty = right.ty; n.ty = right.ty; usedty(n.ty); if (zeroptrs && nested() && tmustzero(left.ty)) decltozero(left); return (ok, allok & ok); Oseq or Onothing => n.ty = tnone; Owild => n.ty = tint; Ocast => t = usetype(n.ty); n.ty = t; tt = left.ty; if(tcompat(tt, t, 0)){ left.ty = t; break; } if(tt.kind == Tarray){ if(tt.tof == tbyte && t == tstring) break; }else if(t.kind == Tarray){ if(t.tof == tbyte && tt == tstring) break; }else if(casttab[tt.kind][t.kind]){ break; } nerror(n, "cannot make a "+typeconv(n.ty)+" from "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); Ochan => n.ty = usetype(n.ty); if(left != nil && left.ty.kind != Tint){ nerror(n, "channel size "+etconv(left)+" is not an int"); return (0, 0); } Oload => n.ty = usetype(n.ty); (nil, kidsok) = echeck(left, 0, isglobal); if(n.ty.kind != Tmodule){ nerror(n, "cannot load a "+typeconv(n.ty)); return (0, 0); } if(!kidsok){ allok = 0; break; } if(left.ty != tstring){ nerror(n, "cannot load a module from "+etconv(left)); allok = 0; break; } if(n.ty.tof.decl.refs != 0) n.ty.tof.decl.refs++; n.ty.decl.refs++; usetype(n.ty.tof); Oref => t = left.ty; if(t.kind != Tadt && t.kind != Tadtpick && t.kind != Tfn && t.kind != Ttuple){ nerror(n, "cannot make a ref from "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(t.kind == Tadt && t.tags != nil && valistype(left)){ nerror(n, "instances of ref "+expconv(left)+" must be qualified with a pick tag"); return (0, 0); } if(t.kind == Tadtpick) t.tof = usetype(t.tof); n.ty = usetype(mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Tref, t, nil)); Oarray => max = 0; if(right != nil){ max = assignindices(n); if(max < 0) return (0, 0); if(!specific(right.left.ty)){ nerror(n, "type for array not specific"); return (0, 0); } n.ty = mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Tarray, right.left.ty, nil); } n.ty = usetype(n.ty); if(left.op == Onothing) n.left = left = mkconst(n.left.src, big max); if(left.ty.kind != Tint){ nerror(n, "array size "+etconv(left)+" is not an int"); return (0, 0); } Oelem => n.ty = right.ty; Orange => if(left.ty != right.ty || left.ty != tint && left.ty != tstring){ nerror(left, "range "+etconv(left)+" to "+etconv(right)+" is not an int or string range"); return (0, 0); } n.ty = left.ty; Oname => id = n.decl; if(id == nil){ nerror(n, "name with no declaration"); return (0, 0); } if(id.store == Dunbound){ s := id.sym; id = s.decl; if(id == nil) id = undefed(n.src, s); # save a little space s.unbound = nil; n.decl = id; id.refs++; } n.ty = id.ty = usetype(id.ty); case id.store{ Dfn or Dglobal or Darg or Dlocal or Dimport or Dfield or Dtag => break; Dunbound => fatal("unbound symbol found in echeck"); Dundef => nerror(n, id.sym.name+" is not declared"); id.store = Dwundef; return (0, 0); Dwundef => return (0, 0); Dconst => if(id.init == nil){ nerror(n, id.sym.name+"'s value cannot be determined"); id.store = Dwundef; return (0, 0); } Dtype => if(typeok) break; nerror(n, declconv(id)+" is not a variable"); return (0, 0); * => fatal("echeck: unknown symbol storage"); } if(n.ty == nil){ nerror(n, declconv(id)+"'s type is not fully defined"); id.store = Dwundef; return (0, 0); } if(id.importid != nil && valistype(id.eimport) && id.store != Dconst && id.store != Dtype && id.store != Dfn){ nerror(n, "cannot use "+expconv(n)+" because "+expconv(id.eimport)+" is a module interface"); return (0, 0); } Oconst => if(n.ty == nil){ nerror(n, "no type in "+expconv(n)); return (0, 0); } Oas => if(!tcompat(left.ty, right.ty, 1)){ nerror(n, "type clash in "+etconv(left)+" = "+etconv(right)); return (0, 0); } t = right.ty; if(t == tany) t = left.ty; n.ty = t; left.ty = t; if(islval(left)) break; return (0, 0); Osnd => if(left.ty.kind != Tchan){ nerror(n, "cannot send on "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(!tcompat(left.ty.tof, right.ty, 0)){ nerror(n, "type clash in "+etconv(left)+" <-= "+etconv(right)); return (0, 0); } t = right.ty; if(t == tany) t = left.ty.tof; n.ty = t; Orcv => t = left.ty; if(t.kind == Tarray) t = t.tof; if(t.kind != Tchan){ nerror(n, "cannot receive on "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(left.ty.kind == Tarray) n.ty = usetype(mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Ttuple, nil, mkids(n.src, nil, tint, mkids(n.src, nil, t.tof, nil)))); else n.ty = t.tof; Ocons => if(right.ty.kind != Tlist && right.ty != tany){ nerror(n, "cannot :: to "+etconv(right)); return (0, 0); } n.ty = right.ty; if(right.ty == tany) n.ty = usetype(mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Tlist, left.ty, nil)); else if(!tcompat(right.ty.tof, left.ty, 0)){ t = tparent(right.ty.tof, left.ty); if(!tcompat(t, left.ty, 0)){ nerror(n, "type clash in "+etconv(left)+" :: "+etconv(right)); return (0, 0); } else n.ty = usetype(mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Tlist, t, nil)); } Ohd or Otl => if(left.ty.kind != Tlist || left.ty.tof == nil){ nerror(n, "cannot "+opconv(n.op)+" "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(n.op == Ohd) n.ty = left.ty.tof; else n.ty = left.ty; Otuple => n.ty = usetype(mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Ttuple, nil, tuplefields(left))); Ospawn => if(left.op != Ocall || left.left.ty.kind != Tfn){ nerror(left, "cannot spawn "+expconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(left.ty != tnone){ nerror(left, "cannot spawn functions which return values, such as "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } Ocall => (nil, kidsok) = echeck(right, 0, isglobal); t = left.ty; usedty(t); if(t.kind == Tref) t = t.tof; if(t.kind != Tfn) return callcast(n, kidsok, allok); n.ty = t.tof; if(!kidsok){ allok = 0; break; } # # get the name to call and any associated module # mod : ref Node = nil; id = nil; if(left.op == Odot){ callee = left.right.decl; id = callee.dot; right = passimplicit(left, right); n.right = right; tt = left.left.ty; if(tt.kind == Tref) tt = tt.tof; if(tt.decl != nil && tt.decl.timport != nil) mod = tt.decl.timport.eimport; # # stash the import module under a rock, # because we won't be able to get it later # after scopes are popped # left.right.left = mod; }else if(left.op == Omdot){ if(left.right.op == Odot){ callee = left.right.right.decl; right = passimplicit(left.right, right); n.right = right; }else callee = left.right.decl; mod = left.left; }else if(left.op == Oname){ callee = left.decl; id = callee; mod = id.eimport; }else{ nerror(left, expconv(left)+" is not a function name"); allok = 0; break; } if(callee == nil) fatal("can't find called function: "+nodeconv(left)); if(callee.store != Dfn){ nerror(left, expconv(left)+" is not a function"); allok = 0; break; } if(mod != nil && mod.ty.kind != Tmodule){ nerror(left, "cannot call "+expconv(left)); allok = 0; break; } if(mod != nil){ if(valistype(mod)){ nerror(left, "cannot call "+expconv(left)+" because "+expconv(mod)+" is a module interface"); allok = 0; break; } }else if(id != nil && id.dot != nil && id.dot.sym != impmod){ nerror(left, "cannot call "+expconv(left)+" without importing "+id.sym.name+" from a variable"); allok = 0; break; } if(mod != nil) modrefable(left.ty); if(t.varargs != byte 0){ t = mkvarargs(left, right); if(left.ty.kind == Tref) left.ty = usetype(mktype(t.src.start, t.src.stop, Tref, t, nil)); else left.ty = t; }else if(!argcompat(n, t.ids, right)) allok = 0; Odot => t = left.ty; if(t.kind == Tref) t = t.tof; case t.kind{ Tadt or Tadtpick or Ttuple => id = namedot(t.ids, right.decl.sym); if(id == nil){ id = namedot(t.tags, right.decl.sym); if(id != nil && !valistype(left)){ nerror(n, expconv(left)+" is not a type"); return (0, 0); } } if(id == nil && t.kind == Tadtpick) id = namedot(t.decl.dot.ty.ids, right.decl.sym); if(id == nil){ for(tg = t.tags; tg != nil; tg = tg.next){ id = namedot(tg.ty.ids, right.decl.sym); if(id != nil) break; } if(id != nil){ nerror(n, "cannot yet index field "+right.decl.sym.name+" of "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } } if(id == nil) break; if(id.store == Dfield && valistype(left)){ nerror(n, expconv(left)+" is not a value"); return (0, 0); } id.ty = validtype(id.ty, t.decl); id.ty = usetype(id.ty); break; * => nerror(left, etconv(left)+" cannot be qualified with ."); return (0, 0); } if(id == nil){ nerror(n, expconv(right)+" is not a member of "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(id.ty == tunknown){ nerror(n, "illegal