implement Bootpd; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; Bootpd: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; stderr: ref Sys->FD; debug: int; sniff: int; verbose: int; siaddr: array of byte; sysname: string; NEED_HA: con 1; NEED_IP: con 0; NEED_BF: con 0; NEED_SM: con 0; NEED_GW: con 0; NEED_FS: con 0; NEED_AU: con 0; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(sys == nil) return; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if(bufio == nil) sys->raise("fail: load bufio"); stderr = sys->fildes(2); fname := "/services/bootp/db"; verbose = 1; sniff = 0; debug = 0; if(argv != nil) { progname := hd argv; if(progname == nil) { progname = "bootp"; } for(argv = tl argv; argv != nil; argv = tl argv) { if((hd argv)[0] == '-') { arg := hd argv; if(len arg >= 2 && arg[0:2] == "-x") continue; for(i := 1; i < len arg; i++) case arg[i] { 'd' => debug = 1; 'D' => debug = 2; 's' => sniff = 1; debug = 255; 'q' => verbose = 0; 'v' => verbose = 1; * => sys->print("Usage: %s [ -dDsqv ] [ ]\n", progname); sys->print("\tfile: specify bootptab file; defaults to /services/bootp/db\n"); sys->print("\t-d: print debugging output\n"); sys->print("\t-D: print more debugging output\n"); sys->print("\t-s: 'sniff'; display packets, don't serve requests\n"); sys->print("\t-q: quiet; only display major errors\n"); sys->print("\t-v: verbose: display cs-style feedback (default)\n"); exit; } continue; } fname = hd argv; } } if(tabopen(fname)) sys->raise("fail: open database"); if(sniff) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: SNIFF: running in sniff mode."); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: debug level %d.\n", debug); if(!sniff && (err := update_records()) != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records failed: %s\n", err); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: exiting\n"); return; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: announcing \"/net/udp!*!67\"\n"); (ok, c) := sys->announce("/net/udp!*!67"); if(ok < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: announce %d: %r\n", ok); return; } get_ip(); get_sysname(); sys->fprint(, "headers4"); # put src/port at head of read if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: opening \"%s/data\"\n", c.dir); c.dfd = sys->open(c.dir+"/data", sys->ORDWR); if(c.dfd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: open: %s: %r\n", c.dir); return; } buf := array[2048] of byte; badread := 0; for(;;) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: listening for bootp requests...\n"); n := sys->read(c.dfd, buf, len buf); if(n <0) { if (badread++ > 10) break; continue; } badread = 0; if(n < 12) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: short request of %d bytes\n", n - 12); continue; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: received request from %d.%d.%d.%d!%d\n", int buf[0], int buf[1], int buf[2], int buf[3], int nhgets(buf[8:10])); if(n < 12+300) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: short request of %d bytes\n", n - 12); continue; } bootp: ref BootpPKT; (err, bootp) = M2S(buf[12:]); if(err != nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: M2S failed: %s\n", err); continue; } if(debug >= 2) ppkt(bootp); if(sniff) continue; if(bootp.htype != byte 1 || bootp.hlen != byte 6) { # if it isn't ether, we don't do it if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: hardware type not ether; ignoring.\n"); continue; } if((err = update_records()) != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: getreply: update_records failed: %s\n", err); continue; } rec := lookup(bootp); if(rec == nil) { # we can't answer this request if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: cannot answer request.\n"); continue; } if(debug) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: found a matching entry:\n"); pinfbp(rec); } mkreply(bootp, rec); if(verbose) sys->print("bootp: %s -> %s %s\n", dtox(rec.ha), rec.hostname, iptoa(rec.ip)); if(debug >= 2) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: reply message:\n"); ppkt(bootp); } repl:= S2M(bootp); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: sending reply.\n"); arpenter(iptoa(rec.ip), dtox(rec.ha)); send(repl); } sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: %d read errors: %r\n", badread); } arpenter(ip, ha: string) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: arp: %s -> %s\n", ip, ha); fd := sys->open("/net/arp", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: arp open failed: %r\n"); return; } b := array of byte ("add " + ip + " " + ha); n := sys->write(fd, b, len b); if(n != len b) if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: short arp write: %r\n"); } get_ip() { siaddr = array[4] of { * => byte 0 }; fname:= "/dev/sysname"; iob := bufio->open(fname, Sys->OREAD); if(iob == nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: cannot open %s for reading: %r.\n", fname); return; } buf:= iob.gets('\n'); iob.close(); if(buf== nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: error reading %s: %r.