implement HTML; include "sys.m"; include "html.m"; include "strinttab.m"; sys: Sys; T: StringIntTab; Stringtab: adt { name: string; val: int; }; chartab:= array[] of { T->StringInt ("AElig", 'Æ'), ("Aacute", 'Á'), ("Acirc", 'Â'), ("Agrave", 'À'), ("Aring", 'Å'), ("Atilde", 'Ã'), ("Auml", 'Ä'), ("Ccedil", 'Ç'), ("ETH", 'Ð'), ("Eacute", 'É'), ("Ecirc", 'Ê'), ("Egrave", 'È'), ("Euml", 'Ë'), ("Iacute", 'Í'), ("Icirc", 'Î'), ("Igrave", 'Ì'), ("Iuml", 'Ï'), ("Ntilde", 'Ñ'), ("Oacute", 'Ó'), ("Ocirc", 'Ô'), ("Ograve", 'Ò'), ("Oslash", 'Ø'), ("Otilde", 'Õ'), ("Ouml", 'Ö'), ("THORN", 'Þ'), ("Uacute", 'Ú'), ("Ucirc", 'Û'), ("Ugrave", 'Ù'), ("Uuml", 'Ü'), ("Yacute", 'Ý'), ("aacute", 'á'), ("acirc", 'â'), ("acute", '´'), ("aelig", 'æ'), ("agrave", 'à'), ("alpha", 'α'), ("amp", '&'), ("aring", 'å'), ("atilde", 'ã'), ("auml", 'ä'), ("beta", 'β'), ("brvbar", '¦'), ("ccedil", 'ç'), ("cdots", '⋯'), ("cedil", '¸'), ("cent", '¢'), ("chi", 'χ'), ("copy", '©'), ("curren", '¤'), ("ddots", '⋱'), ("deg", '°'), ("delta", 'δ'), ("divide", '÷'), ("eacute", 'é'), ("ecirc", 'ê'), ("egrave", 'è'), ("emdash", '—'), ("emsp", ' '), ("endash", '–'), ("ensp", ' '), ("epsilon", 'ε'), ("eta", 'η'), ("eth", 'ð'), ("euml", 'ë'), ("frac12", '½'), ("frac14", '¼'), ("frac34", '¾'), ("gamma", 'γ'), ("gt", '>'), ("iacute", 'í'), ("icirc", 'î'), ("iexcl", '¡'), ("igrave", 'ì'), ("iota", 'ι'), ("iquest", '¿'), ("iuml", 'ï'), ("kappa", 'κ'), ("lambda", 'λ'), ("laquo", '«'), ("ldots", '…'), ("lt", '<'), ("macr", '¯'), ("micro", 'µ'), ("middot", '·'), ("mu", 'μ'), ("nbsp", ' '), ("not", '¬'), ("ntilde", 'ñ'), ("nu", 'ν'), ("oacute", 'ó'), ("ocirc", 'ô'), ("ograve", 'ò'), ("omega", 'ω'), ("omicron", 'ο'), ("ordf", 'ª'), ("ordm", 'º'), ("oslash", 'ø'), ("otilde", 'õ'), ("ouml", 'ö'), ("para", '¶'), ("phi", 'φ'), ("pi", 'π'), ("plusmn", '±'), ("pound", '£'), ("psi", 'ψ'), ("quad", ' '), ("quot", '"'), ("raquo", '»'), ("reg", '®'), ("rho", 'ρ'), ("sect", '§'), ("shy", '­'), ("sigma", 'σ'), ("sp", ' '), ("sup1", '¹'), ("sup2", '²'), ("sup3", '³'), ("szlig", 'ß'), ("tau", 'τ'), ("theta", 'θ'), ("thinsp", ' '), ("thorn", 'þ'), ("times", '×'), ("trade", '™'), ("uacute", 'ú'), ("ucirc", 'û'), ("ugrave", 'ù'), ("uml", '¨'), ("upsilon", 'υ'), ("uuml", 'ü'), ("varepsilon", '∈'), ("varphi", 'ϕ'), ("varpi", 'ϖ'), ("varrho", 'ϱ'), ("vdots", '⋮'), ("vsigma", 'ς'), ("vtheta", 'ϑ'), ("xi", 'ξ'), ("yacute", 'ý'), ("yen", '¥'), ("yuml", 'ÿ'), ("zeta", 'ζ'), }; htmlstringtab := array[] of { T->StringInt ("a", Ta), ("address", Taddress), ("applet", Tapplet), ("area", Tarea), ("att_footer", Tatt_footer), ("b", Tb), ("base", Tbase), ("basefont", Tbasefont), ("big", Tbig), ("blink", Tblink), ("blockquote", Tblockquote), ("body", Tbody), ("bq", Tbq), ("br", Tbr), ("caption", Tcaption), ("center", Tcenter), ("cite", Tcite), ("code", Tcode), ("col", Tcol), ("colgroup", Tcolgroup), ("dd", Tdd), ("dfn", Tdfn), ("dir", Tdir), ("div", Tdiv), ("dl", Tdl), ("dt", Tdt), ("em", Tem), ("font", Tfont), ("form", Tform), ("frame", Tframe), ("frameset", Tframeset), ("h1", Th1), ("h2", Th2), ("h3", Th3), ("h4", Th4), ("h5", Th5), ("h6", Th6), ("head", Thead), ("hr", Thr), ("html", Thtml), ("i", Ti), ("img", Timg), ("input", Tinput), ("isindex", Tisindex), ("item", Titem), ("kbd", Tkbd), ("li", Tli), ("link", Tlink), ("map", Tmap), ("menu", Tmenu), ("meta", Tmeta), ("nobr", Tnobr), ("noframes", Tnoframes), ("ol", Tol), ("option", Toption), ("p", Tp), ("param", Tparam), ("pre", Tpre), ("q", Tq), ("samp", Tsamp), ("script", Tscript), ("select", Tselect), ("small", Tsmall), ("strike", Tstrike), ("strong", Tstrong), ("style", Tstyle), ("sub", Tsub), ("sup", Tsup), ("t", Tt), ("table", Ttable), ("tbody", Ttbody), ("td", Ttd), ("textarea", Ttextarea), ("textflow", Ttextflow), ("tfoot", Ttfoot), ("th", Tth), ("thead", Tthead), ("title", Ttitle), ("tr", Ttr), ("tt", Ttt), ("u", Tu), ("ul", Tul), ("var", Tvar) }; W, D, L, U, N: con byte (1<D, '1'=>D, '2'=>D, '3'=>D, '4'=>D, '5'=>D, '6'=>D, '7'=>D, '8'=>D, '9'=>D, 'A'=>U, 'B'=>U, 'C'=>U, 'D'=>U, 'E'=>U, 'F'=>U, 'G'=>U, 'H'=>U, 'I'=>U, 'J'=>U, 'K'=>U, 'L'=>U, 'M'=>U, 'N'=>U, 'O'=>U, 'P'=>U, 'Q'=>U, 'R'=>U, 'S'=>U, 'T'=>U, 'U'=>U, 'V'=>U, 'W'=>U, 'X'=>U, 'Y'=>U, 'Z'=>U, 'a'=>L, 'b'=>L, 'c'=>L, 'd'=>L, 'e'=>L, 'f'=>L, 'g'=>L, 'h'=>L, 'i'=>L, 'j'=>L, 'k'=>L, 'l'=>L, 'm'=>L, 'n'=>L, 'o'=>L, 'p'=>L, 'q'=>L, 'r'=>L, 's'=>L, 't'=>L, 'u'=>L, 'v'=>L, 'w'=>L, 'x'=>L, 'y'=>L, 'z'=>L, '.'=>N, '-'=>N, ' '=>W, '\n'=>W, '\t'=>W, '\r'=>W, * => byte 0 }; lex(b: array of byte, charset: int, keepwh: int): array of ref Lex { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(T == nil) T = load StringIntTab StringIntTab->PATH; if(T == nil) { sys->print("HTML->lex: couldn't %s\n", StringIntTab->PATH); return nil; } a: array of ref Lex; ai := 0; i := 0; nb := len b; for(;;){ Whitespace: for(;;){ # ignore nulls while(i'){ i += 3; continue Whitespace; } i++; } continue Whitespace; } break; } if(i == nb) break; if(ai == len a){ na := array[len a + 500] of ref Lex; if(a != nil) na[0:] = a; a = na; } if(int b[i] == '<'){ lx : ref Lex; (lx, i) = gettag(b, i, charset); a[ai++] = lx; } else { s: string; (s, i) = getdata(b, i, keepwh, charset); a[ai++] = ref