implement Wmset; Mod : con "wmset"; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw : Draw; Image : import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "sh.m"; include "wm.m"; wm: Wm; wms: Wms; wmdialog, execlist, menu_config, Icon, icons, screen, geom, applinit : import wm; include "wmset.m"; ToolHeight: con 48; Maxsetup: con 2048; top: ref Tk->Toplevel; # # Implement Wmset API - Wm extension # menu_orig : array of string; initme(me : Wm, s : Sys, d : Draw, t : Tk, w : Wmlib) : Wms { if (wm != nil) return wms; wm = me; sys = s; draw = d; tk = t; wmlib = w; execlist = nil; CmdTable = nil; wms = load Wms SELF; return wms; } readsetup(t: ref Tk->Toplevel) { top = t; resetmenu(t); drawmenuhead(t); file := "wmset"; (ok, dir) := sys->stat(file); files : list of string; if (ok >= 0) { if (dir.mode & sys->CHDIR) files = listfiles(file); else files = file :: nil; } else files = "wmsetup" :: nil; for(; files != nil; files = tl files) { file = hd files; #sys->print("file=%s\n", file); if (file[len file -1] != '~') readsetfile(t, file); } drawmenutail(t); } include "rtoken.m"; rt : Rtoken; Id, readtoken : import rt; readsetfile(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, file : string) { fd := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) return; if (rt == nil) { rt = load Rtoken Rtoken->PATH; if (rt == nil) {sys->print(Mod+": error loading %s %r\n", Rtoken->PATH); return;} } id := rt->id(); tokens := ":"; delim := "\r\n"; max := Maxsetup; for(i := 0; (s := readtoken(fd, delim, id)) != nil; i++) { if (memberp(s[0], delim)) continue; if (s[0] == '#') continue; if (memberp(s[len s -1], delim)) s = s[0:len s -1]; if (i > max) { yn := rwmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Wmsetup file is very large\nkeep reading it?", 0, "Yes" :: "No" :: nil); if (yn) return; max *=2; } readcommand(t, s, tokens, file, i); } execlist = lreverse(execlist); if(id.n < 0) wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Error reading wmsetup:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Ignore wmsetup" :: nil); } Post : con "post"; runcommand(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { args = runcommandgrp(ctxt, args); if (args == nil) return; nosp := 0; (nosp, args) = nospawn(spawnable(args, 1)); s := wmarg(hd args); # Extend post to user defined menus if (eqkeyp(Post, s)) { t := top; label := s[len Post:]; mh := int tk->cmd(t, label+" cget height"); postcmd := label+" post 0 " + string (screen.image.r.max.y - ToolHeight - mh - 4); tk->cmd(t, postcmd); return; } if (s != nil && tl args == nil && (vargs := findcmd(s)) != nil) { if (find_deiconify(s)) return; else { (nosp, args) = nospawn(spawnable(vargs, 1)); if (args != nil) s = hd args; else {sys->print("error: findcmd [%s]\n", s); return;} } } case s { "shutdown" => return wmshutdown(top, ctxt); "reset" => return wmreset(top); # Non /dis/wm geometry added only if Geom argument matched "" => args = hd args :: addgeom(tl args, 0); * => args = hd args :: addgeom(tl args, 1); } runcmd(ctxt, args, nosp); } tokenize(s, t : string) : (int, list of string) { return kotenizer(s, t, 0); } newicon(i : Icon, task : chan of string) { if (Task == nil) Task = task; b := findimap(namefid(; if (b != nil) b.icons = ref i :: b.icons; wm->newicon(i, task); } Imap : list of (int, ref Button); iconify(label: string, fid: int): string { #sys->print("iconify(%s, %d)\n", label, fid); cmd := cmdicon_name(label); bn := findbutton(cmd, nil); if (bn != nil) { rmimap(fid); Imap = (fid, bn) :: Imap; } return wm->iconify(label, fid); } deiconify(name: string, fid: int) { bid := namefid(name); b := rmimap(bid); if (b != nil) rmicon(bid, b); #sys->print("deiconify(%s, %d)\n", name, fid); wm->deiconify(name, fid); } # # Command button: deiconify previous tasks # find_deiconify(s : string) : int { b := findbutton(s, nil); if (b != nil && b.icons != nil) { i := hd b.icons; #sys->print("runcommand: icon %s\n",; spawn sendtask(; return 1; } return 0; } deiconifies(is : list of Icon, revp : int) { if (revp) is = reverseIlist(is); for(;is != nil; is = tl is) spawn sendtask((hd is).name); } reverseIlist(l : list of Icon) : list of Icon { r : list of Icon; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) r = hd l :: r; return r; } Task : chan of string; sendtask(s : string) { if (Task != nil) Task <- = s; } rmicon(bid : int, b : ref Button) : ref Icon { r : list of ref Icon; i : ref Icon; for(l := b.icons; l != nil; l = tl l) if ((hd l).fid != bid) r = hd l :: r; else { i = hd l; #sys->print("rmicon: rm Icon %s\n",; } l = nil; for(; r != nil; r = tl r) l = hd r :: l; b.icons = l; return i; } namefid(s : string) : int { p := tokenpre(s, "."); if (p > 0) return int s[p+1:]; return 0; } rmimap(fid : int) : ref Button { bi : ref Button; r : list of (int, ref Button); for (l := Imap; l != nil; l = tl l) { (i, b) := hd l; if (i == fid) bi = b; else r = hd l :: r; } Imap = r; return bi; } findimap(fid : int) : ref Button { for (l := Imap; l != nil; l = tl l) { (i, b) := hd l; if (i == fid) return b; } return nil; } # from window label to command name cmdicon_name(label : string) : string { (nil, l) := kotenizer(label, ": -", 0); if (l != nil) label = hd l; return label; } # list files in dir (enable toolbar updates) include "readdir.m"; rd : Readdir; listfiles(dir : string) : list of string { if (rd == nil) rd = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; if (rd == nil) { ioredirect(); sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": error loading %s %r\n", Readdir->PATH); return nil; } (a, n) := rd->init(dir, Readdir->NAME|Readdir->COMPACT|Readdir->FILE); files : list of string; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) files = dir+"/"+a[i].name :: files; return reverse(files); } # # Extensions to Wm # readcommand(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, s, tokens, file : string, i : int) { if (delcommand(s, tokens) >= 0) return; exe := "exec "; if (eqkeyp(exe, s)) s = s[len exe:]; else exe = nil; if(topcommandp(s, tokens)) { (n, l) := kotenizer(s, ";", 0); for(; l != nil; l = tl l) { s = trimtokens(hd l, " \t"); (nil, args) := tokenize(s, " \t"); if(args != nil) { args = disenable(spawnable(args, exe != nil)); execlist = args :: execlist; } } return; } if (s[0] == ':') {cmdbutton(t, s[1:], tokens); return;} (nfield, field) := kotenizer(s, tokens, 0); if (nfield < 2) { wmdialog("error -fg red", "Wm startup", "Error parsing "+file+" (line "+(string (i+1))+"): "+s, 0, "Ignore line" :: nil); return; } menucascade(t, nil, field); } # Process group commands separated by ';' cmdgroup(cmd : string) : (int, string) { if (cmd == nil) return (0, cmd); if (cmd[0] == '[') return (1, cmd); (n, l) := kotenizer(cmd, ";", 0); if (n > 1) { cmd = "["+cmd+"]"; # sys->print("cmdgroup=%s\n", cmd); return (1, cmd); } return (0, cmd); } runcommandgrp(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) : list of string { if ((hd args)[0] == '[') { cmd := stringargs(args); # sys->print("grp=%s\n", cmd); cmd = cmd[1:]; if ((p := pos(']', cmd)) > 0) cmd = cmd[0:p]; (fork, cmds) := parsecmdgrp(cmd); if (fork) spawn runcmdgrp(ctxt, cmds, 1); else runcmdgrp(ctxt, cmds, 0); } else { args = ldel(Quote, args); return disenable(spawnable(args, 1)); } return nil; } parsecmdgrp(cmd : string) : (int, list of list of string) { (n, cmds) := kotenizer(cmd, ";", 0); fork := 1; largs : list of list of string; for (; cmds != nil; cmds = tl cmds) { cmd = hd cmds; # sys->print("cmd=%s\n", cmd); (nil, args) := kotenizer(cmd, " \t", 0); args = ldel(Quote, args); if (tl cmds == nil && tl args == nil && hd args == NoSpawn) fork = 0; else { args = disenable(spawnable(args, 0)); largs = args :: largs; } } return (fork, lreverse(largs)); } runcmdgrp(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, cmds : list of list of string, fork : int) { if (fork) { sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); sys->pctl(sys->FORKNS, nil); #sys->print("forked\n"); } for(; cmds != nil; cmds = tl cmds) { (nosp, args) := nospawn(hd cmds); #sys->print("spawn=%d cmd=%s\n", !nosp, hd args); runcmd(ctxt, args, nosp); } } runcmd(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string, nsp : int) { if (args == nil) {sys->print("error: runcmd nil\n"); return;} wm := load Command hd args; if(wm != nil) { ioredirect(); if (nsp) wm->init(ctxt, args); else spawn applinit(wm, ctxt, args); } else wmdialog("error -fg red", "Start application", "Failed to load application\n\""+hd args+ "\"\nError: "+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Continue (nothing loaded)" :: nil); } disenable(args : list of string) : list of string { if (args == nil) return args; if (hd args == NoSpawn) return hd args :: discmd(hd tl args) :: tl tl args; else return discmd(hd args) :: tl args; } discmd(cmd : string) : string { case cmd {"shutdown" or "reset" or "" => return cmd;} if (cmd[0] != '/' && !eqkeyp("/dis/", cmd)) cmd = "/dis/"+cmd; if (!eqendp(".dis", cmd)) cmd += ".dis"; return cmd; } stdout, stderr : ref Sys->FD; ioredirect() { if (stdout == nil) { stdout = sys->open("/chan/wmstdout", sys->ORDWR); if (stdout != nil) sys->dup(stdout.fd, 1); } if (stderr == nil) { stderr = sys->open("/chan/wmstderr", sys->ORDWR); if(stderr != nil) sys->dup(stderr.fd, 2); } } # Extract command name out wmarg(p : string) : string { head := "/dis/wm/"; tail := ".dis"; if (eqkeyp(head, p)) p = p[len head:]; else return nil; if (eqendp(tail, p)) return p[0:len p - len tail]; return nil; } # Geometry insertion in second arg Geom : con "$GEOM"; addgeom(args : list of string, force : int) : list of string { if (args != nil && (p := search(Geom, hd args)) >= 0) return (hd args)[0:p]+geom()+(hd args)[p + len Geom:] :: tl args; if (force && (args == nil || tkarg(hd args) == nil)) return geom() :: args; return args; } # Look for tk rectangle argument tkarg(a : string) : string { (nil, l) := sys->tokenize(a, " \t"); if (l != nil) case hd l {"-x" or "-y" or "-w" or "-h" => return a;}; return nil; } # Support unspawned commands Spawn : con "&"; NoSpawn : con "!