\n", fname); return; } fd := sys->open("/net/cs", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: cannot open /net/cs for reading: %r.\n"); return; } b:= array of byte ("net!" + buf + "!0"); if(sys->write(fd, b, len b) != len b) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: write %s to /net/cs: %r.\n", string b); return; } a:= array[1024] of byte; n:= sys->read(fd, a, len a); if(n < 0) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: read from /net/cs: %r.\n"); return; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: read %s from /net/cs\n", string a[:n]); (l, addr):= sys->tokenize(string a[:n], " "); if(l != 2) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: bad format from cs\n"); return; } (l, addr) = sys->tokenize(hd tl addr, "!"); if(l != 2) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: short addr from cs\n"); return; } err:= ""; (err, siaddr) = get_ipaddr(hd addr); if(err != nil || siaddr == nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: invalid local IP addr %s.\n", hd tl addr); siaddr = array[4] of { * => byte 0 }; }; if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: local IP address is %s.\n", iptoa(siaddr)); } get_sysname() { fd := sys->open("#c/sysname", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) { sysname = "anon"; return; } buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) { sysname = "anon"; return; } sysname = string buf[0:n]; } # byte op; /* opcode */ # byte htype; /* hardware type */ # byte hlen; /* hardware address len */ # byte hops; /* hops */ # byte xid[4]; /* a random number */ # byte secs[2]; /* elapsed snce client started booting */ # byte pad[2]; # byte ciaddr[4]; /* client IP address (client tells server) */ # byte yiaddr[4]; /* client IP address (server tells client) */ # byte siaddr[4]; /* server IP address */ # byte giaddr[4]; /* gateway IP address */ # byte chaddr[16]; /* client hardware address */ # byte sname[64]; /* server host name (optional) */ # byte file[128]; /* boot file name */ # byte vend[128]; /* vendor-specific goo */ BootpPKT: adt { op: byte; # Start of udp datagram htype: byte; hlen: byte; hops: byte; xid: int; secs: int; ciaddr: array of byte; yiaddr: array of byte; siaddr: array of byte; giaddr: array of byte; chaddr: array of byte; sname: string; file: string; vend: array of byte; }; InfBP: adt { hostname: string; ha: array of byte; # hardware addr ip: array of byte; # client IP addr bf: array of byte; # boot file path sm: array of byte; # subnet mask gw: array of byte; # gateway IP addr fs: array of byte; # file server IP addr au: array of byte; # authentication server IP addr }; records: array of ref InfBP; tabbio: ref Bufio->Iobuf; tabname: string; mtime: int; tabopen(fname: string): int { if(sniff) return 0; tabname = fname; if((tabbio = bufio->open(tabname, bufio->OREAD)) == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: tabopen: Can't open %s: %r\n", tabname); return 1; } return 0; } send(msg: array of byte) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: dialing udp!broadcast!68\n"); (n, c) := sys->dial("udp!!68", "67"); if(n < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: send: error calling dial: %r\n"); return; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: writing to %s/data\n", c.dir); n = sys->write(c.dfd, msg, len msg); if(n <=0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: send: error writing to %s/data: %r\n", c.dir); return; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: DEBUG: successfully wrote %d bytes to %s/data\n", n, c.dir); return; } mkreply(bootp: ref BootpPKT, rec: ref InfBP) { bootp.op = byte 2; # boot reply bootp.yiaddr = rec.ip; bootp.siaddr = siaddr; bootp.giaddr = array[4] of { * => byte 0 }; bootp.sname = sysname; bootp.file = string; bootp.vend = array of byte sys->sprint("p9 %s %s %s %s", iptoa(, iptoa(rec.fs), iptoa(, iptoa(; } lookup(bootp: ref BootpPKT): ref InfBP { for(i := 0; i < len records; i++) { if(arreq(bootp.chaddr[0:6], records[i].ha) || arreq(bootp.ciaddr, records[i].ip)) { return records[i]; } } return nil; } update_records(): string { (n, dir) := sys->fstat(tabbio.fd); if(n < 0) { return sys->sprint("cannot fstat %s.", tabname); } if(mtime == 0 || mtime != dir.mtime) { if(bufio->, Sys->SEEKSTART) < 0) { return sys->sprint("error seeking to start of %s.", tabname); } mtime = dir.mtime; lnum: int = 0; trecs: list of ref InfBP; LINES: while((line := bufio->tabbio.gets('\n')) != nil) { lnum++; if(line[0] == '#') # comment continue LINES; fields: list of string; (n, fields) = sys->tokenize(line, ":\r\n"); if(n <= 0) { # blank line or colons if(len line > 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s: %d empty entry.\n", tabname, lnum); } continue LINES; } rec := ref InfBP; rec.hostname = hd fields; fields = tl fields; err: string; FIELDS: for(; fields != nil; fields = tl fields) { field := hd fields; if(len field <= len "xx=") { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d invalid field \"%s\" in entry for %s", tabname, lnum, field, rec.hostname); continue FIELDS; } err = nil; case field[0:3] { "ha=" => if(rec.ha != