implement ChatSrv; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; stderr: ref Sys->FD; include "draw.m"; HISTLEN: con 16; ChatSrv: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; ReadReq: adt { nb: int; rc: Sys->Rread; }; ChatConn: adt { fid: int; name: string; outbuf: string; req: ref ReadReq; session: cyclic ref ChatSession; addmessage: fn(c: self ref ChatConn, str: string); sendbuffer: fn(c: self ref ChatConn, nb: int): (array of byte, string); }; cList: list of ref ChatConn; ChatSession: adt { name: string; history: list of string; connList: cyclic list of ref ChatConn; addmessage: fn(s: self ref ChatSession, from: string, buf: array of byte): (int, string); addhistory: fn(s: self ref ChatSession, str: string); }; sList: list of ref ChatSession; StatConn: adt { fid: int; buf: array of byte; }; stList: list of ref StatConn; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(sys == nil) { sys->print("chatsrv: error: load Sys: %r\n"); return; } stderr = sys->fildes(2); sys->bind("#s", "/chan", sys->MBEFORE); chatio := sys->file2chan("/chan", "chat"); if(chatio == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "chatsrv: error: chatio file2chan: %r\n"); return; } ctlio := sys->file2chan("/chan", "chatctl"); if(ctlio == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "chatsrv: error: ctlio file2chan: %r\n"); return; } spawn srv(chatio, ctlio); } srv(chatio, ctlio: ref Sys->FileIO) { nb: int; rc: Sys->Rread; wc: Sys->Rwrite; fid: int; buf: array of byte; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); for (;;) { alt { (nil, buf, fid, wc) = <- chatio.write => if(wc != nil) wc <-= parsestring(buf, fid); else closeconn(fid); (nil, nb, fid, rc) = <- => if(rc != nil) queuereadreq(fid, nb, rc); else closeconn(fid); (nil, nb, fid, rc) = <- => if(rc != nil) rc <-= sendstatus(fid, nb); else closestatconn(fid); (nil, nil, fid, wc) = <- ctlio.write => if(wc != nil) wc <-= (0, "chatsrv: write to ctl file not implemented"); else closestatconn(fid); } } } parsestring(buf: array of byte, fid: int): (int, string) { if(buf[0] != byte ':') return parsecommand(buf, fid); c := getconn(fid); if(c != nil) return c.session.addmessage(, buf); return (0, "chatsrv: error: fid " + string fid + " not in any session"); } parsecommand(buf: array of byte, fid: int): (int, string) { ok: int; err: string; s := string buf; (argc, argl) := sys->tokenize(s, " \t\n"); if(argc < 0) return (0, "chatsrv: tokenize error: " + s); if(argc == 0) return (len buf, nil); cmd := hd argl; if(cmd == "join" && argc == 3) (ok, err) = joinsession(hd tl argl, fid, hd tl tl argl); else if(cmd == "drop" && argc == 1) (ok, err) = dropconn(fid); else (ok, err) = (0, "chatsrv: error: bad command: " + s); if(ok) return (len buf, nil); else return (0, err); } queuereadreq(fid: int, nb: int, rc: Sys->Rread) { c := getconn(fid); if(c == nil){ rc <-= (nil, "chatsrv: error: fid " + string fid + " not connected to any session"); return; } if(c.req != nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "chansrv: error: previous read request not nil: %s(%d)!\n",, c.fid); if(len c.outbuf > 0){ rc <-= c.sendbuffer(nb); c.req = nil; return; } c.req = ref ReadReq(nb, rc); } ChatSession.addmessage( s: self ref ChatSession, from: string, buf: array of byte ): (int, string) { str := from + ": " + string buf[1:len buf] + "\n"; s.addhistory(str); for(cl := s.connList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl) (hd cl).addmessage(str); return (len buf, nil); } ChatSession.addhistory(s: self ref ChatSession, str: string) { s.history = str :: s.history ; if(len s.history > HISTLEN){ n: list