implement Cs; # # Connection server translates net!machine!service into # /net/tcp/clone!564 # # This simple implementation only knows about tcp/udp # # This module also contains the interface to any db in the # simple format of services/cs/db. It is used by modules like # getauthinfo so that the prompt has has the value of $SIGNER. # kvopen & kvmap could be one function in their own module. # Mod : con "cs"; include "sys.m"; include "srv.m"; include "draw.m"; #include "bufio.m"; include "qidcmp.m"; FD, FileIO: import Sys; Context: import Draw; #Iobuf: import Bufio; sys: Sys; srv: Srv; #bufio: Bufio; stderr: ref FD; qi : Qidcmp; Cdir : import qi; Cs: module { init: fn(nil: ref Context, nil: list of string); kvopen: fn(dbfile: string): int; kvmap: fn(key: string): string; }; Reply: adt { fid : int; addrs : list of string; rchan : chan of int; wait : int; err : string; }; rlist: list of ref Reply; verbose := 0; init(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of string) { if((sys = load Sys Sys->PATH) == nil) return; stderr = sys->fildes(2); if (args != nil) args = tl args; opts : list of string; (opts, args) = strictsubl("-n" :: "-r" :: "-!c" :: "-v" :: nil, args); if (findl("-v", opts)) verbose = 1; if (findl("-n", opts)) { if ((srv = load Srv Srv->PATH) != nil) { sys->print("cs: native mode\n"); # initialize module if (findl("-!c", opts)) srv->iph2a("!c"); # disable caching else srv->iph2a(nil); } else { sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: failed to load %s %r\n", Srv->PATH); return; } } else if((srv = load Srv Srv->BUILTINPATH) == nil) if ((srv = load Srv Srv->PATH) == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: failed to load Srv: %r\n"); return; } # initialize module! else if (findl("-!c", opts)) srv->iph2a("!c"); # disable caching else srv->iph2a(nil); (ok, nil) := sys->stat("/net/cs"); if(ok >= 0) { if (findl("-r", opts)) sys->print("cs: restarting service\n"); else { sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: already started\n"); return; } } sys->bind("#s", "/net", Sys->MBEFORE); file := sys->file2chan("/net", "cs"); if(file == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: failed to make file: %r\n"); return; } ldqi(); nextsrv(ctxt, args); spawn cs(file); } strictsubl(l1, l2 : list of string) : (list of string, list of string) { l : list of string; for(; l2 != nil; l2 = tl l2) if (findl(e := hd l2, l1)) l = e :: l; else break; return (l, l2); } findl(e : string, l : list of string) : int { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if (e == hd l) return 1; return 0; } include "nextsrv.m"; ns : Nextsrv; nextsrv(ctxt : ref Context, args : list of string) { if (args == nil) return; npath := hd args; ns = load Nextsrv npath; if (ns == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: failed to load %s %r\n", npath); else ns->init(ctxt, args); } cs(file: ref FileIO) { off, nbytes, fid : int; rc : Sys->Rread; wc : Sys->Rwrite; buf : array of byte; # Monitor for rlist queue reqch = chan of int; freech = chan of int; spawn cs_mon(); for (;;) { alt { (off, buf, fid, wc) = <-file.write => cleanfid(fid); if(wc == nil) break; if(ns != nil && srvipp(buf)) ns->srv(); spawn process(buf, fid, wc); buf = nil; (nil, nbytes, fid, rc) = < => if (rc != nil) { spawn result(off, fid, nbytes, rc); continue; } } } } reqch, freech : chan of int; cs_mon() { while(1) { # Wait for request <- reqch; # Wait for free <- freech; } } cleanfid(fid: int) { reqch <- = 1; new : list of ref Reply; for(s := rlist; s != nil; s = tl s) { r := hd s; if(r.fid != fid) new = r :: new; else watchtime(r, 0); } rlist = new; freech <- = 1; } watcher() { while(activep()) { sys->sleep(Timeout); watchtimers(); } } activep() : int { active := 0; reqch <-= 1; if (rlist != nil) active = 1; freech <-= 1; return active; } watchtimers() { new : list of ref Reply = nil; reqch <- = 1; ct := sys->millisec(); for(s := rlist; s != nil; s = tl s) { r := hd s; if (!watchtime(r, ct)) new = r :: new; } rlist = new; freech <- = 1; } # time left to read your reply after DNS responds Timeout : con 10000; watchtime(r : ref Reply, ct : int) : int { if ((ct == 0 && r.wait != 0) || (1 < r.wait && r.wait < ct)) { # too late - free send process <- r.rchan; r.wait = 0; r.err = "timeout"; return 1; } return 0; } watch(r : ref Reply) { reqch <- = 1; if (r.wait == 1) r.wait = sys->millisec() + Timeout; freech <- = 1; } unwatch(r : ref Reply) : int { ready := 0; reqch <- = 1; if (r.wait) { ready = 1; r.wait = 0; } freech <- = 1; return ready; } result(off, fid, nbytes: int, rc : chan of (array of byte, string)) { r: ref Reply; err, ipaddr: string; s: list of ref Reply; for(s = rlist; s != nil; s = tl s) { r = hd s; if(r.fid == fid) { if (unwatch(r)) <- r.rchan; if (r.addrs != nil) { ipaddr = hd r.addrs; r.addrs = tl r.addrs; } else err = r.err; if (r.addrs == nil) { cleanfid(fid); } break; } } off = 0; # offset from file2chan is inconsistent (mr) # make sure this is the last thing done since it frees the fid. if (ipaddr == nil) { if (err == nil) err = "can't translate address"; rc <-= (nil, err); } else { rc <-= srv->reads(ipaddr, off, nbytes); } } # # Process