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d hardware address redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, rec.ha) = get_haddr(field[3:]); "ip=" => if(rec.ip != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d IP address redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, rec.ip) = get_ipaddr(field[3:]); "bf=" => if( != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d bootfile redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, = get_path(field[3:]); "sm=" => if( != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d subnet mask redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, = get_ipaddr(field[3:]); "gw=" => if( != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d gateway redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, = get_ipaddr(field[3:]); "fs=" => if(rec.fs != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d file server redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, rec.fs) = get_ipaddr(field[3:]); "au=" => if( != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: warning: %s:%d authentication server redefined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); } (err, = get_ipaddr(field[3:]); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d invalid or unsupported tag \"%s\" in entry for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, field[0:2], rec.hostname); continue FIELDS; } if(err != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d %s for %s.\nbootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, err, rec.hostname, rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if(rec.ha == nil) { if(NEED_HA) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no hardware address defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if(rec.ip == nil) { if(NEED_IP) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no IP address defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if( == nil) { if(NEED_BF) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no bootfile defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if( == nil) { if(NEED_SM) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no subnet mask defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if( == nil) { if(NEED_GW) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no gateway defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if(rec.fs == nil) { if(NEED_FS) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no file server defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if( == nil) { if(NEED_AU) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: %s:%d no authentication server defined for %s.\n", tabname, lnum, rec.hostname); sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: skipping entry for %s.\n", rec.hostname); continue LINES; } } if(debug) pinfbp(rec); trecs = rec :: trecs; } if(trecs == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: update_records: no valid entries in %s.\n", tabname); if(records != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootp: reverting to previous state.\n"); return nil; } else { return "no entries."; } } records = array[len trecs] of ref InfBP; for(n = len records; n > 0; trecs = tl trecs) { records[--n] = hd trecs; } } return nil; } ishex(str: string): int { if(str == nil) { return 0; } for(i := 0; i < len str; i++) { case str[i] { '0' to '9' or 'a' to 'f' or 'A' to 'F' => continue; } return 0; } return 1; } isbyte(str: string): int { if(str == nil) { return 0; } for(i := 0; i < len str; i++) { if(str[i] < '0' || str[i] > '9') { return 0; } } if(int str < 0 || int str > 255) { return 0; } return 1; } xval(c: int): int { case c { '0' to '9' => return c; 'a' to 'f' => return 10 + c - 'a'; 'A' to 'F' => return 10 + c - 'A'; } return -1; } get_haddr(str: string): (string, array of byte) { if(len str != 12 || !ishex(str)) { return (sys->sprint("invalid hardware address \"%s\"", str), nil); } addr := array[6] of byte; for(i := 0; i < len addr; i++) { addr[i] = byte(16rF0 & (xval(str[2*i])<<4) | 16r0F & xval(str[2*i+1])); } return (nil, addr); } get_ipaddr(str: string): (string, array of byte) { (n, fields) := sys->tokenize(str, "."); if(n != 4) { return (sys->sprint("invalid IP address \"%s\"", str), nil); } addr := array[4] of byte; for(n = 0; n < len addr; n++) { if(!isbyte(hd fields)) { return (sys->sprint("invalid IP address \"%s\"", str), nil); } addr[n] = byte hd fields; fields = tl fields; } return (nil, addr); } get_path(str: string): (string, array of byte) { if(str == nil) { return ("nil path", nil); } path := array of byte str; if(len path > 128) { return (sys->sprint("path too long (>128 bytes) \"%s...\"", string path[0:16]), nil); } return (nil, path); } pipaddr(name: string, addr: int) { sys->print("%s %d.%d.%d.%d ", name, (addr>>24) & 16rff, (addr>>16) & 16rff, (addr>>8) & 16rff, addr & 16rff); } iptoa(addr: array of byte): string { if(len addr != 4) { return ""; } return sys->sprint("%d.