implement Mkext; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Dir, sprint, fprint: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "arg.m"; arg: Arg; Mkext: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; LEN: con Sys->ATOMICIO; NFLDS: con 6; # filename, modes, uid, gid, mtime, bytes bin: ref Iobuf; uflag := 0; tflag := 0; hflag := 0; vflag := 0; fflag := 0; stderr: ref Sys->FD; bout: ref Iobuf; argv0 := "mkext"; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if(bufio == nil) error(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r\n", Bufio->PATH)); str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) error(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r\n", String->PATH)); arg = load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) error(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r\n", Arg->PATH)); destdir := ""; arg->init(args); while((c := arg->opt()) != 0) case c { 'd' => destdir = arg->arg(); if(destdir == nil) error("destination directory name missing"); 'f' => fflag = 1; 'h' => hflag = 1; bout = bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(1), Sys->OWRITE); if(bout == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't access standard output: %r")); 'u' => uflag = 1; 't' => tflag = 1; 'v' => vflag = 1; * => usage(); } args = arg->argv(); bin = bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(0), Sys->OREAD); if(bin == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't access standard input: %r")); while((p := bin.gets('\n')) != nil){ if(p == "end of archive\n"){ fprint(stderr, "done\n"); quit(nil); } (nf, fields) := sys->tokenize(p, " \t\n"); if(nf != NFLDS){ warn("too few fields in file header"); continue; } name := hd fields; fields = tl fields; (mode, nil) := str->toint(hd fields, 8); fields = tl fields; uid := hd fields; fields = tl fields; gid := hd fields; fields = tl fields; (mtime, nil) := str->toint(hd fields, 10); fields = tl fields; (bytes, nil) := str->toint(hd fields, 10); if(args != nil){ if(!selected(name, args)){ if(bytes) seekpast(bytes); continue; } mkdirs(destdir, name); } name = destdir+name; if(hflag){ bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s %s %s %s %ud %d\n", name, octal(mode), uid, gid, mtime, bytes)); if(bytes) seekpast(bytes); continue; } if(mode & Sys->CHDIR) mkdir(name, mode, mtime, uid, gid); else extract(name, mode, mtime, uid, gid, bytes); } fprint(stderr, "premature end of archive\n"); quit("eof"); } quit(s: string) { if(bout != nil) bout.flush(); if(s != nil) sys->raise("fail: "+s); exit; } fileprefix(prefix, s: string): int { n := len prefix; m := len s; if(n > m || !str->prefix(prefix, s)) return 0; if(m > n && s[n] != '/') return 0; return 1; } selected(s: string, args: list of string): int { for(; args != nil; args = tl args) if(fileprefix(hd args, s)) return 1; return 0; } mkdirs(basedir, name: string) { (nil, names) := sys->tokenize(name, "/"); while(names != nil) { #sys->print("mkdir %s\n", basedir); create(basedir, Sys->OREAD, 8r775|Sys->CHDIR); if(tl names == nil) break; basedir = basedir + "/" + hd names; names = tl names; } } mkdir(name: string, mode: int, mtime: int, uid: string, gid: string) { d: Dir; i: int; fd := create(name, Sys->OREAD, mode); if(fd == nil){ (i, d) = sys->stat(name); if(i < 0 || !(d.mode & Sys->CHDIR)){ warn(sys->sprint("can't make directory %s: %r", name)); return; } }else{ (i, d) = sys->fstat(fd); if(i < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't stat %s: %r", name)); fd = nil; } (nil, p) := str->splitr(name, "/"); if(p == nil) p = name; = p; if(tflag) d.mtime = mtime; if(uflag){ d.uid = uid; d.gid = gid; d.mtime = mtime; } d.mode = mode; if(sys->wstat(name, d) < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't set modes for %s: %r", name)); if(uflag){ (i, d) = sys->stat(name); if(i < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't reread modes for %s: %r", name)); if(d.mtime != mtime) warn(sys->sprint("%s: time mismatch %ud %ud\n", name, mtime, d.mtime)); if(uid != d.uid) warn(sys->sprint("%s: uid mismatch %s %s", name, uid, d.uid)); if(gid != d.gid) warn(sys->sprint("%s: gid mismatch %s %s", name, gid, d.gid)); } } extract(name: string, mode: int, mtime: int, uid: string, gid: string, bytes: int) { n: int; if(vflag) sys->print("x %s %d bytes\n", name, bytes); sfd := create(name, Sys->OWRITE, mode); if(sfd == nil) { if(!fflag || sys->remove(name) == -1 || (sfd = create(name, Sys->OWRITE, mode)) == nil) { warn(sys->sprint("can't make file %s: %r", name)); seekpast(bytes); return; } } b := bufio->fopen(sfd, Bufio->OWRITE); if (b == nil) { warn(sys->sprint("can't open file %s for bufio : %r", name)); seekpast(bytes); return; } buf := array [LEN] of byte; for(tot := 0; tot < bytes; tot += n){ n = len buf; if(tot + n > bytes) n = bytes - tot; n =, n); if(n <= 0) error(sys->sprint("premature eof reading %s", name)); if(b.write(buf, n) != n) warn(sys->sprint("error writing %s: %r", name)); } (i, d) := sys->fstat(b.fd); if(i < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't stat %s: %r", name)); (nil, p) := str->splitr(name, "/"); if(p == nil) p = name; = p; if(tflag) d.mtime = mtime; if(uflag){ d.uid = uid; d.gid = gid; d.mtime = mtime; } d.mode = mode; if(b.flush() == Bufio->ERROR) warn(sys->sprint("error writing %s: %r", name)); if(sys->fwstat(b.fd, d) < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't set modes for %s: %r", name)); if(uflag){ (i, d) = sys->fstat(b.fd); if(i < 0) warn(sys->sprint("can't reread modes for %s: %r", name)); if(d.mtime != mtime) warn(sys->sprint("%s: time mismatch %ud %ud\n", name, mtime, d.mtime)); if(d.uid != uid) warn(sys->sprint("%s: uid mismatch %s %s", name, uid, d.uid)); if(d.gid != gid) warn(sys->sprint("%s: gid mismatch %s %s", name, gid, d.gid)); } b.close(); } seekpast(bytes: int) { n: int; buf := array [LEN] of byte; for(tot := 0; tot < bytes; tot += n){ n = len buf; if(tot + n > bytes) n = bytes - tot; n =, n); if(n <= 0) error("premature eof"); } } error(s: string) { fprint(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv0, s); quit("error"); } warn(s: string) { fprint(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv0, s); } octal(i: int): string { s := ""; do { t: string; t[0] = '0' + (i&7); s = t+s; } while((i = (i>>3)&~(7<<29)) != 0); return s; } usage() { fprint(stderr, "Usage: mkext [-h] [-u] [-v] [-f] [-d dest-fs] [file ...]\n"); sys->raise("fail: usage"); } parent(name : string) : string { slash := -1; for (i := 0; i < len name; i++) if (name[i] == '/') slash = i; if (slash > 0) return name[0:slash]; return "/"; } create(name : string, rw : int, mode : int) : ref Sys->FD { fd := sys->create(name, rw, mode); if (fd == nil) { p := parent(name); (ok, d) := sys->stat(p); if (ok < 0) return nil; omode := d.mode; d.mode |= 8r222; if(sys->wstat(p, d) < 0) { warn(sys->sprint("can't set modes for %s: %r", p)); return nil; } fd = sys->create(name, rw, mode); d.mode = omode; sys->wstat(p, d); } return fd; }