implement Gzip; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, fprint: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; str: String; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "deflate.m"; deflate: Deflate; Gzip: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Arg: adt { argv: list of string; c: int; opts: string; init: fn(argv: list of string): ref Arg; opt: fn(arg: self ref Arg): int; arg: fn(arg: self ref Arg): string; }; GZMAGIC1: con byte 16r1f; GZMAGIC2: con byte 16r8b; GZDEFLATE: con byte 8; GZFTEXT: con byte 1 << 0; # file is text GZFHCRC: con byte 1 << 1; # crc of header included GZFEXTRA: con byte 1 << 2; # extra header included GZFNAME: con byte 1 << 3; # name of file included GZFCOMMENT: con byte 1 << 4; # header comment included GZFMASK: con (byte 1 << 5) - byte 1; # mask of specified bits GZXFAST: con byte 2; # used fast algorithm little compression GZXBEST: con byte 4; # used maximum compression algorithm GZOSFAT: con byte 0; # FAT file system GZOSAMIGA: con byte 1; # Amiga GZOSVMS: con byte 2; # VMS or OpenVMS GZOSUNIX: con byte 3; # Unix GZOSVMCMS: con byte 4; # VM/CMS GZOSATARI: con byte 5; # Atari TOS GZOSHPFS: con byte 6; # HPFS file system GZOSMAC: con byte 7; # Macintosh GZOSZSYS: con byte 8; # Z-System GZOSCPM: con byte 9; # CP/M GZOSTOPS20: con byte 10; # TOPS-20 GZOSNTFS: con byte 11; # NTFS file system GZOSQDOS: con byte 12; # QDOS GZOSACORN: con byte 13; # Acorn RISCOS GZOSUNK: con byte 255; GZCRCPOLY: con int 16redb88320; GZOSINFERNO: con GZOSUNIX; argv0: con "gzip"; stderr: ref Sys->FD; debug := 0; verbose := 0; level := 0; crctab := array[256] of int; usage() { fprint(stderr, "usage: %s [file ...]\n", argv0); exit; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(bufio == nil || str == nil || daytime == nil){ fprint(stderr, "can't load library modules\n"); exit; } deflate = load Deflate Deflate->PATH; if(deflate == nil){ fprint(stderr, "can't load compression module\n"); exit; } arg := Arg.init(argv); level = 6; while(c := arg.opt()){ case c{ 'D' => debug++; 'v' => verbose++; '1' to '9' => level = c - '0'; * => usage(); } } mkcrctab(GZCRCPOLY); deflate->init(); argv = arg.argv; ok := 1; if(len argv == 0){ bin := bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(0), Bufio->OREAD); bout := bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(1), Bufio->OWRITE); ok = gzip(nil, daytime->now(), bin, bout); bout.close(); }else{ for(; argv != nil; argv = tl argv) ok &= gzipf(hd argv); } exit; } gzipf(file: string): int { bin := bufio->open(file, Bufio->OREAD); if(bin == nil){ fprint(stderr, "%s: can't open %s: %r\n", argv0, file); return 0; } (ok, dir) := sys->fstat(bin.fd); if(ok >= 0) mtime := dir.mtime; else mtime = daytime->now(); (nil, ofile) := str->splitr(file, "/"); ofile += ".gz"; bout := bufio->create(ofile, Bufio->OWRITE, 8r666); if(bout == nil){ fprint(stderr, "%s: can't open %s: %r\n", argv0, ofile); bin.close(); return 0; } ok = gzip(file, mtime, bin, bout); bin.close(); bout.close(); return ok; } gzip(file: string, mtime: int, bin, bout: ref Iobuf): int { flags := byte 0; bout.putb(GZMAGIC1); bout.putb(GZMAGIC2); bout.putb(GZDEFLATE); if(file != nil) flags |= GZFNAME; bout.putb(flags); bout.putb(byte(mtime)); bout.putb(byte(mtime>>8)); bout.putb(byte(mtime>>16)); bout.putb(byte(mtime>>24)); bout.putb(byte 0); bout.putb(GZOSINFERNO); if((flags & GZFNAME) == GZFNAME){ bout.puts(file); bout.putb(byte 0); } crc := deflateit(bin, bout); bout.putb(byte(crc)); bout.putb(byte(crc>>8)); bout.putb(byte(crc>>16)); bout.putb(byte(crc>>24)); tot :=, 1); bout.putb(byte(tot)); bout.putb(byte(tot>>8)); bout.putb(byte(tot>>16)); bout.putb(byte(tot>>24)); return 1; } deflateit(bin, bout: ref Iobuf): int { lz := deflate->reset(nil, level, verbose, debug); buf := array[Deflate->DeflateBlock] of byte; obuf := array[Deflate->DeflateBlock + Deflate->DeflateOut] of byte; eof := 0; crc := 0; for(;;) { n := 0; while(!eof && n < Deflate->DeflateBlock) { m :=, Deflate->DeflateBlock - n); if(m <= 0) { eof = 1; break; } n += m; } crc = blockcrc(crc, buf, n); n = deflate->deflate(lz, buf, n, eof, obuf); if(n < 0) break; bout.write(obuf, n); } return crc; } mkcrctab(poly: int) { for(i := 0; i < 256; i++){ crc := i; for(j := 0; j < 8; j++){ c := crc & 1; crc = (crc >> 1) & 16r7fffffff; if(c) crc ^= poly; } crctab[i] = crc; } } blockcrc(crc: int, buf: array of byte, n: int): int { crc ^= int 16rffffffff; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) crc = crctab[int(byte crc ^ buf[i])] ^ ((crc >> 8) & 16r00ffffff); return crc ^ int 16rffffffff; } fatal(msg: string) { fprint(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv0, msg); exit; } Arg.init(argv: list of string): ref Arg { if(argv != nil) argv = tl argv; return ref Arg(argv, 0, nil); } Arg.opt(arg: self ref Arg): int { if(arg.opts != ""){ arg.c = arg.opts[0]; arg.opts = arg.opts[1:]; return arg.c; } if(arg.argv == nil) return arg.c = 0; arg.opts = hd arg.argv; if(len arg.opts < 2 || arg.opts[0] != '-') return arg.c = 0; arg.argv = tl arg.argv; if(arg.opts == "--") return arg.c = 0; arg.c = arg.opts[1]; arg.opts = arg.opts[2:]; return arg.c; } Arg.arg(arg: self ref Arg): string { s := arg.opts; arg.opts = ""; if(s != "") return s; if(arg.argv == nil) return ""; s = hd arg.argv; arg.argv = tl arg.argv; return s; }