implement Addpassword; # This is actually a modified version of changelogin # that defaults the password and free form comments. include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "security.m"; pass: Password; Addpassword: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; stderr, stdin, stdout: ref Sys->FD; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { ok: int; word: string; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; stdin = sys->fildes(0); stdout = sys->fildes(1); stderr = sys->fildes(2); argv0 := hd args; args = tl args; if(args == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: %s userid\n", argv0); exit; } daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s: load Daytime: %r\n", argv0); exit; } pass = load Password Password->PATH; if(pass == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s: load Password: %r\n", argv0); exit; } # calculate expiration time (midnight of date specified) npw := ref Password->PW; now := daytime->now(); tm := daytime->local(now); tm.sec = 59; tm.min = 59; tm.hour = 23; expsecs := now + 365*24*60*60; otm := daytime->local(expsecs); npw.expire = expsecs; # get password id := hd args; pw := pass->get(id); if(pw == nil) sys->print("new account\n"); = id; for(;;){ if(pw != nil) sys->print("password already exists [default = don't change]: "); else sys->print("password: "); (ok, word) = readline(stdin, "rawon"); if(!ok) exit; if(word == "" && pw != nil) break; if(len word >= 7) break; sys->print("!password must be at least 7 characters\n"); } if(word == "") =; else { pwbuf := array of byte word; = array[Keyring->SHAdlen] of byte; kr->sha(pwbuf, len pwbuf,, nil); } # default the free form field npw.other = ""; if(pass->put(npw) <= 0) sys->fprint(stderr, "%s: error writing entry: %r\n", argv0); else if (word == "") sys->print("Password for user %s is unchanged.\n\n", id); else sys->print("Created password for user %s\n\n", id); } readline(io: ref Sys->FD, mode: string): (int, string) { r : int; line : string; buf := array[8192] of byte; fdctl : ref Sys->FD; rawoff := array of byte "rawoff"; if(mode == "rawon"){ # Change console mode to rawon fdctl = sys->open("/dev/consctl", sys->OWRITE); if(fdctl == nil || sys->write(fdctl, array of byte mode, len mode) != len mode){ sys->fprint(stderr, "unable to change console mode"); return (0,nil); } } # Read up to the CRLF line = ""; for(;;) { r = sys->read(io, buf, len buf); if(r <= 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "error read from console mode"); if(mode == "rawon") sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } line += string buf[0:r]; if ((len line >= 1) && (line[(len line)-1] == '\n')){ if(mode == "rawon"){ r = sys->write(stdout,array of byte "\n",1); if(r <= 0){ sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } } break; } else { if(mode == "rawon"){ r = sys->write(stdout, array of byte "*",1); if(r <= 0){ sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } } } } if(mode == "rawon") sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); # Total success! return (1, line[0:len line - 1]); }