implement Scribe; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Font, Black, Rect, Image, Point, Endsquare, Enddisc: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "papyrus.m"; papyrus: Papyrus; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; CON_Maxnpts: con 1000; Maxnhits: con 5; d : int = 0; # Debug flag: 0 - off, 1 - on Scribe: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; raiseit(tk: Tk, t: ref Toplevel, c: chan of int) { for(;;) alt { <- c => return; * => tk->cmd(t, "raise .; update"); sys->sleep(3000); } } display: ref Display; ones: ref Image; t: ref Toplevel; canvas: ref Image; canvrect: Rect; org: Point; font: ref Font; fg: ref Image; bg: ref Image; stderr: ref Sys->FD; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { pts:= array [CON_Maxnpts] of Papyrus->Point; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; papyrus = load Papyrus Papyrus->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); x, y, lastx, lasty: int; menubut: chan of string; wmlib->init(); (t, menubut) = wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen, nil, "Scribe", 0); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); tk->cmd(t, "canvas .c -height 100 -width 100 -background red"); tk->cmd(t, "frame .f"); tk->cmd(t, "pack .c .f -side top -fill x"); # tk->cmd(t, "bind .c { send cmd key %K}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1up %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1up %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1down %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1down %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1motion %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind .c {send cmd b1motion %x %y}"); tk->cmd(t, "bind . {send cmd resize}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); # Do all Papyrus stuff here if (papyrus->Init(Papyrus->English, Papyrus->AsIfKeyboard) != Papyrus->StatusSuccess) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Papyrus Init failed\n"); } display = ctxt.display; canvas = t.image; canvrect = canvposn(t); org = canvrect.min; ones = display.ones; font =, "*default*"); npts := 0; WasUp := 1; killchan := chan of int; spawn raiseit(tk, t, killchan); bg = display.newimage(((0,0),(1,1)), t.image.ldepth, 1, 207); fg = display.newimage(((0,0),(1,1)), t.image.ldepth, 1, Draw->Black); redraw(); for (;;) alt { menu := <-menubut => if(len menu > 0 && menu[0] == 'e') { killchan <-= 1; return; } wmlib->titlectl(t, menu); s := <-cmd => (n, cmdstr) := sys->tokenize(s, " \t\n"); case hd cmdstr { "quit" => exit; "b1up" => AllowedRanges := (Papyrus->CharRangeAny | Papyrus->SyntaxWord | Papyrus->SyntaxNumber | Papyrus->SyntaxInitialCap); pts[npts++] = (0, 0); if (d) sys->fprint(stderr, "npts = %d\n", npts); (nhits, Results) := papyrus->Recognize(pts[:npts], nil, AllowedRanges, Maxnhits); if (nhits > 0) { if(d) sys->fprint(stderr, "%s", string Results[0].Word[0]); } npts = 0; redraw(); WasUp = 1; "b1down" => tk->cmd(t, "raise ."); tk->cmd(t, "update"); redraw(); lastx = int hd tl cmdstr; lasty = int hd tl tl cmdstr; if(d) sys->fprint(stderr, "Point [%d %d]\n", lastx, lasty); canvas.line((lastx+org.x, lasty+org.y), (lastx+org.x, lasty+org.y), Draw->Enddisc, Draw->Endsquare, 1, fg, (0,0)); WasUp = 0; "b1motion" => if (WasUp == 1) { # tk->cmd(t, ".c delete all; update"); WasUp = 0; } x = int hd tl cmdstr; y = int hd tl tl cmdstr; if(d) sys->fprint(stderr, "Point [%d %d]\n", x, y); if (npts >= CON_Maxnpts) { npts = 0; # Silently clear } pts[npts++] = (x*4, y*4); canvas.line((lastx+org.x, lasty+org.y), (x+org.x, y+org.y), Draw->Endsquare, Draw->Endsquare, 1, fg, (0,0)); lastx = x; lasty = y; # "key" => # k := hd tl cmdstr; # sys->print("k=%s\n", k); # canvas.text(org, fg, (0,0), font, k); "resize" => canvas = t.image; canvrect = canvposn(t); org = canvrect.min; redraw(); } } } canvposn(t: ref Toplevel): Rect { r: Rect; r.min.x = int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -actx") + int tk->cmd(t, ".dx get"); r.min.y = int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -acty") + int tk->cmd(t, ".dy get"); r.max.x = r.min.x + int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -width") + int tk->cmd(t, ".dw get"); r.max.y = r.min.y + int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -height") + int tk->cmd(t, ".dh get"); return r; } redraw() { canvas.draw(canvrect, bg, ones, (0, 0)); astate := ref Papyrus->AllegroState; s := papyrus->GetAllegroState(astate); # sys->fprint(stderr, "as: %ux %ux %ux %ux\n", s, astate.Shift, # astate.Range, astate.ComposeLetter); str := string array[11] of {* => byte ' '}; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASShift) str[0] = '^'; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASCapsLock) str[2] = 'C'; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASSymbolShift) str[4] = 's'; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASMacro) str[6] = 'm'; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASCompose) str[8] = 'c'; if(astate.Shift & Papyrus->ASSpecial) str[10] = 'S'; canvas.text(org, fg, (0,0), font, str); str = string array[12] of {* => byte ' '}; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeLowerCase) str[0] = 'l'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeUpperCase) str[2] = 'u'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeDigit) str[4] = 'd'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangePunc) str[6] = 'p'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeAposHyphen) str[8] = 'a'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeMath) str[9] = 'm'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeCurrency) str[10] = 'c'; if(astate.Range & Papyrus->CharRangeSpecial) str[11] = 's'; canvas.text((canvrect.min.x, canvrect.max.y-font.height), fg, (0,0), font, str); }