#adapted from mailtool.b implement Pppcfg; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Screen, Display, Image, Context: import draw; #from logon ctxt: ref Context; #from logon include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import Bufio; include "cfgfile.m"; cfgfile: CfgFile; include "sh.m"; #from logon include "newns.m"; #from logon include "keyring.m"; #from logon include "security.m"; #from logon Wm: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Pppcfg: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; config_file: con "/services/ppp/pppconfig.txt"; tkcmds(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, a: array of string) { n := len a; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) v := tk->cmd(top, a[i]); } ppp_init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; cfgfile = load CfgFile CfgFile->PATH; if(sys == nil || draw == nil || tk == nil || bufio == nil || cfgfile == nil) return; (user, secret, phone, dns, proxy) := get_user_info(ctxt); t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, " -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.7.font" + " -borderwidth 2 -relief raised -x 145 -y 0"); main := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, main, "main"); for(;;) { tkcmds(t, mainpanel); tk->cmd(t, ".e.user configure -label {" + user + "}"); slabel: string; if(secret != nil) slabel = ""; else slabel = ""; tk->cmd(t, ".e.secret configure -label {" + slabel + "}"); tk->cmd(t, ".e.phone configure -label {" + phone + "}"); if(dns != nil) slabel = dns; else slabel = ""; tk->cmd(t, ".e.dns configure -label {" + slabel + "}"); if(proxy != nil) slabel = proxy; else slabel = ""; tk->cmd(t, ".e.proxy configure -label {" + slabel + "}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); s := <-main; case s { "config" => tk->cmd(t, ". unmap"); (user1, secret1, phone1, dns1, proxy1) := do_config(ctxt, user, secret, phone, dns, proxy); tk->cmd(t, ". map"); if(user1!=nil && secret1!=nil && phone1!=nil) { user = user1; secret = secret1; phone = phone1; dns = dns1; proxy = proxy1; } "dial" => tk->cmd(t, "cursor -bitmap cursor.wait"); tk->cmd(t, ". unmap"); ip := connect_ppp(user, secret, phone); tk->cmd(t, ". map"); tk->cmd(t, "cursor -default"); if(ip != nil) { notice(sys->sprint("Connected: local IP address is %s", ip)); return; } notice("Dial attempt unsuccessful"); } } } good_ip(ip: string): int { (nil, flds) := sys->tokenize(ip, "."); if(len flds != 4) return 0; for(;flds != nil; flds = tl flds) if(int hd flds <= 0 || int hd flds > 255) return 0; return 1; } dialpanel := array[] of { "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x ", "frame .f", "frame .p", "frame .t", "label .p.phone -bitmap {apps/spin00.bit}", "label .t.text -text {Initializing ...} -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "pack .p.phone", "pack .t.text", "pack .p .t -side left -in .f", "pack .f -padx 6 -pady 6", # ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised", "update", }; tkdialing := ".t.text configure -text {Dialing Service Provider ...}; update"; tkconnecting := ".t.text configure -text {Logging in ...}; update"; connect_ppp(user, secret, phone: string): string { if(user==nil || secret==nil || phone==nil) { return nil; } t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, " -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.7.font" + " -borderwidth 2 -relief raised -x 150 -y 50"); tkcmds(t, dialpanel); spinchan := chan of string; spawn spin(t, ".p.phone", spinchan); tk->cmd(t, tkdialing); ppp_str := sys->sprint("-t 200 -k %s!