&"; spawnable(args : list of string, amp : int) : list of string { if (args == nil) return nil; if (hd args == NoSpawn) return args; e := hd last(args); ea := NoSpawn; if (!eqendp(ea, e)) ea = Spawn; if (!eqendp(ea, e)) ea = nil; if (ea != nil) { (args, nil) = slicelast(args); if (len e > len ea) args = append(args, e[0:len e - len ea] :: nil); if (ea == NoSpawn) args = NoSpawn :: args; } else if (!amp) args = NoSpawn :: args; return args; } nospawn(args : list of string) : (int, list of string) { if (args == nil) return (0, nil); if (hd args == NoSpawn) return (1, tl args); return (0, args); } # Built-in shutdown option Shutdown: module { PATH : con "/dis/shutdown.dis"; }; wmshutdown(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, ctxt : ref Draw->Context) { if (rwmdialog("error -fg red", "Shutdown", "Terminate all applications", 0, "Cancel" :: "Shutdown" :: nil)) { display := ctxt.display; disp := display.image; disp.draw(disp.r, screen.fill, display.ones, disp.r.min); tk->cmd(t, "destroy "+Toolbar); tk->cmd(t, "destroy ."); tk->cmd(t, "update"); shd := load Command Shutdown->PATH; if (shd != nil) shd->init(ctxt, Shutdown->PATH :: "-h" :: nil); wmlib->titlectl(t, "exit"); ctxt.screen = nil; ctxt.display = nil; screen = nil; } } rwmdialog(ico, title, msg: string, dflt: int, labs: list of string) : int { dt := tk->toplevel(screen, "-x 0 -y 0"); return wmlib->dialog(dt, ico, title, msg, dflt, labs); } # Built-in reset option wmreset(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { deiconifies(icons, 1); resetmenu(t); rmmenus(t); rmbuttons(t); # load new version wmset := load Wmset Wmset->PATH; wm->ws = wms = wmset->initme(wm, sys, draw, tk, wmlib); wm->ws->readsetup(t); tk->cmd(t, "update"); } menu_sep : con ".m add separator"; drawmenuhead(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { if (t != nil) wmlib->tkcmds(t, ahead(menu_sep, menu_config)); } drawmenutail(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { if (t != nil) wmlib->tkcmds(t, atail(menu_sep, menu_config)); } resetmenu(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { if (t != nil) tk->cmd(t, "destroy .m"); if (menu_orig == nil) { menu_orig = menu_config; menu_config = array[len menu_orig +1] of string; menu_config[0:] = menu_orig; # add shutdown option menu_config[len menu_orig] = ".m add command -label Shutdown -command {send cmd shutdown}"; } else { menu_config = array[len menu_orig] of string; menu_config[0:] = menu_orig; } if (t != nil) tk->cmd(t, "menu .m"); } Toolbar : con ".toolbar"; resettoolbar(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { tk->cmd(t, "frame "+Toolbar+" -height 48 -width "+string screen.image.r.max.x); tk->cmd(t, "button "+Toolbar+".start -bitmap inferno.bit -command {send cmd post}"); tk->cmd(t, "pack propagate "+Toolbar+" 0"); tk->cmd(t, "pack "+Toolbar+".start -side left"); tk->cmd(t, "pack "+Toolbar); } # Support n levels cascading menu MenuList : list of string; rmmenu(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, m : string) : string { rm : string; r : list of string; for(l := reverse(MenuList); l != nil; l = tl l) if (hd l == m) tk->cmd(t, "destroy "+(rm = m)); else r = hd l :: r; MenuList = r; return rm; } rmmenus(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { for(l := MenuList; l != nil; l = tl l) tk->cmd(t, "destroy "+hd l); MenuList = nil; } findmenu(m : string) : int { if (MenuList == nil) MenuList = ".m" :: nil; for(l := MenuList; l != nil; l = tl l) if (hd l == m) return 1; return 0; } ulabel(m : string) : string { mlabel := ".m"; if (m != nil) mlabel+="_"+uname(m); return mlabel; } menucascade(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, m : string, field : list of string) { mlabel := ulabel(m); while (mlabel != nil) (mlabel, field) = addmenulevel(t, mlabel, field); } afind(e : string, a : array of string) : int { for (i := 0; i < len a; i++) if (a[i] == menu_sep) break; return i; } ahead(e : string, a : array of string) : array of string { n := afind(e, a); if (n < len a) return a[0:n]; return nil; } atail(e : string, a : array of string) : array of string { n := afind(e, a); if (n < len a) return a[n:]; return a; } addmenulevel(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, mlabel : string, items : list of string) : (string, list of string) { menu := del(Quote, hd items); items = tl items; if (tl items != nil) { mpath := mlabel+"."+uname(menu); e := tk->cmd(t, mpath+" cget -width"); if(e[0] == '!') { tk->cmd(t, "menu "+mpath); tk->cmd(t, mlabel+" insert 1 cascade -label {"+menu+"} -menu "+mpath); } return (mpath, items); } else { i := delcommandlabel(mlabel, menu); cmd := preparsecmd(hd items); tkc := mlabel+" add command -label {"+menu+"} -command {send exec "+cmd+"}"; if (i > 0) menu_config[i] = tkc; else { tmp := menu_config; menu_config = array[len tmp +1] of string; menu_config[0:] = tmp; menu_config[len tmp] = tkc; } } return (nil, nil); } findar(e : string, a : array of string) : int { for (i := 0; i < len a; i++) if (a[i] == e) break; return i; } preparsecmd(cmd : string) : string { (gp, cmdgp) := cmdgroup(cmd); if (gp) return cmdgp; (nil, args) := kotenizer(cmd, " \t", 0); return stringargs(disenable(spawnable(args, 1))); } stringargs(args : list of string) : string { if (args == nil) return nil; cmd := hd args; for(args = tl args; args != nil; args = tl args) cmd += " "+hd args; return cmd; } delcommandlabel(mlabel, menu : string) : int { if (mlabel != ".m") return -1; # for menu_config contents only addcmd := mlabel+" add command -label "; for(i := 0; i < len menu_config; i++) { label := menu_config[i]; if (eqkeyp(addcmd, label)) { mp := len addcmd; if (label[mp] == '{') mp++; lp := mp + len menu; if (lp <= len label && label[mp:lp] == menu) { menu_config[i] = ""; #sys->print("Deleted |%s|\n", menu); return i; } } } return -1; } delcommand(s, tokens :string) : int { dc := -1; m : string; if (s == nil) return dc; if (memberp(s[0], tokens)) { i := tokenpos(s[1:], tokens); if (i < 0) return dc; m = s[1:i]; s = s[i:]; } mlabel := ulabel(m); cmd : string; for((i, ls) := (0, len s); i < ls; i++) if (memberp(s[i], tokens)) { cmd = s[0:i]; if (cmd == nil) break; if (i == ls -1) { dc = 0; break; } (n, r) := sys->tokenize(s[i+1:], " \t"); if (r == nil) dc = 0; break; } if (dc >= 0) return delcommandlabel(mlabel, cmd); return dc; } # Top executable command topcommandp(s, tokens : string) : int { if (s == nil) return 0; if (memberp(s[0], tokens) || memberp(s[len s -1], tokens)) return 0; (n, l) := kotenizer(s, tokens, 0); return n == 1; } # add toolbar button definitions cmdbutton(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, s, tokens : string) { dis := 1; if (memberp(s[len s -1], tokens)) dis = 0; (nf, defs) := kotenizer(s, tokens, 0); if (dis) { if (nf == 2) addbuttondef(t, defs); else if (nf > 2) { #sys->print("cmdbutton: %s->\n", s); print1(defs); m := addmenubutton(t, hd defs); menucascade(t, m, tl defs); } } else if (defs != nil) { (but, ignore) := buttondef(hd defs); b := rmmenu(t, ulabel(but)); if (b == nil) b = but; rmbutton(t, tbname(Toolbar, b)); } } BBG : con " -bg #AAAAAA"; addmenubutton(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, def : string) : string { (m, tkdef) := splittkdef(del(Quote, def)); mlabel := ulabel(m); if (!findmenu(mlabel)) { MenuList = mlabel :: MenuList; tk->cmd(t, "menu "+mlabel); if (tkdef != nil) def = "{"+mlabel+"}"+tkdef; else def = "{"+mlabel+"} -text {"+m+"}"+BBG; addbutton(t, Toolbar, def, mlabel, nil); } return m; } addbuttondef(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, defs : list of string) { def := del(Quote, hd defs); cmd := hd tl defs; (nil, cmd) = cmdgroup(cmd); (name, tkdef) := splittkdef(def); if (tkdef != nil) def = "{"+name+"}"+tkdef; else def = "{"+def+"} -text {"+def+"}"+BBG; addbutton(t, Toolbar, def, nil, cmd); } splittkdef(m : string) : (string, string) { i := search(" -", m); if (i < 0) i = search("\t-", m); if (i < 0) return (m, nil); if (search(" -bg", m) < 0) m +=BBG; return (m[0:i], m[i:]); } Button : adt { name : string; tbname : string; icons : list of ref Icon; }; Blist : list of ref Button; rmbutton(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, b : string) : string { rm : string; r : list of ref Button; for(l := reverseBl(Blist); l != nil; l = tl l) if ((hd l).tbname == b) tk->cmd(t, "destroy "+(rm = b)); else r = hd l :: r; Blist = r; return rm; } reverseBl(l : list of ref Button) : list of ref Button { r : list of ref Button; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) r = hd l :: r; return r; } newbutton(b, tb : string) { if (tb == nil) tb = tbname(Toolbar, uname(b)); Blist = ref Button(b, tb, nil) :: Blist; } findbutton(b, tb : string) : ref Button { if (tb == nil) tb = tbname(Toolbar, uname(b)); for(l := Blist; l != nil; l = tl l) if ((hd l).tbname == tb) return hd l; return nil; } rmbuttons(t : ref Tk->Toplevel) { for(; Blist != nil; Blist = tl Blist) tk->cmd(t, "destroy "+(hd Blist).tbname); } addbutton(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, where, def, menu, cmd : string) { #sys->print("addbutton: %s, %s, %s, %s\n", where, def, menu, cmd); (name, opts) := buttondef(def); if (name == nil) return; bname := tbname(where, name); newbutton(name, bname); bcmd := "button "+bname+" "+opts; (n, args) := tokenize(cmd, " \t"); if (menu != nil) tk->cmd(t, bcmd+" -command {send cmd post"+menu+"}"); else if (args == nil) { sys->print("error: addbutton: empty command: [%s]\n", cmd); return; } else { args = disenable(spawnable(args, 1)); addcmdtable(name, args); tk->cmd(t, bcmd+" -command {send cmd "+name+"}"); } tk->cmd(t, "pack propagate "+where+" 0"); tk->cmd(t, "pack "+bname+" -side left -fill y"); tk->cmd(t, "pack "+where); } buttondef(def : string) : (string, string) { if (def[0] == '{') { i := pos('}', def); if (i < 0) return (uname(def[1:len def]), nil); return (uname(def[1:i]), def[i+1:]); } i := tokenpos(def, " \t"); if (i >= 0) return (uname(def[0:i]), def[i:]); return (uname(def), nil); } tbname(where, name : string) : string { bname := where; if (name == nil) return nil; if (name[0] != '.') bname += "."; return bname += name; } uname(name : string) : string { name = del(Quote, name); return nsubst('_', ' ', name); } # Manage extended command table Cmdelt: adt { key: string; args: list of string; }; CmdTable : list of ref Cmdelt; addcmdtable(key : string, args : list of string) { CmdTable = ref Cmdelt(key, args) :: CmdTable; } findcmd(key : string) : list of string { #sys->print("findcmd %s\n", key); for(cs := CmdTable; cs != nil; cs = tl cs) { ce := hd cs; #sys->print("entry %s\n", hd ce.args); if (eqkeyp(key, ce.key)) { return ce.args;} } return nil; } # A tiny parser for command line args Quote : con '''; #' Comment : con '#'; kotenizer(s, t : string, del : int) : (int, list of string) { l : list