implement StyxView; # view Styx messages from client # # Author: Ed Bacher, # - adapted from Tad Hunt's original rdbgsrv program for # sending commands to the SWoRD monitor. # - run this from the shell (not as a background thread) # or use sh -n if running from a script # # debug options (implemented for user as -v[v] for 1, 2) # 1: trace, 2: dump, 4: write one byte at a time. include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print: import sys; stderr, stdout: ref sys->FD; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufmod: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufmod; outbuf: ref Iobuf; # # globals # # debug, verbose stuff: debug := 0; TRACE: con 1; DUMP: con 2; WRITESLOW: con 4; shift := 1; # default device directory (ip device) dev := "/net/tcp/0/data"; mtpt: string; # message types (from styx.m) Tnop, # 0 Rnop, # 1 Terror, # 2 # illegal Rerror, # 3 Tflush, # 4 Rflush, # 5 Tclone, # 6 Rclone, # 7 Twalk, # 8 Rwalk, # 9 Topen, # 10 Ropen, # 11 Tcreate, # 12 Rcreate, # 13 Tread, # 14 Rread, # 15 Twrite, # 16 Rwrite, # 17 Tclunk, # 18 Rclunk, # 19 Tremove, # 20 Rremove, # 21 Tstat, # 22 Rstat, # 23 Twstat, # 24 Rwstat, # 25 Tsession, # 26 # not used Rsession, # 27 # not used Tattach, # 28 Rattach, # 29 Tmax : con iota; message_size := array[] of { 3, # Tnop 3, # Rnop 0, # Terror (illegal) 67, # Rerror 5, # Tflush 3, # Rflush 7, # Tclone 5, # Rclone 33, # Twalk 13, # Rwalk 6, # Topen 13, # Ropen 38, # Tcreate 13, # Rcreate 15, # Tread 0, # Rread (variable size) 0, # Twrite (variable size) 7, # Rwrite 5, # Tclunk 5, # Rclunk 5, # Tremove 5, # Rremove 5, # Tstat 121, # Rstat 121, # Twstat 5, # Rwstat 0, # Tsession (not used) 0, # Rsession (not used) 61, # Tattach 13 # Rattach }; StyxView: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: %s [-v[v]] [-f dev] [-h] mountpoint\n", progname); exit; } PassProto: adt { rfd: ref Sys->FD; wfd: ref Sys->FD; start: fn(name: string): ref PassProto; read: fn(this: self ref PassProto, buf: array of byte, nbytes: int): int; write: fn(this: self ref PassProto, buf: array of byte, nbytes: int): int; get2: fn(this: self ref PassProto): int; put2: fn(this: self ref PassProto, n: int): int; get1: fn(this: self ref PassProto): int; }; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, av: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if (sys == nil) return; stdout = sys->fildes(1); stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufmod = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufmod == nil) sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: could not load Bufio from %s: %r\n", Bufio->PATH)); outbuf = bufmod->fopen(stdout, bufmod->OWRITE); arginit(av); while (o := opt()) case o { 'd' => d := arg(); if (d == nil) usage(); debug = int d; 'v' => if (shift & WRITESLOW) usage(); debug += shift; shift = shift<<1; 'f' => s := arg(); if (s == nil) usage(); dev = s; 'h' or '?' => usage(); * => usage(); } mtpt = arg(); if (mtpt == nil) usage(); # connect to communication data files proto := PassProto.start(dev); if (proto == nil) sys->raise("fail: proto start"); fds := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if (sys->pipe(fds) == -1) sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: pipe: %r")); if (debug) sys->print("%s: starting server\n", progname); # give one end of pipe to transceiver function to connect to byte source rc := chan of int; spawn tranceiver(fds[1], proto, rc); rpid := <- rc; # mount other end of pipe on mountpoint in local namespace if (sys->mount(fds[0], mtpt, Sys->MREPL, nil) == -1) { killpid(rpid); sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: mount: %r")); } } killpid(pid: int) { if (pid == 0) return; fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if (fd == nil) return; sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4); } tranceiver(fd: ref Sys->FD, proto: ref PassProto, pidchan: chan of int) { pidchan <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO+64] of byte; e := ref Sys->Exception; if (sys->rescue("*", e)) { sys->print("%s: server: %s: exiting\nunmounting %s\n", progname,, mtpt); sys->unmount(nil, mtpt); return; } for (;;) { # T message interception n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if (n == -1) sys->raise(sys->sprint("server: read: %r")); if (proto.write(buf, n) != n) sys->raise("server: proto.write failed"); # R message interception n =, len buf); if (n == -1) sys->raise("server: failed"); if (sys->write(fd, buf, n) != n) sys->raise(sys->sprint("server: write: %r")); } } # open read and write file descriptors for communication device # PassProto.start(device:string): ref PassProto { p: PassProto; if (sys == nil) return nil; p.rfd = sys->open(device, Sys->OREAD); p.wfd = sys->open(device, Sys->OWRITE); if (p.rfd == nil || p.wfd == nil) return nil; return ref p; } self ref PassProto, buf: array of byte, nbytes: int): int { # get message type and store in buf mtype := this.get1(); buf[0] = byte mtype; r := 0; start := 1; b := array[Sys->ATOMICIO+16] of byte; # set number of bytes expected: see Reference Manual for message sizes # note that type is first byte case mtype { # Rread and Twrite require special handling # because the messages are not fixed length Rread => # put tag, fid into buf, then get count r = sys->read(this.rfd, b, 4); buf[start:] = b[:r]; start += r; count := this.get2(); buf[start:] = int_to_abyte(count); start += 2; nbytes = count + 8; Twrite => ; # put tag, fid, offset into buf, then get count r = sys->read(this.rfd, b, 12); buf[start:] = b[:r]; start += r; count := this.get2(); buf[start:] = int_to_abyte(count); start += 2; nbytes = count + 16; * => nbytes = message_size[mtype]; } # read the rest of the message and store for (i := start; i < nbytes; i += r) { r = sys->read(this.rfd, b, nbytes); if (r == -1) return -1; buf[i:] = b[:r]; } if (debug & TRACE) trace("read ", buf); if (debug & DUMP) dump("", buf, nbytes); return nbytes; } PassProto.write(this: self ref PassProto, buf: array of byte, nbytes: int): int { if (debug & WRITESLOW) { i := 0; while (i < nbytes) { if (sys->write(this.wfd, buf[i++:], 1) != 1) return -1; sys->sleep(1); } } else { if (sys->write(this.wfd, buf, nbytes) != nbytes) return -1; } if (debug & TRACE) trace("\nwrite", buf); if (debug & DUMP) dump("proto.write", buf, nbytes); return nbytes; } PassProto.get1(this: self ref PassProto): int { buf := array[1] of byte; n := sys->read(this.rfd, buf, 1); if (n != 1) sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: PassProto.get1: read %d: %r", n)); val := int buf[0]; return val; } PassProto.get2(this: self ref PassProto): int { buf := array[1] of byte; n := sys->read(this.rfd, buf, 1); if (n != 1) sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: PassProto.get2: read %d: %r",n)); val := int buf[0]; n = sys->read(this.rfd, buf, 1); if (n != 1) sys->raise(sys->sprint("fail: PassProto.get2: read %d: %r",n)); val |= int buf[0] << 8; return val; } PassProto.put2(this: self ref PassProto, n: int): int { buf := array[2] of byte; buf[0] = byte n; buf[1] = byte (n>>8); if (sys->write(this.wfd, buf, 2) != 2) return -1; return 2; } int_to_abyte(n: int): array of byte { buf := array[2] of byte; buf[0] = byte n; buf[1] = byte (n>>8); return buf; } trace2(buf: array of byte): int { # do little-endian switch return int buf[0] | (int buf[1] << 8); } trace(sourcept: string, op: array of byte ) { case int op[0] { Tnop => sys->print("%s: Tnop(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Tflush => sys->print("%s: Tflush(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Tclone => sys->print("%s: Tclone(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) newfid(%d)\n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]), trace2(op[5:])); Twalk => sys->print("%s: Twalk(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Topen => sys->print("%s: Topen(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Tcreate => sys->print("%s: Tcreate(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Tread => sys->print("%s: Tread(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Twrite => sys->print("%s: Twrite(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) count(%d)\n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]), trace2(op[13:]) ); Tclunk => sys->print("%s: Tclunk(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Tremove => sys->print("%s: Tremove(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Tstat => sys->print("%s: Tstat(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Twstat => sys->print("%s: Twstat(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Tattach => sys->print("%s: Tattach(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Rnop => sys->print("%s: Rnop(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rflush => sys->print("%s: Rflush(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rclone => sys->print("%s: Rclone(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rwalk => sys->print("%s: Rwalk(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Ropen => sys->print("%s: Ropen(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rcreate => sys->print("%s: Rcreate(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Rread => sys->print("%s: Rread(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) count(%d)\n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]), trace2(op[5:]) ); Rwrite => sys->print("%s: Rwrite(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rclunk => sys->print("%s: Rclunk(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rremove => sys->print("%s: Rremove(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Rstat => sys->print("%s: Rstat(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rwstat => sys->print("%s: Rwstat(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:]) ); Rattach => sys->print("%s: Rattach(%d) tag(%d) fid(%d) \n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), trace2(op[3:])); Rerror => s := ""; for (i:=0;i<64;i++) { if (op[3+i] != byte 0) s[len s] = int op[3+i]; else break; } sys->print("%s: Rerror(%d) tag(%d) %s\n", sourcept, int op[0], trace2(op[1:]), s); } } dump(msg: string, buf: array of byte, n: int) { # message type and no. of bytes sys->print("%s: [%d bytes]: ", msg, n); # the bytes (in one-byte chunks) s := " "; line := ""; for (i:=0;isprint("%s\n", s); s = " "; } line += sys->sprint("%2.2x", int buf[i]); if (int buf[i] >= 32 && int buf[i] < 127) s[len s] = int buf[i]; else s += "."; if ( ((i + 1) % 20) != 0) line += sys->sprint(" "); } # do the last line for (i %= 20; (i < 20) && (i != 0); i++){ line += sys->sprint(" "); if ( ((i + 1) % 20) != 0) line += sys->sprint(" "); } line += sys->sprint("%s\n\n", s); outbuf.puts(line); outbuf.flush(); } # # Arg parsing from Roger Peppe # progname := ""; args: list of string; curropt: string; arginit(argv: list of string) { if (argv == nil) return; (progname, args) = (hd argv, tl argv); } # don't allow any more options after this function is invoked argv() : list of string { ret := args; args = nil; return ret; } # get next option argument arg() : string { if (curropt != "") { ret := curropt; curropt = nil; return ret; } if (args == nil) return nil; ret := hd args; if (ret[0] == '-') ret = nil; else args = tl args; return ret; } # get next option letter # return 0 at end of options opt() : int { if (curropt != "") { opt := curropt[0]; curropt = curropt[1:]; return opt; } if (args == nil) return 0; nextarg := hd args; if (nextarg[0] != '-' || len nextarg < 2) return 0; if (nextarg == "--") { args = tl args; return 0; } opt := nextarg[1]; if (len nextarg > 2) curropt = nextarg[2:]; args = tl args; return opt; }