implement WmGetauthinfo; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "security.m"; login: Login; ssl: SSL; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "string.m"; include "sh.m"; # # Tk version of getauthinfo command # WmGetauthinfo: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Wm: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; cfg := array[] of { "frame .all -borderwidth 2 -relief raised", "frame .u", "label .u.l -text {User } -anchor w", "entry .u.e", "pack .u.l .u.e -side left -in .u -expand 1", "bind .u.e {send cmd u}", "focus .u.e", "frame .p", "label .p.l -text {Password} -anchor w", "entry .p.e -show *", "pack .p.l .p.e -side left -in .p -expand 1", "bind .p.e {send cmd p}", "frame .s", "label .s.l -text {Signer } -anchor w", "entry .s.e", "pack .s.l .s.e -side left -in .s -expand 1", "bind .s.e {send cmd s}", "frame .f", "label .f.l -text {Save key} -anchor w", "entry .f.e", "pack .f.l .f.e -side left -in .f -expand 1", "bind .f.e {send cmd f}", "frame .b", "radiobutton .b.p -variable save -value p -anchor w -text '" + "Permanent", "radiobutton .b.t -variable save -value t -anchor w -text '" + "Temporary", "pack .b.p .b.t -side right -in .b -expand 1", ".b.p invoke", "pack .u .p .s .f .b -in .all", "pack .Wm_t .all -fill x -expand 1", "update" }; about : con "Generate keys and\n" + "request certificate for\n" + "mounting remote server"; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; str := load String String->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; wmlib->init(); (top, titlectl) := wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen, wmlib->geom(nil), "Service Signing Up", Wmlib->Help); wmlib->tkcmds(top, cfg); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(top, cmd, "cmd"); cs := load Command "/dis/lib/cs.dis"; if(cs == nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can not load /dis/lib/cs.dis", 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } login = load Login Login->PATH; if(login == nil || login->init() != nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can not load or init " + Login->PATH, 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } ssl = load SSL SSL->PATH; if(ssl == nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can not load " + SSL->PATH, 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } # push ssl, leave in clear mode for now if(sys->bind("#D", "/n/ssl", Sys->MREPL) < 0){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can not bind #D to /n/ssl", 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } # start interactive usr := user(); passwd := ""; signer := login->defaultsigner(); dir:= ""; file := "net!"; path := ""; tk->cmd(top, ".u.e insert end '" + usr); tk->cmd(top, ".s.e insert end '" + signer); tk->cmd(top, "update"); info : ref Keyring->Authinfo; for(;;){ alt { menu := <-titlectl => case (menu[0]) { 'e' => exit; 'h' => wmlib->dialog(top, "info -fg green", "About", about, 0, "OK"::nil); } wmlib->titlectl(top, menu); rdy := <-cmd => case (rdy[0]) { 'u' => usr = tk->cmd(top, ".u.e get"); if(usr == "") tk->cmd(top, "focus .u.e; update"); else { dir = "/usr/" + usr + "/keyring/"; path = dir + file; tk->cmd(top, ".f.e delete 0 end"); tk->cmd(top, ".f.e insert end '" + path); tk->cmd(top, "focus .p.e; update"); } continue; 'p' => passwd = tk->cmd(top, ".p.e get"); if(passwd == "") tk->cmd(top, "focus .p.e; update"); else tk->cmd(top, "focus .s.e; update"); continue; 's' => signer = tk->cmd(top, ".s.e get"); if(signer == "") tk->cmd(top, "focus .s.e"); else { file = "net!" + signer; path = dir + file; tk->cmd(top, ".f.e delete 0 end"); tk->cmd(top, ".f.e insert end " + path); tk->cmd(top, "focus .f.e; update"); } continue; 'f' => path = tk->cmd(top, ".f.e get"); if(path == "") { tk->cmd(top, "focus .f.e; update"); continue; } tk->cmd(top, "cursor -bitmap cursor.wait"); addr := "net!"