%s #t/eia1 %s", user, secret, phone); (nil, ppp_args) := sys->tokenize(ppp_str, " \t\r\n"); sh := load Command "/dis/svc/telcofs/pppclient.dis"; if(sh == nil) { spinchan <-= "done"; tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); notice("Internal error dialing service provider."); return nil; } sh->init(ctxt, "pppclient"::ppp_args); tk->cmd(t, tkconnecting); sys->sleep(5000); buf := array[1024] of byte; for(i:=20; i>0; --i) { if((ifd:=sys->open("/net/ipifc", Sys->OREAD)) == nil) { spinchan <-= "done"; tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); notice("Internal Error: Unable to open /net/ipifc"); return nil; } n := sys->read(ifd, buf, len buf); if(n < 1) { sys->sleep(1000); continue; } (nflds, flds) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], " \t\r\n"); if(nflds < 3) { sys->sleep(1000); continue; } ip := hd tl tl flds; if(good_ip(ip)) { spinchan <-= "done"; tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); return ip; } sys->sleep(1000); } spinchan <-= "done"; tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); notice("Connection failed."); return nil; } get_user_info(ctxt: ref Draw->Context): (string, string, string, string, string) { #load ppp info from file user, secret, phone, dns, proxy: string; (user, secret, phone) = load_config(config_file); dns = load_dns(); proxy = load_proxy(); #load dns info if (user != nil && secret != nil && phone != nil) return (user, secret, phone, dns, proxy); else return do_config(ctxt, user, secret, phone, dns, proxy); } load_config(fname: string): (string, string, string) { if( (sys == nil && (sys = load Sys Sys->PATH) == nil) || (bufio == nil && (bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH) == nil) ) return ("", "", ""); fd := sys->open(fname, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ("", "", ""); bfd := bufio->fopen(fd, Sys->OREAD); if(bfd == nil) return ("", "", ""); line, user, secret, phone: string; while((line = bufio->bfd.gett("\r\n")) != nil) { (nil, flds) := sys->tokenize(line, "\r\n"); if(flds == nil) break; line = hd flds; (nil, flds) = sys->tokenize(line, "="); if(flds == nil) break; case hd flds { "user" => if(user == nil && len flds > 1) user = hd tl flds; "secret" => if(secret == nil && len flds > 1) secret = hd tl flds; "phone" => if(phone == nil && len flds > 1) phone = hd tl flds; * => #ignore } } return (user, secret, phone); } save_config(fname, user, secret, phone, dns, proxy: string): int { save_dns(dns); save_proxy(proxy); if(sys == nil && (sys = load Sys Sys->PATH) == nil ) return 0; fd := sys->create(fname, Sys->OWRITE, 8r777); if(fd == nil) return 0; sys->fprint(fd, "user=%s\n", user); sys->fprint(fd, "secret=%s\n", secret); sys->fprint(fd, "phone=%s\n", phone); fd = nil; if(!sync()) return 0; return 1; } load_proxy(): string { proxy: string; cfg := cfgfile->init("/services/webget/config"); if(cfg == nil) return nil; vals := cfgfile->cfg.getcfg("httpproxy"); if(vals == nil) return nil; proxy = hd vals; if(proxy == "none") proxy = nil; return proxy; } save_proxy(proxy: string): int { cfg := cfgfile->init("/services/webget/config"); if(cfg == nil) return 0; if(proxy == nil) proxy = "none"; cfgfile->cfg.setcfg("httpproxy", proxy); cfgfile->cfg.flush(); if(!sync()) return 0; return 1; } load_dns(): string { if((bfd:=bufio->open("/services/dns/db", Sys->OREAD)) == nil) return nil; line := bufio->bfd.gett("\r\n"); if(line == nil) return nil; if(len line > 1) line = line[0:len line-1]; #get rid of \r else return nil; return line; } save_dns(dns: string): int { if(dns == nil) return 1; if((fd:=sys->open("/services/dns/db", Sys->ORDWR)) == nil) return 0; buf := array[1024] of byte; #save first 1K(!) of file n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); lines: list of string; if(n > 0) { #lines to be saved (nil, lines) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\r\n"); } l: list of string; for(; lines!=nil; lines = tl lines) if(hd lines != dns) l = hd lines :: l; for(lines = nil; l!