implement DB; BLKSIZ : con 8192; include "sys.m"; sys : Sys; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "security.m"; au: Auth; include "db.m"; RES_HEADER_SIZE : con 22; open(addr, username, password, dbname: string) : (ref DB_Handle, list of string) { (fd, err) := connect(addr, Auth->NOSSL); if ( nil == fd ) { return (nil, err :: nil); } return dbopen(fd, username, password, dbname); } connect(addr : string, alg : string) : (ref Sys->FD, string) { if (nil == sys) { sys = load Sys "$Sys"; } # # Should check to see if addr == /dev/sysname. If so, probably should # change addr to localhost, since some underlying platform code might # choke if handed its own address. # (ok, c) := sys->dial(addr, nil); if ( ok < 0 ){ return (nil, sys->sprint("DB init: dial %s: %r\n", addr)); } (n, addrparts) := sys->tokenize(addr, "!"); if ( n >= 2 ) addr = hd addrparts + "!" + hd tl addrparts; kr := load Keyring Keyring->PATH; user := user(); kd := "/usr/" + user + "/keyring/"; cert := kd + addr; (ok, nil) = sys->stat(cert); if(ok < 0){ cert = kd + "default"; # (ok, nil) = sys->stat(cert); # if(ok<0) # sys->fprint(stderr, "Warning: no certificate found in %s; use getauthinfo\n", kd); } ai := kr->readauthinfo(cert); # # let auth->client handle nil ai # if(ai == nil){ # return (nil, sys->sprint("DB init: certificate for %s not found, use getauthinfo first", addr)); # } # au := load Auth Auth->PATH; if(au == nil){ return (nil, sys->sprint("DB init: can't load module Auth %r")); } err := au->init(); if(err != nil){ return (nil, sys->sprint("DB init: can't initialize module Auth: %s", err)); } fd := ref Sys->FD; if ( alg != "noauth" && alg != "nossl" ) if ( sys->bind("#D", "/n/ssl", Sys->MREPL) < 0) return (nil, sys->sprint("can't bind #D: %r")); (fd, err) = au->client(alg, ai, c.dfd); if(fd == nil){ return (nil, sys->sprint("DB init: authentication failed: %s", err)); } return (fd, nil); } dbopen(fd : ref Sys->FD, username, password, dbname : string) : (ref DB_Handle, list of string) { dbh : DB_Handle; dbh.datafd = fd; dbh.lock = makelock(); dbh.sqlstream = -1; logon := array of byte (username +"/"+ password +"/"+ dbname); (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(ref dbh, 'I', logon); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { dbh.datafd = nil; return (nil, (sys->sprint("DB: couldn't initialize %s for %s", dbname, username) :: string data :: nil)); } dbh.sqlconn = int string data; (mtype, strm, rc, data) = sendReq(ref dbh, 'O', array of byte string dbh.sqlconn); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { dbh.datafd = nil; return (nil, (sys->sprint("DB: couldn't open SQL connection") :: string data :: nil)); } dbh.sqlstream = int string data; return (ref dbh, nil); } status(s : string) { # Supposed to do something with an error message sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s\n", s); return; } DB_Handle.SQLOpen(oldh : self ref DB_Handle) : (int, ref DB_Handle) { dbh : DB_Handle = *oldh; (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(ref dbh, 'O', array of byte string dbh.sqlconn); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return (-1, nil); } dbh.sqlstream = int string data; return (0, ref dbh); } DB_Handle.SQLClose(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : int { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'K', array[0] of byte); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return -1; } handle.sqlstream = -1; return 0; } DB_Handle.SQL(handle: self ref DB_Handle, command: string) : (int, list of string) { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'W', array of byte command); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return (-1, "Probable SQL format error" :: string data :: nil); } return (0, nil); } DB_Handle.columns(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : int { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'C', array[0] of byte); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return 0; } return int string data; } DB_Handle.nextRow(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : int { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'N', array[0] of byte); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return 0; } return int string data; } self ref DB_Handle, columnI: int) : (int, array of byte) { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'R', array of byte string columnI); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return (-1, data); } return (len data, data); } DB_Handle.write(handle : self ref DB_Handle, paramI : int, val : array of byte) : int { outbuf := array[len val + 4] of byte; param := array of byte sys->sprint("%3d ", paramI); for ( i := 0; i < 4; i++ ) { outbuf[i] = param[i]; } outbuf[4:] = val; (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'P', outbuf); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return -1; } return len val; } DB_Handle.columnTitle(handle: self ref DB_Handle, columnI: int) : string { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'T', array of byte string columnI); if ( mtype == 'h' ) { return nil; } return string data; } DB_Handle.errmsg(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : string { (mtype, strm, rc, data) := sendReq(handle, 'H', array[0] of byte); return string data; } sendReq(handle : ref DB_Handle, mtype : int, data : array of byte) : (int, int, int, array of byte) { lock(handle); header := sys->sprint("%c1%11d %3d ", mtype, len data, handle.sqlstream); if ( sys->write(handle.datafd, array of byte header, 18) != 18 ) { unlock(handle); return ('h', handle.sqlstream, 0, array of byte "header write failure"); } if ( sys->write(handle.datafd, data, len data) != len data ) { unlock(handle); return ('h', handle.sqlstream, 0, array of byte "data write failure"); } if ( sys->write(handle.datafd, array of byte "\n", 1) != 1 ) { unlock(handle); return ('h', handle.sqlstream, 0, array of byte "header write failure"); } hbuf := array[RES_HEADER_SIZE+3] of byte; if ( (n := sys->read(handle.datafd, hbuf, RES_HEADER_SIZE)) != RES_HEADER_SIZE ) { # Is this an error? Try another read. if ( n < 0 || (m := sys->read(handle.datafd, hbuf[n:], RES_HEADER_SIZE-n)) != RES_HEADER_SIZE-n ) { unlock(handle); return ('h', handle.sqlstream, 0, array of byte "read error"); } } rheader := string hbuf[0:22]; rtype := rheader[0]; # Probably should check version in header[1] datalen := int rheader[2:13]; rstrm := int rheader[14:17]; retcode := int rheader[18:21]; databuf := array[datalen] of byte; # read in loop until get amount of data we want. If there is a mismatch # here, we may hang with a lock on! nbytes : int; for ( length := 0; length < datalen; length += nbytes ) { nbytes = sys->read(handle.datafd, databuf[length:], datalen-length); if ( nbytes <= 0 ) { break; } } nbytes = sys->read(handle.datafd, hbuf, 1); # The final \n unlock(handle); return (rtype, rstrm, retcode, databuf); } makelock() : chan of int { ch := chan of int; spawn holdlock(ch); return ch; } holdlock(c : chan of int) { for ( ; ; ) { i := <- c; c <- = i; } } lock(h : ref DB_Handle) { h.lock <- = h.sqlstream; } unlock(h : ref DB_Handle) { <- h.lock; } user(): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fd := sys->open("/dev/user", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; }