implement Mailtool_Tk; include "mailtool_tk.m"; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "tk.m"; include "gdispatch.m"; include "assclist.m"; include "mailtool_gui.m"; gui: Mailtool_GUI; include "compose.m"; compose:Compose; NEW,REPLY, REPLYALL,FORWARD,LITERAL:import compose; init() { if (gui==nil) { gui = load Mailtool_GUI Mailtool_GUI->PATH; gui->init(); } popupmsg = array[] of { "frame .f -borderwidth 2 -relief flat -padx 3 -pady 3", "frame .fbrdr", "pack .fbrdr -in .f", "frame .flabel", "frame .fbut", "pack .flabel -in .fbrdr", "pack .fbut -in .fbrdr -pady 5", "label .lbl", "button .ok -text {"+ gui->BUTTON_OK +"} -command {send popup OK}", "pack .lbl -side left -pady 10 -in .flabel", "pack .ok -side left -padx 5 -in .fbut", "pack .f", "focus .f", "update; cursor -default", }; # registration panel #regpanel = array[] of { # "frame .all", # "frame .i", # "frame .f", # "frame .b", # "frame .l", # "frame .e", # "label .i.instruct -text {"+gui->REG_TITLE + "} -font " + #gui->REG_FONT, # "pack .i.instruct -fill x", # "label .l.pop -text {"+gui->REG_POPSERVER+ "} -anchor e", # "label .l.smtp -text {"+gui->REG_SMTPSERVER+"} -anchor e", # "label .l.user -text {"+gui->REG_USERLOGIN+"} -anchor e", # "label .l.secret -text {"+gui->REG_PASSWORD+"} -anchor e", # "label .l.addr -text {"+gui->REG_EMAILADDRESS+"} -anchor e#", # "pack .l.pop .l.smtp .l.user .l.secret .l.addr -fill both #-pady 4", # "entry .e.pop", # "entry .e.smtp", # "entry .e.user", # "entry .e.secret -show *", # "entry .e.addr", # "pack .e.pop .e.smtp .e.user .e.secret .e.addr -fill both", # "pack .e.pop .e.smtp .e.user .e.secret .e.addr -fill both"#, # # "bind .e.pop {send focuchan focus %W}", # "bind .e.pop {send entychan {%A}}", # "bind .e.pop {focus .e.smtp}", # "bind .e.pop {focus .e.smtp}", # "bind .e.smtp {send focuchan focus %W}", # "bind .e.smtp {send entychan {%A}}", # "bind .e.smtp {focus .e.user}", # "bind .e.smtp {focus .e.user}",# # # "bind .e.user {send focuchan focus %W}", # "bind .e.user {send entychan {%A}}", # "bind .e.user {focus .e.secret}", # "bind .e.user {focus .e.secret}", # "bind .e.secret {send focuchan focus %W}", # "bind .e.secret {send entychan {%A}}", # "bind .e.secret {focus .e.addr}", # "bind .e.secret {focus .e.addr}", # "bind .e.addr {send focuchan focus %W}", # "bind .e.addr {send entychan {%A}}", # "bind .e.addr {focus .e.pop}", # "bind .e.addr {focus .f.e.pop}", # #"pack .e.pop .e.smtp .e.user .e.secret .e.addr -fill both"#, # # "pack .l .e -side left -in .f", # "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1 ", # "button .b.quit -text {"+gui->REG_NOCHANGE+"} -width 20w -#command {send reg quit}", # "button -text {"+gui->REG_SAVE+"} -width 10w -comm#and {send reg save}", # "button .b.ok -text {"+gui->REG_OK+"} -width 10w -command #{send reg ok}", # # "pack .b.default.ok .b.quit -side right -padx 8 -an#chor e", # "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 8 -ahchor e", # "pack .b.quit -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", # "pack -side right -padx 8", # "pack .b.ok -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", # "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 8 -anchor e", # "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x ", # "pack .all", # "pack .i -fill x -padx 6 -pady 26 -in .all -side top", # "pack .f -fill both -padx 6 -pady 6 -in .all -side top", # "pack .b -fill x -padx 6 -in .all -side top", # "pack propagate . no ", # "focus .e.pop", # ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised", # ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 320 -height 240", # "update", #}; # server options panel svrpanel = array[] of { "frame .o -bd 1 -relief groove", "frame .i -bd 1 -relief groove", "frame .b -bd 1 -relief groove", "label .o.hdr -text {"+gui->SVR_OUTGOING+"} -font "+gui->SVR_FONT, "label .smtp_lbl -text {"+gui->SVR_SMTPSERVER+"}", "entry .smtp_entry -width 22w", "pack .o.hdr -pady 2 -anchor w", "pack .smtp_lbl -in .o -side left -pady 2 -anchor e", "pack .smtp_entry -in .o -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1", "bind .smtp_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .smtp_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .smtp_entry {focus .pop_entry}", "bind .smtp_entry {focus .pop_entry}", "frame .i.txt", "label .i.hdr -text {"+gui->SVR_INCOMING+"} -font "+ gui->SVR_FONT, "label .pop_lbl -text {"+gui->SVR_POPSERVER+"}", "entry .pop_entry -width 22w", "pack .i.hdr -pady 2 -anchor w", "pack .i.txt -fill x", "pack .pop_lbl -in .i.txt -side left -pady 2 -anchor e", "pack .pop_entry -in .i.txt -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1", ############## #"bind .smtp_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", #"bind .smtp_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .pop_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .pop_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .pop_entry {focus .smtp_entry}", "bind .pop_entry {focus .smtp_entry}", ################ "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1", "button .b.cancel -text {Cancel} -width 8w -command {send svr cancel}", "button .b.ok -text {OK} -width 8w -command {send svr ok}", "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 4 -anchor e", "pack .b.cancel -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.ok -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", # "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x", "pack .o .i .b -fill x", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 640 -height 420", }; # user options panel usrpanel = array[] of { "frame .o -bd 1 -relief groove", "frame .i -bd 1 -relief groove", "frame .b -bd 1 -relief groove", "label .o.hdr -text {"+gui->USR_OUTGOING+"} -font "+gui->USR_FONT, "label .addr_lbl -text {"+gui->USR_EMAILADDRESS+"}", "entry .addr_entry -width 25w", "pack .o.hdr -pady 2 -anchor w", "pack .addr_entry -in .o -side right -anchor e -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1", "pack .addr_lbl -in .o -pady 2 -side right -anchor e", "bind .addr_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .addr_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .addr_entry {focus .uid_entry}", "bind .addr_entry {focus .uid_entry}", "frame .i.txt", "frame .i.pwd", "label .i.hdr -text {"+gui->USR_INCOMING+"} -font "+gui->USR_FONT, "label .uid_lbl -text {"+gui->USR_USERLOGIN+"}", "entry .uid_entry -width 25w", "pack .i.hdr -pady 2 -anchor w", "pack .i.txt .i.pwd -anchor e", "pack .uid_entry -in .i.txt -side right -anchor e -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1", "pack .uid_lbl -in .i.txt -pady 2 -side right -anchor e", "bind .uid_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .uid_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .uid_entry {focus .pwd_entry}", "bind .uid_entry {focus .pwd_entry}", "label .pwd_lbl -text {"+gui->USR_PASSWORD+"}", "entry .pwd_entry -show * -width 25w", "pack .pwd_entry -in .i.pwd -side right -anchor e -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1", "pack .pwd_lbl -in .i.pwd -pady 2 -side right -anchor e", #"bind .pwd_entry {focus .addr_entry}", ############# #"bind .addr_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", #"bind .addr_entry {send entychan {%A}}", #"bind .uid_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", #"bind .uid_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .pwd_entry {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .pwd_entry {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .pwd_entry {focus .addr_entry}", "bind .pwd_entry {focus .addr_entry}", ###########3333 "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1", #"frame .b.default1 -re "button -text {"+gui->USR_SAVE+"} -width 8w -command {send cmd saveopts}", "button .b.cancel -text {"+gui->USR_CANCEL+" -width 8w -command {send usr cancel}", "button .b.ok -text {"+gui->USR_OK+"} -width 8w -command {send usr ok}", "pack .b.default -side left -padx 8 -pady 4 -anchor e", "pack .b.cancel -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.ok -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x", "pack .o .i .b -fill x", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 320 -height 240", }; # folder listing dialog box main_foldertab = array[] of { "frame .names", "scrollbar .names.s -command '.names.p yview", "listbox .names.p -width 20w -yscrollcommand '.names.s set", "bind .names.p 'send chn doubleclick", "bind .names.p 'send chn buttonup", "pack .names.s -side right -fill y", "pack .names.p -fill both -expand 1", "frame .buts", "button .buts.cancel -text {"+gui->FOLDER_CANCEL+"} -command 'send chn cancel", "button .buts.ok -text {"+gui->FOLDER_OK+"} -state disabled -command 'send chn ok", "pack .buts.cancel .buts.ok -expand 1 -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x", "pack .buts -side bottom -fill x", "pack .names -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", "focus .names.p", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 150 -height 200", "update" }; composcreen = array[] of { "frame .bar ", "frame .mbar -bd 2 ", "frame .bbar ", "frame .hdr ", "frame .body ", "frame .stat ", # menu bar "menubutton .mbar.msg -text {" + gui->Message2 + "} -underline 0 -menu", "menubutton .mbar.edit -text {" + gui->Edit + "} -underline 0 -menu", "pack .mbar.msg .mbar.edit -side left", # message menu "menu ", " add command -label {"+ gui->Deliver + "} -underline 0 -command {send cmd deliver}", " add command -label {"+ gui->Adcc +"} -underline 4 -command {send cmd addcc}", " add separator", " add command -label {"+ gui->Keyboard1 +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd keyboard}", " add separator", " add command -label {" + gui->Cancel +"} -underline 4 -command {send cmd cancel}", # edit menu "menu ", " add command -label {" + gui->Cut + "} -underline 2 -state disabled -command {send cmd cut}", " add command -label {" + gui->Copy +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd copy}", " add command -label {" + gui->Paste +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd paste}", " add command -label {" + gui->SelectA +"} -underline 7 -state disabled -command {send cmd alltext}", # address menu #"menu", #" add command -label {Add Recipient(s)} -underline 4 -command {send cmd addsender}", #" add command -label {Add All} -underline 4 -command {send cmd addall}", #" add command -label {Open...} -underline 0 -command {send cmd openaddress}", # toolbar buttons "button .bbar.quote -text {" + gui->Quote +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd quote}", "button .bbar.kbrd -text {" + gui->Keyboard1 +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd keyboard}", "button .bbar.deliver -text {" + gui->Deliver +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd deliver}", "button -text {" + gui->Cc +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd addcc}", "button .bbar.cancel -text {" + gui->Cancel +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd cancel}", "label .bbar.empty -text {} -width 30", "pack .bbar.empty .bbar.cancel .bbar.deliver .bbar.kbrd -side right -fill y", "bind .bbar.quote +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->quote_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.kbrd +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->keyboard_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.deliver +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->deliver_help+"}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->cc_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.attach +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->attach_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.cancel +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->cancel_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.quote +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.kbrd +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.deliver +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.cancel +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", # header entry "frame .hdr.l ", "frame .hdr.e ", "label -text {" + gui->Mailto +"} -font "+gui->COMPOSE_MAILTO_FONT, "label -text {" + gui->Subject +"} -font "+gui->COMPOSE_SUBJECT_FONT, "label -text {"+ gui->MailCC + "} -font "+gui->COMPOSE_MAILCC_FONT, "pack -fill y -expand 1", "entry -background white -height 20", "entry -background white -height 20", "entry -background white -height 20", "entry .hdr.e.att -height 20", "pack -fill x -expand 1", "pack .hdr.l -side left -fill y", "pack .hdr.e -side left -fill x -expand 1", "bind {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind {send keys {%A}}", "bind {focus}", "bind {focus}", "bind {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind {send keys {%A}}", "bind {focus .body.t}", "bind {focus .body.t}", "bind {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind {send keys {%A}}", "bind {focus .body.t}", "bind {focus .body.t}", "bind .hdr.e.att {focus .body.t}", "bind .hdr.e.att {focus .body.t}", # message text "scrollbar .body.scroll -command {.body.t yview} ", "scrollbar .body.scroll2 -orient horizontal -command {.body.t xview} ", "text .body.t -background white -tabs {1c} -wrap word -yscrollcommand {.body.scroll set} -xscrollcommand {.body.scroll2 set}", #"text .body.t -background white -tabs {1c} -wrap word -yscrollcommand {.body.scroll set}", "pack .body.scroll -side right -fill y", "pack .body.scroll2 -side bottom -fill x", "pack .body.t -side left -expand 1 -fill both", "bind .body.t {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .body.t {send key4s {%A}}", # status line "label .stat.helpline -text {} -font "+gui->COMPOSE_HELP_FONT+" -height 1h -fg black", "pack .stat.helpline -side left", # toplevel "pack propagate . no ", "pack .bbar -in .bar -side right -pady 2 -padx 6", "pack .mbar -in .bar -side left -pady 2 -fill both -expand 1", "pack .bar -side top -fill x", "pack .hdr -side top -fill x -anchor w -padx 5", "pack .stat -side bottom -fill x", "pack .body -fill both -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5", #"pack propagate . no", "focus", # tag for quoted messages ".body.t tag configure fwdtag -fg #006000 " + "-font "+gui->QUOTE_FONT, }; initscreen = array[] of { "frame .mbar -bd 2 ", "frame .bbar ", "frame .bbar.msg ", "frame .listing ", "frame .stat ", # menu bar "menubutton .mbar.file -text {"+ gui->fi+"} -underline 0 -menu", "menubutton .mbar.msg -text {" + gui->Message2 +"} -underline 0 -menu", "menubutton .mbar.hdr -text {"+ gui->headers1 +"} -underline 0 -menu", #"menubutton .mbar.address -text Addresses -underline 0 -state disabled -menu", "menubutton .mbar.option -text {" + gui->options +"} -underline 0 -menu", "pack .mbar.file .mbar.msg .mbar.hdr .mbar.option -side left", #"pack .mbar.file .mbar.msg .mbar.address .mbar.option -side left", # file menu "menu ", " add command -label {" + gui->Check_mail +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd connect}", " add command -label {"+ gui->Exit +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd exitfile}", # message menu "menu ", " add command -label {"+ gui->Next +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd nextmsg}", " add command -label {"+ gui->Previous +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd prevmsg}", " add separator", " add command -label {" + gui->Composedot +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd newmsg}", #" add command -label {" + Savedot +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd savemsg}", #" add command -label {" + Delete +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd deletemsg}", # headers menu "menu ", " add command -label {"+ gui->Previous +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd prevhdrs}", " add command -label {"+ gui->Next +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send cmd nexthdrs}", #option menu "menu ", #" add command -label {"+ gui->Serverdot +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd serveropts}", #" add command -label {User...} -underline 0 -command {send cmd useropts}", #" add separator", " add command -label {" + gui->options +"} -underline 0 -command {send cmd saveopts}", # "image create bitmap mail -file " + IMPATH + "email.bit -maskfile + IMPATH + "email.bit", "image create bitmap delet -file " + gui->IMPATH + "trash.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "trash.bit", "image create bitmap new -file " + gui->IMPATH + "new.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "new.bit", "image create bitmap check -file " + gui->IMPATH + "mail_in.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "mail_in.bit", "image create bitmap bpre -file " + gui->IMPATH + "down.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "down.bit", "image create bitmap bnext -file " + gui->IMPATH + "up.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "up.bit", "image create bitmap clos -file " + gui->IMPATH + "stop.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "stop.bit", # toolbar buttons "button .bbar.msg.file -text { }", "button .bbar.msg.pre -text {Prev} -bd 0 -command {send cmd prevhdrs}", "button -text {Next} -bd 0 -command {send cmd nexthdrs}", "button .bbar.msg.connect -text {"+ gui->Check_mail+"} -bd 2 -state disabled -command {send cmd connect}", "button .bbar.msg.compose -text {"+ gui->New +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd newmsg}", # "button -text {{"+Save+"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd savemsg} -state disabled", "button .bbar.msg.delete -text {delete} -bd 2 -command {send cmd deletemsg} -state disabled", "button .bbar.msg.close -text {"+ gui->Close +"} -bd 2 -command {send cmd exitfile}", ########### # "image create bitmap delet -file " + IMPATH + "delete.bit -maskfile " + IMPATH + "delete.bit", ".bbar.msg.delete configure -image delet", ".bbar.msg.compose configure -image new", ".bbar.msg.connect configure -image check", ".bbar.msg.pre configure -image bnext", " configure -image bpre", ".bbar.msg.close