+signer+"!inflogin"; (ok, lc) := sys->dial(addr, nil); tk->cmd(top, "cursor -default"); if(ok < 0){ wmlib->dialog(top, "warning -fg yellow", "Warning", "Server <" + addr + "> not found", 0, "Continue"::nil); tk->cmd(top, ".s.e delete 0 end"); tk->cmd(top, "focus .s.e"); continue; } (err, c) := ssl->connect(lc.dfd); if(c == nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Connection to SSL failed", 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } lc.dfd = nil; = nil; # client hello agf := "/licensedb/agreement.sig"; (c, err) = login->chello(usr, agf, c); if(err != nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", err, 0, "Exit"::nil); tk->cmd(top, ".u.e delete 0 end"); tk->cmd(top, "focus .u.e"); continue; } fd := sys->open(agf, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can not open " + agf + " for reading", 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } buf := array[16384] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Read " + agf + " failed", 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } # view agreement doc tk->cmd(top, "cursor -default"); spawn text(ctxt, "Agreement", buf, n); buf = nil; ans := wmlib->dialog(top, "info -fg green", "About Agreement", "By pressing Accept, you are\nbound to the Agreement", 0, "Accept" :: "Decline" :: nil); if(ans == 0){ kr->putstring(c.dfd, "agree"); } else { kr->putstring(c.dfd, "don't agree"); exit; } # start encrypt key exchange tk->cmd(top, "cursor -bitmap cursor.wait"); (info, err) = login->ckeyx(usr, passwd, c); tk->cmd(top, "cursor -default"); if(info == nil){ wmlib->dialog(top, "warning -fg yellow", "Warning", err, 0, "Continue"::nil); tk->cmd(top, ".p.e delete 0 end"); tk->cmd(top, "focus .p.e"); continue; } # save the info for later access save := tk->cmd(top, "variable save"); (dir, file) = str->splitr(path, "/"); if(save[0] == 't') spawn save2file(dir, file); tk->cmd(top, "cursor -default"); if(kr->writeauthinfo(path, info) < 0){ wmlib->dialog(top, "error -fg red", "Error", "Can't write to " + path, 0, "Exit"::nil); exit; } if(save[0] == 'p') wmlib->dialog(top, "info -fg green", "Notice", "Authentication information is\nsaved in file:\n" + path, 0, "OK"::nil); else wmlib->dialog(top, "info -fg green", "Notice", "Authentication information is\nheld in a temporary file:\n" + path, 0, "OK"::nil); return; } # end-case } # end-alt } # end-for } text_cfg := array[] of { "frame .ft -relief raised -bd 2", "text .ft.t -yscrollcommand {.ft.s set} -width 66w -height 18h", "scrollbar .ft.s -command {.ft.t yview}", "pack .ft.t .ft.s -side left -fill y", "pack .ft -fill x", "pack propagate . 0", "update", }; text(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, title: string, buf: array of byte, n: int) { (t, menubut) := wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen, "-x 5 -y 5", title, 0); cmd := chan of string; #tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); wmlib->tkcmds(t, text_cfg); tk->cmd(t, "focus .ft"); for(i := 0; i < n; i++) if(buf[i] == byte '\r') buf[i] = byte ' '; content := string buf[0:n]; tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t insert end '" + content); tk->cmd(t, "update"); for(;;){ menu := <-menubut; if(menu[0] == 'e') exit; wmlib->titlectl(t, menu); } } user(): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fd := sys->open("/dev/user", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; } save2file(dir, file: string) { if(sys->bind("#s", dir, Sys->MBEFORE) < 0) exit; fileio := sys->file2chan(dir, file); if(fileio != nil) exit; data: array of byte; off, nbytes, fid: int; rc: Sys->Rread; wc: Sys->Rwrite; infodata := array[0] of byte; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); for(;;) alt { (off, nbytes, fid, rc) = < => if(rc == nil) break; if(off > len infodata){ rc <-= (infodata[off:off], nil); } else { if(off + nbytes > len infodata) nbytes = len infodata - off; rc <-= (infodata[off:off+nbytes], nil); } (off, data, fid, wc) = <-fileio.write => if(wc == nil) break; if(off != len infodata){ wc <-= (0, "cannot be rewritten"); } else { nid := array[len infodata+len data] of byte; nid[0:] = infodata; nid[len infodata:] = data; infodata = nid; wc <-= (len data, nil); } data = nil; } }