implement SetupUser; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; stderr, stdin, stdout: ref Sys->FD; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "readdir.m"; include "regex.m"; regex: Regex; Re, compile, execute: import regex; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "security.m"; login: Login; ssl: SSL; include "string.m"; SetupUser: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); stdout = sys->fildes(1); stdin = sys->fildes(0); sys->print("\n\n" + "This utility is intended to help you set up Inferno for evaluation purposes.\n" + "It will take you through the basic steps to set up your system as either an\n" + "Inferno client or server. It uses default settings in order to simplify the\n" + "procedure. Related commands used for an actual network configuration appear\n" + "in parentheses and are described in your User's Guide.\n\n\n"); # Copy wm setup files from /usr/inferno wmsetup(); # Get a default certificate getcertificate(); sys->print("\nSetup is complete!\n\n"); } # Routine to run lib/srv (unless it is already running) services() { err := sys->chdir("/"); if (err != 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "couldn't cd to / to run lib/srv \n"); return; } # Check to see if lib/srv is already running # If return is 0, start it. Otherwise just give a message. if (checksrv() == 0) { libsrv := load Command "/dis/lib/srv.dis"; if (libsrv == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "setupuser: couldn't load /dis/lib/srv.dis: %r\n"); exit; } sys->print( "Will now bind network devices (bind '#I' /net) and start the connection\n"+ "service (lib/cs) to establish a network connection. Also, starting\n" + "services so that your system can be either a client or file server\n" + "(See lib/srv)\n\n"); libsrv->init(nil, "srv" :: nil); sys->sleep(1000); } # If it is already running, we just display a message and continue else sys->print("\n" + "Network devices have been previously set up (bind '#I' /net);\n" + "the connection service (lib/cs) is already started; and client services\n"+ "have been previously started (See lib/srv). Your system is set up to be\n"+ "either a client or file server.\n\n"); return; } # Routine to check /prog to see if lib/srv (Server) is already running. checksrv() : int { if (sys->bind("#p", "/prog", Sys->MREPL)<0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "couldn't bind #p to /prog (%r), so will not start lib/srv \n"); exit; } dr := load Readdir Readdir->PATH; if(dr == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "couldn't load Readdir (%r), so will not start lib/srv \n"); exit; } regex := load Regex Regex->PATH; if(regex == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "couldn't load RegEx (%r), so will not start lib/srv\n"); exit; } # Get PID directories from /prog (d, n) := dr->init("/prog", Readdir->NONE); # For each PID, read the status file and search for "Server" for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { statfd := sys->open("/prog/" + d[i].name + "/status", sys->OREAD); buf := array[100] of byte; nbytes := sys->read(statfd,buf,len buf); # If lib/srv already started, return with a 1 if (regex->execute(regex->compile("Server",0),string buf[0:nbytes]) != nil) return 1; } return 0; } wmsetup() { copy := load Command "/dis/cp.dis"; if (copy == nil) { sys->print("Could not load /dis/cp.dis in order to copy Window Manager setup files\n"); return; } user := username(); if(user == "") { sys->fprint(stderr, "setupuser: unable to determine username from /dev/user: %r\n"); return; } todir := "/usr/" + user; (status,nil) := sys->stat(todir); if (status != 0) { if(sys->create(todir, sys->OREAD, sys->CHDIR + 8r770) == nil) { sys->print("Cannot create %s\n", todir); exit; } sys->print("Created your user directory %s and copying\n"+ "Window Manager setup files from /usr/inferno to %s\n\n", todir, todir); } else sys->print("\nCopying Window Manager setup files from " + " /usr/inferno to %s\n\n", todir); copy->init(nil, "cp"::"/usr/inferno/namespace"::"/usr/inferno/wmsetup"::"/usr/inferno/plumbing"::todir::nil); return; } #checkcsdb() #{ # signer := login->defaultsigner(); # if(signer == nil) # sys->fprint(stderr, "warning: can't get default signer server name\n"); #} getcertificate() { #Determine username and signername user := username(); if(user == "") { sys->fprint(stderr, "setupuser: unable to determine username from /dev/user: %r\n"); return; } # checkcsdb(); # should check /services/cs/db for $SIGNER setup (code, signername) := ask(stdin, "Enter name of signer server or press Enter for default", sysname()); if(!code) { sys->fprint(stderr, "setupsigner: %s\n", signername); return; } if(signername == "") signername = sysname(); signer := "tcp!" + signername; dir := "/usr/" + user + "/keyring"; file := dir + "/default"; (i, nil) := sys->stat(file); if (i == 0) { sys->print("\nYou already have a certificate file named 'default' in %s.\n" + "However, it may not be from the same signer that you entered.",dir); (ok, ans) := ask(stdin, "Do you want to overwrite it?", "y"); sys->print("\n"); if(!ok){ sys->print("Did not get valid response. Restart setupuser\n"); exit; } if(ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 'Y'){ sys->print("Previously created certificate in /usr/%s/keyring/default will be used for authentication.