%d.%d.%d", int addr[0], int addr[1], int addr[2], int addr[3]); } dtoa(data: array of byte): string { if(data == nil) { return nil; } result: string; for(i:=0; i < len data; i++) { result += sys->sprint(".%d", int data[i]); } return result[1:]; } dtox(data: array of byte): string { if(data == nil) { return nil; } result: string; for(i:=0; i < len data; i++) { result += sys->sprint(":%.02x", int data[i]); } return result[1:]; } bptohw(bp: ref BootpPKT): string { if(int bp.hlen > 0 && int bp.hlen < len bp.chaddr) { return dtox(bp.chaddr[0:int bp.hlen]); } return ""; } ctostr(cstr: array of byte): string { for(i:=0; i 0) { return string cstr[0:i]; } return ""; } strtoc(str: string): array of byte { cstr := array[1 + len array of byte str] of byte; cstr[0:] = array of byte str; cstr[len cstr - 1] = byte 0; return cstr; } ppkt(bootp: ref BootpPKT) { sys->fprint(stderr, "BootpPKT {\n"); sys->fprint(stderr, "\top == %d\n", int bootp.op); sys->fprint(stderr, "\thtype == %d\n", int bootp.htype); sys->fprint(stderr, "\thlen == %d\n", int bootp.hlen); sys->fprint(stderr, "\thops == %d\n", int bootp.hops); sys->fprint(stderr, "\txid == %d\n", bootp.xid); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tsecs == %d\n", bootp.secs); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tC client == %s\n", dtoa(bootp.ciaddr)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tY client == %s\n", dtoa(bootp.yiaddr)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tserver == %s\n", dtoa(bootp.siaddr)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tgateway == %s\n", dtoa(bootp.giaddr)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\thwaddr == %s\n", bptohw(bootp)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\thost == %s\n", bootp.sname); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tfile == %s\n", bootp.file); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tmagic == %s\n", magic(bootp.vend[0:4])); if(magic(bootp.vend[0:4]) == "plan9") { (n, strs) := sys->tokenize(string bootp.vend[4:], " \r\n"); if(strs != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "\t\tsm == %s\n", hd strs); strs = tl strs; } if(strs != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "\t\tfs == %s\n", hd strs); strs = tl strs; } if(strs != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "\t\tau == %s\n", hd strs); strs = tl strs; } if(strs != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "\t\tgw == %s\n", hd strs); strs = tl strs; } } sys->fprint(stderr, "}\n\n"); } arreq(a1: array of byte, a2: array of byte): int { if(len a1 != len a2) { return 0; } for(i := 0; i < len a1; i++) { if(a1[i] != a2[i]) { return 0; } } return 1; } magic(cookie: array of byte): string { if(arreq(cookie, array[] of { byte 'p', byte '9', byte ' ', byte ' ' })) { return "plan9"; } if(arreq(cookie, array[] of { byte 99, byte 130, byte 83, byte 99 })) { return "rfc1048"; } if(arreq(cookie, array[] of { byte 'C', byte 'M', byte 'U', byte 0 })) { return "cmu"; } return dtoa(cookie); } pinfbp(rec: ref InfBP) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Bootp entry {\n"); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tha == %s\n", dtox(rec.ha)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tip == %s\n", dtoa(rec.ip)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tbf == %s\n", string; sys->fprint(stderr, "\tsm == %s\n", dtoa(; sys->fprint(stderr, "\tgw == %s\n", dtoa(; sys->fprint(stderr, "\tfs == %s\n", dtoa(rec.fs)); sys->fprint(stderr, "\tau == %s\n", dtoa(; sys->fprint(stderr, "}\n"); } M2S(data: array of byte): (string, ref BootpPKT) { if(len data < 300) return ("too short", nil); bootp := ref BootpPKT; bootp.op = data[0]; bootp.htype = data[1]; bootp.hlen = data[2]; bootp.hops = data[3]; bootp.xid = nhgetl(data[4:8]); bootp.secs = nhgets(data[8:10]); # data[10:12] unused bootp.ciaddr = data[12:16]; bootp.yiaddr = data[16:20]; bootp.siaddr = data[20:24]; bootp.giaddr = data[24:28]; bootp.chaddr = data[28:44]; bootp.sname = ctostr(data[44:108]); bootp.file = ctostr(data[108:236]); bootp.vend = data[236:300]; return (nil, bootp); } S2M(bootp: ref BootpPKT): array of byte { data := array[364] of { * => byte 0 }; data[0] = bootp.op; data[1] = bootp.htype; data[2] = bootp.hlen; data[3] = bootp.hops; data[4:] = nhputl(bootp.xid); data[8:] = nhputs(bootp.secs); # data[10:12] unused data[12:] = bootp.ciaddr; data[16:] = bootp.yiaddr; data[20:] = bootp.siaddr; data[24:] = bootp.giaddr; data[28:] = bootp.chaddr; data[44:] = array of byte bootp.sname; data[108:] = array of byte bootp.file; data[236:] = bootp.vend; return data; } nhgetl(data: array of byte): int { return (int data[0]<<24) | (int data[1]<<16) | (int data[2]<<8) | int data[3]; } nhgets(data: array of byte): int { return (int data[0]<<8) | int data[1]; } nhputl(value: int): array of byte { return array[] of { byte (value >> 24), byte (value >> 16), byte (value >> 8), byte (value >> 0), }; } nhputs(value: int): array of byte { return array[] of { byte (value >> 8), byte (value >> 0), }; }