forward reference to "+expconv(n)); return (0, 0); } id.refs++; right.decl = id; n.ty = id.ty; if((id.store == Dconst || id.store == Dtag) && hasside(left)) nwarn(left, "result of expression "+etconv(left)+" ignored"); Omdot => t = left.ty; if(t.kind != Tmodule){ nerror(left, etconv(left)+" cannot be qualified with ->"); return (0, 0); } id = nil; if(right.op == Oname){ id = namedot(t.ids, right.decl.sym); }else if(right.op == Odot){ (ok, kidsok) = echeck(right, 0, isglobal); allok &= kidsok; if(!ok) return (0, 0); tt = right.left.ty; if(tt.kind == Tref) tt = tt.tof; if(right.ty.kind == Tfn && tt.kind == Tadt && tt.decl.dot == t.decl) id = right.right.decl; } if(id == nil){ nerror(n, expconv(right)+" is not a member of "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(id.store != Dconst && id.store != Dtype && id.store != Dtag){ if(valistype(left)){ nerror(n, expconv(left)+" is not a value"); return (0, 0); } }else if(hasside(left)) nwarn(left, "result of expression "+etconv(left)+" ignored"); if(!typeok && id.store == Dtype){ nerror(n, expconv(n)+" is a type, not a value"); return (0, 0); } if(id.ty == tunknown){ nerror(n, "illegal forward reference to "+expconv(n)); return (0, 0); } id.refs++; right.decl = id; n.ty = id.ty = usetype(id.ty); if(id.store == Dglobal) modrefable(id.ty); Otagof => n.ty = tint; t = left.ty; if(t.kind == Tref) t = t.tof; id = nil; case left.op{ Oname => id = left.decl; Odot => id = left.right.decl; Omdot => if(left.right.op == Odot) id = left.right.right.decl; } if(id != nil && id.store == Dtag || id != nil && id.store == Dtype && t.kind == Tadt && t.tags != nil) n.decl = id; else if(t.kind == Tadt && t.tags != nil || t.kind == Tadtpick) n.decl = nil; else{ nerror(n, "cannot get the tag value for "+etconv(left)); return (1, 0); } Oind => t = left.ty; if(t.kind != Tref || (t.tof.kind != Tadt && t.tof.kind != Tadtpick && t.tof.kind != Ttuple)){ nerror(n, "cannot * "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } n.ty = t.tof; for(tg = t.tof.tags; tg != nil; tg = tg.next) tg.ty.tof = usetype(tg.ty.tof); Oindex => t = left.ty; (nil, kidsok) = echeck(right, 0, isglobal); if(t.kind != Tarray && t != tstring){ nerror(n, "cannot index "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(t == tstring){ n.op = Oinds; n.ty = tint; }else{ n.ty = t.tof; } if(!kidsok){ allok = 0; break; } if(right.ty != tint){ nerror(n, "cannot index "+etconv(left)+" with "+etconv(right)); allok = 0; break; } Oslice => t = n.ty = left.ty; if(t.kind != Tarray && t != tstring){ nerror(n, "cannot slice "+etconv(left)+" with '"+subexpconv(right.left)+":"+subexpconv(right.right)+"'"); return (0, 0); } if(right.left.ty != tint && right.left.op != Onothing || right.right.ty != tint && right.right.op != Onothing){ nerror(n, "cannot slice "+etconv(left)+" with '"+subexpconv(right.left)+":"+subexpconv(right.right)+"'"); return (1, 0); } Olen => t = left.ty; n.ty = tint; if(t.kind != Tarray && t.kind != Tlist && t != tstring){ nerror(n, "len requires an array, string, or list in "+etconv(left)); return (1, 0); } Ocomp or Onot or Oneg => n.ty = left.ty; usedty(n.ty); case left.ty.kind{ Tint => return (1, allok); Treal => if(n.op == Oneg) return (1, allok); Tbig or Tbyte => if(n.op == Oneg || n.op == Ocomp) return (1, allok); } nerror(n, "cannot apply "+opconv(n.op)+" to "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); Oinc or Odec or Opreinc or Opredec => n.ty = left.ty; case left.ty.kind{ Tint or Tbig or Tbyte or Treal => break; * => nerror(n, "cannot apply "+opconv(n.op)+" to "+etconv(left)); return (0, 0); } if(islval(left)) break; return(0, 0); Oadd or Odiv or Omul or Osub => if(mathchk(n, 1)) break; return (0, 0); Olsh or Orsh => if(shiftchk(n)) break; return (0, 0); Oandand or Ooror => if(left.ty != tint){ nerror(n, opconv(n.op)+"'s left operand is not an int: "+etconv(left)); allok = 0; } if(right.ty != tint){ nerror(n, opconv(n.op)+"'s right operand is not an int: "+etconv(right)); allok = 0; } n.ty = tint; Oand or Omod or Oor or Oxor => if(mathchk(n, 0)) break; return (0, 0); Oaddas or Odivas or Omulas or Osubas => if(mathchk(n, 1) && islval(left)) break; return (0, 0); Olshas or Orshas => if(shiftchk(n) && islval(left)) break; return (0, 0); Oandas or Omodas or Oxoras or Ooras => if(mathchk(n, 0) && islval(left)) break; return (0, 0); Olt or Oleq or Ogt or Ogeq => if(!mathchk(n, 1)) return (0, 0); n.ty = tint; Oeq or Oneq => case left.ty.kind{ Tint or Tbig or Tbyte or Treal or Tstring or Tref or Tlist or Tarray or Tchan or Tany or Tmodule => if(!tcompat(left.ty, right.ty, 0) && !tcompat(right.ty, left.ty, 0)) break; t = left.ty; if(t == tany) t = right.ty; if(t == tany) t = tint; if(left.ty == tany) left.ty = t; if(right.ty == tany) right.ty = t; n.ty = tint; usedty(n.ty); return (1, allok); } nerror(n, "cannot compare "+etconv(left)+" to "+etconv(right)); return (0, 0); * => fatal("unknown op in typecheck: "+opconv(n.op)); } usedty(n.ty); return (1, allok); } # # n is syntactically a call, but n.left is not a fn # check if it's the contructor for an adt # callcast(n: ref Node, kidsok, allok: int): (int, int) { id: ref Decl; left := n.left; right := n.right; id = nil; case left.op{ Oname => id = left.decl; Omdot => if(left.right.op == Odot) id = left.right.right.decl; else id = left.right.decl; Odot => id = left.right.decl; } if(id == nil || (id.store != Dtype && id.store != Dtag)){ nerror(left, expconv(left)+" is not a function or type name"); return (0, 0); } if(id.store == Dtag) return tagcast(n, left, right, id, kidsok, allok); t := left.ty; n.ty = t; if(!kidsok) return (1, 0); if(t.kind == Tref) t = t.tof; tt := mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Ttuple, nil, tuplefields(right)); if(t.kind == Tadt && tcompat(t, tt, 1)) return (1, allok); nerror(left, "cannot make a "+expconv(left)+" from '("+subexpconv(right)+")'"); return (0, 0); } tagcast(n, left, right: ref Node, id: ref Decl, kidsok, allok: int): (int, int) { left.ty = id.ty; if(left.op == Omdot) left.right.ty = id.ty; n.ty = id.ty; if(!kidsok) return (1, 0); id.ty.tof = usetype(id.ty.tof); if(right != nil) right.ty = id.ty.tof; tt := mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Ttuple, nil, mkids(nosrc, nil, tint, tuplefields(right))); tt.ids.store = Dfield; if(tcompat(id.ty.tof, tt, 1)) return (1, allok); nerror(left, "cannot make a "+expconv(left)+" from '("+subexpconv(right)+")'"); return (0, 0); } valistype(n: ref Node): int { case n.op{ Oname => if(n.decl.store == Dtype) return 1; Omdot => return valistype(n.right); } return 0; } islval(n: ref Node): int { s := marklval(n); if(s == 1) return 1; if(s == 0) nerror(n, "cannot assign to "+expconv(n)); else circlval(n, n); return 0; } # # check to see if n is an lval # marklval(n: ref Node): int { if(n == nil) return 0; case n.op{ Oname => return storespace[n.decl.store]; #ZZZZ && n.decl.tagged == nil; Odot => if(n.right.decl.store != Dfield) return 0; if(n.right.decl.cycle != byte 0 && n.right.decl.cyc == byte 0) return -1; if(n.left.ty.kind != Tref && marklval(n.left) == 0) nwarn(n, "assignment to "+etconv(n)+" ignored"); return 1; Omdot => if(n.right.decl.store == Dglobal) return 1; return 0; Oind => for(id := n.ty.ids; id != nil; id = id.next) if(id.cycle != byte 0 && id.cyc == byte 0) return -1; return 1; Oslice => if(n.right.right.op != Onothing || n.ty == tstring) return 0; return 1; Oinds => # # make sure we don't change a string constant # case n.left.op{ Oconst => return 0; Oname => return storespace[n.left.decl.store]; Odot or Omdot => if(n.left.right.decl != nil) return storespace[n.left.right.decl.store]; } return 1; Oindex or Oindx => return 1; Otuple => for(nn := n.left; nn != nil; nn = nn.right){ s := marklval(nn.left); if(s != 1) return s; } return 1; * => return 0; } return 0; } # # n has a circular field assignment. # find it and print an error message. # circlval(n, lval: ref Node): int { if(n == nil) return 0; case n.op{ Oname => break; Odot => if(n.right.decl.cycle != byte 0 && n.right.decl.cyc == byte 0){ nerror(lval, "cannot assign to "+expconv(lval)+" because field '"+n.right.decl.sym.name +"' of "+expconv(n.left)+" could complete a cycle to "+expconv(n.left)); return -1; } return 1; Oind => for(id := n.ty.ids; id != nil; id = id.next){ if(id.cycle != byte 0 && id.cyc == byte 0){ nerror(lval, "cannot assign to "+expconv(lval)+" because field '"+id.sym.name +"' of "+expconv(n)+" could complete a cycle to "+expconv(n)); return -1; } } return 1; Oslice => if(n.right.right.op != Onothing || n.ty == tstring) return 0; return 1; Oindex or Oinds or Oindx => return 1; Otuple => for(nn := n.left; nn != nil; nn = nn.right){ s := circlval(nn.left, lval); if(s != 1) return s; } return 1; * => return 0; } return 0; } mathchk(n: ref Node, realok: int): int { lt := n.left.ty; rt := n.right.ty; if(rt != lt){ nerror(n, "type clash in "+etconv(n.left)+" "+opconv(n.op)+" "+etconv(n.right)); return 0; } n.ty = rt; case rt.kind{ Tint or Tbig or Tbyte => return 1; Tstring => case n.op{ Oadd or Oaddas or Ogt or Ogeq or Olt or Oleq => return 1; } Treal => if(realok) return 1; } nerror(n, "cannot "+opconv(n.op)+" "+etconv(n.left)+" and "+etconv(n.right)); return 0; } shiftchk(n: ref Node): int { right := n.right; left := n.left; n.ty = left.ty; case n.ty.kind{ Tint or Tbyte or Tbig => if(right.ty.kind != Tint){ nerror(n, "shift "+etconv(right)+" is not an int"); return 0; } return 1; } nerror(n, "cannot "+opconv(n.op)+" "+etconv(left)+" by "+etconv(right)); return 0; } # # check for any tany's in t # specific(t: ref Type): int { if(t == nil) return 0; case t.kind{ Terror or Tnone or Tint or Tbig or Tstring or Tbyte or Treal or Tfn or Tadt or Tadtpick or Tmodule => return 1; Tany => return 0; Tref or Tlist or Tarray or Tchan => return specific(t.tof); Ttuple => for(d := t.ids; d != nil; d = d.next) if(!specific(d.ty)) return 0; return 1; } fatal("unknown type in specific: "+typeconv(t)); return 0; } # # infer the type of all variable in n from t # n is the left-hand exp of a := exp # declasinfer(n: ref Node, t: ref Type): int { case n.op{ Otuple => if(t.kind != Ttuple && t.kind != Tadt && t.kind != Tadtpick) return 0; ok := 1; n.ty = t; n = n.left; ids := t.ids; if(t.kind == Tadtpick) ids = t.tof.ids.next; for(; n != nil && ids != nil; ids = ids.next){ if(ids.store != Dfield) continue; ok &= declasinfer(n.left, ids.ty); n = n.right; } for(; ids != nil; ids = ids.next) if(ids.store == Dfield) break; if(n != nil || ids != nil) return 0; return ok; Oname => topvartype(t, n.decl, 0); if(n.decl == nildecl) return 1; n.decl.ty = t; n.ty = t; return 1; } fatal("unknown op in declasinfer: "+nodeconv(n)); return 0; } # # an error occured in declaring n; # set all decl identifiers to Dwundef # so further errors are squashed. # declaserr(n: ref Node) { case n.op{ Otuple => for(n = n.left; n != nil; n = n.right) declaserr(n.left); return; Oname => if(n.decl != nildecl) n.decl.store = Dwundef; return; } fatal("unknown op in declaserr: "+nodeconv(n)); } argcompat(n: ref Node, f: ref Decl, a: ref Node): int { for(; a != nil; a = a.right){ if(f == nil){ nerror(n, expconv(n.left)+": too many function arguments"); return 0; } if(!tcompat(f.ty, a.left.ty, 0)){ nerror(n, expconv(n.left)+": argument type mismatch: expected "+typeconv(f.ty)+" saw "+etconv(a.left)); return 0; } if(a.left.ty == tany) a.left.ty = f.ty; f = f.next; } if(f != nil){ nerror(n, expconv(n.left)+": too few function arguments"); return 0; } return 1; } # # fn is Odot(adt, methid) # pass adt implicitly if needed # if not, any side effect of adt will be ingored # passimplicit(fname, args: ref Node): ref Node { t := fname.ty; if(t.ids == nil || t.ids.implicit == byte 0){ if(hasside(fname.left)) nwarn(fname, "result of expression "+expconv(fname.left)+" ignored"); return args; } n := fname.left; if(n.op == Oname && n.decl.store == Dtype){ nerror(n, expconv(n)+" is a type and cannot be a self argument"); n = mkn(Onothing, nil, nil); n.src = fname.src; n.ty = t.ids.ty; } args = mkn(Oseq, n, args); args.src = n.src; return args; } # # check the types for a function with a variable number of arguments # last typed argument must be a constant string, and must use the # print format for describing arguments. # mkvarargs(n, args: ref Node): ref Type { last: ref Decl; nt := copytypeids(n.ty); n.ty = nt; f := n.ty.ids; last = nil; if(f == nil){ nerror(n, expconv(n)+"'s type is illegal"); return nt; } s := args; for(a := args; a != nil; a = a.right){ if(f == nil) break; if(!tcompat(f.ty, a.left.ty, 0)){ nerror(n, expconv(n)+": argument type