configure -image clos", "pack .bbar.msg.pre .bbar.msg.connect .bbar.msg.compose .bbar.msg.delete .bbar.msg.close -side left -fill y", # "pack .bbar.msg.connect .bbar.msg.sendmail .bbar.msg.compose .bbar.msg.delete -side left -fill y", ########## #"pack .bbar.msg.connect .bbar.msg.compose .bbar.msg.delete -side left -fill y", "pack .bbar.msg -side left -fill y -padx 6 -pady 2", # "pack .bbar.file -side left -fill both -expand yes", # "bind .bbar.file +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->file_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.connect +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->connect_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.compose +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->new_help+"}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->savesel_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.delete +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->delsel_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.file +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.connect +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.compose +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.delete +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", # message headers "scrollbar .listing.s -command {.listing.p yview}", "scrollbar .listing.h -orient horizontal -command {.listing.p xview}", "listbox .listing.p -width 90w -font "+gui->MAIN_LISTBOX_FONT+" -xscrollcommand {.listing.h set} -yscrollcommand {.listing.s set}", "bind .listing.p + {send cmd select}", "bind .listing.p {%W tkListbButton1P %y}", "pack .listing.s -side right -fill y", "pack .listing.h -side bottom -fill x", "pack .listing.p -fill both -expand 1", # status line "label .stat.newmail -text {} -font "+gui->MAIN_STATUS_NEWMAIL_FONT, #/fonts/lucidasans/latin1.6.font -fg red -height 1h", "label .stat.helpline -text {ready} "+gui->MAIN_STATUS_HELP_FONT, #-font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.6.font -fg black -height 1h", "pack .stat.newmail -side right", "pack .stat.helpline -side left", # toplevel "pack propagate . no ", "pack .mbar -side top -fill x", "pack .bbar -side top -fill x -pady 2", "pack .stat -side bottom -fill x", "pack .listing -side top -fill both -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5", #"pack propagate . no ", "focus .listing.p", "update", }; msgscreen = array[] of { "frame .mbar -bd 2 ", "frame .bbar ", "frame .bbar.go ", "frame .bbar.compose ", "frame .bbar.msg ", "frame .body ", "frame .stat ", "image create bitmap delet -file " + gui->IMPATH + "trash.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "trash.bit", "image create bitmap new -file " + gui->IMPATH + "new.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "new.bit", "image create bitmap save -file " + gui->IMPATH + "cd.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "cd.bit", "image create bitmap pre -file small_color_left.bit -maskfile small_color_left.bit", "image create bitmap next -file small_color_right.bit -maskfile small_color_right.bit", "image create bitmap clos -file " + gui->IMPATH + "stop.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "stop.bit", "image create bitmap forward -file " + gui->IMPATH + "forward.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "forward.bit", "image create bitmap show -file " + gui->IMPATH + "show.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "show.bit", "image create bitmap reply -file " + gui->IMPATH + "reply.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "reply.bit", "image create bitmap replyall -file " + gui->IMPATH + "replyall.bit -maskfile " + gui->IMPATH + "replyall.bit", # menu bar "menubutton .mbar.msg -text {"+ gui->Message2 +"} -underline 0 -menu", "menubutton .mbar.edit -text {" + gui->Edit + "} -underline 0 -menu", "menubutton .mbar.compose -text {" + gui->Composem +"} -underline 0 -menu", #"menubutton .mbar.address -text Addresses -underline 0 -menu", #"pack .mbar.msg .mbar.edit .mbar.compose .mbar.address -side left", "pack .mbar.msg .mbar.edit .mbar.compose -side left", # message menu "menu ", " add command -label {" + gui->Next +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send msg nextmsg}", " add command -label {"+ gui->Previous +"} -underline 0 -state disabled -command {send msg prevmsg}", " add separator", " add command -label {" +gui->Show_Head +"} -underline 12 -command {send msg show_header}", " add command -label {" + gui->Savedot +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg savemsg}", " add command -label {" + gui->Delete +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg deletemsg}", " add separator", " add command -label {" + gui->Close +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg closemsg}", # edit menu "menu ", " add command -label {" + gui->Copy +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg copy}", " add command -label {" +gui->Select_all +"} -underline 7 -command {send msg alltext}", # compose menu "menu ", " add command -label {"+ gui->Newdot +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg newmsg}", " add command -label {" + gui->Reply_to_Sdot + "} -underline 0 -command {send msg compose "+string REPLY+"}", " add command -label {" + gui->Reply_to_Adot +"} -underline 9 -command {send msg compose "+string REPLYALL+"}", " add command -label {" + gui->Forwarddot +"} -underline 0 -command {send msg compose "+string FORWARD+"}", # address menu #"menu", #" add command -label {Add Sender} -underline 4 -command {send msg addsender}", #" add command -label {Add All} -underline 4 -command {send msg addall}", #" add command -label {Open...} -underline 0 -command {send msg openaddress}", #toolbar buttons "button .bbar.go.prev -text {" + gui->Prev +"} -bd 2 -state disabled -command {send msg prevmsg}", "button -text {" + gui->Next + "} -bd 2 -state disabled -command {send msg nextmsg}", "button -text {" + gui->New +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg newmsg}", "button .bbar.compose.reply -text {" + gui->Re +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg compose "+string REPLY+"}", "button .bbar.compose.replyall -text {" + gui->All + "} -bd 2 -command {send msg compose "+string REPLYALL+"}", "button .bbar.compose.forward -text {" + gui->Fwd +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg compose "+string FORWARD+"}", "button .bbar.msg.header -text {" + gui->Show +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg show_header}", "button -text {"+ gui->Save +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg savemsg}", "button .bbar.msg.delete -text {"+ gui->Delete +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg deletemsg}", ############## "button .bbar.msg.close -text {"+ gui->Close +"} -bd 2 -command {send msg closemsg}", ############ ".bbar.msg.delete configure -image delet", " configure -image new", ".bbar.compose.reply configure -image reply", ".bbar.go.prev configure -image pre", " configure -image next", ".bbar.msg.close configure -image clos", ".bbar.compose.replyall configure -image replyall", ".bbar.compose.forward configure -image forward", ".bbar.msg.header configure -image show", " configure -image save", "pack .bbar.go.prev -side left -fill y", "pack .bbar.compose.reply .bbar.compose.replyall .bbar.compose.forward -side left -fill y", "pack .bbar.msg.header .bbar.msg.delete .bbar.msg.close -side left -fill y", # "pack .bbar.msg.header .bbar.msg.delete .bbar.msg.close -side left -fill y", "pack .bbar.go -side left -padx 6 -fill y", "pack .bbar.compose -side left -padx 6 -fill y", "pack .bbar.msg -side left -padx 6 -fill y", "bind .bbar.go.prev +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->prev_help+"}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->next_help+"}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->new_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.reply +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->reply_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.replyall +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->all_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.forward +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->fwd_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.header +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->head_help+"}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->save_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.delete +{.stat.helpline configure -text {"+gui->del_help+"}; update}", "bind .bbar.go.prev +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.reply +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.replyall +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.compose.forward +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.header +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", "bind .bbar.msg.delete +{.stat.helpline configure -text {}; update}", # message text "scrollbar .body.scroll -command {.body.t yview}", "text .body.t -state