the write request. Create a channel to synchronize the read # request. Place the reply adt on the reply list with a valid fid and # sync channel. Then release the users write request. # process(data : array of byte, fid :int, wc : chan of (int, string)) { # Channel to sync on result completion rchan := chan of int; r := ref Reply; r.rchan = rchan; r.wait = 1; r.fid = fid; reqch <- = 1; if (rlist == nil) spawn watcher(); rlist = r :: rlist; freech <- = 1; # Must create an entry before returning to the user wc <-= (len data, nil); (addrs, err) := xlate(data); r.addrs = addrs; r.err = err; if (err != nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: %s\n", err); # Set read result expiration time watch(r); # Let the reader know the information is ready r.rchan <-= 1; } NL : list of string; netwp(s : string) : int { if (findl(s, NL)) return 1; # udp and tcp pass this test in emu even before /net is bound! if (sys->open("/net/"+s+"/clone", Sys->ORDWR) != nil) { NL = s :: NL; return 1; } return 0; } srvipp(data : array of byte) : int { if (len data < 3) return 0; return netipp(string data[0:3]); } netipp(s : string) : int { return s == "net" || s == "tcp" || s == "udp"; } xlate(data: array of byte): (list of string, string) { n: int; l, rl: list of string; repl, netw, mach, service, s: string; (n, l) = sys->tokenize(string data, "!\n"); if(n < 2) return (nil, "bad format request"); netw = hd l; if (netw == "net") netw = "tcp"; if (!netwp(netw)) return (nil, "network unavailable "+netw); if(!netipp(netw)) { repl = "/net/" + netw + "/clone " + s; return (repl :: nil, nil); } if(n != 3) return (nil, "bad format request"); mach = hd tl l; service = hd tl tl l; if(mach == "*") l = "" :: nil; else if(isipaddr(mach) == 0) { # Symbolic server == "$SVC" if(mach[0] == '$' && (mach = kvmapmt("/services/cs/db",mach)) == nil) return (nil, "unknown service"); l = srv->iph2a(mach); if(l == nil) return (nil, "unknown host"); } else l = mach :: nil; if(numeric(service) == 0) { service = srv->ipn2p(netw, service); if(service == nil) return (nil, "bad service name"); } while(l != nil) { s = hd l; l = tl l; if(s != nil) s[len s] = '!'; s += service; repl = "/net/" + netw + "/clone " + s; if (verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: %s!%s!%s -> %s\n", netw, mach, service, repl); rl = repl :: rl; } if (rl != nil && tl rl != nil) return (reverselos(rl), nil); else return (rl, nil); } reverselos(l: list of string) : list of string { t : list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) t = hd l :: t; return t; } isipaddr(a: string): int { i, c: int; for(i = 0; i < len a; i++) { c = a[i]; if((c < '0' || c > '9') && c != '.') return 0; } return 1; } numeric(a: string): int { i, c: int; for(i = 0; i < len a; i++) { c = a[i]; if(c < '0' || c > '9') return 0; } return 1; } # # Maps key strings to value strings from flat file database. # # obsolete dbfile reload fails in namespace mtime: int; # namespace-safe dbfile reload strategy - obc dbcdir : ref Cdir; ldqi() { if((qi = load Qidcmp Qidcmp->PATH) == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: load %s%r\n", Qidcmp->PATH); else qi->init(nil, nil); } KVpair: adt { key: string; value: string; }; kvlist: list of KVpair; lastdb : string; kvopen(path : string) : int { lastdb = path; if (sys == nil) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); ldqi(); } if (qi != nil && dbcdir == nil) dbcdir = ref Cdir(nil, Qidcmp->SAME); l : list of KVpair; readp := 0; (n, dir) := sys->stat(path); if (n < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": kvopen: stat %s %r\n", path); kvlist = nil; return n; } if (dbcdir != nil) readp = dbcdir.cmp(ref dir); else { # obsolete strategy if(mtime == 0 || mtime != dir.mtime) readp = 1; } if (readp) { (n, l) = readkvlist(path); if (n < 0) kvlist = nil; else kvlist = l; } if (n >= 0) return 0; return n; } kvmapmt(path, key : string) : string { kvopen(path); return kvlistmap(key, kvlist); } kvmap(key: string): string { if (lastdb != nil) return kvmapmt(lastdb, key); sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": kvmap: attempt to map key %s from unopened file\n", key); return nil; } kvlistmap(key: string, l : list of KVpair) : string { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).key == key) return (hd l).value; return nil; } include "rtoken.m"; rt : Rtoken; Id : import rt; readkvlist(path : string) : (int, list of KVpair) { if (rt == nil) { rt = load Rtoken Rtoken->PATH; if (rt == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": kvopen: load %s %r\n", Rtoken->PATH); return (-1, nil); } } fd := sys->open(path, Sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": kvopen %s %r\n", Rtoken->PATH); return (-1, nil); } id := rt->id(); env : list of KVpair; cnt := 0; while((t := rt->readtoken(fd, "\n", id)) != nil) { if (t[0] == '#') continue; (n, el) := sys->tokenize(t, " \t\r\n"); if (n == 0) # blank line continue; if (n != 2) { sys->fprint(stderr, Mod+": kvopen: in %s record with %d fields\n", path, n); return (-1, nil); } env = KVpair(hd el, hd tl el) :: env; cnt++; } if (id.n < 0) cnt = id.n; return (cnt, env); }