\n\n",user); services(); return; } } else { (i, nil) := sys->stat(dir); if (i != 0) { if(sys->create(dir,sys->OREAD,sys->CHDIR + 8r770) == nil) { sys->print("Cannot create /usr/%s/keyring\n",user); exit; } sys->print("Created %s to store your default certificate\n\n",dir); } } ssl = load SSL SSL->PATH; if(ssl == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: can't load module ssl"); exit; } # push ssl, leave in clear mode for now if(sys->bind("#D", "/n/ssl", Sys->MREPL) < 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: cannot bind #D: %r"); exit; } kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; str := load String String->PATH; if(str == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, " can't load module String\n"); exit; } login = load Login Login->PATH; if(login == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, " can't load module Login\n"); exit; } # Start lib/srv services(); error := login->init(); if(error != nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "login->init: %s\n", error); exit; } save := "yes"; redo := "yes"; view := "no"; accept := "yes"; # flag to determine what part of the client/server exchange should be # repeated if the user makes a mistake (e.g. wrong password) redial := 0; # After making the connection, get the password and start the login exchange # with the server. Permit the user to continue trying to get a certificate. for(;;) { #Connect to signer server if(redial == 0) sys->print("\nSetting up a network connection to the signer server\n"); else sys->print("Resetting the network connection\n"); (ok,lc) := sys->dial(signer+"!inflogin", nil); if(ok < 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Cannot contact signer: dial login daemon failed %r\n\n"); exit; } (err, c) := ssl->connect(lc.dfd); if(c == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: can't push ssl: %s\n", err); exit; } lc.dfd = nil; = nil; # get license agreement agf := "/licensedb/agreement.sig"; (c, err) = login->chello(user, agf, c); if(c == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: %s\n", err); exit; } # accept agreement (but display message only first time through the loop if(redial == 0) sys->print("\nThe signer has sent a license agreement,\n"+ "which you can view later in %s\n\n", agf); if(kr->putstring(c.dfd, "agree") < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Error: can't send string: %r"); exit; } # Get your password fdctl := sys->open("/dev/consctl", sys->OWRITE); ctlbuf := array of byte "rawon"; if(fdctl == nil || sys->write(fdctl,ctlbuf,len ctlbuf) != 5) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Unable to change console mode to enter password"); exit; } sys->print("Enter your password to get a certificate:"); mode := "rawon"; (readcode,password) := readline(stdin,mode); if(sys->write(fdctl,array of byte "rawoff",6) != 6) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Unable to change console mode back to 'normal'"); exit; } # request certification info : ref Keyring->Authinfo; (info, err) = login->ckeyx(user,password, c); # save the certificate in default file if(info != nil) { if(kr->writeauthinfo(file,info) < 0) { sys->print("Could not write certificate. Writeauthinfo to %s failed\n", file); exit; } sys->print("Certificate written to %s\n",file); break; } else { # debug message sys->print("Could not get a certificate, possibly because the password is wrong.\n"); (ok, ans) := ask(stdin, "Do you want to try again?", "y"); sys->print("\n"); if(!ok) { sys->fprint(stderr, "setupsigner: %s\n", ans); return; } if(ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 'Y') exit; } # try again but don't redo the license agreement user = username(); redial = 1; } } username(): string { fd := sys->open("/dev/user", Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; } #Routine to read /dev/sysname and remove domain name sysname(): string { fd := sys->open("#c/sysname", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return "anon"; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return "anon"; # strip off domain name suffix (i,t) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "."); if(i<=0) return "anon"; return hd t; } # Routine to prompt user and supply defaults ask(io: ref Sys->FD, prompt, def: string): (int, string) { if(def == nil || def == "") sys->print("%s: ", prompt); else sys->print("%s [%s]: ", prompt, def); (ok, resp) := readline(io, "rawoff"); if(ok && resp == "" && def != nil) return (ok, def); return (ok, resp); } # Routine to read console input readline(io: ref Sys->FD,mode: string): (int, string) { r : int; line : string; buf := array[8192] of byte; # Read up to the CRLF line = ""; for(;;) { r = sys->read(io, buf, len buf); if(r <= 0) { sys->print("Error: Could not read from console. Start again."); exit; } line += string buf[0:r]; if ((len line >= 1) && (line[(len line)-1] == '\n')) { if (mode == "rawon") { r = sys->write(stdout,array of byte "\n",1); if(r <= 0) return (0,nil); } break; } else { if (mode == "rawon") { r = sys->write(stdout,array of byte "*",1); if(r <= 0) return (0,nil); } } } return (1, line[0:len line - 1]); }