implement PPPClient; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD, Connection: import Sys; stderr, stdin: ref FD; dial, open, read, write, print, fprint, mount, tokenize, millisec: import sys; include "draw.m"; Context: import Draw; include "string.m"; str: String; include "telco.m"; telco: Telco; PPPClient: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string); }; Modem: adt { pid: int; fd: ref FD; avail: array of byte; rd: chan of array of byte; }; debug: int = 0; modem: ref Modem; argv0: con "pppclient"; usagestr: con "usage: pppclient [-d delim] [-b baud] [-t timeout] [-i myipaddr [-m myipmask [-p peeraddr]]] dialdevice telno [expect-send ...]"; delim: string = "-"; #expect-send delimiter baud: string; myipaddr: string = ""; myipmask: string = ""; peeraddr: string = ""; timeout: string = "20"; # expect sequence timeout dialdev: string; # serial device for telco telno: string; # phone number to dial conv: list of string; # expect-send sequence once connected maxmtu := "512"; secret: string; args(argl: list of string) { while(argl != nil) { s := hd argl; if(s[0] != '-') break; opt: for(i := 1; i < len s; i++) { case s[i] { 'v' => debug=1; 'b' or 'd' or 'i' or 'm' or 'p' or 't' or 'k' => arg := s[i+1:]; if(arg == nil) { argl = tl argl; if(argl != nil) { arg = hd argl; if(arg[0] == '-') usage(); } else usage(); } case s[i] { 'b' => baud = arg; 'd' => delim = arg; 'i' => myipaddr = arg; 'm' => myipmask = arg; 'p' => peeraddr = arg; 't' => timeout = arg; 'k' => secret = arg; } break opt; * => usage(); } } argl = tl argl; } if (len argl < 2) usage(); dialdev = hd argl; argl = tl argl; telno = hd argl; argl = tl argl; conv = argl; # peeradd, requires myipmask which requires myipaddr if (peeraddr != nil && myipmask == nil || myipmask != nil && myipaddr == nil) usage(); # accept a port number too case dialdev[0:1] { "0" to "9" => dialdev = "#t/eia" + dialdev; } } # # post-dial conversation session # session(fd: ref FD) { modem = ref Modem (0, fd, array[0] of byte, chan of array of byte); spawn monitor(modem); if (matchseq(modem, conv, int timeout) == 0) err("connection failed"); print("connection succeeded\n"); if ( != 0) killpid(; modem = nil; } init(nil: ref Context, argl: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); stdin = sys->fildes(0); str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) err("can't load " + String->PATH); telco = load Telco Telco->PATH; if (telco == nil) err("can't load " + Telco->PATH); if (len argl < 2) usage(); argl = tl argl; args(argl); a := dialdev :: nil; if (debug) a = "-d" :: a; e := telco->initr(a); if (e != nil) err(e); if (baud != nil) telno += "!"+baud; (ok, c) := dial("telco!"+telno, nil); if (ok < 0) err("can't dial telco!"+telno); print("dial succeeded\n"); if (conv != nil) session(c.dfd); print("configure PPP...\n"); fd := open("/net/ipifc", Sys->OWRITE); if (fd == nil) err("can't open /net/ipifc"); dialdev = fc(c.dir + "/local"); if (dialdev == nil) err("can't determine dial device"); ifc := "bind ppp " + dialdev; ifc += " " + myipaddr; ifc += " " + peeraddr; ifc += " " + maxmtu; ifc += " 1"; # framing if(secret != nil) ifc += " " + secret; if (fprint(fd, "%s", ifc) < 0) err("can't write /net/ipifc"); if (debug) print("%s -> /net/ipifc\n", ifc); fd = nil; telco->shutdown(); print("done\n"); } usage() { fprint(stderr, "%s\n", usagestr); exit; } err(msg: string) { fprint(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv0, msg); if (modem != nil) if ( != 0) killpid(; if (telco != nil) telco->shutdown(); exit; } # # Match a sequence of [expect]-[send] strings # either part may be omitted # matchseq(m: ref Modem, conv: list of string, tout: int): int { tend := millisec() + 1000*tout; while (conv != nil) { e, s: string = nil; p := hd conv; conv = tl conv; if (len p == 0) continue; if (p[0] == '-') { # just send if (len p == 1) continue; s = p[1:]; } else { (n, esl) := tokenize(p, delim); if (n > 0) { e = hd esl; esl = tl esl; if (n > 1) s = hd esl; } } if (e != nil) { if (match(m, special(e), tend-millisec()) == 0) { return 0; } #if(debug) #print("<-%s", e); } if (s != nil) send(m, special(s)); } return 1; } dumpa(a: array of byte): string { s := ""; for(i:=0; i= ' ' && b < 16r7f) s[len s] = b; else s += sys->sprint("\\%.2x", b); } return s; } # # Expand special control characters # special(s: string): string { r: string = ""; for(i:=0; i < len s; i++) { c := s[i]; if (c == '\\' && i+1 < len s) { c = s[++i]; case c { 't' => c = '\t'; 'n' => c = '\n'; 'r' => c = '\r'; 'b' => c = '\b'; 'a' => c = '\a'; 'v' => c = '\v'; '0' => c = '\0'; 'u' => if (i+4 < len s) { i++; (c, nil) = str->toint(s[i:i+4], 16); i+=3; } }; } r[len r] = c; } return r; } killpid(pid: int) { fd := sys->open("#p/"+(string pid)+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) return; sys->fprint(fd, "kill"); } send(m: ref Modem, x: string): int { #if(debug) #print("->%s", x); a := array of byte x; return write(m.fd, a, len a); } readline(fd: ref FD): string { l := array [128] of byte; nb := read(fd, l, len l); if(nb <= 1) return ""; return string l[0:nb-1]; } # # a process to read input from a modem. # monitor(m: ref Modem) { = sys->pctl(0, nil); a := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while((n := read(m.fd, a, len a)) > 0){ b := array[n] of byte; b[0:] = a[0:n]; m.rd <-= b; } if(n < 0) print("monitor: read error: %r\n"); else print("monitor: EOF\n"); m.rd <-= nil; } # # get bytes input by monitor() # getinput(m: ref Modem, n: int): array of byte { if(len m.avail == 0){ alt { a := <-m.rd => m.avail = a; if(a == nil) return nil; * => return nil; } } if(n > len m.avail) n = len m.avail; b := m.avail[0:n]; m.avail = m.avail[n:]; return b; } getc(m: ref Modem, timo: int): int { start := sys->millisec(); while(len (b := getinput(m, 1)) == 0) { if (timo && sys->millisec() > start+timo) return 0; sys->sleep(250); } return int b[0]; } match(m: ref Modem, s: string, timo: int): int { for(;;) { c := getc(m, timo); if(debug) print("%c", c); if (c == 0) return 0; head: while(c == s[0]) { i := 1; while(i < len s) { c = getc(m, timo); if(debug) sys->print("%c", c); if(c == 0) return 0; if(c != s[i]) continue head; i++; } return 1; } if(c == '~') return 1; # assume PPP for now } } fc(file: string): string { fd := open(file, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return nil; buf := array[32] of byte; n := read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 1) return nil; # we expect a newline (too) return string buf[0:n-1]; # ditto }