implement InfernoDoc; # a simple interpreter for a simple markup language # Uses Bufio for both input and output (output buffer # speeds it up considerably) # # produces readable HTML and MIF (maker interchange format) # with potential to create modules for other output formats # like XML, man, etc. (see imf.m, imf_html.b) # # it would be nice sometime to put all the tag-specific stuff # in a separate module, so that this can be a generic tag # processor for any implementation of IMF tags # Ed Bacher, include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, fprint, sprint, stat: import sys; stdout, stderr: ref sys->FD; include "draw.m"; # declares regex: Regex include "regexutils.m"; regexu: RegexUtils; match, match_mult, sub, sub_re, subg, subg_re: import regexu; Re: import regex; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; inbuf, outbuf: ref Iobuf; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "workdir.m"; workdir: Workdir; include "string.m"; str: String; include "imf.m"; imf: IMF; emdash_tag, space_tag, zero_tag, lt_tag, gt_tag, extag, notag, blocktags, tags, TOP, BOTTOM: import imf; Line: adt { number: int; text: string; next: cyclic ref Line; getnext: fn(this: self ref Line); }; Line.getnext(this: self ref Line) { this =; = inbuf.gets('\n'); this.number++; } # # globals # maxtag : int; debug := 1; # flags initially 1 addspace, commentson : int = 1; # flags initially 0 exflag, ulistflag, olistflag, newulist, newolist, isfirstitem, litflag, inlineflag, xrefflag, commentflag, allcapsflag, tabflag, titleflag, # check for tag linkflag, tabfirst, # mark first line of .tab table tabcols : int = 0; pname, target, readfile, lastfile, nextline, link, image, tab_sep : string; lastline: ref Line; # stack of (readfile, inbuf) used for .include lines readstack: list of (string, ref Iobuf); # regular expressions tag_re, white_re, section_re, member_re, chan_re, minus_minus_re, leadspace_re, twospaces_re, tab_re, emdash_re, space_re, zero_re, lt_re, gt_re, TWO_PIPES_re, pipe_holder_re, inline_angle_re, inline_percent_re, open_angle_re, close_angle_re, percent_re : regex->Re; # regular expression pattern constants # note \\ needed to escape \ and pass it to regex # a period by itself is a tag. TAG_PATTERN: con "^[\\.,][/]*[\\/a-zA-Z0-9_(#)]*"; # note that inline tags can be like .l<text>, .l%text%, or .l$text$ # but the text cannot include >, %, or $ INLINE_angle: con "(\\.[/]*[\\/a-zA-Z0-9_(#)]+)<([^>]*)>"; INLINE_percent: con "(\\.[/]*[\\/a-zA-Z0-9_(#)]+)%([^%]*)%"; WHITESPACE: con "[ \t\r\n]*"; LEADSPACE: con "^[ \t]"; TAB: con "[\t]"; SECTION: con "^(.*)\\((.*)\\)"; # e.g., man(1) EMDASH: con "\\|[mM]"; SPACE_PAT: con "\\|[sS]"; # non-breaking space character ZERO: con "\\|[zZ]"; # zero-width character LT: con "\\|<"; GT: con "\\|>"; TWO_PIPES: con "\\|\\|"; pipe_holder: con "this_represents_a_pipe"; # checklist gets passed to checkline checklist: list of (Re, string); # miscellaneous constants DEFAULT_TAB_SEP: con ";"; PIPE: con "|"; PRINTLEN: con 128; # print(2) limitation (actually 256) InfernoDoc: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; usage() { fprint(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f imf*.dis] [-h[C]] file\n", pname); return; } loaderror(mod, path: string) { fprint(stderr, "error loading %s from %s: %r\n", mod, path); exit; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stdout = sys->fildes(1); stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) loaderror("Bufio", Bufio->PATH); regex = load Regex Regex->PATH; if (regex == nil) loaderror("Regex", Regex->PATH); regexu = load RegexUtils RegexUtils->PATH; if (regexu == nil) loaderror("RegexUtils", RegexUtils->PATH); regexu->init(); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if (daytime == nil) loaderror("Daytime", Daytime->PATH); workdir = load Workdir Workdir->PATH; if (daytime == nil) loaderror("Workdir", Workdir->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) loaderror("String", String->PATH); (pname, argv) = (hd argv, tl argv); get_imfPATH := 0; target = "html"; # default output type imfPATH := IMF->htmlPATH; # default IMF implementation # get options, files for (; argv != nil; argv = tl argv) { arg := hd argv; case arg { "-C" => commentson = 0; "-h" => imfPATH = IMF->htmlPATH; target = "html"; "-hC" => imfPATH = IMF->htmlPATH; target = "html"; commentson = 0; # mif is currently an undocumented option! "-m" => imfPATH = IMF->mifPATH; target = "mif"; "?" or "-?" => usage(); return; "-f" => get_imfPATH = 1; * => # should be a file, either IMF implementation # or an IMF document if (get_imfPATH) { imfPATH = arg; get_imfPATH = 0; } else readfile = arg; } } imf = load IMF imfPATH; if (imf == nil) loaderror("IMF", imfPATH); imf->init(); path := workdir->init(); maxtag = len tags - 2; outbuf = bufio->fopen(stdout, bufio->OWRITE); if (outbuf == nil) { fprint(stderr, "outbuf: error opening stdout: %r\n"); return; } tab_sep = DEFAULT_TAB_SEP; tag_re = regex->compile(TAG_PATTERN, 0); white_re = regex->compile(WHITESPACE, 0); leadspace_re = regex->compile(LEADSPACE, 0); tab_re = regex->compile(TAB, 0); emdash_re = regex->compile(EMDASH, 0); space_re = regex->compile(SPACE_PAT, 0); twospaces_re = regex->compile(" ", 0); zero_re = regex->compile(ZERO, 0); lt_re = regex->compile(LT, 0); gt_re = regex->compile(GT, 0); section_re = regex->compile(SECTION, 1); TWO_PIPES_re = regex->compile(TWO_PIPES, 0); pipe_holder_re = regex->compile(pipe_holder, 0); open_angle_re = regex->compile("<", 0); close_angle_re = regex->compile(">", 0); percent_re = regex->compile("%", 0); inline_angle_re = regex->compile(INLINE_angle, 1); inline_percent_re = regex->compile(INLINE_percent, 1); checklist = list of { (open_angle_re, "<"), (close_angle_re, ">"), (percent_re, "%") }; outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", TOP)); outbuf.puts(sprint("<!-- generated by %s from %s/%s -->\n", pname, path, readfile)); outbuf.puts(sprint("<!-- %s -->\n\n", daytime->time())); idoc(readfile); } # # idoc() returns -1 on error (to catch included file errors) # idoc(file: string): int { lastfile = readfile; readfile = file; inbuf = bufio->open(readfile, bufio->OREAD); if (inbuf == nil) { if (lastfile != readfile) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : error opening %s: %r\n", lastfile, lastline.number, readfile); } else { fprint(stderr, "error opening %s: %r\n", readfile); } return -1; } # push current input file info. on stack readstack = (readfile, inbuf) :: readstack; # get first line, then examine lines one by one line := ref Line(0, "", nil); = line; line.getnext(); count: int; opentags: list of (string, int); opentags = nil; while ( != nil) { tagtest := match(tag_re, line.text); tagtest = str->tolower(tagtest); iscloser := 0; gotit := 0; # ignore com blocks if -C option, but catch /com tag # this will not catch nested com blocks if (commentflag && !commentson) { case tagtest { "./com" => ; * => line.getnext(); continue; } } if (tagtest != "") { case tagtest { ".ex" => exflag = 1; "./ex" => exflag = 0; ".exl" => exflag = 2; "./exl" => exflag = 0; ".ex0" => exflag = 3; "./ex0" => exflag = 0; ".l" or ".c" or ".cb" or ".ci" or ".ip" => litflag = 1; "./l" or "./c" or "./cb" or "./ci" or "./ip" => litflag = 0; ".x" => xrefflag = 1; "./x" => xrefflag = 0; # list tag handling here # note that the .li tag does not need to # appear in the implementation of imf.m # but .oli1, .oli, and .uli do ".ul" => ulistflag = 1; newulist = 1; "./ul" => ulistflag = 0; ".ol" => olistflag = 1; newolist = 1; "./ol" => olistflag = 0; ".li" => if (newolist) { isfirstitem = 1; tagtest = ".oli1"; } else if (olistflag) { isfirstitem = 0; tagtest = ".oli"; } else tagtest = ".uli"; "./li" => if (newolist) { tagtest = "./oli1"; newolist = 0; } else if (olistflag) tagtest = "./oli"; else tagtest = "./uli"; ".com" => commentflag = 1; "./com" => commentflag = 0; ".tab" => tabflag = 1; opentag(".table", line); (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(line.text, " \t"); if (n > 1) tab_sep = hd tl toks; tabfirst = 1; "./tab" => tabflag = 0; tab_sep = DEFAULT_TAB_SEP; closetag(".table", line); ".title" => titleflag = 1; ".include" => (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(line.text, " \t"); if (n <= 1) break; include_file := chomp(hd tl toks); if (cycle(include_file)) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : cyclic .include of %s\n", readfile, line.number, include_file); return -1; } lastfile = readfile; lastline = line; if ( idoc(include_file) < 0 ) { return -1; } ".sh" => allcapsflag = 1; "./sh" => allcapsflag = 0; ".link" => linkflag = 1; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(line.text, " \t"); if (n > 1) link = hd tl toks; "./link" => linkflag = 0; } # check for block comments if ( (commentflag || tagtest == "./com") && !commentson ) { line.getnext(); continue; } # detect closing tags and check for unclosed and unopened tags if (len tagtest > 1 && tagtest[1] == '/') { realtag := tagtest; tagtest = sub(tagtest, "^\\./", "."); iscloser = 1; if (opentags == nil) { fprint(stderr,"%s:%.4d : unopened tag: %s\n", readfile, line.number, realtag); } else { # if all tags are closed, then opentags is nil, but # if you don't have an opening tag, there could be # trouble. How can we detect that error? # need to detect non-blank lines and check to see # if a tag is open. (lastopen, linenum) := hd opentags; if (tagtest == lastopen && opentags != nil) { opentags = tl opentags; } else { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : unclosed tag: %s (detected on line %d)\n", readfile, linenum, lastopen, line.number); if (opentags != nil) { opentags = tl opentags; } } } } else { # don't add .# or . tags to opentags list (since they don't require closes) case tagtest { ".#" or "." or "," or ".hr" or ".br" or ".date" or ".include" or ".dateshort" or ".year" => ; * => opentags = (tagtest, line.number) :: opentags; } } # check block tags for (i := 0; i < len blocktags; i += 3) { if (tagtest == blocktags[i]) { gotit = 1; outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", blocktags[i + 1 + iscloser])); break; } } # check line tags if (!gotit) { count = 0; for (count = 0; count < maxtag ; count += 3) { if (tagtest == tags[count]) { outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", tags[count+1+iscloser])); break; } } if (count >= maxtag) fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : unknown tag: %s\n", readfile, line.number, tagtest); } } else { if (commentflag && !commentson) { ; } else { donotags(line); } } # add space to all lines except those beginning paragraphs case tagtest { "." or "," or ".label" or ".p" or ".pin" or ".pc" or "pc0" or ".h1" or ".h2" or ".h2n" or ".h3" or ".h4" or ".sh" or ".ss" or ".h" or ".name" => addspace = 0; * => addspace = 1; } line.getnext(); } # do BOTTOM stuff only for the main file (not for .include files) if (tl readstack == nil) outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", BOTTOM)); outbuf.flush(); # if (debug) fprint(stderr,"flushed outbuf\n"); # report on any remaining unclosed tags while (opentags != nil) { (tag, linenum) := hd opentags; fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : unclosed tag: %s\n", readfile, linenum, tag); opentags = tl opentags; } # check that .title tag was used (only for topmost file, not .include files) if ((len readstack == 1) && !titleflag) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : warning: no .title tag (needs to be first tag)\n", readfile, 1); } # if working on stack, pop it now if (tl readstack != nil) { (readfile, inbuf) = hd tl readstack; readstack = tl readstack; } return 0; } donotags(line: ref Line) { # non-tagged lines processing begins here if (xrefflag && target == "html") { htmlxref(line); } else if (exflag) { addspace = 0; if (target == "mif") { opentag(extag[exflag], line); parseline(line); closetag(extag[exflag], line); } else { line.text = get_cr(line.text); parseline(line); } } else if (tabflag) { parsetabline(line, tabfirst); } else if (linkflag) { parselink(line); # print non-tag lines if not whitespace } else if (match(white_re, line.text) != line.text) { line.text = chomp(line.text); parseline(line); } } getmanpage(line: ref Line): (string, string) { pos := match_mult(section_re, line.text); if (pos == nil) return (nil, nil); (beg, end) := pos[1]; page := line.text[beg:end]; (beg, end) = pos[2]; section := line.text[beg:end]; return (page, section); } # not currently used (may be necessary for MIF) clean_nextline() { if (exflag) { case target { "mif" => nextline = subg_re(nextline, tab_re, "\\t"); "html" => ; } } else { nextline = sub_re(nextline, leadspace_re, " "); } } cleanexline(text: string): string { if ( (target == "mif") && exflag ) { text = subg_re(text, tab_re, "\\t"); } text = subg_re(text, close_angle_re, ">"); text = subg_re(text, open_angle_re, "<"); # do markup-specific special characters (may be a no-op) text = imf->specials(text); text = specials(text); return text; } cleanline(text: string): string { text = subg(text, "\\", ""); text = sub_re(text, leadspace_re, " "); text = subg_re(text, twospaces_re, " "); # text = subg_re(text, close_angle_re, ">"); # text = subg_re(text, open_angle_re, "<"); if (allcapsflag) text = str->toupper(text); # special characters text = specials(text); # do markup-specific special characters (may be a no-op) text = imf->specials(text); return text; } specials(text: string): string { # the |* escapes are deprecated, but should be # supported for older documents # for HTML documents, we just pass through the &*; character # sequences. For other targets, we will have to substitute # appropriately. This coding ( &#[0-9]+; | &[a-z]+ ) # should be consistent with XML. # protect || (double-pipe) escapes text = subg_re(text, TWO_PIPES_re, pipe_holder); text = subg_re(text, emdash_re, emdash_tag); text = subg_re(text, space_re, space_tag); text = subg_re(text, lt_re, lt_tag); text = subg_re(text, gt_re, gt_tag); text = subg_re(text, zero_re, zero_tag); # put pipe back text = subg_re(text, pipe_holder_re, PIPE); return text; } # trim \n then \r from end of line chomp(text: string): string { length := len text; if ( (length >= 1) && (text[length - 1] == '\n') ) { text = text[: length - 1 ]; # get line length again length = len text; if ( (length >= 1) && (text[length - 1] == '\r') ) { text = text[: length - 1 ]; } } return text; } # clean \r character from end of line -- confuses some browsers get_cr(text: string): string { length := len text; if ( (length >= 2) && (text[length - 2] == '\r') ) { text = text[: length - 2] + "\n"; } return text; } # creates an HTML cross-reference and calls parseline() htmlxref(line: ref Line) { xrefflag = 1; line.text = chomp(line.text); (page, section) := getmanpage(line); line.text = "\"../" + section + "/" + page + ".html" + "\">" + "<em>" + page + " </em>" + "(" + section + ")" ; parseline(line); xrefflag = 0; } parselink(line: ref Line) { line.text = chomp(line.text); line.text = "\"" + link + "\">" + line.text; parseline(line); } parseline(line: ref Line) { # make sure you get the right inline tags: pos := match_mult(inline_angle_re, line.text); pos_percent := match_mult(inline_percent_re, line.text); if ( (pos_percent != nil) && (pos != nil) ) { (percent_begin, nil) := pos_percent[1]; (angle_begin, nil) := pos[1]; if (percent_begin < angle_begin) { pos = pos_percent; } } if (pos == nil) { pos = pos_percent; } if (pos == nil) { inlineflag = 0; if (!exflag && !xrefflag && !linkflag && !litflag) { checkline(line, checklist); } printpiece(line.text); } else { (tagbeg, tagend) := pos[1]; printpiece(line.text[:tagbeg]); inlineflag = 1; addspace = 0; (beg, end) := pos[2]; tag := line.text[tagbeg:tagend]; word := line.text[beg:end]; opentag(tag, line); if (tag == ".x") { xref := ref Line(line.number, word, nil); htmlxref(xref); } else { printpiece(word); } closetag(tag, line); rest := ref Line(line.number, line.text[end+1:],; parseline(rest); } } parsetabline(line: ref Line, start: int) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(line.text, tab_sep); if (toks == nil) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : error parsing table line\n", readfile, line.number); return; } if (start) { tabcols = n; tabfirst = 0; } else if (n != tabcols) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : inconsistent number of table columns\n", readfile, line.number); } opentag(".tr", line); while (toks != nil) { opentag(".td", line); parseline(ref Line(line.number, hd toks,; closetag(".td", line); toks = tl toks; } closetag(".tr", line); } closetag(tag: string, line: ref Line) { (nil, closer) := findtag(tag, line); outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", closer)); } opentag(tag: string, line: ref Line) { (opener, nil) := findtag(tag, line); outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", opener)); } findtag(tagtest: string, line: ref Line): (string, string) { count := 0; for (count = 0; count < maxtag ; count += 3) { if (tagtest == tags[count]) { return (tags[count+1], tags[count+2]); } } if (count >= maxtag) { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : unknown embedded tag: %s\n", readfile, line.number, tagtest); return (nil, nil); } return(nil, nil); } checkline(line: ref Line, checklist: list of (Re, string)) { for (; checklist != nil; checklist = tl checklist) { (pattern_re, pattern) := hd checklist; if (match(pattern_re, line.text) != "") { fprint(stderr, "%s:%.4d : warning: bare %s in text\n", readfile, line.number, pattern); fprint(stderr, "%s\n\n", line.text); } } } printpiece(piece: string) { #if (addspace && (target == "html")) piece = " " + piece; if (addspace) piece = " " + piece; if (!exflag && !inlineflag) piece = cleanline(piece); else piece = cleanexline(piece); if (len piece <= PRINTLEN) { outbuf.puts(sprint("%s%s%s", notag[1], piece, notag[2])); } else { printlongpiece(piece); } } # deal with print(2) limitation - 256 bytes now printlongpiece(piece: string) { outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", notag[1])); for (i :=0; i < len piece; i += PRINTLEN) { start := i; end := i + PRINTLEN; if (end > len piece) end = len piece; chunk := piece[start:end]; if ( n := outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", chunk)) < len chunk) { fprint(stderr, "error (%r): n = %d, len chunk = %d\n", n, len chunk); } } outbuf.puts(sprint("%s", notag[2])); } getlist(alist: list of string): string { newstring : string; while (alist != nil) { newstring += hd alist; alist = tl alist; } return newstring; } cycle(include_file: string): int { for (stack := readstack; stack != nil; stack = tl stack) { (file, nil) := hd stack; if (file == include_file) return -1; } return 0; }