implement Gui; include "common.m"; include "charon_gui.m"; sys: Sys; D: Draw; Font,Point, Rect, Image, Context, Screen, Display: import D; charon_gui: Charon_gui; CU: CharonUtils; E: Events; Event: import E; screen: ref Screen; CTLHEIGHT : con 65; # height of control (menu and toolbar) window PROGHEIGHT : con 24; # height of progress window tbinit(ctxt: ref Context, nil, nil: chan of string, rmain, rctl, rprog: Rect, cu: CharonUtils) : (Rect, Rect, Rect) { return init(ctxt, rmain, rctl, rprog, cu); } init(ctxt: ref Context, rmain, rctl, rprog: Rect, cu: CharonUtils) : (Rect, Rect, Rect) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; D = load Draw Draw->PATH; CU = cu; E = cu->E; charon_gui = load Charon_gui Charon_gui->PATH; if(charon_gui==nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXinternal:couldn't load Charon_gui:%r")); charon_gui->init(); if(rmain.dy() < 250 || rmain.dx() < 40) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXInternal: window too small(%d x %d)", rmain.dy(), rmain.dx())); if(ctxt != nil) CU->raise("EXInternal: context not nil"); display = Display.allocate(nil); if(display == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXFatal: can't initialize display: %r")); screen = Screen.allocate(display.image, display.rgb(16rA1, 16rC3, 16rD1), 1); if(screen == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXFatal: can't initialize screen: %r")); # resize the windows to fill display x := display.image.r.max.x; y := display.image.r.max.y; rctl = Rect((0,0), (x, CTLHEIGHT)); rmain = Rect((0,CTLHEIGHT), (x, y)); if(rprog.dy() != 0) { rprog = Rect((0,y-PROGHEIGHT),(x,y)); rmain.max.y -= PROGHEIGHT; } mainwin = screen.newwindow(rmain, D->White); ctlwin = screen.newwindow(rctl, display.rgb2cmap(16rDD, 16rDD, 16rDD)); if(rprog.dy() != 0) progwin = screen.newwindow(rprog, display.rgb2cmap(16rDD, 16rDD, 16rDD)); if(mainwin == nil || ctlwin == nil || (rprog.dy() != 0 && progwin == nil)) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXFatal: can't initialize windows: %r")); mainwin.flush(D->Flushoff); ctlwin.flush(D->Flushoff); if(progwin != nil) progwin.flush(D->Flushoff); spawn rawmouse(); spawn rawkeyboard(); return (rmain, rctl, rprog); } rawkeyboard() { ch := E->evchan; fd := sys->open("/dev/keyboard", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("exFatal: can't open /dev/keyboard: %r")); b:= array[1] of byte; buf := array[10] of byte; i := 0; for(;;) { n := sys->read(fd, buf[i:], len buf - i); if(n < 1) break; i += n; while(i >0 && (nutf := sys->utfbytes(buf, i)) > 0) { s := string buf[0:nutf]; k := int s[0]; case k { # These are from Carrera/Lexmark; fix for others 128 => k = E->Kdown; 206 => k = E->Kup; 205 => k = E->Khome; } ch <-= ref Event.Ekey(k); buf[0:] = buf[nutf:i]; i -= nutf; } } } # Ensure following rules: # - button-down always followed by (button-drag* button-up) # - button-drag and button-up don't otherwise occur # - separate button-move or button-drag on every discernable move rawmouse() { ch := E->evchan; fd := sys->open("/dev/pointer", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("exFatal: can't open /dev/pointer: %r")); n := 0; buf := array[100] of byte; xold := -1; yold := -1; bold := 0; for(;;) { n = sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) break; if(int buf[0] != 'm' || n != 37) continue; x := int(string buf[ 1:13]); y := int(string buf[12:25]); b := int(string buf[24:37]); domoved := (x != xold || y != yold); if(b == 0) { if(bold & 1) ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(xold,yold), E->Mlbuttonup); if(bold & 2) ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(xold,yold), E->Mmbuttonup); if(bold & 4) ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(xold,yold), E->Mrbuttonup); } else { if(b & 1) { if(bold & 1) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mldrag); domoved = 0; } else { if(domoved) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmove); domoved = 0; } ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mlbuttondown); } } if(b & 2) { if(bold & 2) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmdrag); domoved = 0; } else { if(domoved) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmove); domoved = 0; } ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmbuttondown); } } if(b & 4) { if(bold & 4) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mrdrag); domoved = 0; } else { if(domoved) { ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmove); domoved = 0; } ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mrbuttondown); } } } if(domoved) ch <-= ref Event.Emouse(Point(x,y), E->Mmove); xold = x; yold = y; bold = b; } } makepopup(width, height: int) : ref Draw->Image { rmain := mainwin.r; x := rmain.min.x + (rmain.dx() - width) / 2; if(x < 0) x = 0; y := rmain.min.y + (rmain.dy() - height) / 2; if(y < 0) y = 0; r := Rect(Point(x,y),Point(x+width,y+height)); popupwin = screen.newwindow(r, display.rgb2cmap(16rDD, 16rDD, 16rDD)); popupwin.flush(D->Flushoff); return popupwin; } geticon(icon: int) : (ref Draw->Image, ref Draw->Image) { fname := "/icons/charon/"; case icon { IClogo => fname += charon_gui->iLogoBit; ICback => fname += charon_gui->iBackBit; ICfwd => fname += charon_gui->iFwdBit; ICreload => fname += charon_gui->iReloadBit; ICstop => fname += charon_gui->iStopBit; IChist => fname += charon_gui->iHistoryBit; ICbmark => fname += charon_gui->iBookmarkBit; ICedit => fname += charon_gui->iEditBit; ICconf => fname += charon_gui->iConfBit; IChelp => fname += charon_gui->iHelpBit; IChome => fname += charon_gui->iHomeBit; ICsslon => fname += charon_gui->iSslonBit; ICssloff => fname += charon_gui->iSsloffBit; ICup => fname += charon_gui->iUpBit; ICdown => fname += charon_gui->iDownBit; ICplus => fname += charon_gui->iPlusBit; ICminus => fname += charon_gui->iMinusBit; ICexit => fname += charon_gui->iExitBit; ICcopy => fname += charon_gui->iCopyBit; ICkeybd => fname += charon_gui->iKbdBit; * => CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXInternal: unknown icon index %d", icon)); } fd := sys->open(fname, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXInternal: can't open icon file %s: %r", fname)); im := display.readimage(fd); if(im == nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXInternal: can't convert icon %s to image: %r", fname)); mask : ref Image = nil; if(icon != IClogo) mask = im; return (im, mask); } skeyboard(nil: ref Draw->Context) { } snarfput(nil: string) { } grabmouse(nil : int) { }