of string; h := s.history; for(i := 0; i < HISTLEN; i++){ n = hd h :: n; h = tl h; } s.history = n; } } ChatConn.addmessage(c: self ref ChatConn, str: string) { c.outbuf += str; if(c.req != nil){ c.req.rc <-= c.sendbuffer(c.req.nb); c.req = nil; } } ChatConn.sendbuffer(c: self ref ChatConn, nb: int): (array of byte, string) { buf : array of byte; if(nb >= len c.outbuf){ buf = array of byte c.outbuf; c.outbuf = ""; } else { buf = array of byte c.outbuf[:nb]; c.outbuf = c.outbuf[nb:]; } return (buf, nil); } joinsession(session: string, fid: int, alias: string): (int, string) { #sys->print("chatsrv: fid %d joining session %s as alias %s\n", fid, session, alias); if(getconn(fid) != nil) closeconn(fid); c := ref ChatConn(fid, alias, "", nil, nil); s := getsession(session); if(s != nil){ for(cl := s.connList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl){ tc := hd cl; if( == alias) return (0, "alias " + alias + " already in use"); } } if(s == nil){ s = ref ChatSession(session, nil, nil); sList = s :: sList; } else { rh := revhist(s.history); for(; rh != nil; rh = tl rh) c.addmessage(hd rh); } s.connList = c :: s.connList; c.session = s; cList = c :: cList; s.addmessage("", array of byte (":<" + alias +" joins.>")); return (1, nil); } revhist(a: list of string): list of string { ret: list of string; for(; a != nil; a = tl a) ret = hd a :: ret; return ret; } dropconn(fid: int): (int, string) { #sys->print("chatsrv: dropping fid %d\n", fid); if(getconn(fid) != nil) closeconn(fid); return (1, nil); } getconn(fid: int): ref ChatConn { for(cl := cList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl){ c := hd cl; if(c.fid == fid) return c; } return nil; } getsession(session: string): ref ChatSession { for(sl := sList; sl != nil; sl = tl sl){ s := hd sl; if( == session) return s; } return nil; } closeconn(fid: int) { s : ref ChatSession; alias : string; ncList : list of ref ChatConn; nsList : list of ref ChatSession; # remove fid from cList and subsequently from sList # if sList has no remaining connections, remove it. for(cl := cList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl){ c := hd cl; if(c.fid != fid) ncList = c :: ncList; else{ s = c.session; alias =; } } if(s == nil) return; cList = ncList; ncList = nil; for(cl = s.connList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl){ c := hd cl; if(c.fid != fid) ncList = c :: ncList; } s.connList = ncList; if(len ncList != 0){ s.addmessage("", array of byte (":<" + alias +" departs.>")); return; } nsList = nil; for(sl := sList; sl != nil; sl = tl sl){ ts := hd sl; if(ts != s) nsList = ts :: nsList; } sList = nsList; } sendstatus(fid: int, nb: int): (array of byte, string) { d: array of byte; st: ref StatConn; nstList: list of ref StatConn; found := 1; for(stl := stList; stl != nil; stl = tl stl){ tst := hd stl; if(tst.fid == fid) st = tst; else nstList = tst :: nstList; } if(st == nil){ found = 0; st = ref StatConn(fid, array of byte listsessions()); } if(nb < len st.buf){ if(!found) stList = st :: stList; d = st.buf[:nb]; st.buf = st.buf[nb:]; return (d, nil); } if(found && len st.buf == 0) stList = nstList; else if(!found) stList = st :: stList; d = st.buf; st.buf = array of byte ""; return (d, nil); } listsessions(): string { str : string; for(sl := sList; sl != nil; sl = tl sl){ s := hd sl; str += + ":"; for(cl := s.connList; cl != nil; cl = tl cl){ tc := hd cl; str += " " +; } str += "\n"; } return str; } closestatconn(fid: int) { nstList: list of ref StatConn; for(stl := stList; stl != nil; stl = tl stl){ tst := hd stl; if(tst.fid != fid) nstList = tst :: nstList; } stList = nstList; }