disabled -yscrollcommand {.body.scroll set}", #"text .body.t -state disabled -wrap word -yscrollcommand {.body.scroll set}", "pack .body.scroll -side right -fill y", "pack .body.t -side left -expand 1 -fill both", # status line "label .stat.newmail -text {} -font "+gui->MESSAGE_HELP_FONT+" -fg red -height 1h", "label .stat.helpline -text {} -font "+gui->MESSAGE_HELP_FONT+" -fg black -height 1h", "pack .stat.newmail -side right", "pack .stat.helpline -side left", # toplevel "pack propagate . no ", "pack .mbar -side top -fill x", "pack .bbar -side top -fill x -pady 2", "pack .stat -side bottom -fill x", "pack .body -expand 1 -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5", #"pack propagate . no ", "focus .body.t", }; foldertab = array[] of { "frame .brder -bg black", "frame .buts", #"label .buts.lbl -text {Operation in Progress} -font /fonts/lucidasans/latin1.7.font", "label .buts.lbl -text {"+gui->OPERATION_PROGRESS+"} -font "+gui->OPERATION_FONT, "button .buts.cancel -text {"+gui->OPERATION_CANCEL+"} -fg red -command 'send chn cancel", "pack .buts.lbl -expand 1 -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .buts.cancel -expand 1 -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x", "pack .brder -side bottom -fill x", "pack .buts -in .brder -side bottom -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2", "pack propagate . 0", "pack propagate . 0", #+++++ ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised", "update" }; mailtool_notecmd = array[] of { "frame .f", "button .b -text "+gui->DIALOG_MSG_OK+" -command {send popup OK}", "focus .f", "bind .f {send popup OK}", "pack .f.m -side left -expand 1 -padx 10 -pady 10", "pack .f .b -padx 10 -pady 10", "update; cursor -default" }; regpanel = array[] of { "frame .i ", "frame .f", "frame .b", "frame .f.l", "frame .f.e", "label .i.instruct -text {"+gui->REG_TITLE + "} -font " + gui->REG_FONT, "pack .i.instruct -fill x", "label .f.l.pop -text {"+gui->REG_POPSERVER+ "} -anchor e", "label .f.l.smtp -text {"+gui->REG_SMTPSERVER+"} -anchor e", "label .f.l.user -text {"+gui->REG_USERLOGIN+"} -anchor e", "label .f.l.secret -text {"+gui->REG_PASSWORD+"} -anchor e", "label .f.l.addr -text {"+gui->REG_EMAILADDRESS+"} -anchor e", "pack .f.l.pop .f.l.smtp .f.l.user .f.l.secret .f.l.addr -fill both -pady 4", "entry .f.e.pop", "entry .f.e.smtp", "entry .f.e.user", "entry .f.e.secret -show *", "entry .f.e.addr", "pack .f.e.pop .f.e.smtp .f.e.user .f.e.secret .f.e.addr -fill both", #"pack .e.pop .e.smtp .e.user .e.secret .e.addr -fill both", "bind .f.e.pop {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .f.e.pop {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .f.e.pop {focus .f.e.smtp}", "bind .f.e.pop {focus .f.e.smtp}", "bind .f.e.smtp {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .f.e.smtp {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .f.e.smtp {focus .f.e.user}", "bind .f.e.smtp {focus .f.e.user}", "bind .f.e.user {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .f.e.user {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .f.e.user {focus .f.e.secret}", "bind .f.e.user {focus .f.e.secret}", "bind .f.e.secret {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .f.e.secret {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .f.e.secret {focus .f.e.addr}", "bind .f.e.secret {focus .f.e.addr}", "bind .f.e.addr {send focuchan focus %W}", "bind .f.e.addr {send entychan {%A}}", "bind .f.e.addr {focus .f.e.pop}", "bind .f.e.addr {focus .f.e.pop}", #"pack .e.pop .e.smtp .e.user .e.secret .e.addr -fill both", "pack .f.l .f.e -side left -in .f", "frame .b.default -relief sunken -bd 1 ", "button .b.quit -text {"+gui->REG_NOCHANGE+"} -width 20w -command {send reg quit}", "button -text {"+gui->REG_SAVE+"} -width 10w -command {send reg save}", "button .b.default.ok -text {"+gui->REG_OK+"} -width 10w -command {send reg ok}", # "pack .b.default.ok .b.quit -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack .b.quit -side right -padx 8 -anchor e", "pack -side right -padx 8", "pack .b.default.ok -in .b.default -side right -padx 4 -pady 4", "pack .b.default -side right -padx 8 -pady 8 -anchor e", # "pack .Wm_t -side top -fill x ", #"pack .all", "pack .i -fill x -padx 6 -pady 26 -side top", "pack .f -fill both -padx 6 -pady 6 -side top", "pack .b -fill x -padx 6 -side top", "pack propagate . no ", "focus .e.pop", ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised", # ". configure -bd 1 -relief raised -width 320 -height 240", "update", }; }