implement Logind; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; sprint, fprint, print, millisec : import sys; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "security.m"; ssl: SSL; login: Login; Netboot: module { PATH : con "/dis/lib/netboot.dis"; init : fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; Logind: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; stderr, stdin: ref Sys->FD; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stdin = sys->fildes(0); stderr = sys->open("/dev/cons", sys->OWRITE); kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; login = load Login Login->PATH; if(login == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: can't load module Login %r\n"); exit; } error := login->init(); if(error != nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: %s\n", error); exit; } ssl = load SSL SSL->PATH; if(ssl == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: can't load module SSL %r\n"); exit; } # push ssl, leave in clear mode if(sys->bind("#D", "/n/ssl", Sys->MREPL) < 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: can't bind #D (SSL) %r"); exit; } ## seperate (err, conn) := ssl->connect(stdin); if(conn == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: can't push ssl: %s\n", err); exit; } # Here the road forks, we want logind to timeout so that server # sockets can be GCed even if the client disappers (power down, # crash, reset) when the login protocol is blocked reading a # half-open socket. # lpid, tpid, fpid : int; cpidchan := chan of int; # kill entire group in case children spawn procs of their own mypid:=sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP,nil); spawn dologind(cpidchan, argv, conn); lpid =<-cpidchan; spawn tmon(cpidchan); tpid =<- cpidchan; # Rendezvous with first thread to finish fpid = <- cpidchan; if (fpid == tpid) { # time out ton := "login"; if (Netbootp) { ton = "netboot"; } fprint(stderr, "logind: %s timed out!\n",ton); } # Kill the entire group to remove any dangling threads. fd := sys->open("#p/" + string (sys->pctl(0,nil)) + "/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if (fd == nil) { fprint(stderr, "Error: logind can't open '#p' ctl file - %r\n"); } else { kmsg := array of byte "killgrp"; sys->write(fd, kmsg, len kmsg); # ignore failure } } LTO : con 300000; # five minutes Netbootp := 0; # Netboot retries calling-back the client for up to two minutes. # If the retry parmaters are embedded in appl/cmd/rcb.b change this # this timeout may not be appropriate. NBTO : con 300000; # five minutes tmon(pidchan : chan of int) { mypid := sys->pctl(0,nil); pidchan <-= mypid; sys->sleep(LTO); if (Netbootp) { # netboot needs extra time... sys->sleep(NBTO); # additive } pidchan <-= mypid; # tell parent we're done } # # logind, the real part # dologind(pidchan : chan of int, argv : list of string, conn : ref Sys->Connection) { mypid := sys->pctl(0,nil); pidchan <-= mypid; # server hello pw : ref Password->PW; info : ref Keyring->Authinfo; err : string; ## ms = millisec(); (pw, err) = login->shello("/licensedb/Agreement", conn); if(pw == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: %s\n", err); pidchan <-= mypid; return; } ## ms = mst(ms,"login->shello()"); # get default signer key (info, err) = login->signerkey("/keydb/signerkey"); if(info == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: %s\n", err); pidchan <-= mypid; return; } ##ms = mst(ms, "login->signerkey()"); # start key exchange (info, err) = login->skeyx(pw, info, conn); if(info == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: %s\n", err); pidchan <-= mypid; return; } ##ms = mst(ms, "login->skeyx()"); # save a copy of certificate #file := "/usr/" + + "/keyring/certificate"; #if(kr->writeauthinfo(file, info) < 0) # sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: logind: writeauthinfo to %s failed %r\n", file); netboot := load Netboot Netboot->PATH; ##ms = mst(ms, "load Netboot"); if (netboot != nil) { # Netboot eventually results in a call of Keyring->auth() # which reads from the far end, so it's susceptible to blocking # on a vanished client. Netbootp = 1; # Just bump up the timer. netboot->init(nil, argv); ##ms = mst(ms, "netboot->init()"); } pidchan <-= mypid; # tell parent we're done } ##ms : int; # debug timing traces ##mst(bt : int, msg : string) : int ##{ ## fprint(stderr,"logind: %s took %d mS\n", msg, millisec() - bt); ## return millisec(); ##}