of string; p := len s; a := 0; q := 0; cnt := 0; for(i := 0; i < p; i++) if (s[i] == Quote) q = !q; else if (s[i] == Comment && !q) {p = i; break;} else if (!q && memberp(s[i], t)) { if (i > a) {cnt++; l = s[a:i] :: l;} a = i +1; } if (q) sys->print(Mod+": missing [%c]: %s<-\n", Quote, s); if (a < p) {cnt++; l = s[a:p] :: l;} if (del) { l = reversendel(Quote, l); return (len l, l); } return (cnt, reverse(l)); } del(e : int, s : string) : string { o := 0; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) { if (o) s[i-o] = s[i]; if (s[i] == e) o++; } return s[0:len s - o]; } reversendel(e : int, l : list of string) : list of string { r : list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if ((d := del(e, hd l)) != nil) r = d :: r; return r; } ldel(e : int, l : list of string) : list of string { return reverse(reversendel(e, l)); } # string utilities eqkeyp(k, s : string) : int { return len s >= len k && s[0:len k] == k; } eqendp(k, s : string) : int { return len s >= len k && s[len s - len k:] == k; } nsubst(new, old : int, s : string) : string { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == old) s[i] = new; return s; } pos(e : int, s : string) : int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (e == s[i]) return i; return -1; } pre(e : int, s : string) : int { for(i := len s -1; i >= 0; i--) if (e == s[i]) return i; return -1; } trimtokens(s, t : string) : string { p := untokenpos(s, t); q := untokenpre(s, t); if (p < 0) p = 0; if (q < 0) q = len s -1; return s[p:q+1]; } tokenpos(s, t : string) : int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (memberp(s[i], t)) return i; return -1; } untokenpos(s, t : string) : int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (!memberp(s[i], t)) return i; return -1; } tokenpre(s, t : string) : int { for(i := len s -1; i >= 0; i--) if (memberp(s[i], t)) return i; return -1; } untokenpre(s, t : string) : int { for(i := len s -1; i >= 0; i--) if (!memberp(s[i], t)) return i; return -1; } memberp(c : int, s : string) : int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (c == s[i]) return 1; return 0; } search(p, s : string) : int { for(i := 0; i < len s - len p; i++) { r := i; for(j := 0; j < len p; j ++) if (s[i+j] != p[j]) {r = -1; break;} if (r >= 0) return r; } return -1; } # list utilities reverse(l : list of string) : list of string { r : list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) r = hd l :: r; return r; } lreverse(l : list of list of string) : list of list of string { r : list of list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) r = hd l :: r; return r; } append(h, t : list of string) : list of string { if (h == nil) return t; if (t == nil) return h; r := reverse(h); for(; r != nil; r = tl r) t = hd r :: t; return t; } last(l : list of string) : list of string { p : list of string; for(i := 0; l != nil; l = tl l) p = l; return p; } slicelast(l : list of string) : (list of string, list of string) { if (l == nil) return (l, l); k, p : list of string; for(i := 0; l != nil; l = tl l) { p = l; k = hd l :: k; } return (reverse(tl k), p); } # Debug utilities # #tkcmd(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, cmd : string) #{ # sys->print("tkcmd: %s\n", cmd); # tk->cmd(t, cmd); #} # #print1(l : list of string) #{ # for(; l != nil; l = tl l) # sys->print("%s|", hd l); # sys->print("\n"); #} # #printl(l : list of string) #{ # for(; l != nil; l = tl l) # sys->print("%s, ", hd l); # sys->print("\n"); #} #