=nil; l = tl l) lines = hd l :: lines; #replace first entry if(lines != nil) lines = dns :: tl lines; else lines = dns :: nil; sys->seek(fd, 0, Sys->SEEKSTART); for(; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) sys->fprint(fd, "%s\n", hd lines); fd = nil; return 1; } mainpanel := array[] of { "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x ", "frame .i", "frame .f", "frame .b", "frame .l", "frame .e", "label .i.instruct -bitmap {../logon.bit} -bd 1 -relief sunken", # "label .i.instruct -text {Welcome to Inferno} -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "pack .i.instruct -fill x", "label .l.user -text {Username:} -anchor e -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "label .l.secret -text {Password:} -anchor e -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "label .l.phone -text {Phone Number:} -anchor e -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "label .l.dns -text {DNS Address:} -anchor e -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "label .l.proxy -text {HTTP Proxy:} -anchor e -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "pack .l.user .l.secret .l.phone .l.dns .l.proxy -fill both -pady 3", "label .e.user", "label .e.secret", "label .e.phone", "label .e.dns", "label .e.proxy", "pack .e.user .e.secret .e.phone .e.dns .e.proxy -fill both -pady 4", "pack .l .e -side left -in .f", "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1 ", # "button .b.config -text {Configure} -width 10w -command {send main config}", # "button .b.dial -text {Dial} -width 10w -command {send main dial}", "button .b.config -bitmap {../register.bit} -command {send main config}", "button .b.dial -bitmap {../phone.bit} -command {send main dial}", "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.config -side right -padx 8", "pack .b.dial -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .i -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6", "pack .f -fill both -padx 6 -pady 6", "pack .b -fill x -padx 6", "focus .e.pop", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 320 -height 240", "update", }; #registration panel regpanel := array[] of { "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x ", "frame .i", "frame .f", "frame .b", "frame .l", "frame .e", "label .i.pic -bitmap {../register.bit}", "label .i.instruct -text {Please enter PPP configuration information.} -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.8.font", "pack .i.pic .i.instruct -fill x", "label .l.user -text {Username:} -anchor e", "label .l.secret -text {Password:} -anchor e", "label .l.phone -text {Phone Number:} -anchor e", "label .l.dns -text {DNS Address:} -anchor e", "label .l.proxy -text {HTTP Proxy:} -anchor e", "pack .l.user .l.secret .l.phone .l.dns .l.proxy -fill both -pady 4", "entry .e.user", "entry .e.secret -show *", "entry .e.phone", "entry .e.dns", "entry .e.proxy", "pack .e.user .e.secret .e.phone .e.dns .e.proxy -fill both", "bind .e.user {focus .e.secret}", "bind .e.secret {focus .e.phone}", "bind .e.phone {focus .e.dns}", "bind .e.dns {focus .e.proxy}", "bind .e.proxy {send reg ok}", "pack .l .e -side left -in .f", "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1 ", "button .b.cancel -text {Cancel} -width 10w -command {send reg cancel}", "button .b.save -text {Save} -width 10w -command {send reg save}", "button .b.ok -text {OK} -width 10w -command {send reg ok}", # "pack .b.ok .b.save .b.cancel -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.cancel -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.save -side right -padx 8", "pack .b.ok -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .i -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6", "pack .f -fill both -padx 6 -pady 6", "pack .b -fill