mismatch: expected "+typeconv(f.ty)+" saw "+etconv(a.left)); return nt; } if(a.left.ty == tany) a.left.ty = f.ty; last = f; f = f.next; s = a; } if(f != nil){ nerror(n, expconv(n)+": too few function arguments"); return nt; } s.left = fold(s.left); s = s.left; if(s.ty != tstring || s.op != Oconst){ nerror(args, expconv(n)+": format argument "+etconv(s)+" is not a string constant"); return nt; } fmtcheck(n, s, a); va := tuplefields(a); if(last == nil) nt.ids = va; else last.next = va; return nt; } # # check that a print style format string matches it's arguments # fmtcheck(f, fmtarg, va: ref Node) { fmt := fmtarg.decl.sym; s := fmt.name; ns := 0; while(ns < len s){ c := s[ns++]; if(c != '%') continue; verb := -1; n1 := 0; n2 := 0; dot := 0; flag := 0; flags := ""; fmtstart := ns - 1; while(ns < len s && verb < 0){ c = s[ns++]; case c{ * => nerror(f, expconv(f)+": invalid character "+s[ns-1:ns]+" in format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; '.' => if(dot){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": invalid format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } n1 = 1; dot = 1; continue; '*' => if(!n1) n1 = 1; else if(!n2 && dot) n2 = 1; else{ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": invalid format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } if(va == nil){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": too few arguments for format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } if(va.left.ty.kind != Tint){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"' incompatible with argument "+etconv(va.left)); return; } va = va.right; '0' to '9' => while(ns < len s && s[ns] >= '0' && s[ns] <= '9') ns++; if(!n1) n1 = 1; else if(!n2 && dot) n2 = 1; else{ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": invalid format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } '+' or '-' or '#' or 'b' or 'u' => for(i := 0; i < flag; i++){ if(flags[i] == c){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": duplicate flag "+s[ns-1:ns]+" in format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } } flags[flag++] = c; '%' or 'r' => verb = Tnone; 'H' => verb = Tany; 'c' => verb = Tint; 'd' or 'o' or 'x' or 'X' => verb = Tint; for(i := 0; i < flag; i++){ if(flags[i] == 'b'){ verb = Tbig; break; } } 'e' or 'f' or 'g' or 'E' or 'G' => verb = Treal; 's' => verb = Tstring; } } if(verb != Tnone){ if(verb < 0){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": incomplete format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } if(va == nil){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": too few arguments for format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"'"); return; } case verb{ Tint => case va.left.ty.kind{ Tstring or Tarray or Tref or Tchan or Tlist or Tmodule => if(c == 'x' || c == 'X') verb = va.left.ty.kind; } Tany => if(tattr[va.left.ty.kind].isptr) verb = va.left.ty.kind; } if(verb != va.left.ty.kind){ nerror(f, expconv(f)+": format '"+s[fmtstart:ns]+"' incompatible with argument "+etconv(va.left)); return; } va = va.right; } } if(va != nil) nerror(f, expconv(f)+": more arguments than formats"); } tuplefields(n: ref Node): ref Decl { h, last: ref Decl; for(; n != nil; n = n.right){ d := mkdecl(n.left.src, Dfield, n.left.ty); if(h == nil) h = d; else last.next = d; last = d; } return h; } # # make explicit indices for every element in an array initializer # return the maximum index # sort the indices and check for duplicates # assignindices(ar: ref Node): int { wild, off, q: ref Node; amax := 16r7fffffff; size := dupn(0, nosrc, ar.left); if(size.ty == tint){ size = fold(size); if(size.op == Oconst) amax = int size.c.val; } inits := ar.right; max := -1; last := -1; t := inits.left.ty; wild = nil; nlab := 0; ok := 1; for(n := inits; n != nil; n = n.right){ if(!tcompat(t, n.left.ty, 0)){ t = tparent(t, n.left.ty); if(!tcompat(t, n.left.ty, 0)){ nerror(n.left, "inconsistent types "+typeconv(t)+" and "+typeconv(n.left.ty)+" in array initializer"); return -1; } else inits.left.ty = t; } if(t == tany) t = n.left.ty; # # make up an index if there isn't one # if(n.left.left == nil) n.left.left = mkn(Oseq, mkconst(n.left.right.src, big(last + 1)), nil); for(q = n.left.left; q != nil; q = q.right){ off = q.left; if(off.ty != tint){ nerror(off, "array index "+etconv(off)+" is not an int"); ok = 0; continue; } off = fold(off); case off.op{ Owild => if(wild != nil) nerror(off, "array index * duplicated on line "+lineconv(wild.src.start)); wild = off; continue; Orange => if(off.left.op != Oconst || off.right.op != Oconst){ nerror(off, "range "+expconv(off)+" is not constant"); off = nil; }else if(off.left.c.val < big 0 || off.right.c.val >= big amax){ nerror(off, "array index "+expconv(off)+" out of bounds"); off = nil; }else last = int off.right.c.val; Oconst => last = int off.c.val; if(off.c.val < big 0 || off.c.val >= big amax){ nerror(off, "array index "+expconv(off)+" out of bounds"); off = nil; } Onothing => # get here from a syntax error off = nil; * => nerror(off, "array index "+expconv(off)+" is not constant"); off = nil; } nlab++; if(off == nil){ off = mkconst(n.left.right.src, big(last)); ok = 0; } if(last > max) max = last; q.left = off; } } # # fix up types of nil elements # for(n = inits; n != nil; n = n.right) if(n.left.ty == tany) n.left.ty = t; if(!ok) return -1; c := checklabels(inits, tint, nlab, "array index"); t = mktype(inits.src.start, inits.src.stop, Tainit, nil, nil); inits.ty = t; t.cse = c; return max + 1; } # # check the labels of a case statment # casecheck(cn: ref Node, ret: ref Type) { wild: ref Node; (rok, nil) := echeck(cn.left, 0, 0); cn.right = scheck(cn.right, ret, Sother); if(!rok) return; arg := cn.left; t := arg.ty; if(t != tint && t != tstring){ nerror(cn, "case argument "+etconv(arg)+" is not an int or string"); return; } wild = nil; nlab := 0; ok := 1; for(n := cn.right; n != nil; n = n.right){ q := n.left.left; if(n.left.right.right == nil) nwarn(q, "no body for case qualifier "+expconv(q)); for(; q != nil; q = q.right){ left := fold(q.left); q.left = left; case left.op{ Owild => if(wild != nil) nerror(left, "case qualifier * duplicated on line "+lineconv(wild.src.start)); wild = left; Orange => if(left.ty != t) nerror(left, "case qualifier "+etconv(left)+" clashes with "+etconv(arg)); else if(left.left.op != Oconst || left.right.op != Oconst){ nerror(left, "case range "+expconv(left)+" is not constant"); ok = 0; } nlab++; * => if(left.ty != t){ nerror(left, "case qualifier "+etconv(left)+" clashes with "+etconv(arg)); ok = 0; }else if(left.op != Oconst){ nerror(left, "case qualifier "+expconv(left)+" is not constant"); ok = 0; } nlab++; } } } if(!ok) return; c := checklabels(cn.right, t, nlab, "case qualifier"); op := Tcase; if(t == tstring) op = Tcasec; t = mktype(cn.src.start, cn.src.stop, op, nil, nil); cn.ty = t; t.cse = c; } # # check the labels and bodies of a pick statment # pickcheck(n: ref Node, ret: ref Type) { qs, q, w: ref Node; arg := n.left.right; (nil, allok) := echeck(arg, 0, 0); if(!allok) return; t := arg.ty; if(t.kind == Tref) t = t.tof; if(arg.ty.kind != Tref || t.kind != Tadt || t.tags == nil){ nerror(arg, "pick argument "+etconv(arg)+" is not a ref adt with pick tags"); return; } argty := usetype(mktype(arg.ty.src.start, arg.ty.src.stop, Tref, t, nil)); arg = n.left.left; pushscope(nil, Sother); dasdecl(arg); arg.decl.ty = argty; arg.ty = argty; tags := array[t.decl.tag] of ref Node; w = nil; ok := 1; nlab := 0; for(qs = n.right; qs != nil; qs = qs.right){ qt : ref Node = nil; for(q = qs.left.left; q != nil; q = q.right){ left := q.left; case left.op{ Owild => left.ty = tnone; if(w != nil) nerror(left, "pick qualifier * duplicated on line "+lineconv(w.src.start)); w = left; Oname => id := namedot(t.tags, left.decl.sym); if(id == nil){ nerror(left, "pick qualifier "+expconv(left)+" is not a member of "+etconv(arg)); ok = 0; continue; } left.decl = id; left.ty = id.ty; if(tags[id.tag] != nil){ nerror(left, "pick qualifier "+expconv(left)+" duplicated on line "+lineconv(tags[id.tag].src.start)); ok = 0; } tags[id.tag] = left; nlab++; * => fatal("pickcheck can't handle "+nodeconv(q)); } if(qt == nil) qt = left; else if(!tequal(qt.ty, left.ty)) nerror(left, "type clash in pick qualifiers "+etconv(qt)+" and "+etconv(left)); } argty.tof = t; if(qt != nil) argty.tof = qt.ty; qs.left.right = scheck(qs.left.right, ret, Sother); if(qs.left.right == nil) nwarn(qs.left.left, "no body for pick qualifier "+expconv(qs.left.left)); } argty.tof = t; for(qs = n.right; qs != nil; qs = qs.right) for(q = qs.left.left; q != nil; q = q.right) q.left = fold(q.left); d := popscope(); d.refs++; if(d.next != nil) fatal("pickcheck: installing more than one id"); fndecls = appdecls(fndecls, d); if(!ok) return; c := checklabels(n.right, tint, nlab, "pick qualifier"); t = mktype(n.src.start, n.src.stop, Tcase, nil, nil); n.ty = t; t.cse = c; } # # check array and case labels for validity # checklabels(inits: ref Node, ctype: ref Type, nlab: int, title: string): ref Case { n, q, wild: ref Node; labs := array[nlab] of Label; i := 0; wild = nil; for(n = inits; n != nil; n = n.right){ for(q = n.left.left; q != nil; q = q.right){ case q.left.op{ Oconst => labs[i].start = q.left; labs[i].stop = q.left; labs[i++].node = n.left; Orange => labs[i].start = q.left.left; labs[i].stop = q.left.right; labs[i++].node = n.left; Owild => wild = n.left; * => fatal("bogus index in checklabels"); } } } if(i != nlab) fatal("bad label count: "+string nlab+" then "+string i); casesort(ctype, array[nlab] of Label, labs, 0, nlab); for(i = 0; i < nlab; i++){ p := labs[i].stop; if(casecmp(ctype, labs[i].start, p) > 0) nerror(labs[i].start, "unmatchable "+title+" "+expconv(labs[i].node)); for(e := i + 1; e < nlab; e++){ if(casecmp(ctype, labs[e].start, p) <= 0) nerror(labs[e].start, title+" '"+eprintlist(labs[e].node.left, " or ") +"' overlaps with '"+eprintlist(labs[e-1].node.left, " or ")+"' on line " +lineconv(p.src.start)); # # check for merging case labels # if(ctype != tint || labs[e].start.c.val != p.c.val+big 1 || labs[e].node != labs[i].node) break; p = labs[e].stop; } if(e != i + 1){ labs[i].stop = p; labs[i+1:] = labs[e:nlab]; nlab -= e - (i + 1); } } c := ref Case; c.nlab = nlab; c.nsnd = 0; c.labs = labs; c.wild = wild; return c; } casecmp(ty: ref Type, a, b: ref Node): int { if(ty == tint){ if(a.c.val < b.c.val) return -1; if(a.c.val > b.c.val) return 1; return 0; } s := a.decl.sym; t := b.decl.sym; if(s.name < t.name) return -1; if(s.name > t.name) return 1; return 0; } casesort(t: ref Type, aux, labs: array of Label, start, stop: int) { n := stop - start; if(n <= 1) return; top := mid := start + n / 2; casesort(t, aux, labs, start, top); casesort(t, aux, labs, mid, stop); # # merge together two sorted label arrays, yielding a sorted array # n = 0; base := start; while(base < top && mid < stop){ if(casecmp(t, labs[base].start, labs[mid].start) <= 0) aux[n++] = labs[base++]; else aux[n++] = labs[mid++]; } if(base < top) aux[n:] = labs[base:top]; else if(mid < stop) aux[n:] = labs[mid:stop]; labs[start:] = aux[:stop-start]; } # # binary search for the label corresponding to a given value # findlab(ty: ref Type, v: ref Node, labs: array of Label, nlab: int): int { if(nlab <= 1) return 0; m : int; l := 1; r := nlab - 1; while(l <= r){ m = (r + l) / 2; if(casecmp(ty, labs[m].start, v) <= 0) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } m = l - 1; if(casecmp(ty, labs[m].start, v) > 0 || casecmp(ty, labs[m].stop, v) < 0) fatal("findlab out of range"); return m; } altcheck(an: ref Node, ret: ref Type) { n, q, left, op, wild: ref Node; an.left = scheck(an.left, ret, Sother); ok := 1; nsnd := 0; nrcv := 0; wild = nil; for(n = an.left; n != nil; n = n.right){ q = n.left.right.left; if(n.left.right.right == nil) nwarn(q, "no body for alt guard "+expconv(q)); for(; q != nil; q = q.right){ left = q.left; case left.op{ Owild => if(wild != nil) nerror(left, "alt guard * duplicated on line "+lineconv(wild.src.start)); wild = left; Orange => nerror(left, "alt guard "+expconv(left)+" is illegal"); ok = 0; * => op = hascomm(left); if(op == nil){ nerror(left, "alt guard "+expconv(left)+" has no communication"); ok = 0; break; } if(op.op == Osnd) nsnd++; else nrcv++; } } } if(!ok) return; c := ref Case; c.nlab = nsnd + nrcv; c.nsnd = nsnd; c.wild = wild; an.ty = mktalt(c); } hascomm(n: ref Node): ref Node { if(n == nil) return nil; if(n.op == Osnd || n.op == Orcv) return n; r := hascomm(n.left); if(r != nil) return r; return hascomm(n.right); }