Lex (Data, s, nil); } } return a[0:ai]; } getdata(b: array of byte, i: int, keepnls, charset: int): (string, int) { s:= ""; j:= 0; c: int; nb := len b; loop: while(i < nb){ oldi := i; case charset{ Latin1 => c = int b[i++]; UTF8 => j: int; (c, j, nil) = sys->byte2char(b, i); i += j; } case c { 0 or 16r1a => continue loop; '<' => i = oldi; break loop; '&' => (c, i) = ampersand(b, i); '\n' => if(!keepnls) c = ' '; '\r' => if(oldi > 0 && int b[oldi-1] == '\n') continue loop; if(keepnls) c = '\n'; else c = ' '; } s[j++] = c; } return (s, i); } gettag(b: array of byte, i, charset: int): (ref Lex, int) { rbra := 0; nb := len b; ans := ref Lex(Notfound, "", nil); al: list of Attr; if(++i == nb) return (ans, i); istart := i; c := int b[i]; if(c == '/') { rbra = RBRA; if(++i == nb) return (ans, i); c = int b[i]; } if(c>=NCTYPE || !int (ctype[c]&(L|U))) { while(i < nb) { c = int b[i++]; if(c == '>') break; } ans.text = string b[istart:i]; return (ans, i); } namstart := i; while(clookup(htmlstringtab, name); if(fnd) ans.tag = tag+rbra; else ans.text = name; attrloop: while(i < nb){ # look for "ws name" or "ws name ws = ws val" (ws=whitespace) # skip whitespace while(c') { i++; break; } if(c == '<') break; # error: unclosed tag if(c>=NCTYPE || !int (ctype[c]&(L|U))) { # error, not the start of a name # skip to end of tag while(i < nb) { c = int b[i++]; if(c == '>') break; } break attrloop; } # gather name namstart = i; while(c c = int b[i++]; UTF8 => j: int; (c, j, nil) = sys->byte2char(b, i); i += j; } if(c == '>') { if(quote) { # c might be part of string (though not good style) # but if line ends before close quote, assume # there was an unmatched quote for(k := i; k < nb; k++) { c = int b[k]; if(c == quote) { val[nv++] = '>'; continue valloop; } if(c == '\n') { i--; break valloop; } } } i--; break valloop; } if(quote) { if(c == quote) break valloop; if(c == '\n') continue valloop; if(c == '\t' || c == '\r') c = ' '; } else { if(c= nb) return ('?', i); fnd := 0; ans := 0; if(int b[i] == '#'){ i++; while(ilookup(chartab, s); } if(!fnd) return ('&', starti); if(i return 1; Data => return 0; } } return 0; } # for debugging lex2string(l: ref Lex): string { ans := ""; tag := l.tag; if(tag == HTML->Data) ans = "'" + l.text + "'"; else { ans = "<"; if(tag >= RBRA) { tag -= RBRA; ans = ans + "/"; } tname := T->revlookup(htmlstringtab, tag); if(tname != nil) ans = ans + uppercase(tname); for(al := l.attr; al != nil; al = tl al) { a := hd al; ans = ans + " " + + "='" + a.value + "'"; } ans = ans + ">"; } return ans; }