x -padx 6", "focus .e.user", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 320 -height 240", "update", }; do_config(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, user, secret, phone, dns, proxy: string): (string, string, string, string, string) { t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, " -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.7.font" + " -borderwidth 2 -relief raised -x 150 -y 0"); reg := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, reg, "reg"); tkcmds(t, regpanel); #load current values into edit boxes tk->cmd(t, ".e.user insert 0 {" + user + "}"); tk->cmd(t, ".e.secret insert 0 {" + secret + "}"); tk->cmd(t, ".e.phone insert 0 {" + phone + "}"); tk->cmd(t, ".e.dns insert 0 {" + dns + "}"); tk->cmd(t, ".e.proxy insert 0 {" + proxy + "}"); user1, secret1, phone1, dns1, proxy1: string; FOR: for(;;) { tk->cmd(t, "update"); s := <-reg; if (s=="save" || s=="ok") { #should do error checking of entered values user1 = tk->cmd(t, ".e.user get"); secret1 = tk->cmd(t, ".e.secret get"); phone1 = tk->cmd(t, ".e.phone get"); dns1 = tk->cmd(t, ".e.dns get"); proxy1 = tk->cmd(t, ".e.proxy get"); if(user1 == nil) { notice("Blank username"); tk->cmd(t, "focus .e.user"); continue FOR; } else if(secret1 == nil) { notice("Blank password"); tk->cmd(t, "focus .e.secret"); continue FOR; } else if(phone1 == nil) { notice("Blank phone number"); tk->cmd(t, "focus .e.phone"); continue FOR; } if(s=="save") { if(!save_config(config_file, user1, secret1, phone1, dns1, proxy1)) notice(sys->sprint("Problem while saving:\n%r")); else notice("Information saved"); } else { #ok tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); return (user1, secret1, phone1, dns1, proxy1); } } else if(s=="cancel") return (user, secret, phone, dns, proxy); else return (user1, secret1, phone1, dns1, proxy1); #Why not? } } sync(): int { if((fd := sys->open("#Kcons/kfscons", Sys->OWRITE)) != nil) { sys->fprint(fd, "sync\n"); return 1; } return 0; } # # Logon program for Wm environment # kfd: ref Sys->FD; cfg := array[] of { "label .p -bitmap @/icons/logon.bit -borderwidth 2 -relief raised", "frame .l", "label .l.u -text {User Name:} -anchor w", "pack .l.u -fill x", "frame .e", "entry .e.u", "pack .e.u -fill x", "frame .f -borderwidth 2 -relief raised", "pack .l .e -side left -in .f", "pack .p .f -fill x", "bind .e.u {send cmd ok}", "focus .e.u" }; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); mfd := sys->open("/dev/pointer", sys->OREAD); if(mfd == nil) { sys->print("open: /dev/pointer: %r\n"); return; } ctxt = ref Context; ctxt.display = Display.allocate(nil); if(ctxt.display == nil) { sys->print("logon: can't initialize display: %r\n"); return; } disp := ctxt.display.image; ctxt.screen = Screen.allocate(disp, ctxt.display.rgb(161, 195, 209), 1); disp.draw(disp.r, ctxt.screen.fill, ctxt.display.ones, disp.r.min); spawn mouse(ctxt.screen, mfd); spawn keyboard(ctxt.screen); spid := string sys->pctl(0, nil); kfd = sys->open("#p/"+spid+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if(kfd == nil) { notice("error opening pid "+ spid+"\n"+ sys->sprint("%r")); } # t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, "-x 50 -y 50"); # # cmd := chan of string; # tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); # # for(i := 0; i < len cfg; i++) # tk->cmd(t, cfg[i]); # # err := tk->cmd(t, "variable lasterr"); # if(err != nil) # sys->print("logon: tk error: %s\n", err); ppp_init(ctxt, nil); logon("inferno"); # tk->cmd(t, "cursor -bitmap cursor.wait"); (ok, nil) := sys->stat("namespace"); if(ok >= 0) { ns := load Newns Newns->PATH; if(ns == nil) notice("Failed to load namespace builder"); else { nserr := ns->newns(nil, nil); if(nserr != nil) notice("Error in user namespace file:\n"+nserr); } } cs := load Command "/dis/lib/cs.dis"; if(cs == nil) notice("Failed to start connection server"); charon := load Wm "/dis/wm/chstart.dis"; if(charon == nil) notice("Failed to load web browser"); sys->fprint(kfd, "killgrp"); sys->pctl(sys->NEWFD, 0 :: 1 :: 2 :: nil); profile(ctxt); # tk->cmd(t, "cursor -default"); if(cs != nil) cs->init(nil, "cs"::nil); if(charon != nil) spawn charon->init(ctxt, "chstart"::nil); } profile(ctxt: ref Context) { (ok, nil) := sys->stat("profile"); if(ok < 0) return; sh := load Command "/dis/sh.dis"; if(sh == nil) { notice("Failed to execute profile\nshell not found"); return; } sh->init(ctxt, "/dis/sh.dis" :: "profile" :: nil); } logon(user: string): int { userdir := "/usr/"+user; if(sys->chdir(userdir) < 0) { notice("There is no home directory for \""+ user+"\"\nmounted on this machine"); return 0; } # # Set the user id # fd := sys->open("/dev/user", sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) { notice(sys->sprint("failed to open /dev/user: %r")); return 0; } b := array of byte user; if(sys->write(fd, b, len b) < 0) { notice("failed to write /dev/user\nwith error "+sys->sprint("%r")); return 0; } # license(user); return 1; } notecmd := array[] of { "frame .f", "label .f.l -bitmap error -foreground red", "button .b -text Continue -command {send cmd done}", "focus .f", "bind .f {send cmd done}", "pack .f.l .f.m -side left -expand 1 -padx 10 -pady 10", "pack .f .b -padx 10 -pady 10", "update; cursor -default" }; notice(message: string) { t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, "-x 70 -y 70 -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); tk->cmd(t, "label .f.m -text {"+message+"}"); for(i := 0; i < len notecmd; i++) tk->cmd(t, notecmd[i]); <-cmd; } mouse(s: ref Draw->Screen, fd: ref Sys->FD) { n := 0; buf := array[100] of byte; for(;;) { n = sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) break; if(int buf[0] == 'm' && n == 37) { x := int(string buf[ 1:13]); y := int(string buf[12:25]); b := int(string buf[24:37]); tk->mouse(s, x, y, b); } } } keyboard(s: ref Draw->Screen) { dfd := sys->open("/dev/keyboard", sys->OREAD); if(dfd == nil) return; b:= array[1] of byte; buf := array[10] of byte; i := 0; for(;;) { n := sys->read(dfd, buf[i:], len buf - i); if(n < 1) break; i += n; while(i >0 && (nutf := sys->utfbytes(buf, i)) > 0){ str := string buf[0:nutf]; tk->keyboard(s, int str[0]); buf[0:] = buf[nutf:i]; i -= nutf; } } } license(user: string) { host := rf("/dev/sysname"); uh := 0; for(i := 0; i < len user; i++) uh = uh*3 + user[i]; hh := 0; for(i = 0; i < len host; i++) hh = hh*3 + host[i]; path := sys->sprint("/licensedb/%.16bx", (big uh<<32)+big hh); (ok, nil) := sys->stat(path); if(ok >= 0) return; wm := load Wm "/dis/wm/license.dis"; if(wm == nil) return; wm->init(ctxt, "license.dis" :: nil); } rf(path: string) : string { fd := sys->open(path, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return "Anon"; buf := array[512] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return "Anon"; return string buf[0:n]; } spin(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, tkvar: string, spinchan: chan of string) { c := chan of int; spawn timer(25,c); tp := <- c; # Wait for exit while spinning frame := 1; for (;;) alt { menu := <- spinchan => { killspin(tp); tk->cmd(t, tkvar+" configure -bitmap apps/spin00.bit;update"); return; } <- c => { s := sys->sprint("%s configure -bitmap apps/spin%.2d.bit; update", tkvar, frame % 16); tk->cmd(t,s); ++frame; } } } killspin(pid:int) { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl",sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) return; sys->fprint(fd,"kill"); } timer(n: int, c: chan of int) { c <-= sys->pctl(0,nil); for (;;) { c <-= sys->pctl(0,nil); sys->sleep(n); } }