implement B2U; include "b2u.m"; #include "b2u_lb.tbl"; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; char2byte : import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Translate Big 5 code array to Unicode array. # Input: bbuf: Big 5 code array. # n: size of input array. # Return: Unicode array #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bigbuf_ubuf( bbuf : array of byte, n :int): array of byte { ubuf_len: int; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; #ubuf := array[8192] of byte; if(n>16384) n=16384; if (n<8192) ubuf_len=n*2; else ubuf_len=24576; ubuf:=array[ubuf_len] of byte; j:=0; for(i:=0; ichar2byte(u,ubuf,j); i=i+2; j=j+l; } } return( ubuf[0:j]); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Translate Big 5 code text to Unicode text. # Input: bBig5Text: Big 5 code text. # iNum: size of input array. # Return: Unicode array #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big5ToUnicText ( bBig5Text: array of byte, iNum: int ): (int, array of int) { iUnicText := array [ iNum ] of int; i, j, iBig5, iUnic : int; i = 0; j = 0; while ( i < iNum ) { if ( bBig5Text [i] >= byte (16r80) ) { iBig5 = int (bBig5Text [i]); iBig5 <<= 8; iBig5 += int (bBig5Text [i + 1]); iUnicText [j] = Big5ToUnic ( iBig5 ); i += 2; ++j; } else { if ( bBig5Text [i] != byte (16r0d) ) { iUnicText [j] = int (bBig5Text [i]); ++j; } ++i; } } return (j, iUnicText); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Translate Big 5 code to Unicode. # Input: iBig5Code = Big 5 code. # Return: -1 => error. # 0 => No corresponding Unicode exist. # others => Unicode. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big5ToUnic ( iBig5Code : int ): int { bHigh: byte; bLow : byte; sys=load Sys Sys->PATH; b2utbl:=sys->open(B2UTAB,sys->OREAD); if(b2utbl==nil)sys->print("error open\n"); bHigh = byte (iBig5Code >> 8); bLow = byte (iBig5Code); if ( bHigh < byte (16r81) ) return -1; if ( bHigh > byte (16rFE) ) return -1; bHigh -= byte (16r81); if ( (bLow >= byte (16r40)) && (bLow <= byte (16r7E)) ) bLow -= byte (16r40); else if ( (bLow >= byte (16rA1)) && (bLow <= byte (16rFE)) ) bLow = bLow - byte (16rA1) + byte (63); else return -1; wordByte:=array[2] of byte; offset:=int (bHigh)*157*2+ int (bLow)*2; sys->seek(b2utbl,offset,sys->SEEKSTART); sys->read(b2utbl,wordByte,2); low:=int wordByte[0]; high:=int wordByte[1]<<8; #sys->print("low:%d,high:%d,num:%d\n",low,high,high+low); return (high+low); #return B2UTbl [ int (bHigh) * 157 + int (bLow) ]; }